Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 Partial Mapwipe Poll

Should we have a partial map wipe as outlined below?

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Though by no means binding it seems that this thread will by no means reach even a majority of yes votes, let alone a critical mass I'd consider to be required to consider such a drastic move.

However, I did raise another option; a partial map reduction of larger factions.

How it would theoretically and hypothetically work is:

In conjunction with a story flashpoint or mini event later this year factions over 10 hexes would be reduced by 25% (rounding down to a minimum of 10 remaining). These factions would choose which hexes to discard.

Interested? Still a hard no? I'm just chasing feedback right now, I have no plan of when or how I'd implement this even if it got the votes needed.

In my view this might declutter the map a bit and leave it open for greater expansion and more fertile ground for factions to spring up.

As always my vote is just for easier visibility of results.
I mean, at this point you might as well give major factions a cap on how many hexes they should have.

The first map wipe made sense - the map was overcrowded. There was no room for new or existing factions to expand, nor any systems in place to address the issue. Invasions were far slower than present, cloud breaking was novel, etc. etc.

If you want to wipe the map, or target larger factions for a reduction, what's the benchmark of hexes until a faction becomes a "problem" territory wise? 50? 60?

How far can a faction's cloud grow before they go from darling to devil?

And honestly? As I'm typing this, I wouldn't be opposed to a hard cap instead of a map wipe. If the end result is that faction growth results in a map wipe in a couple years, we should look at a permanent solution rather than a staff implemented one. And, with a cap in place, the effort placed into dominions late into a faction's history can he put elsewhere. Worldbuilding. Story. Hell, tie SSDs to the cap if you want.

Just my two credits

Ariel Yvarro

If it's tied to a narrative/flashpoint event sure, but a cap wouldn't be terrible either so I'm a little on the fence because there's a lot of work that's about to get thrown out the window. Again, still, if it's all narrative and story related - and the fact that the factions are getting to choose which hexes they get to basically get rid of. Aight, I suppose.
And, with a cap in place, the effort placed into dominions late into a faction's history can he put elsewhere. Worldbuilding. Story. Hell, tie SSDs to the cap if you want.

I don't think a cap is necessary. Nothing's stopping factions from just not domming and focusing on faction threads and other storylines once they get big enough, other than painting a bit more of the map a certain colour and getting that 20th SSD. Instead, why not incentivize other types of activity for bigger factions somehow? Add a mandate that allows for factions to submit faction threads instead of doms for new SSDs or something along those lines for instance, as one very quickly thought up example.
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Ariel Yvarro

Bernard Bernard that sounds great, and you could say that for those threads it's not about a post count but rather the start, and finish of faction threads. So the quality of the story has to be there, you could also extend that out to diplomacy threads, as well to get people putting more into working together and really fleshing out those stories.
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
I mean, at this point you might as well give major factions a cap on how many hexes they should have.

The first map wipe made sense - the map was overcrowded.
I am trying to word my response in the most sensitive way possible, so stay with me on this...

To be fair, almost half of the map is currently occupied by a faction. I don't think the issue is that big factions exist, at least not to me, the bigger issue seems to be at a certain point factions become too big to fail and they stay that for a very long time with little continued justification. A sleeping bear is fun to watch, but poking a sleeping bear with a stick to see what happens is arguably 10 times more exciting.

So things could stay the way they are with smaller factions slowly but surely chipping away at the bigger factions' territory. Or we do something to shake things up and put the mettle of the bigger factions to the test.
I’d like to leave Chaos better than I found it. With a cap I believe people would, out of necessity, focus on developing the planets they have now instead of going for that “major named” planet like Geonosis, Coruscant, w/e.

a cap means all those wild planets you have that mean nothing? Hopefully people would focus on developing those planets, adding lore, character, and culture to these planets and MAKE them appealing to take over.
Chancellor Emerita / Advisor of State
I’d like to leave Chaos better than I found it. With a cap I believe people would, out of necessity, focus on developing the planets they have now instead of going for that “major named” planet like Geonosis, Coruscant, w/e.

a cap means all those wild planets you have that mean nothing? Hopefully people would focus on developing those planets, adding lore, character, and culture to these planets and MAKE them appealing to take over.

I don't think a cap incentivizes this. There are factions now that currently don't expand very much every month and still don't focus on those sorts of things. Right now the GA is running a codex submission contest for exactly this sort of thing and it has not hurt our expansion efforts or faction threads. It is possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. There just has to be a willingness, a desire to do it. For those that love that sort of thing, like me, I love to see it.

Edit: I wanted to add the caveat that I don't watch and study all of the factions.
Small chips taken away from a major faction over the periodic flashpoint means that factions that really want to pursue growing to behemoth sizes are able to if they want, with the caveat of having to work hard to keep their territory under their control with flashpoints.

A cap just means that after a given point that factions that actually enjoy dominions (I mean, someone has to?) won't be able to. At least this is option of periodic loss will only slow their growth, not stop it entirely.
I don't think a cap incentivizes this. There are factions now that currently don't expand very much every month and still don't focus on those sorts of things. Right now the GA is running a codex submission contest for exactly this sort of thing and it has not hurt our expansion efforts or faction threads. It is possible to walk and chew gum at the same time. There just has to be a willingness, a desire to do it. For those that love that sort of thing, like me, I love to see it.

yeah I know it’s a long shot, but I have a dream. Gonna be the change I wanna see. Don’t hold me to that though :p

Ariel Yvarro

What's stopping people from developing these planets now? Nothing. Instead, major factions are sitting on a lot of systems and territory and they don't do anything with it. You'll get some new kid who wants to do something and they either have to join it or they end having to deal with a major faction breathing down their backs (and if they're lucky they just get left alone). Anyway like Adhira stated, you just have to have people willing to actually flesh out the worlds. shrug

Rann Thress Rann Thress

Ariel Yvarro

Rann Thress Rann Thress

Literally, nothing stopping you from submitting stuff for your planets, right now. If you cannot be bothered to develop your planets now, why would it matter if there's a cap? You should already want to develop your systems? Develop your lore, a cap will just hold things back whereas a periodic wipe just slows the growth of big factions but doesn't stop it altogether.
Darth Metus Darth Metus

The map is almost as crowded as it was then, let's not pretend that almost 75% of the map isn't occupied.

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