Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Old Friends, Catching Up.


"And I'm going to warn you, I still can't read. Well...I'm getting better at it now. One of the Council members is teaching me. So you're gonna have to explain this to me slowly."

Giran Thraker Giran Thraker

Giran sighed, using the force to pull up a chair and sit down on it " we had already figured out earlier because of Sevs. The Chancellor was the one who started the entire Galactic Civil War. He played both sides and day...everything collapsed...Order 66...all that stuff...." Giran said "Well...Apparently...Anakin was...Vader...that day of Order 66, he led the attack on the temple...he was the one who killed all of those Jedi...and Padawans...along with the 501st who were under the control of inhibitor chips created by Palpatine to follow Order 66." He said, as he used the force to pull another volume of the book "Apparently, Obi-Wan took Anakin's Kids away from him when their mother died...and hid them from him, separated. Luke Skywalker...the Farmboy who won the battle with the Empire...was Vader's Son...and according to his personal the end...Vader turned back to the light...killed the Emperor"

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si

The Cathar deflated slightly at that.

" was the one who was hunting us for all that time." The words sounded tired. Anakin was her hero. The pretty boy who could take on an entire army of droids by himself.

And when she thought it like that, it made a lot of sense.

" least we survived, right?"

Giran Thraker Giran Thraker


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