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Private Of Mice and Men | Emergency Senate Session (Galactic Alliance)




The atmosphere across Coruscant felt heavier than it usually did. Following the decision by the Galactic Alliance Senate to launch a surprise offensive attack on the Sith Empire, Adhira Chandra had allowed a brief recess. Senators had been permitted to return to their home planets to be with their families and brief their planetary rulers on the tactical movement of troops near the mouth of the Perlemian hyperspace route near the capital. Unfortunately, for most of the Alliance legislators, they would not have even made it off-world before the familiar chime of their datapad called their attention.

The message flashed bright red across the screens before a countdown timer, giving the Senators precisely 3 hours to return to the Federal District. It took only a few minutes for the skies of the ecumenopolis to fill with buzzing ships as reporters and political aides scrambled to reach the Senate Building in time. Only the Senators themselves were permitted to diverge from the predetermined traffic routes, making the dozens of senatorial transport ships easy to spot as they darted from all directions to the massive dome at the heart of the city.


The cavernous chamber of the Galactic Alliance Senate was roaring with activity as delegations from every planet scrambled into the large metal pods that lined the walls. The center of the room, which was normally dominated by the presence of the Chancellor's podium, was noticeable. The Chancellor and her staff had not even begun their ascent into the room as the Senators continued to pour in from every orifice of the hall. The exact details of the emergency session had not officially been divulged, but across pods, delegations were shouting to each other to speculate - the most popular rumor was a preemptive strike from the Sith.

A loud tone sounded in the coliseum, preceding the arrival of the Chancellor, and a massive door slid open in the center of the room which allowed Adhira Chandra's podium to rise steadily into view. The murmurs around the room gave way to the anticipation of the Chancellor's opening remarks, but though Adhira was already on her feet, she did not immediately take the floor. Instead, she allowed a few moments to confer with the severe-looking Vice Chair who leaned over to whisper in her ear. The Rodian woman who occupied the Staff Aide's seat leaned in to hear.

The Senate, off-screen, has already authorized the invasion of the TSE at Felucia and Korriban. You may decide how your PC Senator voted. The Alliance has received intelligence that a large force of Eternal Empire ships is encroaching on Alliance territory ie an invasion is imminent. The only Senators who are currently aware of this are Senator Vosh-Sularen and Senator Tithe who were both personally briefed by the Chancellor prior to this session.

if they're watching anyways


Ryv Ryv | Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Senate

"I know it's a little weird, I just- I have a feeling." She sighed. While the many other Senators speculated and shared their theories, all Auteme had to go off of was a gut feeling. She liked her gut and she liked it very much but there were few Senators who would trust her off of that alone. So, she was thankful that Ryv was there so she could share the feeling. It always felt like a dire time in the galaxy when the Sword of the Jedi was attending a Senate meeting. Somehow less dire than when he was fighting the Sith or the Bryn'adûl or whoever else.

Yet she still found some comfort in his presence. Ryv was always someone she could talk to, even if there had been times where she'd wished she'd never hear from him again. That feeling had been short. Now her mind was occupied by the inklings and hints given by the Force, and all she could do was try to find the reason behind them.

"I don't think it's the Sith. I mean, I'm sure they could have agents strike someplace, or cultists pop up, but they're under a lot of pressure from the New Imperial Order. A full-scale attack? Again, their neighbours, and to get here that quickly they'd probably have to go through Silver space. I know that they've made a few bad decisions lately, but letting a Sith armada through? There's no way," she said. "The Eternal Empire, though -- their route is unobstructed, and they're pretty familiar with the unknown regions. I'm sure they could plot a course to the Alliance."

She took a deep breath, trying to find a moment of calm among the stresses assailing her. Air into the lungs, into the blood, up to the brain. It only furthered her theories. "Their Empress Regent... she's close with the Sith. One, at least. I remember seeing them at Natasi Fortan's coronation," she said, still having no idea how she was invited to that party and how she'd survived the night. "Adrian Vandiir. Not even mentioning their official alliance, however flimsy those can be nowadays."

Another deep breath. With it came the hope that this was something less dire, but she knew Adhira wouldn't call an emergency session like this without reason. A sliver of doubt crept into her heart once more.

"What if... what if it could've worked? The whole pause, the alliance, to stop the Bryn'adûl," she asked Ryv. "And I know the Sith are bad, but... if this war intensifies, more people will die anyways. We aren't fighting the Draelvasier right now, either. This could be a distraction, and we're just... fighting when we could've had peace. Even if only for a moment."

She closed her eyes, then shook her head. "No, I know we did the right thing, I just...

"I just keep wondering if there's a better way."
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv remained quiet where he sat. Both arms rested against his sides; hand tucked away into a jacket pocket. His head dipped to the side, perched on Auteme's shoulder, as he quietly dozed. His brief career in politics provided him a quiet disdain for the Senate. The powerful met comfortably behind closed doors. They were protected by the Galactic Alliance's finest while many fought beyond Alliance borders, protecting the so-called freedom these senators claimed to serve. Not all of them were bad people. On a good day, the Sword might even wager a credit or two in favor of the Chancellor and her legion of politicians. But today wasn't a good day. Not when two of the GA's supposed "allies" recently stood together against his allies in the Outer Rim.

Auteme's voice soon cut through Ryv's dream state. Midway through the precious beginning of an unearthly yawn, his eyes slowly came into focus. He remained still a moment longer as he listened, intent on playing off the quick nap he managed to snag.

By the time the Empress-Regent and her forbidden lover surfaced in conversation, Ryv sat up and crossed his arms. He considered interrupting her train of thought but decided against it. Whatever track her curious mind traveled down would certainly provide more than he could offer. So much of her stress came from a lack of information; he almost felt bad for whichever unlucky sod first had to face the gathered personnel. How many others in the room balanced precariously between complete serenity and absolute panic? The more time it took for this to get started, the worse off the discussion would be. That he could be sure of.

When she finally stopped talking, Ryv gently squeezed her shoulder.

"We can't change the past, Auteme. We won't know if we made the right decisions or not for a while, so don't overthink it," his remaining hand dropped back to his lap. "Besides, even if the coalition could've been formed, we'd be fighting Tathra and his lobster army right now. Peace is still a distant goal," he leaned back, a yawn escaping from deep within him. "It'll take time, lots of it probably, but we'll get there. We just gotta keep on keeping on," his amber gaze swept over the many-leveled stands as he continued.

"Don't stress the Bryn'adul either. Sounds dumb to say, I know. Lots of people out there who are stressed to hell about em, I'm sure. But we're working on it," Ryv offered a sideways glance her way. "I'll fill you in after this senate business, so let's try to stay in the moment. Yeah?"

Even as he said that his mind wandered elsewhere, to easier times. Lazy mornings where he slept in well past noon, and she sat around studying her dusty old books next to him.

The good old days, Ryv mused.


Felipe Valiente

Cigarette dangling from his bottom lip, Felipe hesitated with a pair of blazers held out in front of him on their hangers. It would be a short visit to Tanjay IV, to be sure, but he had every intention of being noticed. Which of these blazers said: "I'm here to bring bad news but look good doing it?" He felt obligated to brief the ruling council and the party on the military incursion that the Senate had foolishly authorized, and that Tanjay IV would be expected to help finance and man. It was, he felt, a misstep. The fanaticism with which the new regime stood opposed to the overbroad designation of "Imperialism" was beginning to chafe.

Before he could select one of the blazers to wear on his publicized visit to Tanjay IV, an emergency alert blared across his devices, recalling the Senators to the Senate chamber. His cheek twitched and he hung the blazers up. He had some time before the session began, but not enough time to return to Tanjay IV, let alone get there, brief the people he needed to brief, and return to Coruscant. He touched the panel near his bedroom door and his chief of staff entered. "Please inform my constituency office that I'm not able to return to Tanjay IV presently after all," Felipe said evenly, pausing to take a drag from his cigarette and blow out the smoke. "Tell them I'm delayed on the capital."

"Very good, sir," said his chief of staff, a wizened Tanjayan woman named Wenda. "I'll try to find out what the meeting is about."

"Good idea," Felipe replied, finally killing the cigarette and butting it out in a nearby ashtray. "The Chancellor already got what she was after. I can't imagine there's more for her to get her hands on. But if there is, I'm sure we'll find a way to give it to her." He glanced at his cigarette case and lighter, considering another smoke, but apparently decided against it. "I'm going to take a quick shower and we'll reconvene in, say, forty-five minutes in my office?"

Felipe showered and reconvened with his policy team, though Wenda had been unable to get any information about what had caused the emergency session. Felipe was new to the Senate, and so were his staff. They hadn't forged the connections that would get them privileged information or even particularly juicy gossip, so he was in the dark when he entered the Tanjay IV pod in the Senate with Wenda and a few other aides, ready for the Big Show™.



Meeting in person was a significant improvement to the last-minute-run-around-try-and-get-connected-and-on-whatchamacallit. Even if the Senate Guards put up a measure of fuss initially about the hounds. Gratefully, both Boyce and Gido proved themselves better behaved than some of the politicians in their pods. The well-dressed rabble grew in volume.

In response, Brama itched beneath the strap of her eyepatch near her temple and made a gesture for her constant companion and technologically savvy assistant to just fix it.

The resolution was deceptively simple. He merely adjusted the external volume, making their pod a sound deflecting cocoon for their own conversation.

"I can barely hear their rumours. Something-something-Sith Empire. Stars, my ears are getting as bad as my bad eye."

"Suggesting a counterstrike, ma'am."

Brama looked unamused and scrolled through a series of messages of varying urgency within her inbox. A technical task she was capable of on her own. Only a few subject lines were relevant to the hullaballoo at hand, and she opened them in silence to digest the contents. Blessedly, House Tagge still had remarkable influence within The Senate. It helped that her first showing within the chambers had positioned her as a woman worth listening to. Though her political perception was dull, taking steps back and drawing parallels back to hunting helped keep things fresh. Only a handful of days ago they’d agreed to increase the levels of aggression and outwardly strike at the dark heart of The Sith Empire. The idea of retaliation was not unheard of; the pack was threatened and they’d threaten back. Cornered animals tended to get more desperate and feral.

And what was more desperate than to ask for help?

After a few moments of silence, Brama powered down her data pad and made a non-committal sound at the back of her throat.

"Bah. They're thinking The Sith are using allies to strike us. Who’ve they got? The First Order?”

Ever timely with the technology and access to the holonet, Dash flashed the screen of his own device to the Senator. Brama took a few seconds to study the announcement.

“Well that’s a relief. They throw good parties. Would hate to be hostile there.

Who else, The Eternal Empire? I hope they do." Brama murmured, narrowing her good eye and adjusting the skirts that folded over her knees. Uncomfortable, her curly-haired and rakish attendant, Dash Pavond, shifted. Subtly, he checked to make sure the noise cancellation functions of the pods were fully functioning before he gathered the confidence to nod back in approval. "Honestly Dash, do they not know how short Eternity is about to be, siding with The Sith Empire?

At least the Sith didn't hinge their branding bets on an infinite timeline. Who's in charge of our propaganda department? There's something there. Can't put my finger on it."

"They'd probably suggest an Antonym." Dash offered, now fully accepting the protection of the muting devices within the pod. Feeling emboldened by the jest he was allowed to share, he tossed his hat into the slogan ring, offering an adequate antonym to eternity from the tip of his tongue: "Momentary Empire, perhaps."

A delighted grin ghosted her thin lips and she chortled, but quickly shushed the expression away to appear listless and discouraging. "Hm, Best leave that to the professionals, Dash."

"Of course ma'am."

"Besides, for all we know some other Sith cockroaches could be organizing a counter strike. They're certainly tenacious enough to have those sorts of resources."
Brama made a gesture to focus on the centre of the chamber –– silencing any further discussion between herself and the aide.

After a few seconds of tapping her nails against the arm of her chair, she exhaled hotly and made an obvious display of looking at her wrist chrono.

"Good galaxies. How much more of an entrance does the Chancellor need to make? Let's get this going. We've a war to prepare for."

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Seto Du Coutaeu
: Senate Chambers
Action: Listening


The office was dark, quiet and the window behind the desk covered, only allowing the bare minimal light from the outside to enter into the room. White hair laid strewn across the desk as Seto himself only moved when he breathed. The desk was hardly a comfortable pillow, but with the mounting sleepless nights the young Du Couteau heir found solace whenever he could get a moment of peace and quiet. The moment wouldn’t last long of course, such moments never do, and his data-slate rang an alarm and his computer blared out an annoying tune.

Snapping up straight and nearly Force crushing his computer, Seto took a sharp intake of air and slowly breathed out to calm himself. His hand slapped against his face as it dragged downwards, as if attempting to scrape away the tiredness, and with but another moment he stood up and began to walk towards his office’s exit. Only taking a brief second to grab his coat and cape. Standing in front of his door, he stretched his arms forward and let loose one long yawn before stepping out into the hallway.

His aide had already been sent home, Seto hardly found it fair that he should force someone else to suffer his sleep schedule. Or rather lack of. Instead he figured this emergency Senate hearing wasn’t something he needed his staff for, in fact he had already guessed the reason for the calling days ahead. Seto hardly practiced his Force combat ability much these days, but picking up thoughts and emotions was deeply built into him from his Inquisitor days. Days that Seto thought was behind him, right behind me I guess.

Careful to keep his tired look from his face, Seto fumbled for a piece of caffeinated gum, a quick stimulant to at least give others an impression of attentiveness. Entering into the Senate Chambers proper, he moved into his Senate pod and awaited for the Chancellor to speak by listening to the low thunderous whispers of the hundred senators and staff exchanging rumors and hearsay.

Perhaps an attempt to keep himself from nodding off, Seto kept his eyes open as he allowed himself to probe the room with the Force. Though he realized there were other Jedi nearby, so he needed to be rather careful and not too invasive to otherwise attract unwanted attention. Seto glanced around and wondered if a potential state of war would allow him to negotiate a few trade routes and perhaps even give his system a boost in commerce. Military Spending was going to be at an all time high, and Seto could only imagine the profits from the western regions rejoicing at not having to worry about digging trenches unlike their eastern system counterparts.

“The joy of living in the Core.” Seto mused sarcastically.


Denzul sat in his Office within the Senate Building , the Room completely dark in exception for a Hologram featuring his Cousin , the Lord-Imperator of Byss Marlon Sularen. Both men formed an iconic duo as the main figures that spearheaded the new Government on Byss , with Marlon acting as Head of State and Denzul as Head of Government. Only an hour ago , the Senator of Byss had been briefed by the Chancellor of a Mobilization of Eternal Imperial Forces within the Unknown Regions presumably directed against the Alliance since the only logical enemy they would have was the Alliance due to the fact that they were making preparations to Invade the Sith Empire.

Upon hearing such news , the Senator of Byss quickly retired to his Office to converse with his Cousin who was more experienced in Military Affairs then Politics. "What do you think about this whole ordeal cuz?" Denzul asked to his younger cousin. "This is very concerning. If the Eternal Empire plans to attack the Alliance then Byss itself can be a potential target no doubt" the Lord-Imperator said. hese words surprised the Senator as many questions began to fill his head. Was His Cousin planning to betray the Alliance so soon? Would the Eternals really consider attack Byss and why? seeing through the Confusion of his Older Cousin , the Lord-Imperator continued.

"So Denzul , remember when i told you and Director-Admiral Sevenar about my plan to move Operation Hidden Cobra to the Unknown Regions? To move forth and secure the Starbird Trade Spine for ourselves and create a foothold in the Eternal Empire to crush the Zweihander Union in order to test the Politorate's freshest units? Well i beleive that has something to do with our current situation. From their position in the Unknown Regions , the Eternal Empire can only attack the Alliance in 2 Ways , the first one by utilizing a long route by traversing 3 Different Hyperlanes and only hitting the frontier worlds of the Alliance near Rangoon VI and a Second one by utilizing the Starbird Trade Spine and heading straight for Byss."

Denzul's Eyes widened at the whole issue , he immediately remembered about his Cousin having earlier stated that he once saw the Eternal Empire as a potential option to seek refuge after getting dishonorably discharged from the New Imperial Armada but he deemed them too distant. Now the very Empire , Sularen had once considered to join was attacking his very world potentially threatening the progress of Operation Hidden Cobra and the "Association's" whole plans at once. Then his cousin continued.

"Denzul , if i we're the Empress Regent , in order to relieve the Sith from the Attacks from the New Imperial Order and Alliance i would strike at the closest enemy and strike at them hard to force a withdrawal. The Alliance had no common border with the Sith Imperials and already has it's fleets overstretched as shown on Yinchorri. If the Eternals are to attack us , Byss is a Priority Target. By Capturing the World it would put them at striking distance to Coruscant , something that could completely ruin our plans."

"So you think Byss is a Potential Target?" the Senator asked. "No , i know it is the Target. There isn't any other way for the Eternals to strike against us in a fashion that they will be able to force us to redirect our invasion force set to attack the Sith. But do not worry cousin , i've already sealed a few deals with a Minor Corporation , Orkins Industries. With their help , the Beshqek System Defense Force's Capabilities shall be augmented within a few weeks and any offensive taken against us will be crushed. However i do suggest you inform the Alliance about the potential about an Attack on Byss. This is a Threat we cannot ignore Cousin. We must respond to it effectively , for Byss , for the Alliance , for the Association."

And then , the Transmission ended with the image of Marlon Sularen disappearing and the lights turning back on. Today was going to be a stressful afternoon along with the Days to come. If Byss was under the very serious threat of invasion , it was imperative that they had all the help they could get. Soon Denzul was out of his Office hurrying towards the Grand Convocation Center to inform the Senate of his Cousin's Theory

Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State

Adhira Chandra felt the vast metal structure shift beneath her feet as the ceiling spiraled open. Suddenly, she and the other officers of the Galactic Alliance were soaring upward into an emptiness that was dominated by the sound of murmuring voices amplified by the hundreds. All around her, legislators and their aides were speaking urgently with their closest neighbor, the nearest ally, with each other. It had been a difficult call to summon all of the Senators back on such short notice. However, only moments before, the Strategic Intelligence Agency had briefed the Chancellor on a large detachment of ships from the Eternal Empire en route toward the borders of the Galactic Alliance. Alliance High Command had confirmed the trajectory of the enemy fleet and anticipated an imminent invasion of Alliance-held Byss.

The older woman had wasted no time in summoning Denzul Vosh-Sularen Denzul Vosh-Sularen to inform him that the likely target of the impending invasion was his own planet. She gave the Senator leave to inform his planet's ruler in person, though she expected he would opt to remain on Coruscant for the vote. Shortly after this initial meeting, the leader of the Alliance summoned Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe , Chair Special Committee on Foreign Interference to her office to discuss deterrence measures they could take against the Eternal Empire.

Now, standing before the full Senate, she hoped she had done enough to prepare the relevant parties for the impending threat, but resolved to work to adjust her government's strategy to adhere to the newly emerging conflicts.

"Senators... Senators..." Adhira's booming voice echoed over the holocom system that dominated the Senate chamber. The Balmorran raised her hand to indicate she had called for order and waited as the last few grumbles among the political aides died away. "I apologize for the lateness of the hour for which I summoned you all," Adhira said, more as a courtesy than a genuine interest in the leisure plans of her colleagues.

"However," her deep, raspy voice cut across the temporary resurgence of conversation among the Senators, "the reason that I have called you back this evening is far more grave... It has come to my attention that, through the successful utilization of the Watchtower installations dotted around the neutral space beyond our borders, we have identified a small fleet - belonging to the so-called Eternal Empire, moving in our direction rapidly. We anticipate with 95% certainty that the Eternal Empire will launch a premeditated assault of sovereign Alliance territory at this point of entry into Alliance space."

Above Adhira's head, a diagram of several potential strategic targets the NIO might attack, appeared. "The Eternal Empire has, thus far, refused to respond to our attempts to hail their ships... make no mistake, our faction will be under attack soon.

"Yet this interference in our efforts against the Sith Empire will not be ignored and as Chancellor, I have directed Senator Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe to use all necessary resources to mount a reciprocal economic and political retaliation that we trust will ultimately deter them from following through on this fool's errand." The Chancellor paused to allow the information to seek in, then she yielded the floor to allow formal debate to proceed.

Location: Coruscant, Alderaan Embassy then Senate Chamber
Tags: Seto Du Couteau Seto Du Couteau | Felipe Valiente | Ryv Ryv | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge | Auteme Auteme

Faith had just started preparations for a late night meeting with the High Council when the call to another emergency session blazed across her communications console.

This time she took Marina DeVoe Marina DeVoe with her, "Marina, be quiet and listen, you are here as a junior member of my staff. That means I ask the questions and participate in discussions, you listen." She knew she had to make that clear to Marina as she had a mind of her own and often did not want to hold her tongue.

Not holding in tongue in the Senate however could have consequences. It was with much hesitation that she was bringing Marina in. She just dreaded having to apologize should the young woman speak out of turn.

Once inside with Marina and Becca, the Alderaan Delegation listened to the words of Chancellor Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra . A small fleet was headed into Alliance territory.

This news of eminent attack did not sit well with Faith. Peace while always preferred she understood and knew that others did not share that view. If she was in Senator Denzul Vosh-Sularen Denzul Vosh-Sularen position how would she feel. It didn't take much to know how she would feel. Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe would use the more peaceful means to deter them.

Faith looked over to Marina and then to Becca they both knew what it was like to wait to be invaded, to be pushed into a defensive posture. They knew too what the costs could be....

Faith stood up, "Alderaan seeks recognition". She looked to no one but the Chancellor, the tiny brunette who held the responsibility of the world upon her shoulders, "Chancellor have we started issuing alerts to Alliance military in case the political and economic sanctions do not impress a different course of action on them?" In other words were they preparing.

Faith sat down, "Alderaan yields"
if they're watching anyways

Auteme nodded to Ryv, again thankful to have him here. So often did he seem almost terrified of the burden of the Jedi, of the Sword, of a leader; afraid that he'd mess things up and sink lower. And then he'd turn around and tell her exactly what she needed to hear. Sometimes it was difficult to see one's own strength. She smiled and nodded. Of course, she couldn't keep quiet.

"Actually, I think they're closer to crabs," she said. "Big difference. Still, there's this evolutionary thing where crabs just keep being evolved into. So many planets have their own species of crabs that all evolved independently. It's really crazy... might be why the Draelvasier consider themselves superior to most sentient races. They're arguably more evolved. Being big-humanoid-crabs."

She laughed. Their biology was fascinating to her, even though she'd taken some convincing to help research given that their knowledge on that species was being used to more effectively combat them in the field. Something, something, the good old days -- back when Auteme could nerd out while Ryv dozed off.

But there were more important things to do. Adhira's arrival signaled the beginning of the meeting; she nudged Ryv, making sure he was paying attention. It seems she'd been right. The Eternal Empire. A fleet in striking range of the Core, specifically Byss. A small grimace came over her face. Senator Vosh-Sularen's imperial tendencies were infamous and she wasn't a fan of most of his policies, but she would never wish to see his world invaded. Her more cynical, political side almost reveled in the opportunity as much as she tried to keep it quiet.

She was happy to see Aerarii growing into his role in the Senate. Odd, how so many Senators were quick to advocate for war, yet the one who had served under the Sith was now applying sanctions instead of pushing for a military solution. If his accounting skills were still as sharp as ever -- which of course, they were -- the penalties to the Eternal Empire's industry could be outright crippling.

She nudged Ryv again. "I'm going to pledge the Jedi's support, but I don't know... anything, about strategy, or how we might approach this. You're the Sword of the Jedi, and it's been a while since they've seen you, so -- give them a reminder, then give them a plan."

Auteme gave a warm smile to the other Jedi, then stood. A few button presses later and their pod floated forward. She simply gave a nod to Adhira then spoke.

"The New Jedi Order will assist the Galactic Alliance Defense Force and Byss to safeguard it against this threat. While I believe major economic sanctions -- especially those organized by the famously astute Senator Tithe -- will pressure the Eternal Empire into peace, it's clear we cannot wait long for those effects to set in. I am no soldier, but I believe the Sword of the Jedi, Ryv Karis, can give a more focused proposal as to how we can aid Byss in its time of need." She sat down, turning to Ryv to make his point. Maybe she'd put him a bit on the spot... maybe he'd thrive and give the Jedi a better reputation. At this point, she was pretty sure none of the Senators listened to her anyway.


LOCATION: Senate Building
OBJECTIVE: Discuss the Eternal Empire
ALLIES: Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Denzul Vosh-Sularen Denzul Vosh-Sularen | Seto Du Couteau Seto Du Couteau | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge | Felipe Valiente | Auteme Auteme | Ryv Ryv


Tithe took a seat in the senatorial pod assigned to the banking world of Aargau just as the Chancellor made her entrance. He took a moment to catch his breath and straighten his attire, having hurried here straight from his office. He’d been on the commlink since the moment Adhira’s office, reaching out to his contacts in the GA bureaucracy and diplomatic corps, as well as his contacts in the corporate world. His orders were clear - exert enough economic and political pressure on the Eternal Empire to force them to call off their attack.

Anyone who knew Tithe’s history would know he had extensive experience in these kinds of dealings. As a Sith Imperial Moff he’d welded credits and diplomacy to secure outcomes and advance his own agenda. His contacts throughout the galaxy - official and unofficial, sanctioned and unsanctioned - ran deep. And thankfully, the blank credit check he’d been given by the Chancellor’s office ran just as deep, enough to buy off anyone who he couldn’t talk into helping.

It was probably best if the Chancellor wasn’t briefed on all the plans he was putting into action.

He nodded in acknowledgement as Auteme, representing the New Jedi Order, gave her well wishes in his endeavours. Certainly, she was correct - economic action could be slow to take effect, as could diplomacy. The benefit of time could not be overstated.

The Senator deferred his opportunity to speak, instead continuing to work away on his datapad and standing by to answer any questions.

Jasol Dorsian

Location: Senate Building
Objective: Attend Emergency Session
Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Faith Organa Faith Organa | Denzul Vosh-Sularen Denzul Vosh-Sularen | Seto Du Couteau Seto Du Couteau | Brama Tagge Brama Tagge | Felipe Valiente | Auteme Auteme | Ryv Ryv | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
"A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions"


Cran Pelles was sitting in his airspeeder and was on a holocall with the governor admiral. "Yes Governor Admiral, the alliance naval mobilisation towards Silver Concord space is, ah, indeed to launch a surprise offensive against the Sith." Jasol nodded as Pelles spoke, he was in his office back on Sanjin. "Seems that officially the Silver Concord and CIS are still committed to warding off the Imperials alongside the Sith." he continued. "Well it seems as if the supposed alliance with the CIS is starting to be tested and the Jedi are proving themselves to be troublesome once more. Very well return to Sanjin and we'll make prep-" at that instant his aide interrupted them. "Apology sir, the chancellor is calling an emergency senate session all senators are returning to the chamber." Cran turned and frowned slightly. What could warrant an emergency meeting? He turned towards the pilot of the airspeeder. "Cpl. turn us around, I will get back to you later Governor." Jasol nodded and the holocall ended.

Cran and his bodyguard unit entered the grand convocation chamber in time for the Chancellor to address the Senators. He listened in as grave news of an imminent attack. "Well this is just splendid." he said with a sigh. He turned to his aide. "It seems our enemies have begun to understood we've grown too comfortable in the core. Contact the governor and notify him of the attack on Byss." His aide nodded and stood up from the repulsorpod. "Yes sir." then out the doorway. Sanjin would need to start shoring up its defences. Byss had also been an ally to Sanjin, deploying a small force of military advisors to help retrain the defence force.

The senator stood up and straightened his uniform. At that moment his aide walked back in. "The governor has stated he is willing to assist the Beshqek System." Cran gave a quick nod before activating his repulsorpod. "Sanjin seeks recognition." the repulsorpod zoomed to the centre of the room. "This imminent attack has not shocked Sanjin, just like when we heard the news of the unholy union between the Concord, Sith and Confederates." He said, looking around the room. "We, ah, have become too comfortable tucked away in the core bordering our 'allies'. We must look to strengthen our borders, in anticipation of future attacks. For all we know this could be the first of many. While Sanjin recognises the importance of diplomatic solutions I implore all of you to ready your planet's militaries." he continued. "In the meantime, Sanjin is committed to assisting in the defence of our fellow Alliance worlds. Sanjin yields the floor"
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Horcull Thorwel

Back in business.

Kryo was one of the first senators to immediately vote “yes” in the proposal of a surprise assault on the Sith world of Coruscant. He didn’t care what world it was or to who it was governed by, anything that got to do with wars he would immediately side with. Of course, there was all the justification and reasoning to launch an assault on the world where the Sith was first originated and that did all the talking for him.

A perfect casus belli. A war that would be worth fighting for by the perception of the public.

Everyone was a winner...well, almost everyone so long as this assault gave the results everyone wanted.

But there was more. Apparently a task force of the Eternal armoire was en route to the Alliance, analysts predicting potential targets that might be attacked by this sudden move. Diplomatic relations between the Alliance and Eternal Empire were neutral, last time he recalled; however, that all might change if they didn’t alter this motive.

For Kryo? He hoped they didn’t. His greed certainly begged for the Eternal Empire to show their true intentions: war.

So far he had no intentions to speak up on the senate floor, not now at least. The war hawk was satisfied with all the recent events that were materializing into reality.

Back in business



There was little to say after the last Senate meeting had transpired. There were many that populated Coruscant’s streets who wanted vengeance. Their lives, for the last decade, had been shaped by the ever-looming shadow of the Sith Empire and their raids. When the time came for when they could seek revenge? There was no shortage of volunteers. Thousands flocked to one recruiting station after another, fleshing out the rank and file of the Galactic Alliance’s Defence Force with new blood. They were eager to get into combat with their former Defilers, and it would’ve been foolish of their elected representative to deny their wishes. So, without hesitation, Senator Shule voted in the affirmative for continuing their war against the Sith and their Empire. Those vile sorcerers would taste their own foul concoctions, as Alliance Marines and their Jedi allies marched through the smouldering ashes of their profane temples and baroque fortresses.
At least, that would be the hope. There was still a chance for failure. Where the tides of defeat could rise up and swallow them all. Yet, that slim possibility wasn’t set in stone. While many sorcerers claimed that they could see the future, their words were only true in part. They could only see one potential path that the future could take, where every action - no matter how large or small - altered the outcome in some fashion or another. Where one valiant deed could mean the difference between Victory or Defeat. Thus, to secure their collective future - action needed to be taken. The Galactic Alliance couldn’t allow for their laurels to be passed down by others, or their crumbling alliances. They needed to secure their tomorrow with their own hands, and Otto was glad that a majority of the Senate agreed. This was surprising, to say the least, as the Senate floor often found itself to be the most divisive body within the entire Federation.
But, after the decision was made - not everything proceeded as the Replica Droid had expected. Something changed that upset the branching paths of the future. Dark whispers spread across the Starbird Trade Spine, as early-warning stations fell silent and entire caravans of spacers were pushed aside. While the Senate’s decisions weren’t secret after they were made, it seemed like something tipped off a Sith-aligned Empire in the Western Reaches. They heard of the Alliance marshalling their banners and sought to meet them in battle; either seeking retribution for unpunished deeds or honouring their word to a crumbling dynasty. Otto couldn’t be sure - but their reasoning mattered little. All that did - on the other hand - was that this tide of darkness was coming.
While his position within the Galactic Alliance had changed over these past few months, the connections the Replica Droid made hadn’t. Sure, he may no longer be the Head of the Republic Engineering Corporation - but he was on the Board of Directors. That seat at the table provided him with a great many insights into the events unfolding beyond the boundaries of their beloved Federation. It was how Otto came to have such information before it was revealed on the Senate floor. He was the one that helped sponsor, chart, and build the Starbird Tradespine after all. The only difference between his information and the data provided by the esteemed Chancellor was the intended target. Supposedly, their information came from the Strategic Intelligence Agency - which gave the relayed message some credibility.
More so, at least, than the words of chatty Spacers looking to score their next fix.
Nevertheless, the combination of these rumours and the relayed information proved to be more than enough to influence Otto’s next decision, as there was little time to tarry in the wake of such dire news.
“I find myself hard-pressed to believe that the Eternal Empire would be concerned over economic and political retaliation,” the Replica Droid said, as he looked towards the Figure seated at his side. “They, like many other Stellar Nations populating the Stars, seem to be wholly self-sufficient. Capable of calling upon thousands of Soldiers and Warships at a moment’s notice, with little concern for replacements should they fall in battle.”
“The miracles of cloning and mass-production,” the Figure whispered.
“Quite,” Otto replied. “But, therein lies the issue. How do we punish the unpunishable? Do we adopt the tactics and strategies of those we’ve denounced and openly defy? Do we become the very evils that we fight against in the hopes of achieving victory? Many questions need to be asked, but I’m afraid that not many would like the answers. Hell, even as… detached as I am from my humanity, that’s ground I fear to tread.”
“Such is the burden of good men,” the Figure said, his tone slightly louder and fringed with an almost wisened inflection. “I have sought my salvation, and that of my people, by dragging us through the depths of purgatory. I sold my soul to a proverbial devil, but the coward refuses to face me and earn his moment of justice. It’s not something this Alliance should consider, lest it wishes to follow the Sith Empire’s path towards its demise. They’ve come eerily close to making that mistake already by getting into bed with the Confederacy, whilst an Imperialist Sith lords over his vast holdings.”
“It was either that,” Otto said, with a tinge of remorse. “Or wage war against them to reclaim Alliance clay. A hard decision, by any means. One that I doubt any of us would’ve taken lightly, let alone done differently.”
“This is true,” the Figure replied. “But, my spy network is abuzz with the possibilities these new Warfronts provide. Especially regarding the movements of your neighbours to the South. War looms on the horizon whether you’d like it or not. All that remains now, is what nation shall strike the first blow and where.”
“You speak as if it’s inevitable,” Otto stated plainly.
“That’s because it is,” the Figure intoned. “They are an Empire like any other. They seek nothing more than to rule the Stars, and with a Sith seated upon their Throne? It’s only a matter of time until every world is forcibly bending the knee to the Confederacy and their ilk. Lest someone rises to challenge their alleged right to rule.”
“I’m sure someone will,” Otto replied. “If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in my many years studying you Organics, is that Empires’ never last. They’re nothing more than a violent flash in the pan when the grand scheme of the universe is brought into perspective. The same could be said about our current regime, but at least we aren’t ensnared by hubris to label ourselves as Eternal in the hopes to defy the odds.”
The Figure laughed softly, then.
“Wish me luck, then,” Otto said as he roused himself from the aft section of the Repulsorpod. “I’m likely to be labelled as nothing more than a Warhawk for what I’m about to say next, and my words are likely to - yet again - fall on deaf ears.”
“Maybe one day, they’ll listen.”
Otto waved aside the comment and turned towards the integrated podium. He keyed in a short series of commands that saw his Repulsorpod withdraw from its housing and float towards the centre of the convocation chamber. When the assigned vector was set, and the slow-moving vehicle came to a halt - the Replica Droid activated the terminal before him.
“Coruscant seeks recognition,” the Senator began.
“I would second the concerns brought forth by the esteemed Representative of Alderaan, as the Eternal Empire has proven themselves to be wholly self-sufficient in the past. They’ve only sought after allies in the hopes of safeguarding themselves militarily-speaking, but also refused to pursue the myriad avenues of trade with their galactic neighbours.”
“I fear that any economic or political sanctions from this august body would be met with nothing but mockery on the galactic stage. While I do agree that the path towards peace should be the route we pursue, it's unlikely our efforts would bear fruit. I believe that the Eternal Empire, like the Sith Empire before it, seeks nothing but our destruction. It is why they are going for the jugular, so to speak. They seek to destroy the Starbird Tradespine at its source and cripple our Federation’s entire economic structure in the process. There is no future where these Imperialist Dogs back down from a fight. Not when we’ve set ourselves on the path to raze the Homeworld of the Ancient Sith.”
“So,” Otto said as his arms slowly began to spread wide as he addressed the Senate proper. “I say that we should answer their First Strike in kind once Victory in the Deep Core is assured. That we should go after the heart of their vile war machine in the Western Reaches of the Galaxy, and tear it out with all our might. Such a message would resound across the Stars themselves. One that not only speaks towards protecting our own with all of our collective might - acting as a beacon to would-be joiners - but one that also says we do not let any blow go unanswered.”
He smiled then, a passionless and eerily cold expression.
“Perhaps then, the Eternal Empire would think twice about striking our beloved Federation again and reconsider the path towards peace.”
Without fanfare or any further theatrics, Otto yielded the floor to the uncertainties of the future.

Major Faction


Become One With All Things
"Crabs, huh?" Ryv inquired with a mix of surprise and a hint of morbid curiosity. "This amount of information on something like universal crab evolution fits you perfectly, Auteme," he laughed alongside her, only stopping once Adhira took to the air. Auteme would find her first nudge unnecessary, as he was all business. He said nothing as the Chancellor spoke, his entire form still as his focus remained on every word. "Eternal Empire..." he muttered the title as it echoed throughout the Senate's grand chamber. "Tacitus must be rolling over in his grave. An anti-Force establishment supporting a power founded on Force based teachings?" he rubbed at his face. "Interesting..."

He looked up at Auteme's second nudge. "Huh?" he listened, nodded along, and straightened in his seat. "Yeah, sure, I can do that," he spoke with outward certainty while he screamed internally. When she stood, he stood, though he remained behind her. He pushed his hair back from his face and looked out at the crowd. Thousands filled the hollow tower, all with an agenda of their own. He knew how to approach them. Slowly worked best, as if he'd trapped them in a corner and had to convince the senators he meant no danger. A spineless and fickle lot if ever there was one.

Well, he thought. Just gotta come up with a plan to fight off an invasion force in the next few seconds. Sure, Auteme, no problem, he crossed his arms and nodded alongside her, his focus split between maintaining a professional figure and filling this impossible order.

Thankfully, as the New Jedi Order's representative finished, others hurried to be heard. Pods floated out, each planetary representative making a bid for the floor. Ryv remained silent. Better to take advantage of the vocal minority while he had the chance.

Byss, huh? I should make that scumfuck senator beg for our help. Loudest in the room when it comes to trashing our Order. The audacity of this guy, Ryv sighed behind Auteme. Can't actually do that, as much as I'd like to. That's bad Jedi press, don't need that, he shifted his weight from his left to his right. They're probably attacking us due to some goofy connection to the Sith, like this dumb Empress banging one of em rumor. We can play that up, bring it to the light. It might dissuade em in the future, but what about now? The easiest solution would be killing all of em. That probably won't go over well. Hell, Auteme would probably die of embarrassment if I said that.

Ryv looked over his shoulder at her. He chuckled again and looked back to the pods as the senators debated. By the time Otto finished his declaration, Ryv had grown tired of waiting and cleared his throat.

"While our relationship with both Byss and her senator has never been.... ideal, the New Jedi Order is poised and ready to defend the Galactic Alliance's territory. Until further details come to light, it will be difficult to ascertain how great a threat the Eternal Empire poses to the citizens of Byss. But given the planet's nature as the home to a former Sith Lord of great power, I can say with certainty we are ready to defend against Force-based threats. As peacekeepers, we will work side by side with the GADF to evacuate all non-combat personnel from anticipated strike zones," the Sword paused and took a deep breath. His right hand flexed, all five fingers moved lazily as he strove to ignore the shaking.

"Furthermore, we've worked in tandem with the Defense Force to great effect. Our Order is militant in nature, setting us apart from the other Jedi factions throughout the galaxy. So, I'll be working closely with General Maynard Treicolt Maynard Treicolt and High Admiral Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce to best coordinate where the Jedi will be most effective. To those unfamiliar with our work, that basically means we'll break apart and spread our skills across the front. However, we aren't infinite. Our best bet is luring them away from high population zones or any essential structure. I recommend baiting them someplace simply too good to pass up. Perhaps an ill-defended military base or factory designated for arms manufacturing.

By narrowing down their options, they'll be forced into making suboptimal decisions. And if they're only ever making the best of a bad situation, it'll be much easier to overtake them and turn them away from our territory for good.

Ryv took a step back. "I will remain standing for questions or follow-up."



X X I I : T H E _ G A L A X Y
G A Z I L L I O N _ E A R


Democracy. Easily one of Gat Tambor's least favorite forms of government next to social communes. Requiring...dialogue, participation, debates, votes. So, so sad when he could just decide what happens. At least lobbies and political action committees lightened the load when it came to exerting his influence. An emergency session was called and the_director reluctantly made his presence known in person.

As the rest spoke in debate, Gat sat in the Trade Federation's assigned podium with two other Skakoan technicians, all slouched and barely conscious having been micro dosing mind spiral for at least sixteen hours straight now with their grasp on reality being meager at best. Gat looked on with bloodshot eyes, waiting to be addressed as his mind was awash with the intensive hardline psychedelic drug, thoroughly enjoying his trip to astral plane as the others talked and debated.

Minister of Commerce Sadavir Oldani
"Yooour.... Excellencyyyy...." the sudden interruption of the sacharin sweet, melodic tone was likely to draw the attention of every Senator in the room. When they turned to see where it originated, they would find themselves taking in the positively striking image of the ambiguously looking Minister of Commerce, grinning up from a repulsor pod so near the bottom of the chamber that it was easy to see why no one had noticed his presence in this session until now. When the Chancellor looked down and nodded her permission, the Minister bowed low and his pod floated upward in the middle of the room.

"I do apologiiiiize for the interrrruption, but as the Chancellor's foremost advisorrrr on matters of finaaaaance I was hoping that I could lend my expertise opinion to this illustrioussss boodyyyy," his cadence was bizarre, the words he chose to draw out were seemingly random and the entire effect was unsettling. "While I do respeeect the opinions of Senatorrrr Shuuuuuule," his tone implied otherwise, "I must respectfully disagreeee. This idea that the Eternal Empire issss somehow immune from the confines of the galactic economy is rather... silly." The corners of Sadavir's pink lips curled at the corners.

"The so-called Empiiiiire, a generous honorific, is a territory with virtually no planetsss of note in the waaays of trade or production. The persssonal wealth of their leeaaader can only support them for so long and only while they remain a small, unthreatening fiefdom. They do in fact rely on trade, and more specifically, on trade routes... trade routes, that for all intents and purposes are dominated by our Alliance," his smirk grew and he seemed to become less consumed by his strange way of enunciating, "and the fact they went bowwwwing and scraaaaping back into the lap of the Sith Empire does leave many unresolved questions about the reality of their supposed independence."

"I leave military recommendations to military minds, but if this body seeks to take the wiiind out of their sails before they even make land falllll... I advise that we preemptively bar their use of hyperspace lanes that crosssss through our territory. With the utilization of gravity wells and a few dreeeadnaughts, we could yaaank their ships out of hyperspace aaaand... deal with them accordingly.... and we must put presssssure on our Silver and Purple friendssss to follow suit. Strangle their trade with the Sith and I promise we shall see resultssss, if only because the criminal syndicatesss which inhabit their space will apply the necessary pressure to have their empressss abandon thisss folly."

As the last echoes of Sadavir's voice died away, the pod he occupied returned to the wall of the Senate chamber and he soon disappeared into the corridor, slinking back to his office as fast as his thin little legs would carry him.

The comments by the Chancellor's economic advisor, slimy as he seemed even to a man like Kaito, rang true and caused another burst of arguing and shouting throughout the senate. There wasn't much to say or argue about though and he wondered what they were all so passionate about. The decision had already been made and a potential war criminal was at the head of yet another committee. This situation would severely cut into his smuggling operations in the region and along the Starbird Trade Spine. He might as well gain some sort of information.

"Corellia seeks recognition," His pod hovered into place. Even so long after the assassination attempt by the Jedi some of his injuries apparently persisted and the senator still deemed it necessary to hide his face behind the ominous Atrisian mask and his hood.

"What sort of sanctions are we enforcing? Are we sending our Marshalls to enforce them? Blockades? How far are we willing to go and how many resources are we willing to dedicate to this? Surely we realize that smugglers will become an increasingly serious problem along the Starburd Trade Spine."

CORUSCANT // SENATE BUILDING // Protecting the Interests of the GA
Dreyson had been silent while the others had largely taken the floor. He had rarely in fact spoken in Open Senate. He preferred to learn and listen. Urban was a very junior senator after all and the will and prosperity of this people on Chandrila depended on his actions or often his inactions. The threats presented today by the Chancellor were a different matter all together. The decision of the New Jedi Order to sponsor a direct assault on Korriban as well as the deployment of the GADF to Felucia were indeed major moments in history. Now an almost inevitable counter attack was incoming. From the evil that was the Eternal Empire. The Despotic Sith of the Unknown. A chill ran down Urban's spine. He paused and pressed the button on his pod to move it into speaking position. Now in person before the Senate Urban would speak for Chandrila.

"Fellow Senators, the threat of encroachment from the Eternal Empire, seemingly directed towards Byss is indeed a dangerous and serious threat. The Planet of Chandrila and her people stand side by side with the people of Byss and we urge this body to support the Defense Forces and the plans of economic sanctions that will help protect our interests in the long run. No political entity is immune from the effects of trade being halted and the Eternal Empire will indeed be no different. By applying economic and military pressure we can greatly alleviate the stress that the Eternal Empire brings unto our worlds.

We must now further look to strengthening our defense sector fleets and forces. I urge this body to take on measures demanding member planets contribute an increase amount of funding to the GADF and their own local sector defense forces. Now is not the time to be stingy. It is time that our Grand Galactic Alliance brought its entire weight to bare. Both our great economic strength and our great military prowess. It is time for us to focus with one voice on the mission and task at hand."


Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.

It were obvious Marina were putting effort in keeping her lips zipped, nodding to her queen as their podium dislodged from the floor.
She nevertheless nodded, uttering "Yes, your majesty".... understanding quite well how at times she could disregard protocol and speak her mind.
Well, at times her queen indulged her to do so, but only in her court. They were at the epitome of the galactic center itself...the senate assembly.

Marina took her place, a step behind but to Faith Organa Faith Organa 's left, as Becca took up the right. Their queen, whom were representing their beloved Alderaan had seeked the floor.
Their podium moved effortlessly toward the center before Faith addressed the assembly.

Marina stood there proud, erect and attentive as her queen spoke. But inside...inside her heart pained.
War were once again pressing to suffer the many. It were so easy for her to cry out 'SHAME' ..shame to all who festered the disease. Shame for the uncountable lives made extinguished before Berkana (God) by the will of man and his kind.
But this were not her place to do so and compromise her beloved queen.
Marina were strong and devoted in spiritual connection to the Creator, but this were not her court. Her queen Marina trusted in both mind and spirit. Her House had been sworn to House organa for millenniums past before the dark times and the destruction of their ancestral home.

She were at her queen's beckoning.
If war should ensue as her heart pained her that it were eminent...she would do her part.

Upon her queen yielding the floor, marina's eyes looked over to Becca. She could see it in her friend's eyes, that despite their queen and others who seeked for better solutions than war, would be disregarded. marina clenched her teeth a moment before composing herself proper again as their podium redocked.

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