Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Par copad be a lost sparrow .....(Open to all Mandos and Invite for everyone else)

Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)

So it was barely been a season back on Alderaan and a week into having entrusted to take over as Count of House Terran. That out of the blue an old buddy or more like university college came to a knocking at his door. by the name of Helios Draco Sending him of all things a personal invite or better yet a message. Asking him to come in for a meet as he wanted a second pair of ears to listen in on a certain deal he was brokering. One which in his own words could bring quite a valuable artifact back to the university they came from. And that he trusted no one else with such a matter great secret importance than him. To which he could have easily refused but then again pull all the stops the said friend drop his ace into the lot. One which was of all things an old favor ...a life debt he'd had with him.

So with somewhat reluctantly he agreed only if he could maybe ask that they keep all this low key off the radar. As truth be known there were things during his time in the university and after that he rather not be known. One of which was that connected to this favor as such he did not want any of this reach back home. As such once the assurance was given and made he then set off. With the aid of his trusted Captain of the house guard, he'd made the arrangement. And after slip out of Alderaan he with but few than two his own guards set off to the rendezvous point; Where his friend met him and after two came to an agreement. Hop into an awaiting ship provided by his friend Helios the pair then soon made their way to place called by the local as the rat's nest.

Lead to the most affluent part they were then met by the dealer. A seem strange individual named draw us......who introduce himself as if anything less than a procurer and dealer or fine artifacts. For a certain price that is and an even still particular clientele.....


Kiyron flowed through the crowds in the Rat's Nest, pushing his way through whomever tried to take a tough stance and keep him from his destination. There had been word circulating about a mark had been spotted in the area. Kiyron had come searching for that mark. No luck yet, even as he prowled the shadowport. Perhaps that was his issue. Mayhaps he was too clearly a bounty hunter. That was his front, anyways. Easier to move as a bounty hunter than a spy.

He took a seat at a cantina, leaning against the wall and waited as people came and went. That was how to see people. Already, he could see a great deal of shady deals going down. None that concerned him much at the moment, however.

But he would wait.
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
Once everyone had dispersed with the formalities of which on this occasion was the show of creds along with usual pat down for weapons. That the ship carrying both parties went on their way with Andi along with his associates. Ushered into the waiting room in the middle of the ship. Where amidst the posh interior and drinks Andi was no less certain hid the fact. It hid from them where they were exactly heading Which was up onto the upper layer of the nest.

Where the prosperous and elite held court to peddle their wares. Away from the prying eyes of those below and whom those running the place seem nothing short of dirt. But then again as in all places, there was a need for their kind here......need to do all the dirty work while the higher up got all the perks that kept them in power this long.

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