Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Duel Peace or Death (Open)


Tag: Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara | Darth Laesis Darth Laesis | Duckie Talon Duckie Talon | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Summoned By: Serana Serana <3


The command was issued like one would order a beast of burden, though, it was simply her way. She reached up to brush stray wisps of white hair from her face as if they were having polite afternoon tea. The battle was…Not much of one. The information that she had access to was entirely limited. A cursory glance toward the Jedi that this Sith had matched with told her several things amidst the intrepid mayhem. "They do not look to be pain... While I understand the need to neutralize a threat…"

"By that logic, they ought to be cleaving me in half about now—"

She looked over him to see the others, mildly, perturbed by the lack of excitement.

"—Which you are all free to try at your earliest convenience."

Her attention turned back toward Darth Laesis Darth Laesis , still, trying to discern what in the seven hells was going on. "But…They have not. So. What is to be gained from this incursion?"

"Is there an artifact? Some kind of power source? Territory? They are flies that buzz about your head like mindless insects, no offense indended, that distract you from your purpose. What is your purpose?"
Out of the dust the Sith appears to the side of the Lord, surprisingly.

"Their forces threaten my forces. Without my forces the First Order is nothing. I gave my opponents a chance, I gave the exiled a chance...he did not take it. So I showed them what real pain is."

With a chuckle, the voice of the Donna breaks through from a distance away.

"Funny. The only pain I've noticed was the stitch in my side. I haven't laughed this much in ages."

Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
There was a set of words that went off, being powerful...revenge. Before he could respond, he felt the blaster go off. Silently in his mind, he blamed the duck for distracting him as his left hand had a sizeable hole in it. The pinky and ring finger was now gone as it dripped small amounts of blood on the ground. When the Sith Lord had vanished, he slowly raised his hand up as he stared at it, having an immense pain tolerance with his eyes slowly drooping.

"Even in death...I seem to lose body parts. What is one more for the road?"

When the lady spoke...the one he could sense so much power into, he actually stopped at being called potentially a Jedi. So long ago, he would fight and argue against ever being called a Jedi in his lifetime. However the next word while Srina had sneered, hating it...the Sullustan had a gentle smile come from the corner of his mouth. Peacekeeper.

So long ago as an Inquisitor, he was considered a Peacekeeper for the Galactic Empire. They handled the affairs against the Jedi, they kept order on Rori against the Rebellion. Such pleasant memories from a time so long gone long ago he was wrapped up in an adventure of revenge, hatred and need to destroy those who ruined his life. But now it felt like a breeze in the wind, his soul long been freed of such torture he had inflicted onto himself for hundreds of years.

Though of course, after smiling at his own memories, he had to confront the fact a Duck was being picked up and claimed to be possibly his fault...and cooked? With the pink pony, this was indeed one of the most unusual moments of his life set before him, without failure. However the return of the Dark Lord of...well, Disappearance as he will now think of him. To turn the person? As if memory served, he turned to stare face to face with his foe of a thousand years... Milos Echo .

Echo had not only ruined his life, killed his adopted family, but killed his mentor, facilited murder after murder, mutilated him and made his life a living hell. A rogue Dark Jedi that never seemed to be killed, only with the help of the Inquisitions, with the Pavans, did the threat finally end. Walking over towards him, he felt as if he had a million things to say to him, a thousand words to let him know how angry he was, how much he wanted to scream and kill him over again for his actions.

Instead, he looked at him this time with pity. He had changed...he finally felt the regrets of all his actions, he could feel it in his emotions, he knew it to be true. All this time, all the corruption that been through his life, this was the moment he had turned back towards what he truly was, a Jedi. Even if he, like himself, did not believe it just yet, he was on the road to recovery and the Sullustan did something he thought he never did. He forgave him...he forgave him for all his actions, there was no point in holding onto that hatred no more, a hatred that granted him so much power early on.

With Srina speaking that she should be attacked, the Sullustan merely gave a smile at that and refused still to speak over it. There was no need to fight at this point, the goal was already done. Besides...if he did attack, he have maybe less than a minute to do anything and it probably do nothing more than make a stiff breeze and ruin her beloved hair...and ruffle Sir Quacks alot.

Darth Laesis Darth Laesis Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Srina Talon Srina Talon Duckie Talon Duckie Talon Serana Serana
SHe looked at the interaction and Srina Talon Srina Talon was asking questions and she would almost say wanting them to attack but she remained there looking. "I mean we could if you want but I only came here when it was like four on one and there seemed to be little uneven... THen suddenly they were sending entire ships down from no where. All very ah escalation like and I don't think there is much here." She looked more at the woman as a voice came over from Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud who was laughing. She wasn't wrong there had been fighting but the slew of sith seemed better at flexing.... kind of like those guys on the beach who just posed all day. "But really a massive battle isn't what should be done." She looked at the duck... at Duckie Talon Duckie Talon and wondered if he needed help... he seemed on a mission.


Tag: Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara | Darth Laesis Darth Laesis | Duckie Talon Duckie Talon | Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Summoned By: Serana Serana <3

The poor Sullustan was going to have difficulty holding sand with a hole that large in his hand. Isn't that what Jedi liked? Dusty backwaters Tatooine?

Srina smiled.

It was a terrible sight, mostly, because it was so rare. She was equal parts lovely and terror—Of which her people knew well. "You heard? Verify, your intelligence. You could be chasing the galaxies' shiniest marble at the expense of revealing yourself and your men."

She paused, thoughtfully, but with no small measure of experience.

"So…If there is something to be gained, remember, that you are Sith. Patience. I find that I agree with this little"

Her attention turned back toward all of the Jedi now. This little discussion gave them the time to collect themselves and Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud a moment to level a well-placed taunt. Srina was unmoved, focused, on the reason WHY she had been pulled from bed in the middle of the night. Surely not to start a war without her husband even being aware she was missing. He wouldn't like that, at all. "Now as we are all in agreement that a large-scale battle isn't necessary... What is this artifact?"

"And who wishes to bring it to me?"
Darth Laesis Darth Laesis Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud @anyone in this thread idk

What the feth was she doing here, she had better things then to watch this! Wait a minute no she didn't this was about the most interesting thing that ivory had dragged her along to! So much so star was actually cracking a grin allllll the way up until the sith had told the Donna to quiet down and that smile slooooowly faded into a very displeased look

you will speak with respect to the Donna, were it not for her here I'd see you crisped
"Quiet down, the Lord needs her peace."

you will speak with respect to the Donna, were it not for her here I'd see you crisped

The woman in black smirked, replying again: "I think your Mistress is fully capable of speaking for herself, Sith."

raising a hand, she placed it delicately upon the forearm of her Enforcer, The Emerald Dragon. "Now, now, darling... if anyone will be doing the crisping, I think it will be the Dread Queen. We'll just enjoy the barbeque."

"And who wishes to bring it to me?"

"Ten Thousand Underworld Credits to the finder of said artifact!" She declared brightly. The Boss of the Coruscanti Mafia certainly had the credits to back her offer.

Srina Talon Srina Talon Serana Serana Duckie Talon Duckie Talon Darth Laesis Darth Laesis Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara
He was not far away from Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud as the ordeal was going down, to him it only amused him not much else he was only here to see this go down he merely looked to Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae when Darth Laesis Darth Laesis told her to quiet down, he knew Star's temper and if he wanted to try and have his hand at her then he is welcome to it.

For now he sat down near the Donna as he listened to mention of this artifact and the Donnas offer of a sizeable amount of credits, she seemd to enjoy adding incentive

Srina Talon Srina Talon Serana Serana Duckie Talon Duckie Talon Jegy Sesara Jegy Sesara
"Without me, there is no force." - Darth Valor
Darth Valor were still just observing what is going on. Another Sith lord has appeared. A criminal has appeared. Force Ghost has appeared. Lord of the dead appeared and a... pony?? Darth Valor is confused. It would seem the fight has stopped for now.

"So umm. What now?" Valor would say to his brother Mordius and Srina.

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