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Approved NPC Prime Admiral Voss

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Well-Known Member
(Awful Quality)


Intent: Provide The Emergence with an important Admiral and some NPC's

​Image Credit:
Role: Prime Admiral of The Emergence Navy. Admiral Voss serves as the NPC who Admirals serve under (Until The Emergence gets a PC Prime Admiral that is). He has the biggest say in how the Navy moves and develops, will provide other Factions a sought after Emergence character.

Links: The Emergence Empire


Age: 80 (Just under S'kiss Middle Age)

Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User

Species: S'kiss

Appearance: 2.18m, Bald with Light Blue flesh. He can rarely be seen wearing anything but Admiral Armour. He's covered in various Skist cybernetics, the most visible of which are the aesthetic adornments on his head.


Name: Prime Admiral Yrel Voss

Loyalties: The Emergence Empire

Wealth: One of the highest paid individuals within the Emergence Ranks. Yrel is a very wealthy man.

Notable Possessions: Skist Obsidian fashioned into a Skist Symbol. Three circles within eachother, separated but bridged by Four obsidian struts spaced evenly. This was given to him by his late Mother and serves as a reminder of his loyalty to his Home and his Lineage.

  • An Avid Leader. Voss was picked for Prime Admiral as he displays an uncanny ability to rally those below him and co-ordinate them effectively

  • Yrel is a writer in his spare time. He has written several novels and continues to log his life as he lives.

  • Yrel took to The Emergence's Occupation and Take-over like a hyena to a carcass. He trained intensely leading up to his position as Prime Admiral and maintains exceptional ability in Melee Combat and Military skill

  • Yrel Voss is a vocal, intelligent man. The only thing greater than his vast intellect, is his Ego. He can be disrespectful to his colleagues and those who serve under him. He quite noticeably strives to prove himself superior, regardless of how much he frustrates.
  • When he's not consumed in his Ego, Yrel is often a sophisticated and friendly individual. His wealthy youth shines through his conversation and body language.

Weapon of Choice: A single CSA-04, gifted to him from Orex Mauda as a badge of office. Modified to be more reliable and powerful, with an Emergence insignia printed onto one side.

Combat Function: Extensively trained in the Emergence Military, Voss is a very capable fighter and gunman. He excels at Hand-To-Hand combat and the use of sidearms. Caught in a fight, Voss is precise, fast and deadly.

  • Exceptional Admiral - Yrel has proved himself an excellent Admiral and Leader consistently
  • Master of Combat - Eager to learn, Yrel quickly excelled in the Skism Military Academies
  • Cold Calculator - In a naval skirmish, Yrel is tense and vocal, but underneath, he calculates and strategises very quickly
  • Ego - Yrel was refused Outpost Commander on account of his frustrating Ego. He persistently tries to prove himself superior and tends to lack respect for those below him
  • Desperation - If faced with Defeat, Yrel becomes desperate and rash. He will sacrifice logical thought for unknown ends and simply try and live, much to the detriment of his environment


Born on one of the few Outpost worlds in Utangard, Yrel was the son of the Outpost Commander, Soren Voss. His Father was a busy man heavily concerned with the smooth running of the base, but he always remained by his side, watching Soren's every move with infinite curiosity. He learned everything his Father knew over the years and as Soren grew older, everyday tasks he would have normally integrated into his routine fell to the hands of a youthful Yrel.

Yrel found learning to be a most enjoyable experience and began investing heavily in the acquisition of Knowledge. He read endless books about Skism, its history and its government. The Latter intriguing him the most. The most prominent thing he learned from Soren was Control. Management of a Unit and of its People, and so he took a natural interest to Government. As Soren neared his retirement days, Yrel was essentially running the outpost, thriving and displaying exceptional management ability. But his yearn for Knowledge lead him to become a very intelligent young man, something he was well aware of. His ego took a boost.

His Father died and the position of Commander was up for grabs. Yrel assumed with complete confidence that it would be given to him considering his unrivalled intelligence and the fact that he had been running the outpost anyway. It was not.

The position fell to another S'kiss much to the frustration of Yrel. Truth was, the young man was an arrogant and frustrating individual. When it came to the election, the majority had decided against him regardless of his ability. Simply because if he was their Leader and Manager, they'd be forced to deal with his tremendous ego until they found someone better.

Yrel was infuriated. So much so that he abandoned his position and left for Skism. He reconnected with his Mother, Erelen Voss, a significant figure in the Skist government and a wealthy S'kiss. Yrel took to her well and they developed a fond familial relationship. He learned under her much as he had learned under Soren. With Organisation and Management under his belt, he spent the next few years gathering what Government Knowledge he could from his Mother. He became a revered overseer of multiple sectors and earned himself a significant wealth.

When The Emergence arrived, he was one of the few significant figures to vocally oppose the transition of Power. He felt the S'kiss were sacrificing themselves as a species and culture for an obscure end. Regardless, the transition was made and Yrel was integrated into a new Government. The next few months saw him become incredibly fond of The Emergence. Watching as his people were uplifted technologically and the Planet made stable (Blind to the true nature of this stability), he renounced his original views as the new Government proved itself beneficial time and again.

When the time for Militarisation came, Yrel maintained full-support. The S'kiss were more or less oblivious of the state of the Galaxy due to their strong isolationism and so when The Emergence came with archives on the current Wars and Governments, Yrel felt a great threat to his people. When military academies began to crop up, he quickly applied. He dedicated himself to his training. Although he performed exceptionally in combat and battlefield simulations, he truly excelled when his Leadership and Fleet Management was tested. He consistently outshone his peers, much to the benefit of his Ego.

When Emergence Fleets began their production he was soon appointed the first Prime Admiral. His position was given to him by Orex Mauda and the other Superiex themselves. Orex gifted him a modified CSA-04 as a badge of office and show of respect.

He currently sits in waiting, eager for the Emergence Fleet to begin stabilising the Galaxy.
[member="Orex Mauda"]

Neither instance of the EE link actually links to the faction. Let's get that in here in either Links or Affiliation (either is fine) and it'll be good to go.
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