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Approved Tech Obsidian Ring

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"You have to follow your own path."

  • Intent: To update the Obsidian Order's ring.
  • Image Source: Link
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Obsidian CR Ring

  • Name: Obsidian Ring
  • Manufacturer: The Confederacy
  • Affiliation: The Confederacy, Knight's Obsidian
  • Modularity: No

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Titanium, Miniature Energy Cell, Kasha Crystal

  • Classification: Token
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy

  • Homing Beacon: This ring's primary function is a homing beacon that can be activated one of two ways. The first and most basic way for the homing beacon to be activated is via a pre-programmed voice activation code. This code is different for each ring and unique to the ring's owner. Some Knight's use a code while other's may use a phrase or number. The second way for this beacon to be activated is if the ring's scanners no longer detect a pulse in the wearer. The ring will begin a series of barely noticeable beeps that, if are not deactivated, will automatically activate the homing beacon and send the Knight's position to the nearest Obsidian Knight unit.
  • Emergency Transponder: In the event the Knight's Obsidian are compromised and cannot administer orders properly the ring's will work as a hub where small directives can be transferred from one ring to another.
  • Focal Point: For the Knight's Obsidian who are capable user's of the Force, the ring has a special Kasha crystal. These crystals work to keep the wearer focused on the task at hand.

  • Durable: The Titanium alloy used for these rings make them incredibly durable. Although they cannot survive sustained assault they are able to defend against the elements, EMP/ION technology, and even kinetic assault.
  • Unnoticeable: These rings, while slightly larger than the average band, are rather unnoticeable to the unfocused eye. This helps the Obsidian Knight's keep their excess functions a secret.

  • Signal Output: These rings give off a small signal when their homing beacon or transponder are active. Using this they can be tracked and even used to pinpoint the location of the ring.

The roots of the Obsidian Knight's can be found in the ashes of an elder order, known as the Knight's Templar. When a member of this order had successfully passed their trials and earned the title of Knight, they were gifted a token ring to show they were a member of the elite order. In the rising days of the Knight's Obsidian they have revived that tradition. Once a soldier has gained the title, Knight, they are given one of the rings by the Dominus Prime, the leader of the Knightly Order.

These rings are not simple trinkets however, they are programmed with an internal homing beacon. This homing beacon can be activated via voice control or is the Knight's life is in danger and they no longer have a pulse.

Along with the homing beacon, the ring hosts an encrypted transponder that can be used when the Knight's are in dire times. These transponders allow the Knight's to coordinate via an encrypted channel that is not accessible without one of the Obsidian rings. Made with a Titanium casing the rings are extremely durable and house a small Kasha crystal. For force users these crystals will enhance their focus and allow them to more easily keep their mind on the task at hand.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
[member="Asher Malvern"]

Asher Malvern said:
Unnoticeable: These rings, while slightly larger than the average band, are rather unnoticeable to the unfocused eye. This helps the Obsidian Knight's keep their excess functions a secret.

Does this have something extra on it that makes it unnoticeable or is it just a ring? Because honestly rings are pretty noticeable, especially black ones.
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