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Approved Tech Paladin's Grace Beskar'gam

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Paladin's Grace



  • Classification: Beskar'gam
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • EMP/ Ion: Average
    • Disruptor: Average
    • Sonic: Average
    • Radiation: Low
    • Temperature Extremes: Low


  • Advanced systems: The armour is built with several advanced systems allowing it to perform well in combat.
  • Mandalorian Legacy: Forged from Beskar, this beskar'gam is a traditional Mandalorian suit of armour with beautiful defensive and destructive properties.
  • Armed To The Teeth: From head to toe, this beskar'gam has an arsenal of weapons and equipment to increase combat and killing efficiency, these are all powered directly from the inbuilt reactor
  • Power dependant: Almost exclusively uses energy based weapons for combat stamina but if the reactor fails or becomes damaged it may leave the user vulnerable.
  • Composite bodysuit: The undersuit is much thinner and more flexible than the armoured parts. Whilst it will stop a glancing blow or low calibre weapons, the gaps in her beskar plates are relatively vulnerable. This is particularly true for the sheer upper leg sections but the pteruges help to mitigate this at least partially.
  • Unsubtle: The stealth polymer makes the metal less shiny and acts similarly to a primitive adaptive camouflage to unaided sight. But any adversary with even minor technological means will easily detect the armour and its wearer.
  • DNA locked: In order to change shape to suit its wearer, the suit incorporates changing molecular material. This has to be crafted specifically for the user's DNA, meaning the armour loses this capability for any other user.

The armour was built by Manda'kyrja artisans and was perfect for the personal use of Daesyn, the intimate connection between all Manda'kyrja meaning no questions had to be asked of what she might want the armour to do. The propulsion system is designed to still allow use of her wings via vanes in the armour, but if increase speed or even void combat Is required, the Aeshma can take over.

The dual pistol in the left arm fires in either alternating or combined bursts whether rapid fire or punch is required.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Daesyn Rodarch Daesyn Rodarch

Interesting construction. I have to say, there is a big problem with this part:
Ludicrous mobility: The combination of propulsion systems gives the suit nearly unparalleled manoeuvrability even allowing it to potentially engage in dogfighting with starfighters, even if it's firepower might not be capable of handling anything bigger than a snubfighter in practical terms.
This part is totally not fit into the SW feeling, it is much more like some kind of Gundam thing. Star Wars power armours are not meant to fight snubfighters, so I would like to ask you to remove this part. And the other problem is the Jumpmaster. This is also not fit into the SW or an armour, so I would like to ask you to remove this from the sub too.

Please let me know if you edited what I asked, or if you have a question.
MANIAC MANIAC as you probably saw from the way I worded my permissions I knew I was pushing it with the jumpmaster stuff so have removed it from permissions, features and description. Also removed the associated strengths and descriptions as per your request.

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