Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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After dropping Andy off, the freelance woman flew away and went on with her life. A small part of her wondered what happened to him but she was unable to find out anything. With her slicing and researching abilities, this was quite a surprise. One day, though, she found a mysterious message waiting for her.

It wasn't delivered via email, but somehow, it appeared in her inbox. There was no return address but there was a name attached. Andulf was trying to reach out to her. Their last adventure had been something to remember, and Aren smiled a bit at the memory.

The message was simple. It requested a meeting at a location and time. She just hoped nobody was going to shoot at them. Not having a way to respond, she knew she needed to go. Hopefully, he would consider traveling time and not leave before she arrived.

Luckily, he remembered she lived on Denon and made the meeting place there. Smiling as she ran a brush through her hair, she put her jacket on and left her flat. Her flat was more than a single room but an entire floor of a building. Courtesy of her first Master. When he died, it had been left to her, and she was pleased he had thought to include her in his will, even if this was the only thing she had of him.

They were about equal in height, and she hoped she would recognize him. Walking along the damp streets, she was glad to have brought her jacket. Pulling her hood over her hair, she also hoped he would know who she was as she walked over to him.

"Care to get out of the rain? My place isn't too far from here, and you don't have to worry about getting attacked."

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
As Andulf slipped back into the bustling crowd, a heavy weight settled on his chest, causing his heart to ache with both sadness and gratitude. His steps slackened, his posture slumped, as if the weight of his emotions was physically dragging him down. The once vibrant spaceport seemed to blur around him as his focus narrowed on the small data chip in his hand.

With trembling fingers, Andulf raised the hood of his cloak overhead, seeking solace in the anonymity it provided. The fabric felt cool against his skin, providing a faint shield against the overwhelming emotions swirling within him. His grip tightened on the data chip, its smooth surface offering a small sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty that lay ahead.

With every passing moment, the stakes seemed to rise higher, pressing against Andulf's conscience like a relentless force. The dangers that awaited him in this new chapter of his life loomed ominously, casting shadows across his thoughts. Yet, intertwined with the fear was a glimmer of hope, a tiny flame flickering within him, reminding him that change could bring about better things.

But as he walked through the crowd, the weight of his decision settled upon him like a burden. The path he had chosen was irreversible now, and there was no turning back. Andulf could feel it in his bones, in the way his muscles tensed with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension.

The world around him seemed to fade into the background as he contemplated the unknown future that lay ahead. The distant sky, once filled with the disappearing vessel of Aren, now served as a reminder of the bittersweet memories they had shared. Andulf's mind swirled with images of their time together, each fleeting moment etched into his soul.

But amidst the nostalgia and the uncertainty, Andulf knew he had to keep. The data chip in his hand held the key to his next chapter, a chapter that would redefine his life. With a deep breath, he summoned the strength to take the first steps toward his new destiny, knowing that the course of his life had forever changed.

For better or worse, Andulf was ready to face whatever lay ahead. The unknown beckoned him, and he could no longer resist its call.

Andulf arrived at the designated meeting spot in Denon, a bustling city known for its secrecy and anonymity. He had taken precautions to disguise himself, changing his hairstyle and wearing dark sunglasses to obscure his features. As he spotted Aren from across the street, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension. They had not seen each other since their last encounter, and he wondered how she had been faring in the intervening time. Adjusting his jacket hood slightly to further conceal his identity, Andulf made his way towards her, carefully avoiding any lingering gazes from passersby. A small smile played on his lips as he listened to her words, relieved that she seemed open to meeting again.

"Sure…if would be no bother at all,"

he replied, his voice low and filled with genuine warmth.

"I've been looking forward to this opportunity to talk and catch up. Shall we find a quieter place to continue our conversation?"

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
During their week together, they had not gotten to know each other as well as they could have. In a way, it might have been better that way. A new opportunity was presented itself, and Aren was happy about it. When Andy spoke, his tone was warm, and she felt he might also be pleased with seeing her again. All in all, her life was pretty much the same, and she hoped his had changed enough that he might be able to relax a little.

Nodding at his answer, she held out one of her hands. Just another couple walking down the street together—at least, that's the persona she wished to convey to anybody who might look in their direction. These were her familiar streets, and the sounds of the city surrounded them: the light patter of the falling rain hitting the pavement and metal of the walks, traffic, and people conversing. It led Aren to feel comfort, and she relaxed enough to give him a smile.

"My place is hidden here. See that building over there? One whole floor is mine. A gift from the man who built it."

Pointing to one of the random skyscrapers, he might be unable to tell which one it was. No matter if he did, she took the lead and headed in the direction she had pointed. Not going into further details, she choose not to give any additional information. If he asked, she might, but not right now, not out in the open.

Once they arrived at her flat, they would have all the time in the world to catch up.

"Are you hungry? I can get something to eat while we walk."

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
Andy's mind was a whirlwind of emotions as he walked beside Aren. He couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about their reunion. The danger and challenges he had faced since their last meeting weighed heavily on him, but being in Aren's presence brought him a sense of calm and familiarity.

As they strolled down the bustling street, Andy couldn't help but notice the curious glances from passersby. To anyone observing, they appeared to be just a couple enjoying a leisurely walk through town. The facade they presented was necessary to protect their true identities and the secrets they held. Aren's mention of a gift intrigued Andy, and he couldn't help but wonder what she had in store for him. However, he respected her enough to not pry further and patiently waited for her to share more when she was ready. With a gentle squeeze of her hand, Andy replied,

"I'm looking forward to catching up. It has indeed been a long journey, and I'm eager to hear about what you've been up to as well."

He smiled warmly, grateful for the opportunity to spend time with Aren once again.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Stopping at one of the street vendors, Aren picked out two meals and carried them in the hand that was not holding onto Andy. Their previous time together had given her a good idea of the type of food he liked, and she hoped her choice tonight was one. There was always the chance that wasn't the case, and she could have something else made for him.

"My gift to you is a safe place to stay. Nobody knows where I live, and I have ways to ensure it stays that way."

Without going into detail, she hoped Andy would remember her technical skills and leave it at that. While Denon wasn't her home world, it was where her home was. It would take a lot of convincing to get her to move. Thinking of her homeworld, she silently wondered how her parents were doing. She really should keep in better contact with them. Something to do another day.

"We're almost there. Just around the corner."

Another building was around the corner, and Aren confidently walked through the door, pulling him along. Unless he resisted. Pushing a button to call the elevator, she turned to have her back to that and looked at her friend.

"How have things been? Your message surprised me, but I was happy to get it."

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
Andy welcomed the change of pace, although he still had mixed feelings and missed his old life. He realized how easily he had it compared to others, especially after spending time with Aren. He now appreciated the simple things in life. Like him not quite knowing what it was she'd bought from a food vendor. However, he was constantly on high alert, as he had to fend for himself and had many close calls. He had to cut all familiar ties and go underground for safety. Aren assured him of a haven, which made him grateful.

"For that, I am truly grateful althought do apologize for taking so long to make contact."

He apologized for taking so long to make contact and decided not to discuss the changes openly. They were not far from Aren's place, and to avoid suspicion, Andy played along with Aren's actions, pretending to be playful and keeping their conversation private. He whispered to her that things didn't go as he had hoped and apologized for the abrupt message. He was hesitant to reach out again after their last meeting but felt he had to try.

"None worse for wear, I guess...things didn't go as much as I'd hoped. apologize for the seeming abruptness of the message. But given how things were last time...was a bit reluctant, but I just had to figure try..."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
Aren was a bit joyful as they walked the streets together. She was happy he played along with her actions and listened as he whispered some messages to her. Nodding silently, it would take a few minutes to arrive at her flat. The elevator door opened for them, and she allowed Andy into her home. A few familiar droids would greet him as he entered, and Aren would set the bag she always carried with her on a nearby table.

What he could see of the floor she lived on was a pretty open design, but there were a few closed doors. A kitchen was to the right, and she set the food down on a table and went to get silverware to eat with. Taking the food out, she set the containers down and took a seat, offering another seat to her friend.

"I'm always available to talk. Things have been rather slow, and I've enjoyed a quiet life since we parted. Mostly. A job here and there, nothing major or dangerous, thankfully. Are you still expecting to get shot at? While you are with me here, that won't happen. Did your wounds heal alright?"

It might seem that Aren was babbling, but she asked a couple of questions she wanted answered.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
And so in what seems impromptu feign interaction, the two engage in as seems normal people going about night out town. Held quite a welcome bit of normalcy in the otherwise chaotic life unbeknownst to her. That Andy had all but had constantly these past few seasons. Which, not wanting to change the mood he for now kept silent about it. She then took the lead and prepared the spread of food onto the table. As he then casually seems out of habit, glances around. Take a mental note of the layout of the place, not if nothing else that seems a forced habit. Silently admiring as much as seem reminisce of old times seem now long past into but memory. When soon enough he then takes notice of her beckoning him to a seat at the table.

He then graciously accepted and sat thought in the back, his mind thoughts still lingering. Choose to keep up with the pleasantries that a bit of curiosity came to mind. He posed the question without prying or going into much detail... hope she was fine with him, see her out to talk... on how she was and that how to see after all this time. To which she replied and posed a question to him of her own.

"Well, that's good to hear in a way that my troubles haven't seemed to cause you too much trouble. But then far get shot at again. I hope not as... well. Last I heard, there have been quite a lot of other things that should keep whoever ... but guess that's beside the point now. As hard as it is for me to learn about the current state of our house. Given all the turmoil and conflicts of late.. as far as anyone back home is concerned. ...unaccounted for..."

He then pauses as feels the weight and decision he had to undertake slowly come to mind. That if for nothing else despite his trouble he seems took comfort in least knowing she was safe. And seem with faint smile hear the latter part of her words replied.

"Well, I had thought it still hurt a bit, but then again wasn't the first time I've gotten myself in heap trouble..."

His words cut short for a bit as knowing the field she worked in. Andy wasn't sure how deep or close had she gotten to deciphering the man he truly was. Behind the seem well crafted noble facade their security and adviser had crafted for him. He, much like quite a few in their family, including his father. Had a secret skeleton in their past .... as sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the greater good as Father used to tell them.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
As Andy looked around her flat, she didn't mind that he seemed to search for danger. He had almost been the same way on her spaceship until he realized he was safe. Aren expected this reaction from him but hoped he would relax soon. Nothing was going to hurt him here.

Opening the food containers as he spoke, she brought out plates for them and set them on the table. Motioning to the buffet of food, she started making up her plate. When she finished, she sat and waited for Ron to join her.

"I'm glad your troubles didn't follow me here as well. If they had, I would have had that taken care of quickly. You see, this is my safe zone, and nothing I don't want to can get in here."

Pointing her fork toward the door, she chewed on her bite of food before taking another bite. Listening to what he had to say, she nodded in understanding.

"Maybe I can help you find the information you want."

Their first adventure together should have told him she could find many things, and information was one of the easier ones. Then again, he had been recovering from getting shot and keeping his head low in hiding. The week had flown by, and then he had returned to his life, and she was back to hers. This line of thought brought Aren into the now.

"Why did you contact me again? Not that I mind or anything. Your company is nice."

Possibly even better than the droids she was used to.

"Do you need me to check how it looks?"

Speaking of the shot he had taken when they first met. One of her droids had helped repair the wound and kept up with taking care of it while they were together.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
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Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
The Count had once been carefree, but the toll of the concurrent and demanding circumstances seemed to have taken its toll on him, making it hard to maintain his previous state. Andy had to accept that the days of finding solace were no longer present. Seeing Aren again would brought him what bit of solace and great joy. Reflecting on what he perceived as less troublesome times, he imagined that things were comparatively easier. The life of leisure and comfort that he had grown accustomed to was now a distant memory, leaving him longing for those days. However, what has been witnessed is a significant change, as a man has taken the place of what was once there, and he is completely different. Eventually, the situation seemed to calm down, and they noticed her gesturing for them to sit down. As they took their seats, the two individuals started talking while he quietly listened to her. Make sure to allow her to express herself fully, and then take the time to reflect on his response.

"... I appreciate the offer but don't know ... rather not wish to endanger yourself anymore a second time. And besides, there is much at stake or play ... through the intricate web that even I cannot begin to fathom. This is why I rather bide my time, seeing as far as those at home are concerned. I may be nothing less than a pawn ... Besides, I rather not be, as there are things I have to make amends and attend to. But before I do ... "

He paused as, deep inside, Andy was torn between the shadows from his past that haunted him. For there had been much in his life that he'd not forthcoming with anyone other than his twin sister in the past. For there been much left unsaid ...yet now part him felt a bit guilty. Contemplate given how gracious and willing to extend her assisted to him Aren had. If it was time he return favor and allow her be privy secrets he too kept for so long?

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
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"There is no danger here, Andy! My home is off the grid."

If these words didn't help secure Andy's peace, she wouldn't know what would.

"I have been involved in wars—yes, more than one. Safety and a secure home are far more important to me than maybe you realize—more than anybody realizes. I can't think of anybody who could find us here and nobody who would want to."

He might have been able to pick up on a touch of sorrow in her voice, but she quickly changed her expression and continued with her thoughts.

"What can I do to help you?"

It was a very simple question, but it might have a complicated answer. Aren waited for him to answer and continued to eat her dinner.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
It was hard as it seemed out of character for Andy to appear so bothered as much concern of another outside himself. But then again, upon hearing her assurance as many words seem to ease his mind a bit. That let out a faint sight he then calmed down a bit. Seem took a moment's pause to collect his thoughts before speaking out.

" To be honest, I don't know... as I've never thought it would come down this let alone it be this soon But then again apologize for seeming to appear doubtfully but I guess if nothing less. I might as well be forthcoming or upfront with a few things... that from what Bit could piece together point to things not being as clear-cut thought. That some past deal I've entered into may be catching up on me ..."

His thoughts seem to linger back to old memories where despite his better judgment and the guidance of his family. Andy's rebellious nature had him mixed in with the wrong crowd. Where it had him brush elbows with not only other troubled teens but dangerous anarchists. Who by then seem to take advantage of the never-ending turmoil. Had somehow allied themselves to another quite dangerous backer. They were both ruthless as much as they were relentless.... and it made it necessary for him to completely drop off the grid.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
After her slight outburst, Aren took a few deep and calming breaths. Andy also needed them, and her confident tone relieved his fears...or at least they appeared to. Giving him the time he needed, she continued getting their dinner ready. She let out a sigh and was quiet for a few moments after he finished.

Pushing a dinner plate to him, she handed him some silverware and one of the drinks. This gave her the chance to express her thoughts.

"If you are scared of your past, I could make most of your holonet records disappear. It wouldn't change anything, make it harder for somebody to find you. That is what I do for myself and what I meant when I said nobody would find us here."

Everybody made mistakes, and Aren cleaned up her mess.

"I can clean up your mess too..."

Hardly speaking above a whisper, the thought came out of her without her realizing it.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
As time wore on and seemed for the briefest moment that some inexplicable reason. Despite all her assurance of offering both safety and understanding, He was having a bit hard time adjusting as much seemed to find the right words to say. That as much felt bad and want come clean as much honestly respected the trust she extended to him.

He seems just to feel at a loss as much as unsure where to start when ... after the brief outburst from Aren. Caught his attention enough to slowly reign in his somewhat distracted train of thought. He graciously accepted the plate offered to him while hearing her words. He turned his attention back to her as replied.

"... honestly do that you could judge from brief moments we'd had in the past but. Holonet and such is one thing but then again past can be quite tricky... seeing as much as my late father did his best to set things right for me. Never been one to understand nor value the effort being that till the end.

Being as rebellious in my youth... I've been so blind as much at a time overly confident that could do no wrong or that if I did, there be someone else to deal with those mistakes or the outcome, they might. But not so now, as these past few seasons had shown me how very wrong I was in thinking that. And though it was hard, I want to make the effort .... put things right."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
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Her honest words helped Andy come out of his shell. She listened as he spoke and received honesty from him in return. Instead of erasing what he had done in the past, he wanted to put things right. Narrowing her brows for a moment, this was not what she expected to hear—not that Aren was opposed to helping him.

"What can I do to help?"

It was just a simple question, and like many others she had asked through the years, it carried a great weight. They had spent enough time together in the past that, hopefully, Andy knew she wouldn't harm him in any manner. Aren knew enough about him that she could have already caused him more harm if she had really wanted to.

All she wanted to do was get to the heart of the issue, and then they could move on to the next problem.

Andulf Nicholas Teraan Andulf Nicholas Teraan
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
With a barely audible sigh, he turned his attention back to her.

"To be completely honest, it's come to my realization that one's skill and faith in their abilities are paramount. You may have heard rumors or scandals about me, all of which portray me as less than virtuous. I've squandered the wealth, privilege, and advantages I've been afforded. I've pursued certain actions and held onto misguided ideas, only to later feel deep regret when the consequences became clear. I've gone against the very principles our family holds dear - fairness, truth, and peace. I have become an unwitting agent of chaos. While I may not have personally carried out certain actions, I have enabled and been involved in unsanctioned activities, which some may view as reckless or unwise. It appears that my pursuer possesses some knowledge of this, although I am unsure to what extent."

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade

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