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Junction Operation Silent Night: Eternal Empire (Empty Hex) vs Enclave (Ra'katha) Junction

Eternal Fleet Command





Panatha was just the beginning. The Mandalorian Enclave launched their infamous raid upon the Imperial vassal state under the rallying cry of ‘No Sith No Exceptions’, wherein they successfully set about launching a ruthless campaign of purging the well known planet of its cult-like Sith influence. In many ways, they succeeded where the Eternal Empire had failed in doing so, with the native Epicanthix population suffering casualties in the millions from the Enclave’s indiscriminate ground assaults and planetary bombardments. Hundreds of thousands of Eternal Imperial military personnel and non-combatants unaffiliated with the Zambrano-cult were also lost to the attack, providing ample political ammunition for the upper echelons of Imperial society to brand the Enclave a terrorist organization; followed by myriad of attempts to undermine and condemn the fledgling movement on the galactic stage amongst the powers that be, as well as for those in positions of power to issue scathing speeches and repudiations bordering on propaganda.

In the midst of this super-charged situation, many have anticipated a major military response to this unprovoked attack upon Imperial sovereignty. Yet, expectation does not always mirror reality. Where the Enclave ‘tipped their hand’ with a massive planetary offensive, STRATCOM has decided to adopt a different, but no less damaging approach to employ a strategy of misdirection and surgical strikes in the hopes of crippling the Enclave’s momentum; staunching its attempts to grow into an even greater threat to the Empire and the galaxy at large. While the Empire’s naval forces focus primarily on fragmented vestiges of the splintered CIS planets on its expanding border, STRATCOM has turned to elite Ultranaut units, Blackwatch, select orders within the Wardens of the Shroud, and the Eternal Fleet’s black ops division ‘Project Fenris’ to mobilize for a top secret operation code named ‘Silent Night’.

The focal point of the operation is the desert world of Ra’Katha, fresh in the ranks of the Enclave. At first glance, the target in question — an Outer Rim desert world —pales in comparison to symbolic targets such as Hefi or the rumored secret capital of the Enclave. But upon further inspection, the arid wasteland that is Ra’Katha coincidentally happens to be the only source of ‘red coaxium’, a variant of the common resource extracted from the spice mines of Kessel. Like it’s blue cousin, red coaxium is an incredibly potent starfuel, and if granted a monopoly over Ra’Katha’s export; the Enclave would have enough fuel to skyrocket their expansion into a major galactic military power. If a rival power were to cripple their efforts to take advantage of such a rare and important commodity, it would deal an exceedingly crippling blow to the Enclave’s efforts to develop and expand, and serve as a vital step leading to an invasion of the Mandalorian heartland whilst the bulk of the Empire’s military strength expands its borders and supply chain to that end. Per STRATCOM’s most conservative projections; if this operation proves successful, it would be a masterstroke in both tactical acuity and misdirection. If it fails, the level of resources and manpower committed to its execution is deemed acceptable in their use and potential loss when weighed against the potential benefits.

In all, this escalation in hostilities between the two powers comes amidst an increasingly tenuous geopolitical situation across the entirety of the galaxy. As the Maw and Ashlan Crusade intensify their conflict to the galactic north, the Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order accelerate closer to their own war, and the fragmentation of the previous powerhouse known as the CIS; political experts and analysts cannot help but speculate about the ramifications this additional conflict would have on the galactic stage...


Objective 1: Asymmetrical Warfare

Any specialist with experience in dealing with decentralized entities such as the Enclave, would tell you that it is a fallacy to focus on conventional tactics alone. It is with this in mind that STRATCOM has approved the deployment of elite Ultranaut units and Blackwatch death squads with Warden attaches into provisional ‘Task Groups’ to the desert world of Ra’katha. Each task group will be ferried to the planet via stealth ships belonging to the Eternal Fleet’s black ops division, inserted in small groups to maximize the ability to deploy without attracting the notice of the planetary defenders until it is too late.

Task Force Alpha's primary objective is to cause as much damage to the planet’s coaxium harvesting infrastructure as possible; largely based within the industrial district of Saltühn, the planet’s main settlement. Alpha’s secondary objective is to secure any and all reserves of the valuable resource for extraction. If the reserves cannot be procured for use by the Eternal Empire, then said reserves shall be destroyed without exception.


Objective 2: The Sands of Ra’katha

Upon deploying to a specific section of the coaxium harvesting system, Task Force Theta gets forced down over a desolate and remote region of the planet. Upon gathering themselves and attempting to regroup so as to proceed to the objective, they are immediately beset upon by an Enclave patrol. A firefight ensues, but is soon disrupted by a rogue tribe of native Wan’ante people who know the sands of Ra’katha like the lines upon their weathered hands.

As if that were not enough, reports have suggested the presence of massive sand worms which traverse the seemingly endless dunes stretching across the entirety of the planet. In short order, Imperials and Mandalorians alike experience a change in priorities; from accomplishing their military objective, to surviving - even if that means depending on one another to do so.


Objective 3: Extreme Prejudice

Although the Enclave’s presence was met with a mixture of reactions by the native population, a sizable portion of said natives have seemingly welcomed the Mandalorians with open arms. So much so that a celebration has commenced within the main thoroughfare of Saltühn’s main civil districts, as well as several smaller settlements on the outskirts. What was intended as an event of revelry and mirth has provided a fortuitous means of infiltration for Task Force Besh, who attempts to use the festivities to infiltrate the settlements. Their primary objective is rather simple: to track & apprehend key Enclave figures partaking in the festivities throughout the settlements.

If possible, they are to return the targets alive back to Imperial space. But if they are unable to do so, they are explicitly expected to execute each target with extreme prejudice, and hopefully without fully exposing their presence to the celebratory crowds - or the unsuspecting Enclave garrison.


Objective 4: BYOO

The Sands of Ra’katha are a vast, treacherous ocean of barren dunes. If only they could speak, who knows what tales they would tell. The natives may be able to speak for them, as well as those who may attempt to take advantage of the confusion surrounding this operation. Whether it be in death, clandestine rendezvous, or some other ancillary plot; the opportunities to either become a part of the planet’s lifeless landscape, or to become one with the soul of the planet itself - are quite endless.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Sabotage the Coaxium facilities
Location: Industrial district, Saltühn, Ra'Katha
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Allies: Open
Enemies: Open
[ New Order ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It was such a counter attack that the Empress basically did not even want to approve. For her, the invasion of Panatha was still a victory. On the one hand, much of the Sith has disappeared from the planet, and on the other hand, the insurgency has come to an end, as far as they knew. The other issue was that Carnifex had since escaped and fled from Ession, but the actions bore fruit. The diplomatic situation seemed to be settled with the NIO led by Rurik Fel; and the woman was even preparing to negotiate with GA.

It seemed that the hard work they had done with Ashlan Crusade in recent years was finally coming to fruition and everyone was starting to work with them again. The road was bumpy and they still had plenty to prove that they wanted the same goal, that they would not betray trust. It is in vain that more than ten years have passed since she reigned, and before her at least two more, which she spent as regent; the old mistakes still haunt her. Mistakes that have happened to her for hundreds of years, but not to others. It was always on her mind, if she had known of Tacitus' plan, she would have set aside the order, which was her dual agent task…

But this could not be changed…

As for the task, Ingrid chose the sabotage action to join. The red-haired woman knew how her people would come; so she arrived on the planet days earlier through the Netherworld and conducted a preliminary survey and reconnaissance here. As there were several buildings, factories, facilities in the area, there was only time to explore, not sabotage; but at least the teams will know what to work on. And this makes efficiency much easier.

She waited for the troops at the landing point. The Empress immediately sent the maps and reconnaissance data to everyone. Once that was done, she gave only a brief and quick instruction to her men.

<"I want a fast, quiet and precise job. Let's finish the mission before they notice we're here. Let's bleed them before they notice it! For the Empire!"> she said them.


Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The First and the Light of Ashla

Heiress and Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic Mascot and Representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire's Ambassador to the Ashlan Crusade; Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary and the Fjölkyngi Smiđr Guild
Objective: Protect the Eternal Empire's forces
Location: Surface, Ra’katha
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Jiriad Galaar Jiriad Galaar
Allies: Open
Enemies: Open
[ Valhalla Calling ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina came and joined today's mission, the counter attack, to help the injured soldiers and try to protect them. Especially because of her experiences on Panatha. This wasn't very much Ashlan Crusade's task now, but Eternal Imperial. And again, the Mandalorians. Perhaps they were the ones she found most hostile to the Bogan's servants. I mean, it was a little hard to understand to her why they were at war with each other when they both had the same goal of destroying the Bogan and fighting the Maw. Here at Realspace, everything was much more complicated.

The Valkyrja did not want to take part in a kidnapping or sabotage operation, which is why she chose to do so. Maybe Eina can be of more help to the Imperials, here. It wasn’t that she wanted to avoid a fight; Eina was never a coward. But she still didn’t like to fight the living or take their lives. She saw plenty of fighting and lived through the battles in the Netherworld. Here, she would rather heal and help others if she could.

However, not everything went as planned here, the team was just heading back when they were attacked. However, this was perhaps the least trouble, as while they were fighting each other, someone else attacked them. The locals. As there were already too many wounded, many of whom were incapable of fighting, Eina retreated to the inside of the battlefield, among the wounded. Now she did not have enough time to start healing everyone one by one, she needed to defend everyone from outside attack.

Eina knelt in the sand in the middle of the battlefield, stabbing the bottom of the spear into the ground, holding it tightly with her hands. She bowed her head as if in prayer, she pulled her wings to her body as well; as always, it shone in a beautiful golden light in the Force, as if it really carried the light of Ashla. Concentrated; the top of the spear began to glow in golden light, then a golden Force-barrier surrounded the place, isolating the Mandalorian and Eternal Imperial soldiers from local aggressive attackers.

At least for a while until Eina is able to maintain the barrier…


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Objective: III - Extreme Prejudice
Location: Stealth Dropship - Clandestine Insertion into the outskirts of Saltühn
Tags: Vren Rook Vren Rook

Ra’katha. Some would likely wonder ‘Why in the world is the Empire concerned about sand?’. In fact, Cirrus had heard a few questions along those lines within the stealth cruiser which ferried them here. Normally he wouldn’t be subjected to the idle gossip of Ultranauts or death squad jarheads, but this was a unique scenario necessitating his involvement. Rather than clandestinely establishing for himself a cover so as to insert himself amongst the society of Ra’katha, Blackwatch command had seen fit to deploy all adequately trained agents into a series of task forces to do one thing in particular - to bring the Enclave to its knees. Task Force Alpha was tasked with tampering with the Enclave’s red coaxium harvesting operations. Cirrus however, was with Task Force Besh.

Task Force Besh had a far darker task than any of the other detachments. When he learned what that assignment was, it made all the more sense as to why he was tapped to join in. Task Force Besh was to execute a series of ‘kill or capture’ orders upon several notable figures within the Enclave. With his mild psionic attunement and training, he among other highly trained operatives were to focus on a handful of these high value targets. Cirrus had committed to memory the identity of his target; a man who possessed the title of ’Karjr’; what passed for law enforcement within the Enclave, who was known as ‘Vren Rook.’

’Law enforcement, pfft...’ Cirrus mused to himself. These misguided men and women were little more than terrorists who deluded themselves into thinking they were fighting for a higher purpose; to right the wrongs of the past and lead the Mandalorian people into a new era. Forget the notion of fighting such injustice with more injustice. Hundreds of thousands of lives called out for vengeance from within their mass graves on Panatha. Cirrus usually kept a cool head in most operations, but this one would be difficult.

This operation was personal.

The thought about what inventive ways he would make Vren’s death look like an ‘operational hazard’ dominated his thoughts as their stealth insertion pod made landfall roughly a dozen clicks outside of the city of Saltühn. A moderate ‘jolt’ shook him and the five other operatives, but thankfully they were all strapped in. All of them were adorned in tactical gear; with Cirrus wearing his Blackwatch field gear, and his loadout consisting of one KC-M74 Sniper Rifle, one Nightjar pistol, one KC-77N sidearm, a stun pistol, and a couple of vibroknives. In short, he was perfectly kitted to fulfill his mandate.

They quickly checked their gear within the safety of the pod, then set about disembarking in short order. The majority of the settlement would likely be unaware of their incursion given the celebrations currently in full force; commemorating the Enclave’s ‘liberation’ of the planet. If only they knew how soon their cries for joy would be choked short; embittered by fear from what was about to descend upon them. A small smile played upon his lips at the notion.

He was coming. Whether they knew it or not, the hunters were about to become the hunted.

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Surfaces and gaps.

It was the fundamental concept of a defensive operation, what your surfaces were- the areas that the enemy would more than likely face the stiffest or most opposition from, and gaps, the obvious weakness. In terms of surfaces and gaps, the gap on the planet was in fact, the fuel depots and the harvesters themselves.

The Enclave was unaware of the importance of the fuel depots, and what could happen should they lose them. Holding onto them was a key component of their plan for continual expansion and military action against the horde of enemies they were amassing.

It was why he had set up a constant overwatch of the facility, and it was his turn on watch. He was lay quietly in a hide, about two-hundred or so meters away from the facility. Scanning binoculars, equipped with the high-tech tape to prevent glint, combed the area of responsibility he had. The disruptor rifle, loaded and ready to go- was sitting idly by, equally camouflaged.

His hide was immaculate- after all, being in the defense meant that the enemy would have to come to you- and thus he had time to prepare. Defensive positions and hides dotted the landscape, interlocking fields of fire from guard positions, QRF and patrols on rest, a mixture of Mandalorian and local forces.

Something felt off, however, on this particular shift.

He kept his eyes open, not breaking from his hide.

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Objective: Cat and Mouse
Ship: Downburst-class Stealth Torpedo Frigate Downburst

The baffles were on, and the Downburst slowly moved through orbit. The stealth frigate had already claimed an Enclave frigate to her kill list, not that any of this mission would really be on public release. Especially considering the nature what they were doing. For Manda's sake, officially this ship wasn't even here. Mig just looked from the bridge, turning to the ships quiet A.I. ironically named Burst.

"Looks like an Imperial cruiser ahead.... Load up the Clean Sweeps and let's give them what for. Prepare to deploy decoys for them to hunt too."

"Right, Alor." Soon, two of the heavy missile were loaded into the tubs and the targeting systems got their lock. Mig looked on, letting the crew make the choice of when to fire. Two missiles would let loose as the helm quickly dropped the cloaked frigate out of the main firing plane of the cruiser. Someone was going to notice those for sure, though the one good thing Hammerfall gave Clan Gred was some plausible deniability. He'd already had to... "recover" some Clean Sweeps in the past. Yes, they we're the same sort of devastating that standard baradium weapons had, thanks to being baradium bisulfate based, but they were still dang powerful.

"Burst. Launch decoy. 160 degrees." The ship's captain quickly called out, and soon, a magnetic decoy would be fired and moving the opposite direction of the frigate. "Cut active scanning too. Start listening."

"Right." So far, so good on their part. At the very least it would confuse both the Enclave and the Eternal Empire as to what had happened to some of their ships. They just couldn't afford to get caught.

Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani

Location: Saltühn
Allies: The Enclave
Enemies: Open
Equipment: Heavy Besk'gam, Blaster Rifle, Beskad​

He sat at a veranda attached to a thoroughfare building. Occupying a table the Mandalorian had made himself comfortable where he could watch the festivities that had started taking place. It was loud, the locals of Saltühn had thrown themselves into the festivities completely culminating and many obvious revelries. As for Garrus he was enjoying a local vintage, he didn't ask them name only that it was alcoholic.

He'd removed his buy'ce, placing it on the table where he sat so that he could enjoy the drink he'd brought. A Blaster Rifle was nearby leaning up against the table opposite the street side to ensure some amount of concealment was maintained. No reason to scare the locals after all. Garrus had no reason to suspect there was any imminent danger but at his age having seen the things he'd seen he felt better when a weapon was closeby. Probably the same reason he kept his Beskad close. The Sword was attached to the back of his Beskar'gam, the hilt extending up over his right shoulder so that he could reach back and take it if that ever became necessary.

Last time he was seen had been amidst the fighting on New Krotsport on R-Duba. He'd been part of advancing force of Mandalorians trading blasterfire with criminal elements entrenched there. The fighting was fierce that day but afterwards Garrus had retreated back to Lyran IV for a time where he'd begun to establish a new farmstead for himself. Now that he wasn't on Mandalore he felt as though he needed a new place to call home. It was going well. Duty or perhaps something else had drawn him here, he didn't completely know.

As he sat silently, enjoying his place on the sidelines and scanning the crowds of revelers Garrus couldn't help but find his mind turning to the hostilities between the Eternal Empire and the Enclave. His cousin Andras had fought on Panatha and that was a great victory for the Mando'ade and Garrus wondered what was next. The Warriors mind went to thoughts of the next battle and he raised his cup to his mouth taking a slow drink of the pungent liquid it contained.

Tags: ||| Open |||
Primary Objective:: Bleh.
Secondary Object: Whatever.



E X T R E M E - P R E J U D I C E​

Why was she here?

At one of the stalls for delicious food, Gwyneira Krayt sat idly, looking down at the platter of food with no appetite. She had come here hoping to find herself in a good mood, but her thoughts were too muddied and downtrodden to engage in the partying surrounding her. On the streets, she looked around. If it were not for all these decorations, flashing lights, and brightly dressed patrons, this would only be a barren and void desert. She blinked slowly, looking back down to her food. It was getting cold...


... She was spacing out again.

She blinked, struggling to focus on anything. Her thoughts were far off, focused on the past. Memories of labs and tests and needles, meshed with grief for a loved one she lost. This party mocked her, making everything look so happy and cheerful when her entire life, she had only been neglected, abandoned, and mistreated. With a hiss of negativity, she pushed herself off her seat without taking a bite of the food she had ordered half an hour ago. She was done here.

She stalked down the streets, hands shoved deeply into her jacket's pockets as she hunkered over. Strands of white hair fell over her dull face as she just... wandered. She wandered, aimless, in the crowds and in her fog of thoughts.


Location: Saltühn
Allies: The Enclave
Enemies: Open
Equipment: Heavy Besk'gam, Blaster Rifle, Beskad​

As the cup he'd been drinking from was lowered, set back down on the table Garrus instinctively turned his eyes back towards the crowds that lined the streets amidst the festivities. He'd scan the faces of those that he saw without any kind of recognition crossing his features until he picked someone out of the crowd. No one he knew but there was something familiar about her.

When his gaze set onto Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla from where he sat he'd watch her hunkered down and with hands shoved deeply into her pockets. She looked lost, like she had no direction. The Warrior recognized the look, he'd seen it many times before but that wasn't what stood out about her while he looked at her. No, he'd seen her somewhere before.

Garrus couldn't put his finger on it so he just continued watching her from a comfortable distance, he never called out though his features would have taken on a contemplative expression. Then it hit him. He had seen her once before or her likeness at least. There had been a Bounty on her, maybe there still was.

Not in the business of collecting on other members of the Mando'ade Garrus only continued to watch her until it seemed like she would pass him by completely at which point he called out...

"Su cuy'gar Vod!"

...there were no other Mandalorians in sight that he could see and if she looked it would become clear that Garrus had been addressing her by the way he was looking at her. He made a point of looking at people when speaking to them. In the mind of the Warrior it was only the correct thing to do.

It was at this point that Garrus, reaching for a pitcher of the fragrant liquor he'd been imbibing in would fill his cup for another round. He'd set the pitcher down again then before gesturing to a seat at his table while he remarked...

"You've the look of someone without a destination yet still moving fast to get there. Join me for a drink to take the edge off."

Tags: ||| Open ||| Garrus Garon Garrus Garon
Primary Objective:: Hang out with this fellow vod, I guess.
Secondary Object: Whatever.



E X T R E M E - P R E J U D I C E

Gwyneira looked over when she heard a Mandalorian greeting. There, she spotted an elderly man in a beskar'gam, offering her a drink. She paused for a moment, then treaded on over, kicking up sand in her unenthusiastic steps.

She pulled her jacket back a bit, making the Mandalorian symbol on her shirt more visible, as well as the prized Enclave blaster on her hip. She pulled up a seat and sat down, speaking to the kindly vod.

"Su cuy'gar, vod. Vor'e." She then switched to basic, "Sorry, I don't drink. But I appreciate the gesture."

As the party goers continued their merriment behind them, Gwyn looked over to the elderly vod, her voice was dull yet curious, "Are you enjoying the festival?"


Mando'a Translations:

"Su cuy'gar, vod. Vor'e" = "Hello, brother. Thanks."


Location: Saltühn
Allies: The Enclave; Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla
Enemies: Open
Equipment: Heavy Besk'gam, Blaster Rifle, Beskad​

As she approached to take the seat he'd offered Garrus seemed pleased. Observing her movements he examined her mannerisms, the unenthusiastic steps that she took before joining him and how she kicked up sand with every step that she took.

After she'd sat across from him, declining his offer of a drink with appreciation for a gesture he would have replied quickly....

"Neither do I."

....before raising the cup to his mouth and taking another mouthful of the brew he'd been indulging in. He joked. The Warrior rarely became intoxicated anymore, he'd built up quite the the tolerance over the years. Now he drank more because he enjoyed the taste.

When he lowered his cup, setting it back down on the table his gaze turned back out towards the merriment of the festivities before coming back to her. He already knew she was a member of the Enclave, a Vod but seeing the symbol on her shirt would identify her as a member of Clan Krayt as well. As for himself his Beskar'gam was old, heavy but the symbol of Clan Garon was still evident on one of its pauldrons.

"It's alright. Nothing wrong with a bit of merriment intermingled with the hostilities we also face now."

...he was referring to the hostilities with the Eternal Empire but his mind didn't dwell on that. He might have asked her the same question but her demeanor seemed to suggest that she was not one for these festivities which was why Garrus skipped over the pleasantries...

"You seem sullen. Tell me what's on your mind, Vod."

...Garrus had not asked her name yet, he knew her Clan and that was enough for him though inspecting her from the opposite side of the table he would eventually admit...

"I like your jacket."



Objective: Cat and Mouse
Tag: Mig Gred Mig Gred

Asaaj had responded to a distress call from an Imperial cruiser, it had been crippled by a suprise attack out of nowhere, two high energy warheads had hit its port side and ripped it open, the debris indicated baradium bisulphate, a mandalorian weapon, no real shocks there then considering the war. The ENS Blood Knight wasn't the first ship to respond, an Imperial heavy transport was docked with the cruiser and taking on survivors.

Asaaj decided to stay cloaked, the only sign of her arrival was a tiny spike in energy reading from her hyperspace arrival, barely noticeable unless you were listening out for it. Her bridge lighter were dimmed, and her crew all spoke on hushed voices for fear of detection. It was something that the captain herself had encouraged, she wanted the crew to act like they didn't want to be found, it meant less mistakes when cloaked. En Kelsani stood in front of the bridge viewport with her hands behind her back looking out into the darkness and watching the rescue unfold.

Asaaj had a feeling about this. Her AI, Night Queen had already downloaded the incident data from the cruiser and analysed it. A hologram of the incident appeared. Two missiles appeared, barely out of arming range, followed by a strong magnetic signature that went in this direction. For such a surgical strike the magnetic signature felt like a decoy. She pictured it in her head, "if I am putting my decoy here, I would go... hmm... and she tapped her fingers on her lips "i would go this way," and she gestured in front of her. It wasn't an exact science, or even really a science, just six hundred years of intuition. It would give her some where to look.

"Captain En Kelsani, there is no guarantee the attacker is still in system, recommend decloaking and assisting as per standard maritime code." her AI chimed in to her.

"There is no hyperspace exits detected in the telemetry, but there is more than that. This stinks of the Enclave. They will be watching the damage they have done, and waiting for as many sick and wounded ro be aboard the rescue vessel before they hit that as well for maximum chaos."

Her AI gave her a tilted head look, there was no real argument against that, so she simply highlighted any detected anomalies in the system for Asaaj to view on the holo. They included magnetic spikes, energy signatures, even potential biological waste discharges. There were hundreds, but a few, in the vicinity that Asaaj felt, near a large ferromagnetic asteroid that had broken apart, that really interested her. They were withing a few hundred kilometres of where her gut said the attacker might be.

"stay sharp and alert and keep us undetected, if they get the drop on us those missiles will rip the Knight in half."

The ENS Blood Knight slipped silently through space towards its location, listening for any more clues.


Tags: ||| Open ||| Garrus Garon Garrus Garon
Primary Objective:: Talk with sassy old dude.
Secondary Object: Be sad and angry at my entire life, especially recent events. Angry at the world too. Angry at everything.



E X T R E M E - P R E J U D I C E​

Gwyn could not help but smirk at his sarcasm and sass with the drink, though her sadness swifty took over again. Even as he complimented her jacket, she blinked slowly.

She leaned against the table, "Thanks. What's on my mind?"

She blanked out for a moment, memories swarming around her in distress. She gaped for a moment before bringing herself to speak. She looked away, frowning, feeling some shame.

"I'm never getting what I once had back. What I lost, I wasn't good enough to prevent."

She avoided eye contact, looking up and focusing on the nearby sign, "I can't recover it. No matter how much I rage now. The best I can do is distract myself."

She had how many projects she half finished and completed? How many hours had she poured into training and adrenaline?

She lowered her head, closing her eyes. The joyful memories she saw of Jac'Eli'Zirem taunted her. "I can't..."

She struggled to find the words. Feel joy? Feel pleasure? Simply do this? The word that followed every attempt though, was "anymore."

She clenched the table she was at. Her paranoia and rage towards alcohol was preventing her from just drinking and forgetting. She hated it. She hated this misery, this guilt, this sense of being abandoned. She hated feeling helpless, remembering how she was held down, tortured and humiliated, for months on end in a lab run by her own biological father. She gritted her teeth, "This party is a karking sham. I have nothing to celebrate."


Location: Saltühn
Allies: The Enclave; Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla
Enemies: Open
Equipment: Heavy Besk'gam, Blaster Rifle, Beskad​

There was a moment when she was answering him that Garrus felt sadness for her spike in his heart but that quickly diminished. The Warrior could not put himself in her shoes, he did not know what she'd lost but he sympathized with her having known plenty of loss in his own lifetime. Loss was not the end though.

He'd let her go on, venting to him as it were while he sat across from her though he couldn't help but lift his cup again. Placing it against his mouth Garrus took another drink of the pungent liquid, letting it hit his senses and dull his reaction briefly before he set the cup back down. Despite what he was doing physically his attention never wavered from her though.

It wasn't until he'd set the cup back down and she had mentioned having nothing to celebrate that he'd finally respond...

"Celebrate life."

...a simple answer from the Mandalorian who let it sink in momentarily before he went on...

"The Galaxy is harsh, throughout your life you will inevitably be challenged with immense loss. Betrayal, death, lack of purpose or desire. None of these are as uncommon as you might believe and your trials do not make you special only as regular as the rest of us."

...harsh truths? Maybe. Garrus wasn't known for being particularly light handed, after all he had sentenced millions to die via orbital bombardments in the past because it was the 'practical' thing to do.

He'd said what he'd said. Of course there was more.

"My Brother, Strider Garon Strider Garon was a renowned warrior and a man of reputation---"

...or disrepute depending on who you asked...

"---whereas I've always enjoyed the simple life of a farmer. My passion ensured I was onhand to watch Mandalore burn and see friends die. It was, in a sense a situation that makes me realize now I have lost things that I can never get back yet I persevere."

...he looked at his cup, it wasn't empty yet but it would be soon then he looked back at her...

"We persevere." the end of the day at least she had a nice jacket.

Kaz Krayt


ALLIES: ENCLAVE | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | OPEN
ENGAGING: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
GEAR: In bio​


The last thing Kaz was in the mood for after joining a new clan was guard duty of all things. With a unit of Eternal Empire soldiers spotted going down in the desert, eerily close to some very important coaxium facilities, the Enclave stepped up its security game tremendously.

Unfortunately, that meant he and a bunch of others were stuck with guard duty around the industrial area with specific instructions to keep on the lookout for anything that wasn’t Enclave. Sitting against a wall on top of a rooftop, the Zabrak kept a low profile as he peered through the scope of his shatter rifle set up to overlook a spectacularly nice portion of the area. Naturally, he wasn’t the only one, and there were plenty of people and informants on the ground as well to spy on anything out of place.

Another obvious problem was boredom. Without anything to keep him occupied, he resorted to jamming some slappers through his helmet’s active hearing protection while a targeting computer and his HUD kept him up to date on what his gun saw beneath his position. He peered from his concealed spot at another area where he knew a fellow sniper was hiding. :: SKRAAAAAAAA! :: He called over the comms with a snicker. Luckily his annunciator was shut off, keeping the annoying sounds restricted to comms.

:: You see anything yet? :: He continued, checking his gun’s scope through his HUD as he rummaged through his backpack for his lunch.




ALLIES: Garrus Garon Garrus Garon | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Enclave
ENGAGING: C Cirrus (Soonᵀᴹ)
GEAR: In Bio




Vren wasn't one to turn down a free whiskey.

It was good to unwind a bit after the constant battles within the frontier as well as the galactic war waging all around. He did not know much about Ra'Katha originally while the Enclave was based on Roon. All he knew was the one or two live broadcasts within the Confederacy of Viceroyalty meetings where the ruler of Ra'Katha spoke out against the stream. The man must have indeed have done something right to have avoided the initial fall of the Confederacy.

Vren's helmet was tucked under his arm as he chatted away with some locals in the marketplain, glass of Tovraki in his free hand. Music was all around in the streets and on rooftops while more local cuisine and liquids did the rounds and stalls were brimming with handmade craft. Most of the people seemed friendly enough, even happy to have the Mando'ade on their planet at long last.

The Karjr believed, in his silence, that they could learn much from these people, aside from the gain of red coaxium. They may be a primitive people by Galactic standards, but their warriors were renowned nonetheless and could teach the Mando'ade some new things. In turn, the Enclave could lead them into the 70's.

This festival would be good for relations.

Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Objective: Cat and Mouse

Burst seemed to perk up a bit as the vessel continued to run from the strike. A mission kill was enough for Mig. He just wanted to not be found out by either party in this fight. Burst's holographic moving though caught the Alor's attention.

"What's up?" The nearby sensor operator looked back to the Mando and A.I., speaking up quietly.

"I think I know. Hyperspace signal with no vessel in that spot. I think another stealth ship jumped in."

"I agree," Burst said, flicking over to the sensor suite holoprojector. "And it seems to have come from the direction of EE space. This could be a problem." Mig nodded, motioning the stealth vessels captain over.

"Sla, where do you think a ship leaving hyperspace here would be if the decoy didn't throw them off?" The captain thought before she circled a... fairly large area of space that would be a pursuit path from what Mig knew.

"Roughly here. Hard to know without IDing the class." Mig sighed a bit, and without waiting Sla began to give out some options. "We could change plane again, start actively hunting for magnetic signatures. Could wait it out and hope we aren't detected, or possibly head to an asteroid or debris field hope they slip up. Pretty clear we can't hunt anymore warships." The Alor looked out of the bridge, taking a breath as he thought. He then looked back, nodding a bit.

"Keep looking for any signature, but stay passive. We can't take a hit from another ship that's staying hidden instead of decloaking to assist. And for osik's sake keep our baffles running!" Mig said this in a yelling whisper as the frigate began to turn and the crew started trying to find the other cloaker. If the ships were similar, it was up in the air if they'd find each other, but there was always the chance. Plus, leaving might be difficult if another stealth ship was nearby,

Asaaj En Kelsani Asaaj En Kelsani
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Sabotage the Coaxium facilities
Location: Industrial district, Saltühn, Ra'Katha
Equipment: Kiss of the Red Witch | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Allies: Open
Enemies: Kaz Krayt | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Open
[ New Order ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

After the departure, Ingrid kept receiving reports that the other groups had arrived as well; and they began work on the other side of town, and they too took action. In addition, there was less reassuring news about the team trapped in the desert. She knew her daughter was there too, but she wasn't specifically worried about her or those units. Rather, it was embarrassing that those troops had not been here and could not be counted on today. Last but not least, thanks to those there, the Enclave possibly knows that the Eternal Empire is here.

So the plan was far from perfect, not the way she wanted and planned it. Luckily, as an agent and assassin, Ingrid always reckoned with improvising. That was part of the job. So she wasn't worried; in the worst case more resistance is expected. In this case, she planned that she herself would distract the troops and in the meantime her agents and people would work inside.

The red-haired woman sent out the tiny droids to scan the area while the troops set off as well. Most of them looked like simple locals, but there were a few agents who were here using a cloaking device as well, maybe a half dozen Psi Corps agents. Ingrid hasn't gotten any closer to the refinery yet, but the droids and scouts have also indicated that there are guards in large numbers. The enemy seemed to be really counting on them.

At first, she looked around from a distance with the binoculars of her sniper rifle. On the roofs or the like, she and even the droids sensed people. But most of these were in places she couldn’t see, meaning she couldn’t shoot them from here. Eventually, however, there was a target toward the edge of the building. The scout was looking exactly in the direction Ingrid's men were heading and was likely to notice them soon.

Ingrid could not take a risk; rather, the enemy should believe that there are only snipers rather than that the eternal imperials are already there. The Empress targeted the Mandalorian and then pulled the trigger. Kilometres away from her, on the roof, the projectile hit the sentry, who immediately fell to the ground…

// OOC: The character did not shoot at a PC, only at an NPC, in a place where Kaz and Fenn could see their death(?) easily. //




Fenn turned his head, towards the movement on the tower. Guard changeover wasn't for three hours, and that post was the third to be relieved. Perhaps the guard was moving, but nonetheless, he turned his head- and his thermal optics, towards the position. The Mandalorian's body was twisted and contorted, and blood pooled around him.

Before he spoke into his comms, an idiot started speaking, or screeching rather.

He went comms open, his voice crackling over all the friendly channels, seeming to ignore the pestering Zabrak's inquiry. That, and he was pretty sure the lazy one was about to eat lunch than scan his sector.

"Indigo, Indigo, Indigo!"

The brevity code for an attack- and he instantly began to comb the desert, trying to spot the enemy visually. It would be immensely difficult, especially at range. He switched from visual range to thermal. It was a common misconception that thermal optics were useless in the desert, in fact, he'd argue that they were more effective. Heat differentials were the key to counter-sniping with thermal optics. And someone shooting a rifle, much less moving or disturbing the sand, would cause a displacement of heat in the sand, especially at this time of day. Even the act of simply kicking over a large amount of dirt would show a blotch in the surface when viewed through a thermal lense.

The sniper didn't have a bolt or a sound to it, not that he could see anyway. That was indicative of someone who cared to not be seen.

Fenn rotated his optics, not touching the rifle yet. He didn't want to move much, if at all. His movements were eerily slow, measured and calculated at each rotation of each muscle group. Movement was the key component of detecting people. And people out in the open desert would only have so much room to maneuver, and if anything, they'd have to come closer to the defensive position of the Mandalorians and the local militia.

For now, the Mandalorians and militia members began to move into position, scrambling to get into fighting positions, while Fenn began to scan for a differential in heat in the general direction of where the shot might have come from.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim l Kaz Krayt


Tags: ||| Open ||| Garrus Garon Garrus Garon ||| Vren Rook Vren Rook |||
Primary Objective:: Talk with sassy old dude.
Secondary Object: Be sad and angry at my entire life, especially recent events. Angry at the world too. Angry at everything.



E X T R E M E - P R E J U D I C E

Gwyneira listened to all he had to say. He was brutally honest, reminding her of how Shai Krayt and Zlova trained her. They were never the types to sugar coat, especially the dark twi'lik. Gwyn could appreciate it, no matter how much it made her wince.

She nodded, feeling comfort at least in not being alone in the turmoil she faced daily. Isolation was one of the most common emotions she felt, but that was an emotion she did not feel here.

She looked down, fidgeting with her hands, "I have persevered. I'm still fighting for my buir and clan, and for my fellow vode. I'm striking back against the types that hurt me, and I train everyday."

She sighed, despite it all, and clenched her hands, "But at this point, I doubt I'll ever be satisfied. After everything, I feel so little... joy..."

She tears up for a moment, but lifts her hand and wipes her eyes dry, "I don't want to spend my life being a bitter, sad, angry person. And I can't be the attention seeking brat I once was to compensate. I keep moving forward, but I don't know where to. I'm aimless in a crusade of vengeance, and I want more than that."

Meanwhile, Gwyn sensed another presence which was familiar. She glanced over, spotting another Mandalorian entering the area. She pondered for a moment, then she sniffled and dried her face again. Masking up, metaphorically, she lifted her hand and waved with a small smile, "Su cuy'gar, vod!"

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