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Faction Preservation of the Status Quo | All Senators Invited | [GA Senate]


Location: 500 Republica ; Apartment of the Trade Federation Representative
Tags: Senators of the Galactic Alliance


War Was Coming....

It was a simple statement but carried so much meaning behind it especially in the last days of the promised galactic peace at the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War with the Brotherhood of the Maw. The Galactic Alliance was spearheading right into a serious confrontation with the Mandalorian Enclave due to recent events such as the Battle of Ryloth and the New Jedi Order's rescue mission for one of their own captured behind enemy lines.

There were many amongst the Senate that would gladly blame the New Jedi Order for calvinizing the Mandalorians into another crusade that would tear entire regions asunder and send thousands into refugee camps. Even those senators who had been friends with the New Jedi Order had questioned the methods used during a heated senate debate with the Shield of the Jedi Kahlil Noble but in typical fashion the jedi ignored such questions for his own skewed ideology.

With the next senate session some months away and the Chancellor silent on the matter, individual senators would need to come together to figure out how best to prepare the alliance for this new conflict with the Mandalorian Crusade and bring such united effort to the senate floor to convince the other delegates of the urgent attention this matter required. The Trade Federation Senator Rulonom Laborr had been the first to send out invitations to various senators from all across the political spectrum as the Trade Federation had a lot to lose in their alliance holdings if the Mandalorian Enclave remained unchallenged.

The Senators of the Alliance would be invited to Laborr's Personal Apartment within the Luxury 500 Republica Complex for a small gathering of like minded individuals. The goal of the meeting was to establish a plan for the preservation of the alliance during renewed hostilities and providing checks and balances for the New Jedi Order to make sure that this war would never be repeated by the arrogance of the Jedi.

"AWEEEEERRRRRORORORORO....I understand that there may be some hostility with me given the past skako incident. However this gathering is critically important for the preservation of the Alliance and the protection of our citizens in the face of Mandalorian Aggression." Laborr said turning away from the window towards the various seating within the apartment.

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"What exactly do you suggest we do, Senator Laborr?" Sycorax asked. She was seated in the far right corner of the apartment, flanked by two bodyguards.

As for Rulonom's past, she was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he had been opposed by politicians whom she found placid and impotent at best, repulsive and self-absorbed at worst. Perhaps he fell into the latter category, but she would rather see it with her own eyes than go along with what she was told.


[ Location: 5 0 0 REPUBLICA | CORUSCANT ]
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Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr | Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux
Galactic Alliance Senators
Raphael was having a hard time not getting lost. Anaxes was technically also a ecumenopolis but nothing like Coruscant. The sheer size of it all - and the abundant lack of anything green. The contrast from his homeworld was jarring and yet there was a certain kind of beauty to it. At least, up here in the clouds. He'd caught a glimpse of the lower levels as he made his way towards 500 Republica. Even so, this place had a certain kind of aura to it. It was his first trip to the city, perhaps if he had time after this meeting he could see some of the famous landmarks. He pushed those thoughts out of his mind as he looked down to his datapad, verifying the address. "Here we are then," he stated quietly, stopping in front of a turbolift.

He hummed a quiet tune as the turbolift shot upwards, depositing him to another lobby, this one obviously the place to be. After a quick security check he advanced inside, greeted by the sight of an automaton turning away from the wide windows of the suite. No, not an automaton, Skakoan, he reminded himself, the words of the small collection of Senate profiles he'd read coming back to him. "I wholeheartedly agree Senator Laborr," Raphael nodded as he stepped towards an empty chair. "Raphael Calgar, Anaxes," he introduced, finding a nearby empty chair. Depositing himself, he listened as Senator.. Damnit. Senator from Dahrtag. What's her name though. Rafe fought through his mind, her name just barely eluding his grasp of only for another moment. Senator Laveaux.. spoke.

With Mandalorian aggression on the rise, tensions on Anaxes had been rising in concert. Located along multiple trade routes and only a stone's throw distance from Skako, a path of Mandalorian aggression would be easily pressed through open space lanes. Perhaps he and this Senator Laborr would be working more closely together in the coming days.


Location: 500 Republica ; Apartment of the Trade Federation Representative
Tags: Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux


"There are many things we could do Senator Laeveaux, but they each come with considerable risk which would need to be assessed by the members gathered here. One potential solution would be to engage the Mandalorian Crusade directly in battle and even potentially sending a force directly to the Mandalorian Capital of Kestri to cut the head off the snake. Another possible solution would be to promote a challenger to the present enclave leadership by establishing a Manda'lor." Senator Laborr explained to the questioned posed by Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux and the gathered delegates within the room and spotted the late arrival of the Senator of Anaxes Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar . These two options listed by the skakoan each came with their own risks and rewards. Engaging the Mandalorian Enclave directly in battle would cost the alliance millions of credits and untold lives but it could possibly end the war quickly if the alliance military could be mobilized to surgically strike at their Capital. Promoting a Manda'lor would also pose a challenge as the enclave had no loyalties to the claimed title, seeing themselves as different from the Mandalorians of old who followed the strongest warrior within the galaxy.

"Since we are here as a team, I am open to suggestions and feedback from other senators" Was furthered added to give time for the senators to digest his previous suggestions and present their own ideas during the gathering. This was supposed to be a united effort to preserve the alliance.


500 Republica

The news of the Mandalorian attack on Ryloth had hit Lila hard. Everything inside her screamed for her to find her father and confirm he was safe. No matter her attempts, she was not permitted to leave for the planet under assault. Clouded by her worry, she did not think rationally about her chances. It was unlikely that a vessel would get through the armada, not to mention navigating the burning structures of her home world overrun with Mandalorian combatants. Lila was no fighter and being escorted would only risk the lives of those sworn to protect her. She could do no good to anyone if she was dead. Through teary eyes and a deep pit in her stomach, she relented and waited until the fighting was over. Those hours were the longest of her life. The thought that the last remnants of her family could suddenly be gone without warning tormented her as she longed for news of the fight.

Once the dust had settled, a team retrieved her father, bringing him to the senator's apartment on Thyferra - something she should have done a long time ago. Luckily, their home was outside the walls of the capital of Lessu where the fighting was concentrated. She held the man in her arms for what felt like an eternity, treasuring that he was still with her. Being the Senator of Thyferra and a board member of the Xucphra-Zaltin Corporation, Lila had very little time to herself and the guilt that she did not spend as much time with family as she would have hoped was something that weighed on her when there was the threat of it being lost.

Now it was time to consider the actions to take in response and to prevent the reoccurrence of something similar. Lila did not condone violence but she could not help herself from feeling the rage bubbling up from within her for what they had done. Thyferra was deep within the Galactic Alliance borders but with the rise of the Sith and now the Mandalorians' aggression towards her homeworld, it was impossible to not feel threatened. Something had to be done and soon. The promise of peace was quickly slipping through their fingers.

The Twi'lek sat up straight in the chair, one leg folded over her other as a long white gown draped over her figure. "Meeting them on their own land would give them the advantage. Not to mention a direct attack would result in even more retaliation; something we cannot defend against should the Sith utilise our divided attention and make their move from the other direction. That being said, we cannot allow any other planets to fall prey to this conflict simply for being in their path. I have spent time providing aid in the refugee encampments and we cannot sustain adding more to their numbers. Already we are stretched too thin." She was aware that she was not providing any solutions but the issue was complex. It seemed the action was likely going to be the lesser of bad options. Lila knew of the culture of the Mandalorians but she could not let herself give up the hope that it could be resolved without bloodshed. "They will not agree to any terms that we give them but perhaps a deal could be arranged. A parley, of sorts, to negotiate a deal that will satisfy what they want." It was highly unlikely but she needed to hold on to the optimism.



500 Republica


Senator Doneeta raises an excellent point,” Kel said, eyes cutting in her direction.

Kestri is far from the Alliance’s borders, and we mustn’t forget that while operating quietly in our peripheral, the Sith are still very much operating.

The Caldera Crisis had forced many refugees into Alliance space, and it was just the tip of the spear. The Senate could not forget that the coming war is fought by three banners.

Mobilizing a force large enough to dismantle the Enclave at Kestri would leave the Core in a detrimental state of vulnerability; We simply cannot afford to give an easy path for the Sith to follow.

He then considered the Manda’lor, but Kel’s knowledge of Mandalorian culture and religion was unfortunately limited. Beyond their thirst for war and honorifics based on combat prowess, the Bothan knew very little. If only other galactic powers could commit to action. The RTL, while small and disorganized, could pose a treacherous threat with their knack for guerrilla tactics.

All attempts to enlist their aid had been met with deafening silence or stunning complacency.

He looked to Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta directly now.

The Mandalorians want blood. Retribution. And they blame not only us for their losses in the Second Great War, but the Jedi as well.

Kel sighed.

I’m afraid this is a war that must be fought with armies and blasters.


Hovik Vaiken



Coruscant, Republica 500
The Mighty Pen of Foerost

"Well, I'm afraid Senator Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav is right. War will be fought, it is inevitable, unavoidable...And blood will be shed, and so I prefer it to be the blood of the Mandalorians." A voiced of vigor stated as a man entered the apartment of the Skakoan; the replacement to Ms. Calista, Hovik Vaiken, puppet of entertainment turned politician.

"...Though there is for some reason as Miss Donetta states potential. A parlay with the level-minded ones, those who can say they miss drinking with their friends of the Alliance, place doubt in their minds and that doubt...well is to our benefit." The Senator of Foerost continued. While he wasn't as militant as Senator Calista, other traits made up for the one which he lacked. It seemed he had syphoned her deceitful nature..

Hovik's ideals differed from his predecessors; he wished to replace the strong industrial background and standing Foerost had and enter into a more Aristocratic Golden Age, of strong military revisionism & decadence as the intellectuals say. His ego and keen mindset to prove himself as more then an actor or mere entertainer was as some stated quite dangerous for Foerost's standings.

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Before the meeting began, Sycorax watched as the other Senators arrived. Her gaze typically didn't linger any longer than it took to put a name to each face—she prided herself on knowing everything there was to know about everyone in the Assembly—which was why she made a two or three-second exception for Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar , whose face was unfamiliar to her. She rummaged around in her memory, until... ah. The new Senator of Anaxes. That explained why she didn't recognize him at first.

"There are many things we could do Senator Laveaux, but they each come with considerable risk which would need to be assessed by the members gathered here. One potential solution would be to engage the Mandalorian Crusade directly in battle and even potentially sending a force directly to the Mandalorian Capital of Kestri to cut the head off the snake. Another possible solution would be to promote a challenger to the present enclave leadership by establishing a Manda'lor."

"With all due respect, Senator Laborr, where to attack the Mandalorians is not a matter for the Senate to decide," Sycorax said. "Matters of battle are best left in the hands of our generals. We must rely on diplomatic means to influence the war."

Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta was the first to suggest a parley. Sycorax wasn't surprised. It was a matter of public record that the Senator of Thyferra was originally from Ryloth, a world recently invaded by the Mandalorians. She didn't exactly try to hide her emotional motivation for wanting to minimize the bloodshed, either.

Next spoke Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav . Sycorax's lip curled faintly at the mention of the Sith, hating to admit that he was right. Despite their scattered, chaotic situation, the Sith would always be waiting in the wings, eager to strike while their enemies were weak. "I agree," she said. "Peace is no longer an option."

Hovik Vaiken suggested using Mando sympathizers to their advantage. "I believe the Jedi have already gotten a leg up on that, as usual. They have a sympathetic Mandalorian training their Padawans in how to fight their own brethren. You may be onto something, Senator Vaiken." The fact that the best idea to emerge from this meeting so far came from the entertainer turned politician was disheartening, but Sycorax could find humor in it. An outsider's perspective could come in handy at times.

Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr


Location: 500 Republica ; Apartment of the Trade Federation Representative
Tags: Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux Hovik Vaiken Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta


A cold and calculating glare behind armored googles followed as the various senators voiced their opinion on the matter. Turning towards the Senator from Thyferra Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta as they explained that meeting the Mandalorian Enclave directly over their world of Kestri would give them an unfair advantage and leave the alliance vulnerable to Sith operations. Although they did note that they could not allow any more planets to fall prey to this conflict as the influx of refugees would overwhelm the limited amount of services availably for them. The Parlay was a notion but a foolish one given the Mandalorian already encroaching crusade.

Senator Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav for the most part followed the point of Senator Doneeta. Mentioning that Kestri was far from the Alliance's defined border and mobilizing a force powerful enough to take the world would cost the core too many defenses against the still active Sith dominion. The Bothan was notably concerned about the conflict but that the war would be fought using blasters and armies. Laborr was skeptical about the threat that the Sith dominion posed to the core as they had been quiet for some time now, more often than not engaged in infighting amongst its members to hold supreme power among the Sith.

Entertainer then Senator Hovik Vaiken seemed to be in favor of the parlay with the Mandalorian Enclave and even suggested convincing other Mandalorian to stand by the alliance during this troubled time. A noble idea but there were far to many variables to consider and the possibility of spies mixing in with loyal Mandalorian was to much of a risk to actually consider. He might entertain the idea should the Strategic Intelligence Agency closely monitor their activates. Senator Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux mentioned that the the New Jedi Order had done such a thing; having loyal Mandalorian train padawans to better fight the enclave.

This unnerved him slightly as the New Jedi Order's independence from the Alliance made them a powerful force which could be used against the elected members of the senate. The Force combined with Mandalorian training would make the armed forces of the alliance look like mere children.

"It seems we have come to a consensus on the matter of Kestri but there are some points that I would like to address. This notion presented by Senator Hovik Vaiken of persuading Mandalorians to stay partners of mutual benefit to the alliance is admirable but unlikely given their warrior culture. Fighting in battle is one of the key tenets of being a Mandalorian so I've heard and the chance to fight the largest superpower in the galaxy would outweigh anything we have to offer them." Laborr explained understanding the idea by the Senator but finding it hard to believe that Mandalorians would fight for the alliance instead of against them given their warrior belief system.

"The second point is regarding the impending refugee crisis and the lack of adequate resources to support them should this conflict spiral out of control as mentioned by Senator Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta . The Alliance is already at the max of its budget and any more resources given would have to be taken from other vital sections of the economy which are needed to support a war. We could save about 17.6% of the allocated budget on refugees if we close the camps to the sick and elderly, cutting down on medical staff needed elsewhere." Was also mentioned by the Trade Federation Delegate, mentioning that the refugee crisis was going to potentially spiral out of control and that the alliance had no more resources to give to them. The Statistics didn't lie and the Skakoan did not apologize for suggesting that the sick and elderly were a liability to the alliance.

"As to Senator Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav comment about the sith, they are contained for now within their own area of space and have been generally inactive on the galactic stage beside small skirmishes. At this present time they are more of a nuisance than a creditable threat to the alliance like the Mandalorians." Senator Laborr said towards the Bothan Senator, finding that the sith were a small threat compared to the mandalorian crusade approaching.

"I'm sure you've read the reports from the Defense Forces over Ryloth. The strength of the enclave is more formidable than previously predicted which is strange given their resurgence to power once again. The Fleet reports that the Enclave had a Super Star Destroyer at their disposal which presents a considerable risk to the alliance even with our own SSD Classes available for deployment. And my informants tell me that the Enclave recently had a gathering on Kamino." Laborr said handing out some datapads to the senators so they can see the offical reports themselves.

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500 Republica

Lila looked down, knowing what the other senators were saying was true. More fighting was on the horizon and it was almost impossible to stop it. In the time that she had held the position of senator, she had come to admire Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav , admiring the council he provided. There were others whom she was less enamored with but that was always going to be the case when it came to politics. However, two faces in the present company were unknown to her. The new senator of Anaxes had introduced himself but the other man did not provide a name. The senate roster changed so frequently that Lila found it hard to keep up. Not to mention that she had been preoccupied as of late and remembering faces was not a priority on her list.

In response to Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr 's comments about the refugees, Lila looked up suddenly in disgust. "That is out of the question! Who are we to turn away the most vulnerable who require our care the most? We promised the people of this galaxy who have had everything taken from them by this war that we would help wherever possible. Now you want us to rescind the offer? What does this Alliance stand for if we do not assist those under our protection?" It was about doing what was right, not what was most cost-effective. The very thought of it made her angry. Those who were not sick or at risk had more chance of finding employment and providing for themselves. "Turning away the elderly and sick is essentially condemning them to death. That would make us no better than the people who did this to them." It would be more of a mercy to have been killed by the Mandalorians than letting them succumb to their wounds or hunger. The idea of managing to escape hell to be turned away from their last remaining hope sickened the Twi'lek, especially since it was now her people.

She composed herself and realised her nails were clenched tightly into her palms. Relieving the tension, Lila relaxed back in her chair. "The Sith have been underestimated again and again, and history has proven that they should not be. I think it would be a mistake to dismiss them entirely." They would not be able to fight a war on two fronts but perhaps there was a way to put a plan in motion that would turn both foes - Mandalorians and Sith - to fight amongst themselves. It would reduce both threats and require less military action from the Alliance. The question was what could trigger it. More questions she had no answer to so remained silent.



500 Republica


Kel nodded as Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta spoke what he felt was a hard-learned truth.

History repeats itself, this much we know,” he said.

We underestimated the Sith in the Second Great War, and it took a union of every major galactic superpower to halt them at Tython. We simply cannot afford to divert our entire combined force to Kestri.

His feline eyes narrowed now, as the weight of what Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr was suggested fell upon the room. Kel took pause for a moment before clearing his throat and speaking on.

The innocent people of the Alliance and its allies are not some figure on the Trade Federation’s bottom line, Laborr. If we sacrifice those who need us most, then we’re no better than the Mandalorians or the Sith. We’d might as well join them.

Some may call him callous, others old-fashioned. But Kel wouldn’t budge on doing what was right, even if it cost more credits and effort.


"The Sith we fought at Tython," Dracken said from door, "Are not the same Sith that now haunt the Outer Rim territories." He shook his head and entered the gathering, taking a seat across from Senator Laborr. He was not in senatorial garb this evening, instead choosing to wear comfortable clothes. A pair of his bloodstripe slacks and a plain white tunic shirt under a leather spacer's vest half way zipped. He looked more ready to sit through a ten hour hyperspace trip down the Hydian Way than a senatorial gathering but he was getting old, and he'd rather be comfortable than stuck in a stuffy uniform.

"Darth Carnifex and his sycophants, this Darth Empyrean and his ilk...They are a shadow - not one to take lightly, but a shadow nonetheless. Their influence begins and ends in their corners of the Outer Rim." It felt good to say that about the Sith. For all of his life he'd been fighting Sith, and as far as he was concerend...

"The Jedi and the Force can sort them out." He nodded. He leaned back in chair, sinking into the expensive leather but withheld a contented sigh. "The others are right though Senator Laborr, the Twi'lek refugees in particular are an issue we cannot sum up in numbers and percentages. We promised them we would protect their home, their newfound freedom from the Mandalorians. And now, the entire sector is a battleground. Skirmishes break out almost every week, convoys attacked, civilians endangered as they flee the battles between Ryloth's defense forces and the Mandalorians."

"With Ryloth at the crossroads of the Corellian Run and the Mara Corridor we all stand to lose much. Corellia can take on more of the refugee crisis. The Fathers and the Corellian Council won't like it but I am determined to open our doors to not just the Twi'leks, but all refugees in this war. Alderaan has weathered our wars and burdens long enough on its own."



Location: 500 Republica ; Apartment of the Trade Federation Representative
Tags: Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux Hovik Vaiken Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce


The room was silent for a time as each senator digested the quite lengthy political speech from the Trade Federation Representative. Although the comments about the sith and refugee crisis drew the most amount of pushback from the other delegations within the apartment complex. In particular Senator Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta who was less than pleased with the suggestion of closing the camps to the sick and elderly to cut down on medical staff needed for the war front against the Mandalorian Enclave, which was understandable since there was a flood of refugees coming from Ryloth. While the Skakoan could sympathize with Ryloth they were a system outside the alliance and thus could not be given space within Alliance Owned Camps without taking resources from other vital departments. She also made mention that the sith had been ignored time and time again and that it was a mistake to dismiss them haphazardly.

The Bothan Senator Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav seemed to agree with the Twi'lek Senator regarding the assessment of the sith order and the threat it posed to the galactic alliance, and was against the idea of turning people away even at the enormous cost. Senator Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce made a late entrance but was welcome nonetheless within the luxury apartment within 500 Republica. He mentioned that the Sith over Tython were not the same sith that now inhabited a formidable empire within the Outer Rim Reaches. Darth Carnifex and Darth Empyrean were well known to the Trade Federation but had not been reached out to yet, and like Senator Pryce mentioned they were but a shadow. Unfortunately he was also against the idea suggested to handle the refugee crisis.

"AWWEEERRORORORORORO...While I appreciate the sentimental aspects of your concerns senators. The simple fact of the matter is that something must be done to cut down on expenditures before we go over the determined budget for this trimester. The Corporations backing the alliance credit the Trade Federation included have already pumped a large amount of resources to keep the engine of state functioning as we absorb more and more territory into our area of influence. The Economy isn't invincible to market shocks and even crashes which will certainly happen if you add a war on top of this refugee crisis." Senator Laborr said wanting to make a valid point, in that the budget can't handle much more. The Alliance Corporations have invested a great deal into the Alliance Credit to keep it valuable tender and much more pressure would cause them to lose confidence in the government entirely.

"So either we need to rebalance the budget; taking credits away from other departments or we need to do something about the camps. There is no other way." He further added.


"The Trade Federation isn't the only one privy to these fluctuations in our economy," Dracken said. "Record profits. That is what we are seeing in the market. The CEC even projects that, as callous as it might be, these coming days of war will only see more credits change hands than we saw towards the end of the Second Great Hyperspace War. Your blunders with the Alliance and the seizing of the assets you so shameless smuggled are not the concern of the people to reimburse."
While nearly everyone proceeded to pounce on Rulonom for suggesting they deny aid to the elderly and the sick, Sycorax covered her mouth with her hand in an effort to hide her laughter.

"Oh, Senator Laborr. Never change." She wiped tears of mirth from her painted eyes. "It is a good question, though. Refugees were a major issue during the last war, they will no doubt be again. I can only hope the Alliance will be more careful this time, lest we wind up with another Maranatha or Chaldea." She name-dropped two separate incidents, both the result of Senator Alicio Organa Alicio Organa 's relief efforts, though the Senator of Alderaan was noticeably absent from the meeting.

"But that's enough talk about politics." She waved her hand. "Please, continue your verbal assault on Senator Laborr. It is most entertaining."




TAGS //: Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce Lila Doneeta Lila Doneeta Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav Raphael Calgar Raphael Calgar Hovik Vaiken

Despite the serious concerns about the Galactic Alliance Economy voiced by the Trade Federation Representative, they seemed to fly over the head of Senator Dracken Pryce Dracken Pryce who was more than happy to dispute him on the matter of economics, a fools attempt but noteworthy. Dracken Pryce had it all when he was selected to be the right hand man of the current Chancellor Auteme but had abandoned such position to retire back to Corellia. He was more of a toy solider than an actual politician which required constant backstabbing and backroom deals to make legislation pass through the chamber. Senator Sycorax Laveaux Sycorax Laveaux was more open to his words regarding the refugee crisis pointing out that they were a major issue in the Second Great Hyperspace War and that the Alliance should be more cautious.

"Alas, Senator Pryce even I am not immune to making bad investments. There is little doubt that profits will be at an all time high for several consecutive terms for corporations specifying in naval engineering and advancements in arms such as the CEC. But we are talking about long term sustainability which a high focus war economy can't guarantee. That is partially the reason for the collapse of the New Imperial Order/Empire." Senator Laborr said; agreeing with Pryce that the Trade Federation had made a bad investment against the alliance but accepting it as a character flaw and nothing more.

"Lets move on to another topic, economics can be stale. I would like to focus our next discussion on the New Jedi Order for a time. There rescue attempt ended in increased hostility with the Mandalorian Enclave and even some hostility against the Senate by the Shield of the Jedi Kahili Noble. There has to be some way to reign them in without provoking them."

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