Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Podrace PODRACE: The Korriban Breakneck (open to spectating and gambling)


It was a beautiful day on Korriban, meaning Jorus Merrill hated every moment of it. As one of the race's ground techs, his main job was dragging busted podracers off the track, and today that was going to mean plenty of trudging through sand dunes. Some jackass had set up the starting line in a canyon where magma spurted through cracks in ancient Sith stonework, further increasing the heat. Jorus looked up at the spectator stands. Even the cheap seats got a nice breeze. He'd armed himself with water bottles and the best sunblock he could afford, and he just knew it wasn't going to be enough.

A heavily tattooed announcer was howling into the loudspeaker. The voice shivered through the magma-lit canyon where the podracers had lined up. Any minute now, a light would turn green and off they'd go. In some cases, to their deaths.

"The first leg! Racers must make an impossible choice: turn right and skid down the Grand Staircase of Kashkaz above a deadly fall, or turn left and slalom through the dark Tomb of Darth Gorrikul!

"The second leg! Those who survive the Grand Staricase of Kashkaz or the Tomb of Darth Gorrikul face that deadliest of maneuvers — merging! While skidding down the Shta-Bazuun Sacrificial Steps, followed by a high-velocity hairpin turn at the skull of a Greater Leviathan slain by Seydon of Arda himself!

"The third leg! Down a narrow canyon, dodging avalanches, culminating in a race across the Ritual Circle of Darth Kwabhonga, where they will encounter terrifying illuuuuuusions!

"The fourth AND FINAL LEG! The vapors of the Tempting Oasis of Kaaash will seek to lure these racers to a watery, albeit pleasurable, grave! Should they endure, our champions will face the final straightaway. With no room to decelerate after the starting line, they must steel their nerves and plow full-speed into the Pillowesque Dunes of Darth Shiid!


This was going to be an unendurable day.

Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin Daiya Daiya (reroll used)18148->12549
Kellum Velos Kellum Velos Dooc Beybey Dooc Beybey (reroll used)16184->81759
Lawton Vega (Jon Kovacs)none yet1612202068
Eleena Salwa MA-F6R MA-F6R (reroll used)46 -> 2--6
Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris none yet----0
Jax Thio Jax Thio Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna 101617-43
Slider Slider none yet1534-22
Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Yula Perl Yula Perl (reroll used)1 -> 1925-26
Aryn Teth Aryn Teth Koda Fett Koda Fett ----0
Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei none yet1584936

Intergalactic Shipping Collective
Horizon Tech (special prize for first crash)
Hekler'Kok Defense Industries
Obsidian Star Technologies
Court of Blades Company
Fleet Industries
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Location: Korriban, Jax's Podracer
Equipment: Galactic Alliance Pilot Suit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna

(OOC: Dice roll= 10

Jax never thought he'd return to Korriban, it had been years since that fateful battle. Yet his mind was still flooded with memories of what he did back then. How Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé tricked Jax into nearly killing his Padawan, how in his grief, Jax gave into the Force and became one with it experiencing not only power but transcendence, and of course witnessing a group of rogue Shocktroopers opening fire on the young Sith Acolytes.

The Jedi Master clenched his shaking hand into a fist as he sat on his Podracer. The first race in a while and it had to be on fucking Korriban of all places. "Feel the Force," he muttered closing his eyes. "Don't think, especially now. "

Jax needed to relax, take a break from all of the battles he had taken part in. Not only had he lost his eye, but he broke his back during the battle of Adrathrope. Jax managed to single handedly destroy a dreadnought that was helmed by Haon Hafey Haon Hafey . While he leapt from the ship, he landed on one of the GA super start destroyers breaking his back in the process. He was feeling better, the best in weeks but his back was still stiff. BB-8 placed some ice packs on his cushion though Jax doubted it would help much.

<Jax you better at least finish in the top 3!> BB-8 whirred through the intercom. <I placed 20k that you will have a top 3 finish!>

"Glad that you have faith in me BB," Jax said rolling his eye. "I'm just hoping I can get going on the circuits again."

His gaze now on the announcer, Jax started his engines his racer started to rumble. As soon he said go, Jax accelerated his nerves immediately started to wash away. "Now this is Podracing." The Jedi Master smirked.

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Location: Korriban
Position: Supporting Jax Thio Jax Thio
OOC Roll: None, N/A as Support

Kira smiled to herself as she loitered off to the side in the heat of Korriban. Her ear was closed to the ramblings of the announcer. Rather, her red eyes tracked those on the field. Men and women tending to the track, to the pod racers, to the drivers... In tribute to the darkness of this world, she expected sabotage and ruthless abandon between competitors more so than was usual for a race. She believed Jax could take care of himself, but the Master was also physically wounded and perhaps mentally exhausted. It would not hurt for him to have a supporter along the sidelines making sure the man was not set upon by a vicious horde before she had a chance to meet the man in person.

As for Jax's competition, well the platinum-blonde wearing a mechanics jumpsuit might have had a hand in less savory acts against them. What and who was a puzzle she would broadcast to none, but they would know it when disaster or misfortune struck.

It was not The Jedi Way to participate in the sordid ways of racers, but then Kira was a special soul. Not that many knew it. Nothing like a smile, a kind word, and a bright expression to have people disbelieve any dark murmurs against her character. Nothing so questionable or criminal to draw out an inquisition. Just a little tipping of the balances to get things on the right path. Nothing seemed wrong with ensuring the proper outcome.

When the signal was given for the race to start, Kira lifted her right hand to keep her fine strands of hair out of her face as the wind was stirred into a gale with the pod racers shooting into the distance. A smile turned the corners of her lips upward as Jax got underway. There were no unexpected surprises to the beginning, which was a relief, but then the Force would have seen to a strong beginning; now it was left in the Master's hands to reach the finish line.

With the pods gone, she turned to find a nearby transport with equipment and tools loaded into it. Time to head toward the steps of the second leg of the race. Fortunately, she wouldn't need to keep pace with any of them; Kira could take the shortest route to the next pit staging area. Leapfrogging with the racers until the end.
Podracer: The Wheelhouse

Tags: Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill - Jax Thio Jax Thio - Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna - @Others as they come
OOC Roll: 15 (Scar Worlds Discord)

"Lovely weather today."

A small, hunched form waddled up to a strange, ringed pod. The being, plated by scarred armor, took his sweet time stepping up to the sleek device, and swinging a large stubby foot over the seat. He adjusted his gloves, pulled over stunted fingers, which he waggled excitedly. The reptilian's face was one of absolute merriment, despite the cooking, burning heat, the roar of revving pod engines, and obvious dangers of racing on a volcanic wasteland.

All considering, Slider was downright chipper.

"Maybe a bit on the warm side," the Bereth-Aku continued, not speaking to anyone in particular, but looking to whatever podracers were to his immediate left and right. "Don't run your systems too hot, now. Don't wanna burn through your engine blocks over a pit o' lava. Nothin' wrong with coastin' a little."

Slider pressed a few buttons gingerly, humming contentedly as he coaxed the Wheelhouse to life. He stared straight ahead, smacking his lips together to regain some moisture in his mouth, and nodding as the announcer explained the course. How nice of them to accommodate for those who didn't do their research.

Slider's pod slowly began to hover as the massive wheel around it turned, creating a rotating, buzzing sound. Some last checks ensured that the old girl was good to go. And as the announcer kicked off their countdown, Slider leaned back, relaxed as the light turned green.

This would be a fun one.

His pod roared to life, shooting the racer forward like a slug from a chamber. The old man leaned forward, feeling the hot air sting his scaled face, enjoying every moment of it as his hands danced along the controls of the Wheelhouse. The pod's singular wheel continued to spin midair, propelling the turtle racer through the canyon, and into the first leg of the course; a choice. Left or right?

Slider turned left.

Before his face was lost in the shadows of an ancient Sith tomb, onlookers might have seen his elated smile.
Location: The Closest Thing to Hell Without Being There
Podracer: Yes, I think?
Equipment: Not enough
Partner: " Daiya Daiya , you know how to fix this, right?"

Cassus had never been to this planet before (Korriban? Moraband? Whatever the regional dialect calls it), but he did know its infamy as the Sith progenitor, and served as the capital of their Empire's on multiple occasions. He never suspected anyone would be crazy enough to run a race through it, but he appreciated the guts. Anything that trod in the path of imperialistic assholes was a 'good investment' in his book.

Though, he wasn't sure about this whole "pod" thing. He learned to fly on a speeder bike and hoped the basic theory of operation wasn't too drastically different. Floating engines that tugged you along kind of worried him. That was the least of his concerns, however.

"You're sure you know your way around this thing?" He asked his companion, Daiya Daiya , who seemed a little too eager to offer up support in 'fixing' his vehicle up for the race. He knew she had her handle around weapons and had a particular taste in armor attachments on occasion, but his faith in her engineering expertise was less than comfortable. Yet, he still trusted her. At least as far as he could throw her, which he reckoned would be pretty far if he put his mind to it.


Once final adjustments, advice, and last-minute snark were exchanged, the vehicle lurched forward with an exhilarating speed. He might not be the most familiar with the equipment, but he was always in love with the power and speed of deadly racing!

Slider Slider Jax Thio Jax Thio Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill



PERSONA: 'Lawton Vega', a REAL REBEL

Swoop races was an angle to infiltrate the rebels, ISB had said. We'll get you solid speeders to run the fade on these scum, they said. You're gonna be lifting the cup on Hoth, champ, his handler had said.

Ah, yes, Hoth. Such a success story. The PU went bust the moment he released the clutch.

It was even worse after? Hitting up that vendor girl and all 'Lawton Vega' got was SEEN 20:31.

This time he went extra careful on the clutch and prayed the PU didn't give out.

It didn't and he was off.

Slider Slider Jax Thio Jax Thio Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin
Podrace: [1d20]=16

Korriban, Persegam, Moraband. The 'homeworld of the Sith' had many names throughout history, but Kellum had never heard of a podrace being here. Though, truth be told, Kellum was never truly one for history. He liked this locale far better than the last, firstly for the power he could feel from this place, second from the far, far better weather.

The a light turned green and Kellum was off. He quickly upshifted gears, aiming to gain speed. At the fork Kellum went left, towards the tomb of Darth Gorrikul. He didn't know too much of the Darth personally, but he aimed to find out.
Location: Leg One, The Korriban Breakneck - Korriban
Racer: RMV-EV40 Skychaser Swoop Bike
Equipment: FAE/A-03 Repulsor Craft Riding Suit
Racers and Crew: MA-F6R MA-F6R Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna Jon Kovacs Jax Thio Jax Thio Slider Slider Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin Daiya Daiya
Spectators: Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill

It had taken more than a week to fix the bike.

Fortunately, Eleena and her girlfriend had gotten help in the form of a diminutive, apparently very old pit droid. After her crash on Hoth, the Skychaser was in a bad state, almost to the point of being totaled. Nevertheless, with another race coming up, Eleena didn’t have time to procure a new one and instead insisted on her bike being repaired. The pit droid had been hired just in time, quickly putting the bike back together and getting it back into race readiness.

How ready, was the question.

Naturally, a race on Korriban was a little terrifying, especially if it meant running through ancient tombs. Nevertheless, Eleena had gotten more than a few runs of practice in during the last two days, working with MA-F6R to make various adjustments to her bike’s setup, poring over every factor that could give her even a tenth of a second advantage over her opponents. Unfortunately, qualifying hadn’t gone as well as she hoped and Eleena found herself starting near the back of the grid.

At the very least, she hadn’t crashed. Yet.

“Everything feels good, MA-F6R. Warming up the engine.” She said, before pulling her hand on the left to give it a sharp rev. The pit droid was back in the pit lane by now, situated in front of a console which gave them access to all the telemetry data coming off her bike, diagnostic reports, and yet more technical information. From there, the droid would be able to make various software adjustments to her machine, meaning that if something went wrong, there was a chance that the issue could be fixed, if it wasn’t too severe.

Before long, the light went green.

The powerful engines of the larger podracers ahead of her screamed off the line, kicking up a veritable storm of dust in their wake as they set off down the massive staircase and flew down the straight that led to the junction. Unfortunately, Eleena had failed to make up any positions of the line. Nevertheless, the race strategy remained the same. After analyzing the data and her sector times, Eleena had decided on taking the route through the Tomb of Darth Gorrikuul. While it was fraught with danger, Eleena was faster there than she was over the staircase route. As such, not letting failure break her resolve, Eleena stayed the course, switching on her helmet’s low-light vision module as she leaned her bike through the hairpin and flew into the depths of the Tomb…

Roll Executed in EE Discord Server

Total: 4
Leg One: 4
The roaring engines hurled sand into the wind, obscuring Jorus' view. He squinted into the brief sandstorm.

"Dammit, I can't tell who's turning left or right..." He was pretty sure that beefy Bereth-Aku had gone into the tomb, and that scum-sucking biker Sith who'd ripped through the wampa village during the Ison Coathook, but the sand obscured everything else from his perspective.

Who had chosen the tomb? Who had braved the stairs? And just how much salvage were they about to generate between them...especially now that the killer Second Leg merge was coming up?


Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin Kellum Velos Kellum Velos Jon Kovacs Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Jax Thio Jax Thio Slider Slider Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Aryn Teth Aryn Teth Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei


Excited Chirps for Accidental Theft
Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa

The little pit Droid was plucking away at the terminal, offering what little insight it might have had into the warm up cycle of the custom bike. Even in binary it couldn't hide the wary warbles of questioning organic sanity with such a sport.

Strapping ones core into a semi-secure crash pod with little more than a light shield and what they (being the organic meat splats by the end of these things) was simply not within the realm of enjoyable programming for this DUM-Droid.

Even the bike was a bit at odds given the operators around it swinging themselves around corners and tight corridors. Pushing their machines to the limit for their spot in the limelight as a small deviation caught its attention.

It warbled a small warning about the coolant flow in the hasty fix, citing a possible need to fix a small switch issue in the second half given the few nano-second of a pause in the actuators. Something MA-F6R wouldn't have noticed without the diagnostics sitting before its photoreceptor. It clapped its mandables together excitedly as the small transport with its gear scooted along to the second part of the track.

A small tapping against its head to double and then triple check that it was in fact being heard and not ignored by the racer.
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Podrace: [1d20]=18

The Tomb of Darth Gorrikul was at the same time splendid, though less than he had hoped for. Several murals and statues showed the Sullistan's prowess with a lightwhip, lightsaber, sith sword, blaster . . . A weapon master then perhaps? Kellum was unsure but pressed forward. The tomb had been rearranged in such a way to allow the podrace through, albeit with great maneuvering. Kellum kept his speed and soon found himself on the other side.

Kellum smiled as he looked forward at the merge. There were few, if any other pods at the merge. Kellum upped a gear and pressed forward to the leviathan skull. This Seydon of Arda Seydon of Arda . . . impressive work.

The Jedi never thought he would return to Korriban, for podracing of all things.

Yet the smell of burning oil and charred metal was a comforting feeling. It had been a while since he had raced in any large events. Guess it was time to test out his skills once again.

Carefully the man listened to the announcers words. Four legs, all with an unique challenge. This should be interesting. With the countdown the man gripped onto the control levers, preparing to launch. Letting out a deep breath he dialed everything in.

With the call to go the Knight shoved the accelerator levels forward, lurching the pod out with incredible amounts of speed. A few racers were passed right off the starting line, which is always good. Sand quickly started to whip into his face. Letting go of one of the controls the man pulled down his goggles.

Soon the split in the route came. Racers began to pull to the left, opting to go through the dark caverns. Too confused for him. Ripping the pod to the right the Knight began to descend downward on the staircase. Poorly named, he thought, as a “sheer drop” would have suited it better. The pod launched off the cliff, falling to the next section of the route.

Here’s hoping the path to the right was the correct choice.

(ope, sorry, we rolled these the day of and then i got sick. catching up now)

First leg:
Sabotage. That's what this was. Kyra could smell it a mile away as her bike smoked and stalled over at the start line.

"Yula!" Came the shrill shriek of a girl unwilling to lose. "Fix it, fix it, they're getting ahead!" She watched Jon Kovacs disappear over the bend and she knew, in her heart of hearts, that this was payback for last time.

"Son of a- QUICKLY."

Yula Perl Yula Perl
At the first sign of smoke, Yula leaped into the pit and grappled for her sister's bike.

A comical flurry of spanners and wires later, Kyra's bike was patched up. Tibana surged through the fuel line, and the bike roared to life. Perhaps…a little too well. No one could prove in that instant that technopathy wasn't at play, but Yula wasn't about to stand by and let her kin get beaten by some imperial jawline.

"GO!" She shouted. "Get that prize money!"

Then she moseyed down to the concession stand for a chili cheese dog.


Kyra Perl Kyra Perl
Leg one: Continued.

Kyra let out a whoop of elation, the noise fading off as she shot out like a bat out of hell. She nipped past several bikes and banked hard, taking the turn for the stairs and--

Leg 2:

A thruster snapped off at impact. Kyra's excitement was short lived, the girl straining in her seat to see the issue and mend it while managing the hairpin turn at a dangerously slow pace.

She was a hairsbreadth away from being crashed into.

She cursed under her breath and closed off that thruster altogether, her power redirected and focused into her auxiliary engine.

"Come on.... come on..."



PERSONA: 'Lawton Vega', a REAL REBEL

Not the worst start, not the best start either.

The gaping dark maw of the Tomb was coming up and Jon gave it a big no-no. A hard turn right down the staircase of Kashkaz and his guts were suddenly in his mouth. A hard thud followed by the billowing of smoke meant one repulsor was out of business. The shock rattling his body took its due forcing him to lose precious time before stepping on the throttle again into another staircase. Could this reckless maneuver cost him the trophy in the end?

Still, a trophy wasn't worth going through a Sith Lord's tomb, was it?

Slider Slider Jax Thio Jax Thio Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei Kellum Velos Kellum Velos Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa
Location: Leg 1, The Korriban Breakneck - Korriban
Racer: RMV-EV40 Skychaser Swoop Bike
Equipment: FAE/A-03 Repulsor Craft Riding Suit
Racers and Crew: MA-F6R MA-F6R
Spectators: Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill

Eleena groaned in frustration as she was left in the dust of more podracers, which screamed past her machine like she was standing still. The high-pitched beeping of the pit droid in her ear, warning her of the coolant issue was yet another point of frustration. Unfortunately, with the race being far shorter than Ison Coathook, Eleena knew that she had needed a good start to stand a chance at winning and she hadn’t gotten that. The ride down the Sacrificial Steps in the second sector had thrown her bike off-course after she missed her line, costing her more time that she couldn’t afford to lose in the first place. Then, the humiliating realization that she was firmly in last place had sealed the deal.

Perhaps she had spoken too soon about the pit droid.

“I’m pulling off. Don't want to damage the bike any further. Already burned enough money as it is.” Eleena said in a resigned tone, offering an excuse to justify quitting as she slowed down and pulled into one of the safety areas, before shutting off her bike’s engine.

“Maybe next time, Trinity.” The Twi’lek added in a soft, sad whisper, before slumping down against a rock to wait for the salvagers to pick her up.

And yet, Eleena questioned whether there would be a next time.

Roll Executed in EE Discord Server

Total: 6
Leg 1: 4
Leg 2: 2 (Original Roll: 6 - SUPPORT CREW RE-ROLL ACTIVATED -> 2)
Location: Sledding Down Stairs
Podracer: All systems nominal
Equipment: I'm at least wearing a helmet
Partner: " Daiya Daiya , things are going too smoothly. Are you plotting something?"

Sum of previous rolls: 32

Despite the potential drop into a canyon, the Grand Staircase of Kashkaz had been a breeze. As far as complicated turns went it was rather pedestrian, nothing at all like sliding between Cloudcutters away from a CorpSec patrol on Denon. Gently throwing sand around behind him, Cassus deftly fell in beside Kellum Velos Kellum Velos who managed to blast out of the exit of the Tomb of Darth Gorrikul. If Cassus had time to process everything he saw, he would be impressed, but just at the moment the other racer upped a gear and overtook his lead past the Shta-Bazuun Sacrificial Steps, towards the Greater Leviathan Skull turn.

Focusing on the maneuver he managed to keep a close lead on Kellum without much incident.

That's a big skull. Cassus thought passing it.

Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa Jon Kovacs Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Yula Perl Yula Perl Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei MA-F6R MA-F6R Slider Slider Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna Jax Thio Jax Thio Dani Stellaris Dani Stellaris Aryn Teth Aryn Teth Koda Fett Koda Fett
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Podracer: The Wheelhouse
Tags: Jorus Q. Merrill Jorus Q. Merrill - Jax Thio Jax Thio - Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna - Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin - Jon Kovacs - Kellum Velos Kellum Velos - Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa - MA-F6R MA-F6R - Okkeus Dainlei Okkeus Dainlei - Kyra Perl Kyra Perl - Yula Perl Yula Perl - @Others as they come
OOC Roll - Leg 2: 3 (oof)

Despite diving into the dark tomb of a long-dead Sith Lord, Slider appeared to be the epitome of calm and collected. The tomb was dark, making the long corridors and sudden twists difficult to see. Slider leaned back in the seat of his pod, craning his neck around to see the artwork as it came.

He had memorized the inside of the tomb. The old racer knew the track like the back of his shell.

Slider shot out of the other side of the tomb, skittering down the sacrificial steps at a breakneck pace. The speed didn't concern the Bereth-Aku. He was quite comfortable maneuvering the monobike down an incline. No, that wasn't what made his eyes narrow in concern, his brow furrow, and his hands tighten on the controls. He had come face-to-face with his worst nightmare:

A merge.

As Kellum Velos Kellum Velos and Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin jockeyed in front of the turtle, he slowed down, careful not to bump into the other racers, doing his best to zipper into a comfortable position. He was beginning to fall behind. As other racers passed him, Slider shouted out a cheerful "Don't mind me," despite his words being drowned out by engine roars.

The hairpin turn at the Leviathan skull was made easier by the fact that Slider was going at half speed.

He could only hope to catch up at the next leg. After all, what danger were illusions to an old man with bad eyes?


Location: Korriban, Jax's Podracer
Equipment: Galactic Alliance Pilot Suit, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Ki'Ranna Ki'Ranna

(OOC: Dice Roll: 16 )

<Come on Jax what are you doing?!>

The repeated beeps from BB-12 filled Jax's intercom as he found himself behind the leaders. It wasn't a bad start all things considered, he managed to weave his way past Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa who looked like she was racing in slow motion. Engine problems perhaps? It was likely at least she didn't smash into a wall. The Jedi Master allowed the Force to dictate his actions as he slithered past the rocks like a Sand Worm. "Surviving," Jax muttered as he saw the end of the first leg ahead. "You know this fucking racetrack is too narrow, I'm going to have to take it slow and safe for the first two legs."

<Slow and steady loses you the race!> BB-12 whirred. <Who dares wins Jax! So activate those control thrusts!>

"Good to see that you value my life BB," Jax said. "Hey, have you seen the Swoop Bike I just passed by?"

<Yeah!> BB-8 beeped. <What kind of person brings a swoop bike to Podrace?!>

"I know right?!" Jax laughed. "Podracing superiority for the win!"

<Well at least you showed her not to bring a Swoop Bike!> BB-12 whirred. <Now win the race damn it!>

"Well there's two roads I can go to!" Jax said weaving his Podracer through more rocks and keeping pace with the leaders. "The steps or the Pyramid, I'm going to play it safe and try to catch up in the other legs!"

The Jedi Master pressed his thrusters forward accelerating at top speeds entering the narrow pyramid. Jax was halfway to the finish line, he needed to finish strong.


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