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Dominion Piracy on the frontier | AC + Pirates | Tiss'Sharl


Ashlan Crusade dominion of Tiss'Sharl open to Kraken Coalition Pirates (other interested parties PM)

Once again the Ashlan crusade is on the move, reaching deeper into ex-sith empire space. But as they approach the galactic hyperlanes some of the less civilised systems become havens for pirates and other lawless people. One such world is Tiss'Sharl, a jungle planet inhabited by the reptilian Tiss'Shar. The ashlans are avoiding the major population centers for now, but plan on establishing outposts before they launch the capture of Ession and Dromund Kaas.

Unfortunately, these activities have caught the attention of both the local inhabitants and the pirates that prowl the sector.



The Ashlans are moving supplies to help build their bases and also as humanitarian aid to help buy the favour of the locals. The pirates have spotted this and are about to make their move. The Ashlans have vastly superior firepower at their disposal so any action will need to be quicker, scare off the current defenders, steal the loot, then get away before reinforcements arrive. The Ashlans for their part need to get supplies on the ground quickly.



The Ashlans are establishing several bases of varying sizes around the planet's lush jungles, the primary base is well established but several smaller satellite bases are only in the early stages of construction. The locals are largely indifferent but several tribes are fairly hostile to the ashlans and may try to push the bases away, some are still sympathetic to the Sith and will fight for them. The pirates have also been quick to notice which bases are well defended and which are sat with minimal defenders, but tons of juicy supplies.


Not everything is about conquest, there is a verdant world to explore and locals to interact with. There are even whispered talk that the Ashlans may be willing to engage with privateers in order to capture stolen sith secrets.




Space had been quiet so far thought the captain of the Shard a Dominion class escort frigate on his holo were the positions of the other two ships of his small patrol, a pair of Seraphims Blade and Pike II.

Their fighters were running fast patrols guarding incoming ships which were a mixture of cargo ships and other transports, mostly ferrying military supplies, medical supplies and foodstuffs to the planet below. The three ships had not encountered anything other than a few brave fighter pilots trying their luck. They were on low alert as the watched the latest vessel ships arrive. A heavy courier vessel called Prontus IV there were about 6 cargo vessels in system currently but this was the largest for days.

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Location: Tiss'Sharl

The vines have been jingling lately and, Isidor had been listening closely to it. Apparently, the AC had been ferrying supplies around these parts. As with anything, they had been wanting to do a raid that didn't end with fleeing with their lives. Anyhoo, the Blood Lightning dropped from Hyperspace and, stayed around the periphery. Stealth is paramount here, they had to get supplies as they were running out and, the woeful lack of edibles and beverages were making everyone tetchy.

They better be quick and stealthy otherwise, they will end up being shot at. So they went in quietly, keeping alert and hoping the others get here to help with the lootings. Isidor did learn from the almost disastrous raid on the Sith, well the abandoned Sith place at least. The Bryn were really difficult to get away from.

Everyone on board prepared the guns and, the cargo holds for either battle or success in the raiding. Never restful always alert and yet, never highly strung in stress. Everything runs better without overwrought stress. So far, nothing has gone wrong, no one spotted them as of yet and, it could be successful but at the same time never overestimating who or what they were facing.

The plan is to sneak as close as possible and then strike fast and get away with all the loot and deliver them to the Coalition for equal splitting.

Isidor was very much looking forward to a good raid.

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Location: Tiss'Sharl
Tags: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene E Eric Vales Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana


The Midnight Kyber dropped out of hyperspace cloaked not far off the port of the Blood Lightning. Rapidly, the four Sciss FIghters launched out of their hanger and streaked invisibly toward the planet.

" Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene , this is Cass arriving as arranged. I will engage the lead Seraphim immediately. My research shows that Ashlan warships tend to be tough but not very agile, if we exploit that we can neutralise them with minimal casualties. Good luck"

Moments later, the Kyber decloaked and its batteries opened fire on the nearest ship, followed by a volley of missiles. The ship was in a slow roll as it flew to spread the return fire from the Ashlan ships across multiple shield emitters.

On the bridge Cass smiled from her command chair, she had taken personal control of flight systems and was enjoying the thrill of a proper fight. Attacking the Ashlans was a risk, but the rewards were potentially immense and she couldn't let on her reasons for misgivings about attacking them to her fellow pirates.



The four stealth fighters, moving at full speed blasted, towards the Ashlan blockade. They were heading for the planet, each fighter was filled with armed pirates ready raid their targets. If secured the Parting Gift would follow them down, but right now the aim was hard and fast. There was a small base in the north garrisoned only by a dozen or so guards, it had just received a drop off from space so there would be large amounts of supplies still crated up and ready to be stolen.

The squadron leader Pix was in the lead, she knew she was responsible for this part of the mission, get the troops down, provide fire support then extract them.. easy.





Pike II, being the victim of this surprise attack by the decloaking frigate began to take damage, its shields held well for now, but the powerful weapons on the Midnight Kyber were punishing it and quickly emitters began to fail. "Return fire! All batteries target that ship! signal the Shard that we need assistance."

Out in space the two ships continued to exchange fire, but this was an uneven match up for the light patrol frigate. Luckily it had its Pegasus and Pheonix squadrons deployed and 16 advanced fighters turned back toward their carrier, engaging SLAM drives to close the distance quickly. It would be a minute or two before they arrived back, having been deeper in system.

The Blade was to far away to intervene, but the Shard turned toward the enemy vessel and began to add its fire to the defense. Luckily there was just the one attacker to deal with, but the scans came back that it was bristling with advanced tech and the captain was bold and aggressive.

Out in deep space the Prontus IV continued on its journey, but a pair of smaller cargo vessels slowed their approach in order to group up with it.



How long had he been in the holding cell? A few weeks? A few months? Korriban had changed him for the worst. That alone had been maddening, but now he had nothing but time to think about his failures. The Light had failed their righteous quest. The ritual had not been able to cleanse the Dark, for those ancient halls were too steeped in its power. When the retreat was sounded, Geiseric had not laid down his weapon, he had not run. His weapon was laid down for him, and it was a miracle the Sith had not killed him immediately. But he thought perhaps the release of death was a better alternative to the life he lived now. It held more certainty.

These four walls belonged to pirates, the Kraken Coalition, but they were simple middlemen, honourable compared to who they were taking him to. As he had awaited execution on a vessel over Korriban, a fate which had never arrived, he had been "broken out" by a band of pirates. He was out of the frying pan, and into the fire. It was too late before he realized the pirates were in the employ of another Sith Lord. It dawned on Geiseric that he was worth something to the Sith, though he knew not what. Now he was bound for Dromund Kaas likely to put in chains before whomever claimed warlordship of the Sith Capital following the Empire's collapse.

For so long now he had done one thing: he had knelt in the center of his cell and prayed. He could not, would not, turn to despair. His long hair grew even longer, drooping over his face and obscuring much of his torso as he kept his head bowed in deference to Ashla. His stark white hair began to show the natural brown roots of his hair, the only indicator that time had not become stale and stagnant. He could no longer feel his legs, and his knees were wrought with sores from the seemingly endless days praying.

His only release now was sleep, and it did not come easy aboard any starship, especially not here. His prayers had begun hoping for repentance before the Light, then he had hoped for freedom. Now his prayers were weak, and the glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel hoped only for death...
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Geiseric's dream
Objective: Save Geiseric.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With:: Geiseric Geiseric
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Many did not come home from Korriban, but among them was a person Eina knew. The matter was more worrying than that, for the man did not die, only disappeared. The members of Valkyrja did not see the man's soul. Geiseric Geiseric was one of the first crusaders Eina met from the Ashlan Crusade in the Netherworld; she joined them in part because of the man. True, unfortunately they have not met many times since, and since Korriban the man has been treated as a missing person. However, the woman did not accept this.

She had been searching for him for weeks, months by now. She felt she owed the man so much this is why she wants to find out what had happened to him. So the woman was now on one of the planets of the Ashlan Crusade, sitting in a meditation room and researching in the Force. Due to the fact she was Force Entity, she had a special relationship with the Force and she already knew the man’s aura well, she saw it in Netherworld as well. So she was still looking for this Force signature. The space was huge, she knew the chances of finding him were small.

She found him and didn't. Eina did not find him physically, only in the Force. As a Valkyrja, the desire to die or death wish was what she sensed; not the prayers or the hope. After all, Eina's job was to accompany and protect dead souls to the afterlife. Or to elevate the worthy ones into among her species' members. She followed the footsteps of the man in the Force with her own mind and soul. She soon found him, just asleep. She reached out into the man's direction harder, touching his mind with telepathy. It was hard because there was no Force-bond between them and the man was too far from her. Perhaps the partially broken consciousness and the fact that the man began to give up stood on the woman's side.

Taking advantage of these gaps, she got into the man's mind, his dreams. In the dream, she appeared with a strong, golden light near the man. Here, too, she was in the winged, angelic form; although this was not her choice now, it was possible his. Her heart tightened from what she felt. She flinched closer, then reached out gently toward the man, and if Geiseric allowed her, she stroked softly, encouragingly, gently along the man's face.

"I finally found you! I've been looking for you for so long, Lord Geiseric, I knew you weren't dead! I felt your desire to die in the Force… but I don’t know where you are in the physical world. Please help me to find you and bring you home!" she entreated the crusader.


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Another day rolled over, and sleep began to grip the Jedi. It was never a pleasant sleep, always plagued by regrets, by whispers of the Dark Side. He rolled over from where he knelt in prayer and began the painstaking process of pulling himself up onto his cot. His captors thought he was a lunatic, forcing himself through the same routine every day, waking up and kneeling on the cold metal floor until he couldn't do so any longer. His turbulent sleep was the only respite for his knees, which were becoming bare of skin as he tortured himself. Sleep was also a reprieve from the hunger. He had never eaten much before, and the pirates had little to spare, but after this long it had become unbearable. When he was afforded a meal, he savoured it, for though he knew they would feed him again to keep him alive, if barely, he didn't know when it would be.

As he sank into the hypnogogic warmth of his cot, covered by his thin blanket, the burdens of the mortal world began to slip away. The realm of dreams was the realm of the Force, where the mystical energy was strongest, where its visions were the most potent. Some nights passed with no dreams, others were simply hushed voices speaking to him from darkness. Some were true dreams, and those visions were getting stronger. Tonight he was more lucid than ever before. He was back on Korriban, standing in the long dark hall that ended in the sinister doors of the Sith Academy's holocron vault. That was where they had captured him. But now there were no bodies strewn around at his feet, no assailants brandishing scarlet blades at him. It was empty, except for him. He'd had this dream a few times before, but never had it been so quiet. He had relived his capture on nights past, and he had dreamt of different outcomes. He wondered anxiously what this vision, so bare, held for him.

He stared at the inanimate black doors at the far end of the hall. They beckoned him, and seemed to inch closer at a snails pace. He knew what lied beyond them: a wealth of dark forbidden knowledge... tempting to all, but good for none. As he stared, his heart began to pound, faster and faster, and as it did the door seemed to creep closer and closer to the beat of his heart. As the door loomed closer its black doors swung open, the void beyond staring back threatened to swallow him. Yet, as the hall shrunk to its final stretch, a light began to shine down the walls, coming from a source behind him. The ethereal doors slammed shut in his face, and he turned to gaze upon the light. The angelic figure that stood before him was a new addition to his strange dreams. Her beauty and radiance was out of place, but welcomed. Feelings of peril lifted from his spirit were replaced by peace.

The angel's hand gently caressed his gaunt face as he stood stunned, but as she spoke he began to comprehend what he saw.

"I finally found you! I've been looking for you for so long, Lord Geiseric, I knew you weren't dead! I felt your desire to die in the Force… but I don’t know where you are in the physical world. Please help me to find you and bring you home!"

Her voice was friendly and familiar. He recognized her in his heart even though his mind was confused.

"Ei- Eina?" he croaked in disbelief. Yes, that was her name, he remembered now. She was a spirit, encountered by the crusaders in the depths of the Netherworld. He could tell by her energy that she was not a fixture of his dream. He still did not understand her, or any spirits in the Force. She was here, but how? It seemed all she ever wanted was to help. He had once called her a boon from Ashla. Perhaps he was right. "I... I am on a ship, bound for Dromund Kaas. A-are you here?" his voice was weak, hoping the answer was yes, but fearing the worst
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Geiseric's dream
Objective: Save Geiseric.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With:: Geiseric Geiseric
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Now was the time for the woman to look around in the dream; which seemed more like a nightmare than a pleasant dream. She smiled again for a moment and nodded at Geiseric's words. Suddenly she didn't even remember if the man had seen her like this before or not. She had a different form at the first meeting, Eina only chose this form because of the Ashlan Crusade. And the time was definitely different for the woman. While it may have been barely a year or two in Realspace, it could easily have been several decades to her in the Nether, it is unknown.

"Yes it's me. So you remember me!" she said kindly with a faint smile.

Eina felt her heart break again due to the weak response because she couldn't tell good news. A ship heading for Dromund Kaas. There was the interest of her family; HPI also had a company building, tower in Kaas City, not to mention that Tower Vandiir was also owned by the woman’s mother. But even here she can find help on Tiss'Sharl, as her mother and Telis Taharin have defended the planet twice before and found allies. At least she already knew where to look for him.

"No, I'm sorry, I'm not here, I just connected to you through the Force. Physically, I’m on Tiss’Sharl, but I already know where I’m looking for you." she replied softly.

If there had been anything with the man that belonged to Eina and it is imbued with the Force, she would have easily found him, or a bond between them, like a compass. But something came to mind. She hadn't done this many times, but the Valkyrja knew the theory.

"I can find you in two ways; with technology, but I may not find you in time before you arrive at Dromund Kaas. I can save you from there too, but I don't want the planet's Dark side forces to hurt you. The other method… I place a mark on your soul, in the Force, it would be a compass for me, a torch, I would know exactly where you are and I could be there almost immediately. However, it is possible that this mark will last for a long time or forever, it will not hurt you and no one else can abuse it. But I won't do that unless you let me, Lord Geiseri." she offered both options while looking into the man's brown eyes.






Better late than never.

It was a pretty pathetic philosophy for a fight in space, but it was all Dispara had as the Witch's Boudoir screamed towards the Midnight Kyber's aid, SLAM engine screaming. The corvette was light and nimble, and hopefully would help Cass hinder the Crusader blockade. The Boudoir careened into the engagement, zooming broadside to the AC frigate, peppering its hull with both rapid-fire ion cannon turrets, in hopes of incapacitating some of the frigate's weapons before open firing with all beam and railguns.

"Sorry, Captain Gemini" Dispara radioed the Midnight Kyber, "I can't sneaky sneak up like you can."

The half-Sephi said, the smirk audible in her tone. The Boudoir angled away from the escort frigate, darting erratically to avoid the larger ships array of weapons, which were mostly trained on Cass's frigate anyway. She altered course without slowing to make a pass at the closest patrol frigate, angling the laser turrets and cannons to hit it as the ions recharged. The railgun turret was put to charge as well.

Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene


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Location: Tiss'Sharl

That's their cue, and the Blood Lightning made its presence known as it came in from the right, all weaponry primed and ready. Isidor could feel the itch for plunder and battle from his fingers to his toes. The Aslan's were nothing to sneeze at, no, you can't really use any allegory for any part of the situation. There are now three of them, so no one had to get caught in a Bryn load of trouble. Now that's a good allegory, as it was from prior engagements. Cass radioed in with very good intel on the Ships they were planning to hit. She's good, she's very very good.

So their opponents have good defences but very poor agility, such information is valued highly because without it there is nothing but space to look forward to entering. It took him a second to decide on how to proceed. They are to open fire on the Ashlan Ships so that it would make the looting easier and to help Cass and not let her have all the fun.

<"All guns open fire and, all pilots prepare and launch your Starfighters."> Isidor barked as he too manned a Turbolaser, a good leader gets stuck into the fighting as well as having good decision making. As if on cue, their squadrons screeched out of the hangar in the same way Hornets from their nest and spreading out for maximum firing range.

Everyone had tethered themselves down so that if there is a breach, no one will get sucked out to their deaths.

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The Captain of the Pike II watched in horror as the dorsal roof of his Hangar bay buckled under the weight of fire. It looked as though, like it's namesake this ship would be most. The top brass were already considering putting the Seraphim Class out of action, the hangar flaw was brutally exploited, the attacking pirate had done her homework and knew where to hit them.

"This is Captain Jackson, we are losing integrity, making emergency jump to hyperspace now." The ship shimmered and lept into hyperspace, leaving a trail of debris behind it but it had escaped.

The captain of the Shard Optimal engagement range but the enemy ship had moved its rear arc. The Ashlan ship turned hard but struggled to keep its arcs. It instead turned its main batteries on the approaching Blood Lightning being both slower and further away it was an easier target, but it was a larger and more heavily armed ship, so each shot counted for less.

The Blade had pulled itself round to attack the Witch's Boudoir the agile little ship was a difficult target, advance Ashlan sensors tracked and fired at the pirate.

Out in space the pilots of the Pegasus interceptors and Phoenix bombers had the Midnight Kyber in view and were opening fire, numerous proton warheads flew threw space to catch Gemini's ship. The fighters were taking casualties but pressed on hoping to take the advantage.

The Prontus IV had now stopped its approach, the captain aboard was considering leaving to hyperspace himself after seeing Pike II leave its post, but this valuable cargo needed to get to the ground and his ship was not without its own defenses. One of the smaller ships however did not see this justification and bugged out, leaving a streak of light as it left the theatre into hyperspace.

Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene Dispara M Mark Air Gami Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


His heart sank to learn that Eina was not standing across from him in the physical. It was too much to hope for, and he knew this was a dream, but it still pained him. He listened to her offer, though he didn't fully understand it. Yet she spoke with a sense of certainty.

"I fear I will not survive my arrival to Kaas in one piece. Do what you must... quickly." he begged her. He didn't know what this mark in the Force was, or what it would do to him, but he was ready to accept it as a means of escaping this nightmare, both asleep and awake. He began to feel himself drifting into waking world once again, the dark dawn of a new day rising as his dream subsided. He took Eina's hands in his own for as long as he could, provided she didn't need them for her ritual, as the hallway of the Korriban Academy melted away around him.

"Quickly." he repeated, a pleading tone in his voice.

Geiseric's eyes snapped open into the realization of wakefulness. His weakened body had a film of cold sweat upon it. He pushed himself up from his cot and sat on the edge, mentally preparing himself to return to his meditative prayers as he observed his emaciated legs, the holes in his prisoners fatigues hanging wide open around his torn knees. If Eina had succeeded in whatever she was going to do, he knew she would be there shortly. If she had failed, then he knew at least he was not forgotten. He could not afford to fall any deeper into despair. It was not the Jedi way, and he would not let the Sith break him any further.

Location: Tiss'Sharl
Tags: Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene E Eric Vales Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Dispara


"Get in!!" Cheered Cass as her shots hit home and on of the Ashlan ships was almost broken in half before leaving for hyperspace "That's one down, get on the comm to Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene And get him to focus on that heavy frigate, his ships has the guts to take it head on and we will flank." She looked at the holo readout projected in front of her at the positions of the cargo convoy, watching as one of them fled.

"Dex!?" She called out to bridge officer "tell me you are in that heavy hauler, I we can't have them fleeing on us too"

The young woman barely looked up from the code scrolling in front of her, her connection allowing her to link directly with the ships systems. "Affirmative captain, the Pseudointerdictor is running and I have locked their diagnostic systems out so they should not be able to detect our ruse."

"Excellent work, keep them here whilst we finish off the defenders." Commended Cass as she returned her focus to piloting the Kyber. They were being pursued by bombers and were taking damage, pulling the ship into a hard turn she brought it behind the enemy Dominion frigate. Her heavy weapons opened up on the engines of the frigate whilst her light weapons peppered the bombers. The shields were holding but a few ashlan torpedoes had struck home. They needed to finish this quickly or her shop would take too much damage to make this worthwhile.



With a flick of her wrist, Pix turned her fighter into a dive toward the target, her squadron mates joined her, the for ships lined up. There were two IFV class vehicles and just over a dozen light infantry, this almost felt unfair.

The four fighters decloaked and loosed their weaponry. Torpedoes streaked towards the IFVs and laser cannons raked the infantry positions mercilessly. They would make two passes like this, land, secure the area then it was payday.


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Geiseric's dream
Objective: Save Geiseric.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With:: Geiseric Geiseric
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Now she had to be like her mother; she must not show how much it hurt to see the man like that. But the man could not see and feel this, because then he would lose all hope. And in this situation, it would be fatal. Both of them needed to stay strong. Begging; then she saw and felt how desperate the man was. Even so, the woman was a little surprised that Geiseric finally agreed to the process. Eina imagined that the man thought his soul belonged to Ashla and only to her.

"It won't hurt." she promised softly.

She squeezed the man's hand kindly and encouragingly as the crusader grabbed it. She began to concentrate as she was in her angelic form, so Eina's aura shone with a golden light, and then the Force began to flow into the man. There was no explicit Light Side energy, but neither was Dark Side. Completely neutral like the Valkyrja. Nevertheless, Geiseric could feel a pleasant warmth that filled his soul. It gave a feeling like when Eina stroked his face gently. A minute or two later, the aura of the Valkyrja faded, leaving only the mark on his soul that formed an Ashla symbol. If anyone looked at the man’s aura, they could see that faint, pulsating golden light mark there, which partially supported and looked after him.

"I'll be the…" she would have started to say, but when the man woke up, the connection between them was broken and the woman's eyes also opened.

Luckily, the process was a success, so she knew she felt where the man was. She still needed about two or three minutes but Eina didn’t have time to say where she was going. First the Valkyrja went to the Netherworld through a rift, then to where she felt the man. Since she did not know who or what might still be on board, hid her presence; then stepped back into the Realspace. In principle, she should have arrived next to Geiseric, but the man was behind an energy wall, so Eina was unable to do so and crashed into the wall outside the cell. She knew it could be a “side effect,” but it wasn’t pleasant.

Although her presence was not felt to others, the opening and closing of the rift was noticeable by Force Users. And reality shocked her, the crusader was in a worse condition than in his dream. Eina hoped she hadn't arrived late. She didn't see a terminal on the wall next to the cell, she couldn't let the man out for now. The Valkyrja stepped close to the energy wall and put her palm on it.

"Lord Geiseric, I'm here as I promised!" she whispered. "I'll release you immediately! But I can't go through the energy wall, even in immaterial form. I have to look for a terminal. Please hold out a little more, I'll not leave this place without you!" she promised.





Dispara swung her headaround long enough to see from the corner of the bridge's viewports the beams of the Midnight Kyber heavily strafe one of the Seraphim-class boats. Debris scattered from the solid damage, and it fled to hyperspace, leaving shards of itself floating in it's wake. Then the corvette shuddered as multiple hits pounded its shield. "Shyke." She growled.

"Hard port! I need info...I only have two frakin' eyes here!" Dispara barked out.

"The other Seraphim, on us cap'n." A crewman answered, eyes on numerous sensors. "The bigger frig is hitting the Kyber. Fighter and bombers inbound. Blood Lightning here, fighters launching."

"Keep a tight turn, stay close. Focus all weapons on it." Dispara commanded. She glanced down at a small screen on the left of her command chair. It displayed a higher level sensor display of the system. Isidor's cruiser was in range. He and Cass could crunch on the Crusader frigate. She wanted a piece of those sweet soft cargo ships, but she dared not make a run for them. Too many fighters and bombers out there, and the damn patrol frigate on her ass.

"Fire at will." She snapped. The sharp cough of the turbolasers and the staticy buzz of the rapid-fire ion cannons were faint noises outside the Witch's Boudoir's hull. Those sounds were outdone by the loud repeating FWUMP FWUMP FWUMP of the big rail gun as it spewed ferromagnetic slugs at the AC ship.

The pirate corvette peeled away, making a sharp arc around the rear of the Seraphim-class ship, gun's blazing. Dispara watched the Crusader vessel's turrets spin with impressive union as they expertly tracked the nimble brigand ship. "Blast." Dispara muttered, cursing the superior targeting technology of the Ashlan ship. "Shield status?"

"seventy-eight percent!" a Twi-'lek woman replied, her hands working the shield enhancer to bolster their defense where it was needed. She needed to keep the patrol frigate engaged to allow the other Kraken captains to deal with the big ship.

Cass Gemini Cass Gemini Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana
Isidor Justeene Isidor Justeene



At the sight of her, Geiseric sighed a breathe of release, feeling as though he'd been holding it for weeks on end. He even cracked a slight smile. "It really is you... my faith is rewarded." Whether she believed it or not, though he suspected she never had, she was a boon from Ashla.

The woman tried to reach him to no avail. He wasn't certain where the control panel for the holding cells were, but he was certain Eina would be able to find them from the outside. Standing was difficult given what he'd been through, but he hobbled to his feet the best he could leaned and against the wall. As he stood, a wave of dark energy washed over him. He stifled the nauseous gut reaction it gave him. He had felt the darkness creeping in ever since his defeat on Korriban., he felt it slipping through the cracks in his psyche as the days grew harder and more desperate. But this was a pungent aura, meaning something powerfully dark had arrived. The tone in Geiseric's voice became worried and urgent,

"Eina, I do not think we're alone."
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Geiseric's cell
Objective: Save Geiseric.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With:: Geiseric Geiseric
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina saw how hard it was for the man to stand on his feet and how weak he was. She responded to the smile with an encouraging smile. The hard time was still standing before them, they still had to get out of here. She didn't know exactly what condition the man was in, so she wouldn't have dared to try to transfer her to Netherworld. There, becoming one with the Force is a much greater danger as long as he was in such a state. She, too, felt the dark aura; it could have been a Sith, who could have held the man in captivity. She didn’t have many choices so didn’t look for a panel. The Valkyrja took out the sword which could use to cause a fire.

She stabbed the blade into the wall, not far from the energy field near the ceiling, and then pulled it to the floor. All the wires were broken, the energy field was gone. She put the sword back to the sheath as she hurried into the cell to help the man. If Geiseric let her, she hugged the man to support him that way. So now she felt even more how weak and fragile the crusader was.

"Let's go back to bed so you can sit down. In this state, I do not dare to take you to the Netherworld, I need to heal you first!" she felt it would be equivalent to helping him into death.

The woman here in Realspace was weaker, so she knew it would be tiring what she wanted, but she had no choice. If the man let her, Eina escorted him back to the bed and sat him down there, then sat down next to him. It was a little uncomfortable because of the wings, still, if the man let go, now the woman took the man's hand, placing the other hand on the man's chest above his heart. The Valkyrja was a creature of Death and a guardian of the dead, yet now she was trying to protect someone from that fate with Force heal. The woman's palm, which was on Geiseric's chest, shone golden as the woman channelled her own life force into the man. Whose weakness and tiredness disappeared with the pain, then his wounds healed. Eventually, the withered muscles recovered and the man was completely relaxed and healthy. Now Eina felt weak and gasped for air, she had to give a lot of energy to the man. Despite her fatigue and weakness, she smiled at the knight gently as she looked into his eyes.

"How romantic, the angel protects her chosen crusader." there was a mocking male voice from the door, the Sith Lord. "At first I thought L'lerim really did the impossible and brought Darth Prospero back… exactly to board my ship! But no, it was you. The Sith Valkyrie tales are true about you… so you were born from the marriage... I mean the energies of the souls of Darth Prospero and the Eternal Empress… at Byss and your Force Signature is like someone mixed theirs. And thanks to you, even the Jedi will survive. It’s a great day, "Princess", and I’ve hit the jackpot with both of you.!"



Geiseric let the angel take him back to sit and work her magic. He looked down at her hand as it pressed softly against his chest, glowing a brilliant gold that coated both their faces in its soft light. His pain washed from him, pulsating slowly out of feeling until his whole body was relaxed. He stared into Eina's eyes as she worked, seeing the strain it put on her. He wanted to say something, but the words never made it from his mouth. He wanted to tell her to stop, but he knew that if she did he might not make it out alive. He knew that even weakened by this she was strong, not like a mortal woman.

"I am indebted to you lady Eina, I-" he could feel the vitality returning to his muscles, his bones, his spirit. He didn't know such powerful healing abilities existed, but he was willing to admit there was still much about the Force he didn't know.

The intruding voice snapped him to attention, turning his gaze from Eina to the Sith Lord. This was the one he had sensed. He wasn't certain if this was the Sith Lord he was destined to meet on Dromund Kaas, one of his lackeys, or another enterprising lord looking to claim the Jedi prisoner. But he was certain that this Sith knew his saviour, and Geiseric was not please at how. Geiseric held Eina close still as the Sith berated her with names Geiseric recognized, and not fondly. He knew of her standing among the Valkyries, but... could it be that she was the daughter of one of the most wanted Sith Lords during the Civil War?

Geiseric let go of her, and stood up, casting an eye upon her that spoke silent volumes. It was a look asking... demanding... to know if this was the truth. He wondered to what avail she had saved him, for what reason she had aided the Crusade thus far.

"What is going on here!?" he shouted openly, expecting an answer from at least one of them, or maybe the heavens themselves Ashla willing, to wrap his head around the words he'd just heard.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Geiseric's cell
Objective: Save Geiseric.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With:: Geiseric Geiseric
[ Dawn ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

As she healed, she could see and feel perfectly what the man wanted to say when he saw how much energy the process was costing. But Eina really wouldn’t have stopped, she had a greater protective personality than to do this. She was indeed powerful, but now she even needed some time to get better. Minutes to open a rift, hours or days to be perfectly fine and regain all her strength.

"You don't owe a gratitude to me!" she wanted to say it, but it was then that she heard the voice of the Sith Lord. She didn't really notice when it happened that the man held her close to him. For a few moments she was more embarrassed by the situation than by the sound of the Sith. Finally, she looked at the man exhausted. Eina knew it was only a matter of time before someone would recognize her based on her Force Signature, but that now came uncomfortably. Ashlan Crusade knew about it, told them it was never a secret, but Lord Geiseric was not there then. He didn't know yet.

There was pain in her exhausted gaze as the man let her go and almost looked at her accusingly. Did that really matter? The man demanded an answer, the woman tried to speak, but no sound came out of her throat. She felt ashamed, though she had no sin.

"It is true in a broader sense …" she said hoarsely, looking pleadingly at Geiseric.

She tried to get up, failing at first because she didn't have the strength to do so, and on the second try, the man pushed her against the wall with a telekinetic push, causing the bed to tip over and fall on Eina. If Geiseric wanted to move, the Sith Lord would try to stop him with a Force choke.

"So they don't know, it's interesting! Yes it's true… and it is perhaps even tighter than if it were blood-bound. This is spiritual. She was formed by the forces released from two souls. At the moment of her birth, she had consciousness, inherited knowledge and personality traits from the original ones. Let's play a little, maybe we'll learn a bit about who you inherited more from." he said sarcastically.

The Valkyrja tried to stand up again, but now the man trampled on her back between her wings and pressed Eina to the ground. That’s when he really started choking Geiseric.

"Enough! Leave him alone! Let him go!" she exclaimed desperately.

"Overprotective! Give me the swords and I won't break his neck. If you try anything, your crusader will die." the woman reached for her belt still lying on the ground, the man pulled it off from her with the telekinesis, then looked at the crusader and he let him go. "She was born half of the soul of a Sith Lord… give justice to Ashla, kill her and I will release you. Destroy the abomination!"

With that, he stepped off Eina's back, stepped back, and pointed with his hand at her. Eina looked into the Geiseric's eyes for another moment; her gaze betrayed that Ashlan Crusade knew who and what she was, in the end she smiled sadly, her lips silently forming the words "do it", and in the end she looked at the ground again as she knelt on the ground; accepted her fate…



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