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Work In Progress Nuetralizer Model 4

  • Intent: To create a Hybrid droid to fight on behalf of House Io


  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Battle droid
  • Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises
  • Affiliation: House Io
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: N/A
  • Production: Minor
  • Modularity: N/A
  • Material: Laminanium (Cortosis Weave) Matrix Armor, Brain Tissue, Droid Components, Droid/Cyborg Electronics
  • Classification: Fourth Degree
  • Weight: Average
  • Height: Average
  • Movement: Bipedal
  • Armaments:
House Io Assault Radiation Blaster OR Battle Scout Rifle (Standard Service Rifle).

C.D.M.D.C. OR Assault Concussion Rifle (Special Assignment)

Squad Weapon:

DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle (Classic) OR DC-15A (Classic) OR CQB Gun


Citizen Energy Sword

Side Arms:

Ionised Stun Pistol


Type 007 Thermal Detonator OR Type 007 Swell Detonator

Left Hand

Repulse Hand

Cortosis-Weave Fire Blade

Right Hand

Repulse Hand

Cortosis-Weave Fire Blade

Left Arm

Advanced Gravity Generator (Miniaturized)

Tensor Rifle (Miniaturized)

Right Arm

Advanced Gravity Generator (Miniaturized)

Advanced Shield Disruptor


Density Projector (Late Clone Wars Era Model)

Typically Assigned Starfighter:
House Io A-Wing

  • Resistances
    • Energy: High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Other: EMP/Ion: Very High
    • Lightning: High
    • Magnetics: None
    • Acid: None
    • Sonic: None
    • Cryo: High
    • Flame: High
    • Vibro: Very Low
    • Biological (Poison/Disease): High
    • Gravitic: Very High
    • Force: Very High (Ionize, Drain, Push/Pull, Stun, Illusion, Fear, Horror, Insanity, Telekinesis)
    • Paddle Beams: None
    • Radiation: High

Nuetralizer Chassis with implanted organic Brain taken from soldiers or citizens with mortal injuries. This grants it true, Organic Level Intelligence, and makes it incredibly smart, learning from every experience and encounter

Capable of self repair via both Cortosis weave Laminanium Chassis as well as micro repair drones. Chassis possesses multiple resistances enabling it to function in a wide variety of environments

Enhanced Gravity Manipulation Technology

Extensive Fire Arms Database

Extensive Melee Weaponry and Hand to Hand Data Base.

Extensive Anti Force Adept Database

Brain modified with implanted

Programmed for complete loyalty to Xiphos and House Io

Highly modular, capable of accepting both genetic and cybernetic upgrades

Repulsorlift Belt Technology integrated into design enables limited flight

Reflexes 4 times that of a normal human athlete in peak physical condition. Twice the strength of a Wookiee


Why Won't You Die: The combination of Laminanium Construction, Micro Repair Drones, Self Sustaining Unit, and heavy duty primary and redundant power plants make it immensely difficult to destroy using solely conventional methods. It can self repair to fifty percent combat capability in nineteen hours after suffering severe damage, even to its Organic Brain, which has been genetically modified to heal from concussions, bleeding, poison and disease, and has an internal Kinetic shield to protect it from rifle grade damage. Primary powerplant can run all essential and non essential systems. The secondary Generator can run all essential systems, and half of non essential systems, while the emergency power plant can run only essential systems (Will mimic SERE tactics in this state). Will scavenge for repair parts for it's drones to use once it's initial supply of high density carbon in it's chassis runs out. Can resist a wide variety of conventional damages. If all power plants are taken out the brain case releases an enzyme to keep the brain fed with oxygen and Nutrients for 72 hours until a rescue happens or they die. Heavily reinforced against Radiation.

Mechanical Sorcerer/Mage Killer: Gravitic Manipulation tech enables it to generate powerful local gravity swells at a distance of 21 meters, granting an immense chance of slowing down even very strong, large foes. Or creating one large, very powerful gravity swell in a 7 meter radius around it that has an extreme chance of slowing down very strong opponents. Repulsor technology enables it a limited flight time of 35 minutes (Flight ceiling at 700 meters) before it needs twice that to recharge. A Density Projector renders it extremely difficult to affect with Telekinesis

The Brains Department: It's brain is taken from wounded citizens of House Io...those whose injuries are so severe the only other option is normally to resort to Alchemy. The Brain is heavily modified with certain cybernetic implants and special programming (Cannot suppress Force Powers), allowing it to resist a wide variety of Telepathy based Force Powers, learn several times faster than it could prior, and still possesses a full range of Emotions from when it was organic, and has been modified to accept it's robotic housing and take more cyber implants. The Brain's memories are mostly suppressed to make it easier to accept it's new state of being. These modifications make it extremely Intelligent: it learns from every encounter and tricks rarely work more than once.

Modular: Can swap out or take upgraded versions of it's onboard Weaponry, and modify itself with various Droid parts and software. Model 4's left in the field rarely come back with the factory standard parts they came out with. Can be constructed in a masculine or feminine fashion

Protector: Programmed for complete loyalty to House Io Citizens and to regard Laertia Io as their adoptive Mother who must never be harmed and must always be obeyed without question, with stringent secondary protocols that state that fulfilling their orders or programming must never come at the cost of betraying House Io or it's leadership or it's ideals with directives to shut down and manually reboot should these directives and circumstances come into conflict, and is prioritized to protect and defend House Io citizens over Laertia herself. The Programming is so ingrained into it's very coding and mental architecture (And also imparted to the genetically modded brain) that it's very highly difficult to compromise, even with the Force or the most modern and advanced wireless Slicing techniques. Even if it were reprogrammed somehow in every other respect, the "Do not kill, betray, or Harm Laertia, her allies, or her family and citizens" is rock solid, and couldn't be removed or suppressed without an extreme chance of total failure of the entire unit

Know it All: Extensive Combat databases, especially geared to fighting Force Adepts,


Acid: Acid eats right through it

Sonic: Sonic weapons can heavily dent the chassis and severely stun the Organic brain

Magnetics: Magnetic weapons can scramble it's databases, and disorient it's Organic Brain. Magnetized surfaces of sufficient strength could render it immobile

Vibro: Can take only a few blows from Vibroweapons before it's cut right through

Paddle Beams: Heavily stun it and scramble it's databases for thirty seconds, rendering it highly vulnerable

Sonic: Sonic weapon weapons heavily warp the area it's struck in after one or two shots, and severely stuns it's organic brain

Trauma: It has an Inhibitor Chip that suppresses most of its memories from when it was still fully organic. If damaged, the memories will come back, severely compromising it's judgement due to the full realization of what it has become hitting it all at once like a sledgehammer. While this traumatic shock can lessen over time (It won't compromise it's loyalty to Laertia or House Io just because it is damaged), it can still completely disrupt its fighting ability, leading to lessened performance in a fight. This chip, for these reasons, is located in the most Heavily armored part of the chassis.

Emotion: Even if the inhibitor chip is not destroyed, it has to deal with potential trauma for the operations it may be asked to undertake, and does not adjust to it as well as purely mechanical or purpose grown bio Nuetralizers, and requires Psychological Therapy sometimes just like an organic soldier would. It knows what it is, and is programmed to enjoy what it does, but it's organic emotions come into conflict regardless and it will sometimes have immense difficulty reconciling it's nature with the horrors it may experience, and may require certain traumas being erased should they prove too difficult to treat, though this is typically only done as a last resort, as wiping undesirable memories also wipes out any recently gained combat experience within the last four months. That said, they are far more mentally resilient than their organic selves were, so it takes something truly horrendous to cause such an emotional crisis

Sparse numbers: Due to Laertia's complete honesty about the conversion process and what it entails, understandably not a too many are eager to go through with it, the conversion to Nuetralizer being considered a desperation move for those Organics too afraid of dying. There is no stigma to getting converted to one, but people normally don't take this option unless all other alternatives have been exhausted.

Gravitic Limits: It's Advanced Gravity Generators need 14 seconds to recharge after 14 seconds of use. It's Density Projector also needs 7 minutes after every use after being on 21 seconds


The Model 4 is a true hybrid of Organic and Machine. Essentially a Next Generation Cyborg, it comes with high tech gravity swell Equipment and deadly tensor beam weapons. It's brain comes from injured House Io Citizens, who have most of their memories suppressed by inhibitor chips to make the full transition and reprogramming into an adopted child of Laertia. The full details of this procedure were voluntarily made public by Laertia herself,so House Io citizens would have absolutely no misinterpretation of how costly it is to one self of what it entails. The first thing she did upon successful development of the chassis was to enshrine into law that it cannot be imposed as a form of punishment, not even on enemies of the House-the cruelty of doing such was too much for even her to stomach, and she wrote it into House Io law that she herself would be subject to arrest and imprisonment if she was ever caught forcing it. The procedure must be totally one hundred percent voluntary for recipients, either agreed to with House Io doctors beforehand, or requested upon realization of imminent death.

Understandably, not many are eager to undertake the procedure, but the complete honesty surrounding it's nature as well as legal protections against it having being forced upon them have quelled most of the fears and concerns surrounding it.
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