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Approved Vehicle Pridecorp type-H 427 ABY classic

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  • Intent: To create a rare and classic vehicle.
  • Image Source: FF15 Regalia type-F
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Pridecorp (No longer exists. Shut down 428 ABY)
  • Affiliation: None. What remainders of this vehicle that there are drift throughout the galactic market.
  • Market Status: Closed Market
  • Model: Pridecorp Type-H 427 ABY
  • Modularity: Yes
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel rubber, plastics, real leather, blaster and bullet resistant glass, engine components.
  • Classification: Landspeeder airspeeder hybrid
  • Role: Personal Vehicle
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Armaments: Low. Side mounted rotary turret blasters with bolt and Ion modes.
  • Defenses: High
  • Maneuverability Rating: High
  • Speed Rating: Extreme
  • Propulsion: Repulsolift, wheels
  • Minimum Crew: One
  • Optimal Crew: One
  • Passenger Capacity: Five
  • Cargo Capacity: Very Small
  • Speeder/vehicle hybrid: This vehicle is perfect for going through any terrain, and having fun while doing it. It can switch between repulsolift and wheels in mere seconds.
  • Flight: This vehicle has the ability to fly decently as well, using the wings and the repulsolift to launch itself off of the ground. From there, it uses jets on the back to soar in the sky.
  • Food storage: With the type-H being a luxury vehicle, it's naturally got food storage. There's a fridge installed within the interiors for you to store snacks and drinks of your choosing
  • Comfort to the max: The interiors are made from genuine leather, best on the market, with seat warming functions, and air circulation, for a one of a kind experience. On top of this, it has a retractable roof if you want to enjoy the fresh air.
  • Autodrive: With automatic detection and pathfinding functions, you can kick pack and relax with friends while the car does all the work.
  • Meant to protect: This vehicle was made for executives and the upper class peoples, therefore it's equally meant to defend them as it is to provide them comfort. Blaster and bullet resistant windshields, tires, and chassis, with energy shields on top of that, this car is practically a very pretty tank.
  • Maneuverable: Due to it's two modes, the Type-H classic is a highly versatile vehicle. it can transform between repulsolift and wheels, and use the jets installed on the back can be used at any time to give it a speed boost.
  • Autodrive AI; The autodrive AI is equipped for dangerous situations. It is able to make the correct decisions to keep you on course while you are occupied with whatever danger you've encountered on your journey, evasive maneuvers included.
  • Last line of defense: In the event of Ion or EMP disabling the vehicle, certain parts of it are guarded by anti EMP and ion materials. Everything else will turn off, but the base wheeled vehicle mode will remain active, giving the user some chance of escape.
  • Meant for defense: Due to a heavy focus on defense and luxury, this vehicle is severely lacking in the weapons department. This makes fleeing the most likely option in the event of being attacked.
  • Variable Movement: Due to the speeds at which this vehicle can go, the maneuverability can vary. the faster it goes, the harder it is to turn.
  • Variable speed: The Type-H can go decently fast in both modes. However, the repulsolift mode takes maneuverability over speed, and the wheeled mode does vice versa. Wheeled mode is faster, but less maneuverable, while repulsolift mode is slower, but more maneuverable.
The Pridecorp type-H 427 ABY classic. At it's time, it was supposed to be the top of the line in terms of luxury vehicles, and it could have been had the Gulag plague not proceeded to wipe out most of the galaxy. Based on Denon, Pridecorp was a high end vehicle producer, top of the line in the vehicle market. The Type-H was supposed to be their launching point to capture the attention of the galaxy's wealthy. Thus, the vehicle came to be. The designs made it a beast of engineering at the time, the perfect balance of defense and luxury. With the engineering worked out, it began being made in the factories. Sadly, that's where the story ends. Only a few thousand were made by 427 ABY before the factories had to shut down completely. Now considered rare and classic, these vehicles float around the galaxy, owned by collectors, museums, and the occasional driver who's got the skills to keep them in mint condition.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Nice idea, I really like it. Found two problems:
  • Please link the picture's links.
  • The submission is a bit overpowered (+1), please fix this.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
Well-Known Member
MANIAC MANIAC So I have a problem. I have the sources for both images. However, I pulled them from google images. The sites themselves are is gyfcat and the other is called cutewallpapers. Both of them pulled up popups and warnings on my phone. Should I just find new images? Are the sources needed? Because I don't want to link these on the page and ruin someone's pc.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Yes, you need link them. I can recommend to use Google or TinEye to find a different location to them. If you're not find different places, print screen the search results, link those, and add a comment about them, for example the original sites are corrupted and you can't link them.
Well-Known Member
MANIAC MANIAC Alright. I think I fixed everything. I haven't mastered the rating system, so I could be wrong. But I changed maneuverability from very high the just high. I think that should fix it?
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Talohn Atar Talohn Atar

Yes, it's good now! Thank you! One more thing, you wrote to the Armament to small, please change this to low. Same rating, but the in the template here the low is the appropriate rating.
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