Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion On the Rox | GA Dominion of Roxuli

Hoid Hallafax



At the Edge of the Frontier...
After the failure of the Stygian Campaign and rumors of rogue Jedi on the battlefield, the people of the Alliance were loath to trust the Jedi. Yet, the ever stalwart supporter of the nascent Order, Chancellor Adhira Chandra, agreed that a push into the Unknown Regions was a necessity. An impending refugee crisis, a byproduct of their earlier campaigns against the Sith with the New Imperial Order, along with resettlement efforts like those on Coruscant, meant the Alliance needed new member worlds and potential new sites of colonization. The Unknown Regions were the only option open to them-- and so despite the dangers of the relatively unexplored region, Chandra led the way, lighting a beacon of hope for those without a home.

Chancellor Chandra and the Senate voted to initiate plans for expansion and colonization of the Unknown Regions, a feat that even the great Galactic Empire of Palpatine did not accomplish. In agreement with the Alliance, the newly inducted Circle of the New Jedi Order was convinced they needed to push towards the unknown, towards Illum. However, with growing threats in the regions beyond the core, the Alliance and the Jedi required a bastion to ensure the success of their expansion efforts. The Roxuli system was widely considered the last stop on the way into the unfamiliar and undiscovered. Rich with ore from its immense asteroid field, Roxuli was known to provide ore to over half the sector and thus the perfect place to establish a new station, a beacon for all explorers and settlers who find themselves in times of trouble. Deals were made and construction began. Completed in the months following the Alliance's 5th Unity Day celebration, Outlander Station was activated.


Objective I: Meddling Kids

Today was supposed to be a happy day. The first step of the Alliance into the Unknown Regions. However, as soon as Outlander Station was activated, they received a distress call from Ilum. A group of Yuuzhan Vong reformists, dedicated to protecting the legacy of the Jedi, have been trying to reach any Jedi. The Brotherhood of the Maw has been stripping the caverns of kyber crystals, potentially to recreate the devastating weapon revealed at Csilla. However, aware that the Jedi were on their way to Ilum, they lashed out first, striking at the station in the Roxuli system.

Defend the station from the Brotherhood!

Objective II: Old Iron

Over a decade ago, outsiders came to the Chiss Ascendency. Unwilling to offer these new conquerors legitimacy, a splinter faction of the Chiss Ascendency fled and began raiding the Iron Empire, leading to an assassination attempt. In retaliation, the old Iron Empire came to the sector for revenge they eradicated the rebel group, leaving their camps and bases in ruins. However,it wasn’t just terrorists that had fled to the sector; The families of these rebels were caught in the crossfire. Now, the remnants of the group manage to eke out a meager existence working for local mining cartels and guilds, barely earning enough to survive. Due to Roxuli joining the Alliance, however, many of these Chiss’ contracts have been voided and the Guilds refuse to hire them back on without cutting their pay even more. Though it pains them to trust outsiders again, they have reached out to both the New Jedi Order and the Alliance Senate to help them facilitate new fair contracts. Without access to transportation, the Chiss have asked the delegation to meet with them in their communities to hear their story. On the other hand, the mining guilds have come to Coruscant to argue for the opposite.

Objective III: Outbound Flight Initiative

Csilla has proven galactic threats are not confined to known space. For the sake of civil defense, the Galactic Alliance can no longer afford to remain ignorant of dangers posed by the Unknown Regions. We are however not conquerors. It would be a betrayal of our ideals to place this responsibility solely on the GADF capable as they might be. This resolution proposes the foundation of a joint civilian-NJO deep space exploration agency with military support and a mandate to expand the frontiers of our galaxy. This monumental topic has been slotted to be the final senate session before the Senate was closed for senatorial elections and the election for the new chancellor. Take the opportunity to prove to your people that you can be trusted!

Bring Your Own Objective

The timeline of Chaos is fluid. Write stories before, after, or during the dominion! Explore the edge of the frontier! I swear if any of you start a beach day I will burn this faction to the ground.
Objective: 1

Just like the days of the High Republic, it wasn’t long before the Alliance was encroaching slowly into Maw territory. Something that was viewed as both a threat and an opportunity as well. For Kyrel he welcomed facing old adversaries next to setting traps for the NJO. Baiting them with information in order to bring the brightest and best Knights to fight both him and the Knights of Ren that served under him. As a being of darkness, he knew that slaughter of the innocent easily would bring the Jedi to him.

The harvest of Kyber crystals were key to Kyrel’s plans of conquest for the future. Deciding to oversee such an operation personally, he even volunteered to lead the vanguard. Striking the station without hesitation or compromise. The last thing a few Yuuzhan Vong saw, was the emergence of a red blade from the airlock of the station, a few holo recordings captured footage of the Ren emerging forth, flanked by his other Knights before the feed was cut with a harrowing scream and the sound of Lightsaber cutting through flesh.

Those that were lucky enough managed to seal themselves within blast doors, but that can only hold out for so long. But total destruction of the Vong was not what was Ren after. His true target would be to lure them out to him. With his entrance secured, emergency red lights flared upon the room he was in, watching through the glass of the window. Seeing what looked to be ships emerging from hyperspace. A slight grinned emerged through his stitched lips beneath his signature helm. “Come Jedi, I will see to it that you know true fear today.” Instead of pursuing the Vong. He waited for his foes to come aboard, already giving instructions to his Knights to wait until the Jedi came to him then strike.
Today was supposed to be a day of celebration. Jedi from all over the Core were here along with military personnel. But when they went online they were flooded with cries for help. A dark shadow fell over the station when the Maw arrived, cutting their way into the station and causing mayhem throughout. Master Morteg of the Green Jedi, a Corellian sister order to the New Jedi Order, stood between one of these monsters and the civilians of the station.

"Fear?" Hm, hm. No, not fear. A good day, you have ruined Ren. Many lives lost, cut short by your blade." From the dark end of the hall a small green lightsaber activated with a snap-hiss, illuminating a diminutive green Jedi wearing tattered-looking robes and long, dark-green dreadlocks of hair. His pointed ears twitched when something clanged somewhere else in the station.

"Leave this place you will, or face me you must. Hold back, I will not."
Handsome blindfolded hyper-religious whackjob

It was unfortunate that a world as sacred as Ilum was not under the protection of one of the more benign major powers of the galaxy. Thankfully, it would be something that would soon be rectified. The distress call gave them the resources needed to launch a more dedicated effort to finally bring the world under the protection of the Galactic Alliance. The Maw's efforts to strip Illum of its sacred crystals gave the Order all it needed to convince the Alliance to expand towards one of the few Holy sites of the Jedi. If only to prevent other powers from harvesting the Kyber crystals there for their own purposes.

When the Maw struck, they did so with their usual ferocity. A wild surge of bodies and madmen. And the Knights of Ren, as brutish and undisciplined as they were, still could put enough of a fight to slow him down. If only slightly. But they were but a distraction. Like with all weaklings who followed the Dark. Those who so fervently clung to their base emotions for strength. They looked to a leader, for they were ultimately too weak of will to walk on their own.

So he was going to cut off the head of the snake. One that was polite enough to openly broadcast where he was in the station.

"Fear is hardly the response when faced with the likes of you." Came a calm, placid tone from down the hall, as Aaran emerged from around a corner. Moving to the side of Morteg. Lightsaber hanging unactivated at his hip as he began to stride towards Kyrel, no fear. No hesitation in him. Having long since grown past any fear in the presence of the Master of Ren. "Pity." He mused, head tilting to the side as he walked. "That seems more appropriate." He mused. "Pity for a walking corpse, unable to ever find peace."

"Or perhaps I find your attempts to be intimidating more laughable than frightening. Are you actually trying to scare me? Or are you trying to convince yourself that you can frighten someone who can actually put up a fight?"
The question was posited to the open air. The Jedi not caring all too much if it was answered or not.

"Leave. Now." It was a command. Not a request, his hand moving to the hilt of his blade, not activating it just yet. "I tire of your Brotherhood. But I still give you this chance to leave. Because you'll find no victory here today."

Workers of the Worlds, Unite!

The Alliance's expansion towards the Unknown Regions meant a great many things to a great many people. Endless Adventures. Incredible Riches. Glorious, honourable combat. For Padawan Linny Rennis, however, it meant one thing and one thing only:

Hardcore Economic Negotiations.

Not exactly the stuff of stirring adventures, right? They wouldn't be lighting up the Holonet with excited reports and daring tales of bravery. That suited Linny just fine though, because the last thing she wanted was actual attention. Besides, she was probably about as useful in a real fight as a limp noodle. What she was good at, though, was detail. That, and she generally gave a crap about people. Workers being exploited, suffering in a laborious job while getting paid practically nothing? No no no, that wouldn't do.

The meeting place on Roxuli was run-down, but practical. One of the few buildings in the community that was an actual building, not just a shack or a shanty pulled together from disparate parts. Linny tried to control the emotions that roiled within her, aghast at the unspeakable, unimaginable, unthinkable poverty that they seemed to live in. Getting angry wouldn't solve anything and... well, Jedi are meant to control those sorts of things.

Seated opposite representatives from the Chiss communities, Linny looked around at the rest of the delegation. Lots of shuffling seats and tapping on datapads, but no real talk. Anyone? How do we start? Uh... is someone gonna... are you gonna leave it to... fine.

"Hi. Thank you for meeting us here. We're the delegation from the Alliance that you requested to meet," Linny began, waving towards the rest of the group, "namely the Senate and the New Jedi Order. We're here to listen to your stories and help you towards a better future within the Alliance. My name is Padawan Rennis and... I'll open the floor for the others."

The Unknown Region. Full of countless wonders, yet to be discovered. Diamonds in the rough. It had been years since Henna found the other scholar, Master Ducote, who had been kind enough to share his work. She had thought him crazy, at first, when he began rambling of the jewels that laid to the Galactic North. Yet, as she had pilfered through journal after journal, the carefully covered clues became apparent. She had followed them through the core, south to the rim, and then up again. Some were wrong, but the ones that weren't had led her to temples, each adding more mystery to the ordeal.

When the last had been found, it pointed her to an unknown world, not charted on any star map. The holocron had spoken of the dangers, and they seemed much too great for Henna to handle on her own- nor could she shirk the responsibilities she had within the temple. Thus, she waited patiently for the day the right opportunity presented itself. Ducote had passed, taken by his old age, but Henna would finish what he had started. And when the announcement came that the Starbird's sheen had begun to light the dark void, so to did the knowledge of what laid beyond. Henna poured over the datapads, finding reports on what she thought may just be the majestic world the holocron had pointed her to.

There was some part in her, full of logic and rationality, that expected her quest would end in folly- that the pieces of the puzzle were nothing more than misdirection, and she would be a fool for partaking in such an expedition. Yet, a dreamer's hope silenced that voice- and so she had collected what she needed and set forth. Her gaze flickered to the Knight- who seemed much too old to be called such- as she piloted the ship into decent. She wondered what he made of the mysterious invitation. Protection and assistance needed were the only details she had given.

"Shouldn't be much longer." She informed him.

As they came into the atmosphere, the world beneath them grew larger. The view was breathtaking. Lush vegetation, mountainous terrain, and fields of vivid bloom, as far as the eyes could see. It looked largely untouched- a good sign, if there was any truth to the lead. Finally, the shuttle touched down, and Henna rose. Her trailing robes followed as she began to collect what she needed, carefully placing items in her bag. She then looked up to Inosuke expectantly.

"I'm ready if you are. I'm uncertain of what to expect- stay alert." She directed, opening the ship doors and stepping out.

Seto Du Couteau, Senator of Empress Teta
Objective II:
Old Iron
Location: Roxuli, Mining City
Action: Meet with Miners and begin delegation
The southern galaxy continued to grow increasingly harsh, the numbers of refugees reached baffling numbers. Even as Seto pressed for more assistance with the displacement program to bring in as many refugees as possible, the situation seemed endless. Might even need to fast track the Empress Merchant Fleet expansion to keep up with the demand. But before Seto could step away from his work from the Senate and head off to Empress Teta, an interesting report from Roxuli stole his attention.
A slight frown formed across his face as he read more of the report, it was another chance to build trade relations but Seto knew he needed to be careful. He had chosen to chauffeur himself over to the planet of Roxuli, he needed to be alone and away from the rest of the Alliance delegation. Instead of using the Alliance’s credit, especially as articles of lavish spending from Senators were being written, best to use his own personal finance. Harder to investigate personal funds than public funds after all.
Seto kept his hand pressed against his chin, the situation surrounding the miners of Roxuli appeared rather dismal. With the planet entering the Alliance, the Mining Companies had a chance to allow their workforce to compete with other miners across the Alliance. But these Mining Companies must be careful when disregarding their original cheap labour, after all, Worker Unions flourish in the Alliance. Seto eyed the rather lackluster starport, the rather dire straits of the main city where the meeting with the Miners themselves were to be held.
The young Du Couteau heir moved along the streets, the meeting area wasn’t too far from the starport and within walking distance. Seto for his own part couldn’t imagine what went through the minds of the Mining Companies to leave their workers to live in such squalor. Greed clouds the minds, but pride keeps them from thinking. This was a prime source of creating rebel groups, and from the reports Seto read, these people were originally rebels.
Seeing the building ahead, Seto moved quickly to catch up with the rest of the Alliance delegation. Quietly he moved along the room, his eyes focusing around the Chiss miners, attempting to read their faces. Negotiations with the proletariat could swing massively in one direction or the other, Seto for his part hoped to keep the needle somewhat centered for the moment.
Glancing over to the Jedi Padawan beginning the conversation, he returned his attention to the gathered miners in front of him. “I am Senator Du Couteau of Empress Teta. Hopefully with my contacts and influence within the Mining Guild we can all reach an amicable resolution for the betterment of all present here.” Seto began as he quickly introduced himself. The young Du Couteau heir inclined his head towards them, a show of respect but more importantly his attempt to show sincerity.

|| Linny Rennis Linny Rennis ||
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Melolei Kardul


The temp agency had seen fit to snatch up the contract of a translator with alarming speed. Equally so, they had forgotten to check the details of such a contract before asking Melolei how well versed she was with the Chiss language that she had only the inklings of understanding, let alone actually speaking. Never mind speaking in front of others. She wasn't entirely sure just how well her presence would be received, nor that she had little more function than that of an intermediary.

She sincerely hoped no one would take offense to the possible questions she had in regard to some of the words she would likely misconstrue or misinterpret in the coming negotiations. Taking a spot of insomnia medicine, she had taken the provided flight with ease, settling in for the long haul as others prepared themselves in equal measure.

The landing of the craft brought the woman into a groggy state, feeling the anxiety of those around her in her waking moments, causing her to flinch as someone tapped her arm to rouse her. A small apology later, she was upright and stretching off the stiffness she felt. Outside, the conditions of the place had her jaw dropping and concern marring her expression.

How could they make anyone live like this?

She set about integrating herself with those that had shown for the delegation, introducing herself and any of the people that appeared for the Galactic Alliance. The datapad in her hand shown her photos of those from the Alliance and gave her names along with affiliation, but nothing more than surface level. Dressed in plain business attire, she had her hair pulled up into a bun while maintaining her position to the side of the tables.

A few from the Chiss communities had made an effort to speak with her, and she had taken the opportunity to speak in their tongue after asking if that would be respectful given the situation. A thoughtful nod had her continuing to speak with the locals until someone made the first move to speak at the meeting.

A thankful bow had the local moving away as Melolei waited for the delegation to seat and speak with one another.

"Hi. Thank you for meeting us here. We're the delegation from the Alliance that you requested to meet," Linny began, waving towards the rest of the group, "namely the Senate and the New Jedi Order. We're here to listen to your stories and help you towards a better future within the Alliance. My name is Padawan Rennis and... I'll open the floor for the others."

Those that spoke Basic had made themselves known before hand, those that did not gave a glance her way and she was caught for a moment in the awkward silence of deciding to speak over the whole situation, or, addressing each separately. Another began to speak, introducing themselves and making their connection known.

Glancing over to the Jedi Padawan beginning the conversation, he returned his attention to the gathered miners in front of him. “I am Senator Du Couteau of Empress Teta. Hopefully with my contacts and influence within the Mining Guild we can all reach an amicable resolution for the betterment of all present here.” Seto began as he quickly introduced himself. The young Du Couteau heir inclined his head towards them, a show of respect but more importantly his attempt to show sincerity.

She wrung her hands nervously, and the miners before her glanced between the two speakers before looking to her once more, with a bit more anticipation towards her. Swallowing her anxiety, she began to speak as best she was able in Cheunh to those not well versed in Basic. She managed to get the point across, though it was made clear some of her words had to be double translated by another as a few spoke between themselves.

She would be spending some time with these people after the meetings it seemed to learn more of the language.

Objective 1: Meddling Kids

Location: Outlander Station, Cargo Bays
Allies: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren
Foes: Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar , Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo

Everything had changed at Csilla. Where the Brotherhood had once been considered little more than a distant, regional threat, noticed only by the New Jedi Order and largely unopposed as they marched through the Unknown Regions, they had now drawn the eyes of the galaxy's great powers. Of course, the Heathen Priests would have it no other way; War and Death had to be sated before Rebirth could begin. Let the fleets and armies come. The Brotherhood would never stop fighting them, not until all the decaying regimes of the galaxy's old order were burned to the ground. Then a new cycle, free of the suffering that had plagued the galaxy for centuries, could grow from the ashes.

Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.

Naturally, the old order would resist, trying to hang onto their corrupt power and decadent way of life. And so it was no surprise that, rather than flee screaming as they should, the champions of the Galactic Alliance had instead reached out toward the Unknown Regions... and the threat that was swiftly gaining strength there. This "Outlander Station" of theirs was symbolic of their grasping reach. Though they cloaked their agenda in the principles of democracy, they were a government like any other, with the same priorities: to expand their power and their territory, settling new worlds with citizens who would spread their way of life. Roxuli's riches would feed their expansion.

The Brotherhood would have come for Outlander Station no matter what, simply because of what it represented: a spearhead into the untamed space where the marauders operated. Ravaging the station was likewise symbolic, a reminder that, off the edges of the map, here be dragons. But the meddling of the Yuuzhan Vong reformists, revealing the Maw's operations on Ilum, had forced their hand. If the Brotherhood was to continue cleansing decadence-tainted worlds from existence via superlaser, it needed the ancient Jedi holy world's supply of kyber crystals. Outlander Station could not be permitted to stand as a staging area for a strike against Ilum, so it must burn immediately.

That was why The Mongrel and a force of raiders under Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren had been dispatched in a raid against the station, both to kill the Vong reformists who had outed their mining operations and to cripple this Alliance staging point. This was no mass campaign to conquer territory, as the Brotherhood had devoted most of their resources to over the past several standard months; it was a destructive strike, pure and simple, with enemies to slay and plunder to seize. It called back to the Maw's earliest raids on Batuu and Jakku, just after its reemergence, a simpler time when grand questions of grand strategy and long-term logistics had not restricted their movements.

The Mongrel was eager to revisit that time.

The road after Csilla had been a difficult one for him. The marauder had nearly been killed in his duel with the azure-blade Kaleleon Kaleleon , and while he had survived against all odds, his injuries had been severe: broken ribs, a cracked orbital bone, a saber burn to his shoulder, and half a dozen other wounds serious enough to require treatment. He had thought that the brutal healing process after his mace wound on Mar'Zambul had been the worst suffering he could imagine, but the efforts of the Heathen Priests to put him back together after Csilla had put that to shame. How he had screamed. His re-knitted flesh was still tender over bones now bound together with durasteel.

But nothing could have held him back from this raid.

They had arrived without warning, spilling out of the dropships and storming the hangar bays. The security forces had fought bravely, some of them bravely enough to be taken alive, for breaking as slave-soldiers... but they'd never had a chance against the overwhelming violence of the Bloodsworn under The Mongrel's command, and certainly not against the undead monster Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren . The leader of the Ren warriors had cut through everyone and anything that got in his way, paving his road toward the Yuuzhan Vong reformists with corpses. Though the surviving Vong had locked themselves in the station's panic room, it would not keep the master of the Dark out for long.

In the meantime, The Mongrel and his marauders roamed the station's halls. They killed, they enslaved, and they pillaged. Within weeks of its activation, Outlander Station had become a true trade hub. Local asteroid miners sold their day's haul to merchants coming from both coreward and rimward. Traders from Alliance territory swapped medical supplies and industrial goods for strange and exotic luxuries from the Unknown Regions, destined to be resold in the markets of the Core Worlds. It was symbolic of the cosmopolitan prosperity of the Galactic Alliance... but the Brotherhood of the Maw planned to seize it all, taking every cargo to fuel their own war forges.

They would have to strike swiftly; Jedi had already arrived to defend the station, and stood between Kyrel Ren and the Vong refugees he sought to slay. For his part, The Mongrel had no desire to face any more of the mage-knights. He was a mere mortal, not a wielder of their terrifying magic, and had only survived his previous confrontations with great difficulty - and usually terrible injury. He would fight them if he had to, in order to survive and see the raid succeed, but the two warriors who had arrived so far were better left to the Ren. "Take it all!" The Mongrel roared, spilling out into the cargo bays with his raiders at his back. "Praise the Avatars, feed the Maw!"
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L'yoom Ka L'yoom Ka


The despair that hung in the atmosphere was suffocating. She had tagged along to meet with some miners- it was a quieter experience than the training she had offered L'yoom, one that she suspected may suit her calling more. Ripley shook her head as she exited the shuttle, her padawan beside her. The young girl had been a welcome sight when she returned to Coruscant- she hadn't realized how much she had missed the curious mind. She looked over, offering a squeeze of the shoulder.

"The people here are suffering. Make sure to shield your mind from it."

The reminder was a simple one, but the only guidance Ripley had to offer. She felt too hypocritical to speak on it anymore. The icy tendrils beckoned her, singing their siren's call. She could feel the temptation, only amplified by the guilty. The zeltron shook her head a second time, attempting to keep the monsters at bay.

A scream pulled Ripley from her thoughts. It was shrill, and joyous. The sound sent shivers up up the Jedi's spine nonetheless. Turning, she expected something much worse than the blue child running towards them.

"Are you the Jedi?!" The girl asked excitedly.

A moment later, her mother appeared, trailing behind.

"Please forgive us." She scooped the little one up into her arms, propping her on her hip. "My name is Kin. You are from the New Jedi Order, I assume?"

Ripley answered with a curt nod. She looked to L'yoom, giving the girl a chance to shine.
Invincible is merely a word.
"Shouldn't be much longer."

Inosuke's left eye opened. It drifted aimlessly before settling on Henna. He gave a nod that was convincing enough to make it look like he hadn't been sleeping for over half the flight. It had started as meditation, but somewhere along the way consciousness had lapsed wholly. Thankfully not being a snorer made playing it off rather easy, though truthfully the effort wasn't de rigueur. Especially given that, iff he was asked outright, he would admit to dozing without ferment.

The Knight moved out of the cockpit toward the hold, stretching left and right while maintaining balance despite the turbulence of touchdown. He was ready long before she had even begun to pack necessities into her bag. The need to prepare wasn't mutual, given that his presence had been requested in the name of 'protection'. Robes, cloak, and a lightsaber were about all it would take. That was assuming they actually ran into anything to begin with. The most likely event was the absence of one altogether, surely.

"I'm ready if you are. I'm uncertain of what to expect- stay alert."

Another nod. "As you say, Master Sarratt," he obliged. He'd shadow her down the loading ramp and beyond. Alert, though not expecting any particular inevitability. "You never mentioned what you're looking for," he mentioned suddenly and unsolicited after several moments of uneventful silence.

Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn
L’yoom had moved swiftly aside Ripley, slowly taking in the surroundings as they moved. As always, L’yoom wore her usual blank expression, but eyes still curious as ever. When Ripley had touched her, she turned her head swiftly up to look at her. She spoke of withholding what she already knew… There was much suffering here indeed. Her jaw shifted slightly from left to right in thought, looking forward with a nod.

“Yes Master”

She affirmed that she understood. At that moment, the sudden shrill did startle the girl, though she was not so focused on what was behind them as much as ahead. L’yoom took note of that misdirection and turned, seeing the small blue creature… err, child. The girl would smile at the question she posed, looking up to Ripley. When she looked back at her, she was a bit taken back on what to day.

Her eyes veered back to the woman as she stared at her for a moment, a smile forming. “No offense taken. We are the New Jedi Order. We’ve come to commune fruitfully. I am L’yoom Ka. This is my Master, Ripley Kuhn.” She gestured to her with a hand, looking back to the child to see how their eyes were just as curious was hers once had been. It did bring a sense of joy to her. "You are?"
Objective I
: Ishida Ashina Ishida Ashina

Sardun had moved to join the call on Ilum.

This new threat, the Maw, reminded him of ancient Fringe days. When those old Lords fought against Rhandites and Bando Gora and more. In his youth he hadn't agreed much with them (and would agree even less now), but the threat of the Unknown Regions was constant in his mind. While their attention was on the Sith Empire... things had been allowed to suffer there.

"Eyes on the threat, Padawan Sata." The Jedi Master said calmly as they rounded the corner. In their wake was purification. They had already cut through several of these maniacs and Sardun could already sense more coming for them.

"They draw on chaos and anger. Do not let it affect you. We stand beyond their weakness, we are the Light."

Before Michael could say more?

He blinked and the world saw double for a moment. Back on Ziost he had lost an eye. They had replaced it with... something better. Dark glassed obsidian stone mined from the depths of the Netherworld. It smoked, but they had purified it with the Light. Now he saw more than before. "They come," His hammer already rose up as Michael drew on the Force. Only a moment later a gaggle of crazed mongrels turned the corner to set upon them with fury.

"-and we stand resolute."
if they're watching anyways
Auteme stepped forward, bowing her head respectfully to the Chiss who had come to represent their people. From her lips came a traditional Cheunh greeting, but after that she kept to Basic -- the translator's accent was far better than hers, and most Chiss this close to the Core spoke good Basic anyways. Her mind threatened to wander to the roots of Cheunh and the potential ancient split from Basic, but she controlled that impulse and focused on the negotiations.

"I am Auteme Denko-Durren, representative of the New Jedi Order. Thank you for hosting us today," she said, tacitly avoiding the fact that they didn't have much choice in the matter. Corporate interests in the galaxy so often ran against the needs and rights of the people. The miners had nowhere to turn -- but, with Roxuli being absorbed into the Galactic Alliance, there was a chance to make things right.

"As Senator Du Couteau said, we're here to ensure the best for your people. We understand the hardships you have gone through, and want to assist however we can." She glanced to her left, where sat her new student, Hero. In her look was a question -- anything to add?


COMM LINE OPEN: Linny Rennis Linny Rennis
Seto Du Couteau Seto Du Couteau | Auteme Auteme | Melolei Kardul
The intel Dagon and Kori had boosted from the Excelsior casino barge above Coruscant had been priceless. It opened up his cold case with multiple new leads to follow, some that led him to the Redoubt, others to New Imperial space, and then others further knotted the web within the Alliance. To think it had all started with a murder case of thirty-three men and women shipped from Teta with the Krath symbol carved on their foreheads.

He was already way over his head.

A piece of that hijacked data pointed to the dubious Kable Shipping Enterprises (KSE) that mainly freighted cargo from and to New Imperial territories and a few within the Alliance's space. One particular spot was their transport of mining goods from Roxuli and the signatory on all shippings from the Mining Cooperative of the planet - Deth'iden'tumaz, commonly known as Iden. The name wouldn't have rung a bell had he not cross-checked it from the data Dagon had gathered from the fiasco at the Redoubt. Iden, it turned out, was some lackey to a minor Chiss House with big ambitions; the same House that owned the factory illegally producing Cell-X which Dagon, Djon, and Saaveina had hit in the Redoubt.

Yep. Really way over his head.

Presently, Dagon's mission on Roxuli was simple - find incriminating info on Iden who was the vocal opposition against the Alliance's efforts to apparently unionize the Mining Cooperative's workers. He led a large band of strikebreakers, a minor of which were crooked, if Dagon had to guess, but still a majority that could be swayed if the Jedi could find anything on the Chiss thug. Iden's arguments were straightforward, simple, and popular. If the Alliance were to unionize the workers it meant everyone's jobs were at risk, tomorrow they could decide to swap the whole workforce with the Alliance's own preferred workers. Low pay was better than no pay and unions did have a bad reputation. And to an extent, it did smell fishy even to Dagon when he'd learned that the senator of Teta had come on the line to the negotiations.

Everything, after all, had started from those scarred corpses shipped from Teta to Coruscant.

<"You should've been here crawling through these stinkin' vent shafts."> he muttered to Linny through the comms. What the hell was another investigator doing negotiating worker rights anyway? <"What the hell do these workers eat?">

Anyway, tell Auteme to stall the negotiations, keep 'em busy or whatever. I need more time.">

<"--and oh, Linny-- keep an eye on that senator from Teta. There's something more about this than just scabs. Tell that to Auteme, too."> Dagon had his own suspicions on the Alliance's Union and the hand of Teta in all of it.

<"Don't ask me why - just trust me.">

Padawan Sovv already spoke Basic with a thick sullustese accent. Listening to the young Jedi attempt to form his mouth around complex Cheunh phonetic structures was almost painful. He blinked slowly in thought. That was the limit of his fluency in their native language. Hero considered switching to Sy Bisti before he realized that might appear insulting. Their delegation had been provided with a translator for a reason.

"Even if what's best for your people is to be left in peace," Hero waited for the half-zeltron to translate his Basic, "We are not Baelor. You have a right to decide if you want our help."

Several of the Chiss delegates whispered quietly to one another. A few shook their heads. Sovv could sense their turmoil with ease. It was his special gift. Emotional states were as easy for the Jedi to read as expressions. He tilted his head in confusion. There was a fear here that went deeper than labor disputes. Out of them all Hero most resembled a proper Force monk. His tabard bore a likeness to the classic ensemble.

"Iden would never allow it."

Hero got lost in the syntax and turned to Melolei for a translation.

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Master of the Hyperspace Seas

Objective 1
Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | The Mongrel The Mongrel | Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo | Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar

The small crew quickly made their way through the caverns, trying to find the exit. After a quick altercation with a few of the Brotherhood people, they knew that time was running short.

A quick supply run was being made today for Pyrrah and his crew. It was supposed to be in and out, get some Kyber Crystals for a quick profit. Who knew that Ilum would be so busy today?

That was besides the point. Firing a quick bolt of of his blaster, another one of the Brotherhood members fell to the ground. Savages, they were.

“Hurry men, they are catching on to us.”

But it looks like they had run into some trouble. The small crew skidded to a halt when they came up on the back side of a dark-robed figure, who was standing across from two Jedi. Great.

Lifting up his open hand he waved to the trio, hoping to not start anything up.

“Ah, sorry about this gentlemen. We will be on our way.”

His spare hand was hidden behind his back, giving a single to his men. They were getting ready to draw their blasters if things got hairy. And if things went really bad, his lightsaber was inches away from his grasp.



Michael Sardun Michael Sardun | The Mongrel The Mongrel | OPEN


Her feet were flurried, moving so quickly she basically floated over the ground in her rush to stay in-step or just behind the Battlemaster. Where the monster of a man trampled and trounced, her lithe form zipped almost silently through the chaos. Her bladework was just as swift, striking at midsections and other softspots of bodies –– drawing together quick horizontal lines in V’s and X’s across fallen Maw brothers.

The adrenaline and thrill of the hunt abated the growing pain in her upper arms and shoulders from exertion. But as they drew to a stop, to reassess the situation and for Sardun to pass on information, her hand was shaking and her breaths were short, cheeks flushed. They overlooked the cargo bays, where they Maw spilled out.

"They come,"
"-and we stand resolute."

Ishida nodded tightly –– just a dip of her chin -–– as if too much enthusiasm would snap her neck.

Her nose twitched.

“There are others.” She acknowledged, the Force whispering dark intentions beyond the Brotherhood’s influence. Her thumbs rolled along her hilts, her dual blades humming by her sides. It was a nefarious intent, but not as shadowy as the maliciousness The Maw brought.

Those spilling into the cargo bay were devastated by the Battlemaster and his student leaping into the fray with focused intent. They were the light. They were the sanctification of Ashla.

“Master.” In another fortunate pause, there was occasion within the dances of death and the Padawan skidded to a halt. With one of her blades, she silently pointed in the direction of the shouting The Mongrel The Mongrel . The white sword directed a path that would burn to the perceived leader.



Objective: 1
Enemies: Dhalinar Greystar Dhalinar Greystar Aaran Tafo Aaran Tafo
Allies: The Mongrel The Mongrel

He had expected to have the Jedi come aboard from ships, but he didn't suspect that the Jedi were already on the station. His attention was slowly turned to what looked to be a green figure with a lightsaber, no a shoto green blade from the looks of it. His eyes slowly widened in curiosity beneath the helm. She was an astonishing sight, next to the tales of the Skywalker bloodline, he had only heard only so few mentions of what she was. He had thought that this green woman before was just a myth, only something of story and legend but much to his surprise she stood right before him, lightsaber ignited and ready to strike.

The next being that Kyrel saw was that of Jedi Knight Aaran Tafo, a being of whom he has crossed paths at least twice both in life and death. He seemed to speak more than the green woman. Attempting to mock him, and get under his skin. Even having the audacity to go as far as to offer him a chance to leave. Something of which Kyrel himself would not do so easily, not if he was one of those leading the Maw attack. His blade snapped once more with a dark hiss, the crimson blade illuminating his half of the dark hall, raising it up to his helm, looking first to Tafo he spoke. "You ever been to Hell Jedi? No, well then you wouldn't find peace if you went there... Allow me to send you."

His attention next turned to the small green Jedi. Speaking to her next, his blade still raised as if ready to strike at any moment. "You there, small little green one... I've heard tales of your kind... Once I thought of as a myth, but it is clear you are not. Let's hope that you do not disappoint, for I would very much love... absolutely love to kill you." His last sentence filled with a bit of malicious glee in his tone towards her. He started to walk slowly, at first gaging reactions and to see what would happen. It was evident that the undead monster would not back down, nor retreat from the station, as the only light that seemed to burn brightly in the room was the blades of lightsabers.

His deadly intent radiated in waves off of him, the tension was thick in the air as he slowly moved forth. Then in one swift motion with a dash via the Force, he was on them. His powerful blade feeding dark side energy to him, and vice versa met the green Jedi's blade with a clash of sparks and white light from the blade lock, with his free hand attempted to deal with Tafo with using the Force to push heavy debris left over from the opening into his path. While the Master of Ren closed the lock with the green Jedi with a powerful downwards slash, attempting to both end the duel quickly through brute strength, and also to test how strong a being of her stature was, and if the stories he heard were true.

The master reached to her waist, past the silver hilt, for the ebony one instead. She withdrew the simple steel blade from it's holster. Looking forward, the jungle around them was thick; the tool would likely prove useful.

"You never mentioned what you're looking for," he mentioned suddenly and unsolicited after several moments of uneventful silence.

She let the silence carry on once more as they blazed a new path, assessing the scarlet vines that hung from the trees. They looked closely related to another family on Anaxes, but she couldn't be sure without study. Finally, she turned to the knight with an arched eyebrow.

"Tell me, Knight Ashina, do you dare to dream?"

She allowed the heavy question to hang before she continued.

"I didn't, for a very long time. I believed the only valid pursuit of knowledge was that of which was tangible- the things which are undeniable truths. The start of this journey changed that for me; and now, we're searching for the end."

She glanced around, hearing a roar somewhere in the distance. As the quiet settled back after, she began to speak again.

"There's supposed to be an ancient temple here, the last of the line I've followed. If what I've learned is true, it houses a wayfinder."

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