Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aien Mueller




  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Heavy
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: High
    • Lightsabers: Low
    • Other:
      Sonic: Average
      EMP/ION: High
      : High
  • Composite Construction
  • Loth-Wolf series Combat Scanner
  • Uller series Exoskeleton: ThisBorrowing design plans and systems from the EX-1 "Juggernaut" Power Armor, as well as the Gundark II, the Mk II offers more options and more protection. However, in order to conserve energy, not all of this strength is typically activated all the time, and it uses a modified capacitor overcharger.
  • Asclepius Bio-support Dispenser: This internal device provides basic physiological monitoring, emergency topical bacta/kolto administration, and can also inject users with a variety of emergency or performance enhancing drugs.
  • Bia series Portable Fusion Generator: Mounted on the suit's back, this generator provides the suit with a constant source of power to the power armor, as long as it has fuel. Because of the energy conservation protocols of the suit (not constantly using full power to the servos unless needed), this is typically around 12 hours, comparable to the old AV-1A Assault Power Armor. The redundant restart energy pathways built into this reactor allow the Power Armor to "sputter" along when faced with Ion, EMP, and other tech-dampening threats.
  • Ferrazid Particle Distortion Shield: As the suit is built particularly to face the Bryn'adul in direct combat, it sports the Ferrazid Particle Distortion Shield, which was purposefully engineered to help the user to better withstand some common types of attacks preferred by the Bryn'adul. While Ferrazid does provide some typical shield protection, it is unusual in that it is also designed to break up physical attacks and push them away or in other directions through the use of layered particle shields and an omnidirectional pressor field.
  • Web Gear: contains the following equipment: a spool of high tension wire, one grappling hook, 2 power packs, two ion flares (for illumination or emergency signaling), a combat de-ionizer, a GLiS Emergency Medpac, and two ration packs.
  • Basic Environmental Protection:

  • Impressive Strength:While not as consistently powerful as the prototype EX-1 "Juggernaut", the Mk II does consistently provide enhanced strength to its user.
  • Energy Kinetic and Ion/EMP Resilience: The MK II’s construction provides the suit with good energy protection from weapons like blasters, or specifically in this suit's case, heat from Spikers and other common Bryn'adul weapons. This is largely due to a combination of the duraplast inserts and plasteel's good heat resistance.
  • Shoulder Mounted FYB launcher: The MK II has an integrated rocket launcher reducing the need to sling yet another weapon.
  • Shoulder Mounted Stun club: The MK II has an integrated removable stun club reducing the need to sling yet another weapon.
  • Modular Vambraces: The MK II has integrated blaster and rotary vambraces giving each team member last resort weapons and technical gear.

  • Weak Points (inner thighs): The MK II have very limited protection at their inner thighs in order to cut down on weight and enable better movement in case the suit loses power. This area is only covered by several layers of armorweave and insulfiber. While this is often enough to provide some protection from shrapnel or grazing hits, most direct hits by most weapons will pierce through this layer.
  • Obvious Target: The MKII’s added strength and armor comes at a noticeable increase in size. While it is more mobile and not as noticeable as the Gundark II, or the Juggernaut, the Mk II does provide a more significant heat source.
  • Weak Lightsaber Resistance (Very Low): Being engineered specifically to fight the Bryn'adul, no thought was given to engineering any sort of protection against lightsabers. None of the actual armor plating is designed to withstand saber, and a saber will cut through it like soft butter. However, the suit does have some limited resistance to lightsaber strikes thanks to its phrik exoskeleton and some armorweave material in the body suit.

The Mark I armor is great and does its job to no end, but there are times when it is just not enough and the Mark II needed to come about. The need for increased strength and speed in emergency situations became necessary with the war with the Bryna’dul though they will still use the Mk I, this system will always be necessary.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Aien Mueller

Very nice and detailed submission, and the picture is great! Poor Bryn'adul... I found two smaller problems.
  • The armour is bit underpowered (-2), if you want you can fix this.
  • The Bryn'adul faction link is broken, please fix this.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
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