Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Paint the World a Bit Brighter

Iris Arani Iris Arani

Lossa had thrown themselves into the padawan training area. A mix of serious attitudes with childish experiences trying to gain education with this and that about learning about the force. Lossa had lifted a few banners between the doorways of the large halls leading through to different training rooms and lecture halls.

She had huffed and puffed about the bland surroundings. Complained that the aesthetic or learning was completely lacking for creative thinking. There was no inspiration to push boundaries. To think outside the box.

There was a wild energy about her as she brought buckets of paint into an offshoot room. Her wide and excited expression waiting for Iris to appear ad rollers and paint brushes were set out along the trays and poles that attached to the rollers for their work ahead of them.

Smiling wide, she put her hands on her hips while she looked over the colors she had arranged for their amusement.


Painting with someone else.

It wasn't something Iris had ever.. Done. She often gave out painting supplies to other people, sometimes even gotten people to work on a canvas with her. But nothing actually planned as a collaborative effort. Yet here she was walking into the room Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus had set up with painting supplies, a curious look in her eyes. "So um.. What's the plan exactly? Are we painting something specific or..?"

Wow, she was the one asking questions. Even she realized that was odd. Still, she was all smiles. Excited. This was different. And sometimes different was good.
She turned quickly to Iris entering. A question brought forward that had Lossa smiling with something between laughter and exasperation. She waved her hand before making a broad wave to the assorted paints and brushes.

"Nonono. We are free painting." Picking up a brush and looking over some of the cots she had brought with her.

"The whole hall is just blah. I don't think anyone gets any hope of learning. Of exploring what they can be!" Cracking open a can of shimmery purple with some effort before stirring it with a smirk.

"Paint is the life of creativity here! What can anyone hope to learn if they are stifled by the bland grays that set the mood!" She chortled. "Where is the inspiration!? The fun!? Nowhere! We need something more!"

Taking the brush in hand, she dabbed the bristles into the bucket and let the paint flow free with a broad stripe against the ground before slapping it along the wall and letting the whim of energy guide her.

"We aren't doing inspiration! Least not in the usual sense. We want to inspire others. Let thinking flow! Let imaginations run free!" She exclaimed as the brush slowly covered the gray with shimmering purple.


Iris just blinked. Surprised. In the best of ways. It'd been.. She'd never met someone who thought that way. Everyone she met always told her she shouldn't be tagging any walls or such. So she grinned. There was a thrill here now. The pack the padawan almost always had with her was shrugged off her shoulder, hitting the ground with the obvious sound of cans clinking together.

She unzipped the back before taking out one of the cans and tossing it Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus 's way. Paint brushes and such were nice, but nothing beat spray paint in Iris's mind. She pulled out one of her own cans, shaking it with the ever present grin.

"Okay, yeah. Okay fine. Let's do this."
The paint brush made its final stroke as Lossa glanced over to Iris. The drop of her bag drawing her attention in time as she held her arms open with an excited sound of joy. A sound falling between a laugh and snort as she juggled the can between the paintbrush hand and her free one.

She took another dab of paint before popping the cap off the can with her hip and smiling wide. The brush left another smear as her other hand extended and let loose with another stream of color along the same line.

"Let's brighten up the world!"


There was no real rhyme or reason to the colors Iris put out. Can after can would be emptied as Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus and her set about bringing life to this dull hallway. Paint dripped from her fingertips. Various shades from the cans she used. Paint covered her arms, hair. Face. She was nothing if not all in when it came to her art. No talking, her art was speaking for her. The colors she saw. The joy and excitement from herself and her fellow Padawan. The hope of the younglings and the others here. The watchful joy of their masters as they learned and grew. She put them all out on display, putting her all into this as she always did when she painted.

When she was finally out of paint, she stepped back. Letting the last empty can fall from her grip into the pile of it's used up brotheren.

And yes, she used all of it.

Lossa danced, spray can and paint brush coloring the drab grays into something thought provoking with no real direction of intent. The colors were meant to distract and provoke thinking. Meant to be interpreted openly without reservation. Meant to make those looking think outside the box to include them in the idea of creativity.

Spray can and bucket alike slowly emptied in the hallway as Lossa let her joyous and chaotic pheromones loose in the hallway. Creativity was abound as she hummed and danced. No true sense to the colors she chose in the end. Art wasn't meant to be stifled or limited.

Iris had set her own path forward, being observed by Lossa when she was finished, letting the paint brush and can drop to the floor with a satisfying clink. The smile was wide and brilliant as she observed the work they had created.

"Next week we do the next hall."


The pheromones affecting Iris were.. Well. Iris had no idea she was even being affected. She was full of joy and wonderment. A wide smile formed as she looked over towards Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus , one hand reaching up to wipe away paint on her cheek. Only to add a whole new layer of a different color from the still wet shades that coated her fingers. This was fun. The most fun she'd had in her life.

She never painted and had this much fun before.

"Yes." Together, they'd paint this whole temple.
Lossa smiled her way, eyes pinched shut as she smiled with a stupor of life. There was nothing malicious in her pheromones. Merely the joy of life as the pair brought color to a bland palette within the temple.

The idea of limitless painting was something new for her, colors and ideas abound as she muddled through classes with little interest.

She figured hope's and dreams could be as boundless as the environment around them. Why not express it? The hallway was a cascade of colors as the two stood in their glory. Her eyes opening to see Iris covered in paints that made her giggle.

"You're work is almost pretty as you are." She offered without reservation, smearing purple and gold across her own cheek before looking around their hallway.

A break from the bleak tones that ruled the temple. A difference between the gray, standard rule that measured them all. The lively color lifting her own spirit in the sense of freedom she had experienced with it.


"Oh. Huh." It was as if Iris just now realized how much she was covered in paint. Which, she had. It'd always been an after thought when she got into the grove of painting, She hummed for a moment, then shrugged. Honestly it didn't matter to her. She could always take a shower in a bit. She would, sure enough. Right now though? Her gaze traveled the colors. Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus 's paintings, really. Seeing the chaos the other brought.

Both brought their own brand of chaos. Different, yet still colorful. Beautiful.

"I didn't know you liked to paint."
Iris Arani Iris Arani

She let her eyes follow the strange flow between the colors, letting it scratch a specific itch in her brain as Iris asked about painting. The spray can finger scratched her cheek as she thought, the layer of glossy blue slipping onto pink skin as she shrugged and looked back.

"I like a lot of things. I just don't usually invite others. This seemed like something you would like so I wanted to share it. I'm not very good at this though." She tilted her head to the other padawan and a blankness crossed her face. It wasn't realization, but something in the question had ticked a mental box that caused Lossa to pause.

Tone shifting to inquisitive. The flowing colors of her mood slipping from bright and cheery to a blank slate. No hint of anger or concern as she spoke again. No small shifting of her hands or body as she stood still to listen and observe.

"Should I have kept quiet?" A question with meaning laced into the words, but lacking accusation or anger.


"Why would you keep quiet?" Iris tilted her head, confused for a moment. Then shrugged it off. Whatever the reason Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus asked, Iris' answer would stay the same. "I think it's good to share hobbies. It's nice to know another painter." Her gaze again turned to the art. Still drying. She hummed as she turned to gather up the spent cans, putting them in the bag she'd brought them to begin with.

"We should clean up."
She was quiet for a long breath, the blank stare shifting back to the happy giddy smile at the others words. "Some people think it's too much sometimes. They don't like...spirit." Informing the other plainly watching Iris begin to pack up. The paint was still drying, and there was little else to do besides keep the space clear of their work.

"Yeah. It's enough to paint the walls. I don't think boot prints all over the temple would be..." Lossa began before pausing and pondering the idea further with arching brows.

Iris Arani Iris Arani Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Temple Halls
Valery: Appearance
"What is the meaning of this?"
Valery's voice was a lot more stern than Iris was likely used to. Her fiery orange eyes were locked onto their eyes, not even breaking contact for a moment as a look of disappointment echoed from her to the two Padawans. While the girls were still talking about their little painting adventure, Valery had entered the hallway after she went looking for her Padawan. But once again, she had found the young woman painting where she wasn't supposed to.
"We've talked about this before. You can't just paint whatever you like." She said, specifically addressing Iris for a moment before she focused on both of them again.
"Why did you two believe it was okay to do this? Or did you know it wasn't okay and did it anyway?"


"Boot prints might be a bit-" Then a new color joined the otherwise joyful shades. One more.. Oh no. Iris blinked, turning her gaze just in time to see Valery Noble Valery Noble approach. Usually, she would've been happy to see her master. Right now? Worry filled her heart. Why was Master Noble so upset? Wait. Painting. Oh no. Iris shrank inwards, glancing about to the streaks of color in the otherwise grey hallway.

Right. She wasn't supposed to paint things without permission.

"I'm sorry. I forgot." Truthfully she had. Though she did step between Valery and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus . "It's my fault."
Lossa blinked as Iris paused midway through her words. The sound of footsteps catching her attention as she too stopped and looked to the source. It wasn't a lack of care or fear that made her bristle on anger. The calm sweet energy that had been around her quickly shifted gears to something close to a feral hound as Iris claimed to be the guilty party.

"Iris was invited by me to paint. I am the one that started this." The paint roller fell from her hand as she stood up straight and cut between Iris and Valery. Her tone started off sharp and toeing the line of challenge, keeping unblinking eye contact with Valery. "This is meant to brighten up the hallway and be fun. If it's that bad bring me a sonic scrubber. It comes right off with a bit of time. Or is paint going to hurt stone?"

Location: Temple Halls
Valery: Appearance
"You're both going to clean this up." Valery said as she looked away from Iris and to Lossa instead. The girl's tone and challenging stance wasn't something that impressed her, but it showed how some Padawans were not exactly ready for responsibility yet either.
"Do either of you know the History of this place?"
She let the question linger for a moment but continued before they'd get any word in.
"The Jedi who built this Temple came here after their former home on Jakku was violently destroyed. But Ossus has seen its fair share of disasters as well. Master Jade, myself and many others risked our lives to rebuild this place. To cleanse remnants of the Sith and work tirelessly to rediscover and rebuild."
"For you two to paint these walls without even bothering to ask anybody or discuss it is, quite frankly, disrespectful to the Jedi who built these halls."
Her gaze shifted between the two.
"This is not on just one of you — you've both participated and you're old enough to be responsible for your own actions and decisions. As Jedi should be. So, you're both going to be cleaning this up together."


Iris fell swiftly silent, glancing between Valery Noble Valery Noble and Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus with a slight frown. Their colors were.. Angry. No, not angry. Upset. The paint wasn't meant to do that. It was supposed to make people smile. Her eyes closed as she watched the colors for a moment, half listening to her master's lecture. They'd have to clean the walls, no matter what they said or did at this point. She recognized the tone Valery had.

"Okay Master.."
"So because it is an old thing that you worked hard on it should stay exactly the way it is in order to remind the new people of everything that has passed? To make sure everyone knows they need to look behind them rather than maybe look around? Echo echo-no." She didn't back down yet but didn't dismiss what Valery said. Dropping the chase on that point, her energy shifted elsewhere. The last phrase seeming to drain the vibrance out of her.

"Yes. I didn't ask. No. I didn't know. And I'll be sure to be quiet since you want to talk about it. This is why I talked about being quiet." She stated plainly, the energy around her sharply muted and hidden. Her face settling to a flat and bleak expression as she moved to clean up wordlessly.

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