Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Professor Errik Nimdok, Archaeologist


Art Source
General Information:
  • NAME: Errik Nimdok
  • ALIASES: Arimanes Bosch | Casimir Heliobas | Tom Kovack
    • Silver Jedi Concord
    • Vague ties to the Galactic Alliance
    • Clan Benandanti (formal adoption circa 864 ABY)
    • Professor of Jedi and Sith History
    • Archaeologist
    • Jedi Master
    • Silver Jedi Council Member
Physical Information:
  • SPECIES: Near-Human (actually a Shi'ido, but he keeps this fact a secret)
  • AGE: Unknown; appears to be about 40 by human standards
  • SEX: Male
  • HEIGHT: 6’0” (1.82 meters)
  • BUILD: Skinny/lanky tall guy
  • EYES: Dark brown
  • HAIR: Black
  • SKIN: Yellowish/Olive complexion
  • VOICE: Leonard Nimoy
Social Information:




  • Encyclopedic Mind: Nimdok is a historian, an archaeologist, and a teacher with an incredible ability to retain information. While he specializes in the history and lore of the Jedi and the Sith, he is knowledgeable about a variety of topics and loves to share what he knows.
    • Always must engage with Nimdok's content.” - Auteme Denko-Durren
    • Errik, the top Jedi scholar of our time, well versed in our lore, well travelled, and with the ability to look at things objectively.” - Romi Jade
  • Shapeshifter: Only to be used if diplomacy, trickery, or just plain running away aren't options, he can shapeshift into virtually any creature. He must be able to concentrate in order to enact the transformation, but otherwise there are very few limits on what he can become.
  • Regeneration: His ability to regenerate from wounds is considerably faster and more efficient than a human's, though the rate at which he heals is dependent on the severity of the injury. A superficial scratch could seal within minutes; a gunshot wound or loss of a limb would still take days, if not weeks to fully recuperate. But yes—if you cut off his hand or gouge out his eyes, they will grow back.
  • Martian Manhunter: Due to his training under Tammuz Hoole, a member of the Benandanti clan, Nimdok is heavily specialized (and very skilled) in the use of mental abilities. He can control the minds of weaker beings, fight in a literal form of psychological warfare, forcibly seize knowledge, and so on and so forth. He polices his use of the more malevolent of these abilities so as not to fall to the Dark Side... although sometimes he isn't so successful at that.
    • "A sudden light that was not his own appeared in front of him, revealing [Nimdok]. The shock of it all started to fade as he realized that Ostak's consciousness had been brought into another reality, one that seemed to favor the Jedi." - Ostak Cl'mana
    • "But a ripple in the Force caught his attention. It didn't take long to realize that the mass exertion was coming from Nimdok. It was such a heavy mental assailment that while Josh wasn't able to catch all of it, some of it leaked out and he was able to sense some of what was being conveyed. His eyes widened in horror... it was such a cruel way to fight." - Josh Dragovalor
  • The Illusionist: His species possesses a natural form of telepathy which allows him to subtly influence the perceptions of others. Its primary use is in covering up inconsistencies in his appearance that would otherwise tip people off that he isn't what he seems, but he has also begun to use it to conjure up illusions and trick others into seeing things that aren't there.
  • Two-Faced:While it has become increasingly difficult as of late to tell the difference between them, Nimdok actually has two souls occupying his body. Because of this, he appears to have considerable mental fortitude; if one personality is affected, the other will step up to the plate and continue running things. On the other hand, being of two minds means that he experiences far more internal conflict than the average person, as these souls may have clashing interests and desires. He might even be described as "two-faced" or having a "split personality".
  • Compassionate: Nimdok will go out of his way to help those in need during his travels. He doesn't see it as a burden or an inconvenience; rather, he has found his way into a variety of new adventures by offering his assistance. Not to mention acquiring allies, friends, and even family just by being nice to people.
    • “You have given me hope, Professor. I will repay your kindness somehow.” - Meira Amavia

  • The Perils of Fatherhood: Nimdok is a dad. His enemies tend to be pretty nasty and have no qualms about attacking his family.
  • Deceptive: Being a shapeshifter, Nimdok has a bad habit of assuming alter egos and deliberately deceiving others in order to get his way. It isn’t easy for him to be honest, either with others or with himself, about who he really is. But deep down, Nimdok is the person he truly wants to be and the identity he is most comfortable with.
    • “I’m as Nimdok as Nimdok will ever be. That is enough.” - Nimdok
    • "That unique nature was part of the reason the two had bonded. She was always quite curious about the man beyond their shared employment." - Elise Ike
    • "Nimdok went in as a pure spy, seeking only to bring her down. There could be no forgiveness. Would be no forgiveness. She was going to make sure this man was in danger for the rest of his miserable life. Hounded by her own brands of headache. If Nimdok was aware of the kind of blood feud he had started with her, whether it was his intention or not, he seemed unaware. Or uncaring." - Laertia Io
  • Reckless: Being a Shi'ido with above-average regenerative capabilities, he has a poor conception of his own physical limits and will pull stunts that could easily get him killed.
    • "Nimdok. She was familiar with him only by reputation. Apparently he was an archaeologist that liked to play fast and loose finding dangerous relics. Relics a little too dangerous for his weight class. His papers were brilliant and he was clearly well-learned. Nonetheless, Syd was convinced his reach would one day exceed his grasp and that would be the end of Nimdok." - Syd Celsius
  • Extreme Temperatures: His Shi'ido physiology doesn't do well when it comes to extreme cold (which can slow his shapeshifting and regeneration down), nor does he have any desire to be set on fire, electrocuted, or burnt to a crisp.
  • Compulsive Collector: His love of history becomes obsessive when it comes to artifacts (and, when encountering very old beings who have seen a great deal during their unusually long lives, memories). He'll probably ask before taking anything that doesn't belong to him, but his determination not to walk away empty-handed has occasionally led to plain old thievery from those who are unwilling to part with their ancient treasures.
  • Annoying: He can be just a little too eccentric, talkative, and full of himself for some people's tastes.
    • "Just who was this slimy bastard?" - Adrian Vandiir
    • "I can see what Red meant when he said that just being around you gives someone a strong urge to throttle you." - Subject 648 Slipknot
  • Bad Girls: Every female he has ever been romantically linked with has fallen under the category of "morally questionable". In a broader sense, he is attracted to women who are dangerous, aggressive, and likely to cause trouble for him.

Archaeology | Artifacts & Antiques | Books | Color Gold | Color Bronze | Color White | History | Reading | Well-behaved Children | Female Lethans | Diplomacy | Philosophy | Theology | Old Lightsabers | The Jedi (at their best) | Messy Offices | Good Conversation | Zenobia Trees | Oceans | Vampire Women | Knowing What He’s Talking About

Arrogance | Child Abuse | Slavery | Cruelty | Complicated Technology | Most Sith | Alchemy | Piloting | Fighting | Stupidity and Ignorance | Strenuous Physical Activities | Being in Direct Sunlight For Longer Than a Few Minutes


"When I tell you this guy looked normal, I mean he looked like everyone's accountant." —Ravenous

"She had to admit, he didn't strike her as the shadowy clandestine type..." —Aayla Shan
Nimdok is a tall, thin man with unique features; deep-set dark eyes, an aquiline nose, and high cheekbones give him a keen, hawkish look. While not conventionally handsome, he appears kind and accessible, with a pleasant deep voice. His pointed ears are the only outward sign that he is anything other than human, indicating perhaps some Sephi ancestry. His dark hair is somewhat long, nearly covering his ears; he makes little attempt to style it, but he does have some pretty cool sideburns. He dresses conservatively, often in suitable work clothes or loose monk-like robes. Should you manage to make him bleed (or blush) you'll notice that his blood is black in color.

Almost two centuries ago, a Shi'ido named Arimanes Bosch was born on Lao-mon, the only child of aging parents in a clan that was rapidly dying out and fading away. An old Jedi Master named Tammuz Hoole sensed a spark of Force sensitivity in him and took the misfit boy in, hoping to train him. Arimanes loved the Hoole family, especially Tammuz's daughter Inanna. But he never quite met the standards to become a Jedi. Upon reaching adulthood Arimanes left his homeworld and everyone he knew behind in search of meaning and purpose.

Though his attempt at becoming a Jedi had come to naught, he remained deeply interested in the history of the Jedi and the Sith and the nature of the Force. At some point he stumbled upon an ancient lightsaber during his travels, which inspired him to become an archaeologist. His quest for artifacts took him all around the galaxy, plundering tombs and robbing graves. The nature of his work required that he take on various alternate identities to avoid being tracked; these included the names and faces of the dead, repurposed to serve his own ends.

Half a century later, a man named Errik Nimdok was born on Alderaan. Like Arimanes, he was precocious and intelligent, with a hunger for knowledge—albeit with a far less restless spirit. He became a respected history professor, and though he dreamed of having the sorts of adventures Arimanes was embarking on, his timidity and fear of the unknown kept him planet-bound.

Arimanes never met Nimdok, at least not while the latter was alive. Nimdok was killed in a freak transport accident at the age of thirty-one, leaving a wife, Bithia, and a young daughter, Miri, to mourn his loss.

Three years after his death, Nimdok's status was suddenly amended to "alive". But rather than reunite with his wife and child and return to his old way of life, the "restored" Nimdok—really Arimanes posing as the professor—sought to use Nimdok's credentials and good reputation to his advantage. He quickly reimagined himself as a fearless artifact collector and a formidable, if somewhat conceited, expert on the history of the Jedi and Sith.

But Arimanes' use of the dead man's name and reputation while ignoring the responsibilities attached could only go on for so long. Within a year of his assuming Nimdok's identity, Arimanes faced the consequences of his exploitation. The Sith came for Bithia and Miri in the middle of the night, abducting the pair from their home. Furious at "Nimdok"'s theft of their artifacts, they sought revenge upon his family. After being used as a test subject for Sith experiments, Miri was left for Arimanes to find as a warning. Meanwhile, Bithia's consciousness was transferred into a biot body; subjected to its programming, she became an agent of the Sith.

In addition to Arimanes' guilt over what had happened to the little girl and her mother, a trip to the Netherworld in search of a fragment of the Dagger of Mortis led to him being confronted by the real Nimdok's ghost. In exchange for helping Arimanes find the artifact, Nimdok convinced him to let him possess his body, allowing him to be reunited with his daughter. Arimanes agreed, and the two spirits have been occupying the same body ever since—though it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell the two apart.

After teaming up with Bithia to defeat Darth Transitus, the Sith Lord who ruined his family, Nimdok tried to pick up the pieces of his old life. Bithia went off to “find herself”, leaving him to raise their daughter more or less on his own. Hoping for a fresh start, Nimdok enrolled Miri in the Silver Jedi Order as a youngling, while he briefly took on the secret identity of Tom Kovack, a Silver Jedi Padawan. As Tom, he became embroiled in the tensions between various Jedi Orders and enclaves, particularly the Elder Compact crisis and the New Jedi Order’s war crimes. He would later write about these events as Nimdok, turning the professor into a household name renowned and reviled throughout the galaxy.

In the interim, Lao-mon was attacked by the Brotherhood of the Maw, a mysterious faction of marauders and cultists with vague ties to the Sith. As Tom Kovack, Nimdok traveled to the planet in hopes of finding Tammuz Hoole. There he was captured, tortured, and ultimately reborn. With Tammuz’s help, Nimdok was adopted by the Benandanti clan, the “dreamwalkers”. Masters of telepathy, they transferred their knowledge directly into his mind, delivering decades of learning and practice in a matter of minutes. With this newfound power, Nimdok was able to pass himself off as a Jedi Master and even earned a seat on the Silver Jedi Order’s Council. Unfortunately, this method of learning may have had uncertain consequences—and Nimdok is ill-prepared for the moral struggles that come with the power he now possesses.

Case-in-point: he tried to use his abilities in order to capture Darth Xiphos, a “Light Side Sith” terrorist whom he and several other Jedi Masters came to arrest. Enraged at him for breaking her trust and using his knowledge of her past to torment her psychologically, Xiphos declared a blood feud against him. Her warbots, the Neutralizers, are currently hunting Nimdok throughout the galaxy, forcing him to go on the run...
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Remember When: The Netherworld Crisis - A look at Arimanes and Nimdok during the Netherworld Crisis in 844 ABY. COMPLETED - SINGLE POST

Casimir Heliobas

Arimanes Bosch briefly took on the identity of a Jedi Master named Casimir Heliobas. This persona was entirely fake and a fraud, which is probably why it ultimately failed. Nimdok avoids discussing this period of his life, considering it a huge mistake. Only a few threads are of note:

The Shadow Over Kuat - Heliobas was present during an attack by the Bryn'adul while the Grayson Imperium (precursor to the modern Galactic Alliance) attempted to negotiate with Kuat. An individual named Dorian Harper spirited the Lady Elane away from the carnage in order to engage in a tryst. The convenience of the timing of their departure - minutes before the attack began - roused Heliobas' suspicions. In order to save the lives of civilians, Heliobas was forced to reveal his true nature as a shapeshifter. COMPLETED

Conflict at Kuat - Heliobas becomes involved in a mission to stop an assassination plot on Alderaan. He encounters the droid Dak Dak ; their meeting would go on to help Nimdok later. Within my headcanon, it was during this trip that Arimanes discovered Nimdok and decided to start using his identity. COMPLETED

Icebreaker on Hoth: Sith Hate This One Weird Trick! - Heliobas attends a meeting at the Jedi enclave on Hoth. He is unable to grasp any of the powers offered, except one - the Gutretee memory transfer. COMPLETED

Bryn'ing Down the House - Heliobas turns into a Noghri for diplomatic purposes, then into a hideous acid-spewing monster for combat purposes. He is severely wounded and narrowly escapes to an evac transport, where he immediately falls into a healing trance. COMPLETED

Crossroads (Galactic Alliance) - Single post. Heliobas sends a message to Senator Chandra, revealing his testimony of the events on Kuat, in hopes of influencing her vote on the matter of Elane vs Julius. It backfires horribly. This incident is why Nimdok vowed never to get involved in politics again. COMPLETED

Act I: You Only Live Twice

Odessen Archaeological Dig - In his first mission as Nimdok, Arimanes heads an expedition into an ancient Jedi tomb on Odessen. Things don't work out as planned. CANCELLED

Manor Getaway - Arimanes is invited to the home and private museum of Dr. Elise Dixon, a fellow scholar and archaeologist who accompanied him on the doomed Odessen expedition. Weird sexual tension develops until he somehow he convinces her to share her memories with him, at which point he discovers she used to be a Sith. COMPLETED

Like a Stranger - First thread! Arimanes waits in vain for a contact in a bar on Tatooine, only to become trapped there by the onset of a sandstorm. A bar fight ensues. COMPLETED

The Sands of Thyrsus - Arimanes is hired on to investigate the ruins of an ancient civilization. I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED WITH THIS ONE RIP

Chasing a Rumor On Samovar - Arimanes goes to Samovar in search of a Sith holocron which has allegedly fallen into the hands of a noble ignorant of its power. Includes a very brief first encounter with Adrian Vandiir. COMPLETED

Do You Know Where Your Children Are? - After encountering Nimdok's daughter, Arimanes must chase her captors across a crowded spaceport. One of the abductors, a Sith woman named Thetis Suzerain, manages to escape after poisoning her co-conspirator. COMPLETED

Part 1.5 - Licking Our Wounds (Chaos Rising) - On behalf of his "friend" Casimir Heliobas, "Nimdok" travels to the Anaxes Station to learn more about the Netherworld rift that opened near Brentaal IV. Due to the events of the previous thread, he has no choice but to bring Miri along. COMPLETED

Part 2 - Mistwalker (Chaos Rising) - "Nimdok" literally goes to hell. He tries to take Miri with him, but the Alliance won't let him, because seriously, what the hell man? Anyway, he separates from the main group as soon as things start to get hairy, venturing off on his own in search of the Dagger of Mortis... and winds up meeting the ghost of the real Nimdok. A bargain is struck that leaves him forever changed. COMPLETED

State of the Jedi - Single post. Nimdok's personality resurfaces in the mind of Casimir Heliobas while the fraudulent mystic attends a very important Jedi meeting. COMPLETED

Act II: Where Evil Grows

Dear Mito - Single post. Nimdok seeks advice from a mouse about finding his own identity. COMPLETED

Once Upon Another Time - Solo thread. Nimdok seeks out Inanna Hoole, an old friend and former flame of Arimanes', on Coruscant. When they attempt to reconnect, the Sith poke their nose in. Things go from bad to worse as Nimdok, Inanna, and Miri are forced to flee the planet, leaving behind a trail of bodies in their wake. COMPLETED

Arimanes' Journal, Entries #1-2 - First entry dates from before "Once Upon Another Time", second entry occurs after that thread. Includes Arimanes' thoughts on what happened, musings about Nimdok's ghost, and further explains why he sought Inanna out in the first place. COMPLETED

Nothing Beside Remains - Nimdok takes another shot at Odessen, convinced he can do better than Arimanes. They encounter the same Sith and the same problems. COMPLETED

Whatever Happened To Those Files? - Back at the Scintilla, Nimdok has the disk he got from Odessen converted for modern technology. But Ravenous sends an agent, Telani, to steal the files back. Nimdok manages to outwit her, though she doesn't know it. COMPLETED

Wondering About Wonders - Appears as NPC. Nimdok is awoken in the middle of the night by a strange presence. He panics until the presence reveals itself to be a pair of psychic twins, Willow and Ivy, who have been asked by Inanna to find Thetis Suzerain. They want to use Nimdok's memories to trace her. Nimdok refuses, instead having them look at Miri's memories. COMPLETED

A Meeting On Jerrilek - Nimdok answers the call of a mysterious stranger who recently inherited an ancient - and powerful - lightsaber crystal. Turns out the stranger is a thirteen year old boy named Starlin Rand, and the crystal was bonded to the ancient Jedi Exile Meetra Surik. With the Exile long dead, the crystal is useless to all but the most skilled Sith alchemists... and they are rather eager to get their hands on it. COMPLETED

A Fine Addition to My Collection - Nimdok visits Dr. Elise Dixon at her home on Saleucami again, this time in hopes of establishing a mutually beneficial partnership. Elise agrees to safeguard his growing collection of relics at her private museum. Much to Nimdok's amusement, it quickly becomes apparent that Arimanes has fallen under her spell. COMPLETED

A Good Start - Nimdok and Miri accompany Elise to Monastery, where Elise’s daughter Kurenai lives with her family. Vampire shenanigans ensue. COMPLETED

Spirit of Adoption - Solo thread. Despite the protests of Nimdok's ghost, Arimanes visits old friends on Lao-mon, intending to leave Miri in their care for her own safety. But he soon finds himself embroiled in a far more sinister plot involving a Sith Lord who experiments on prisoners of war, mutating them into monsters. COMPLETED - REWRITTEN EDITION. OLD VERSION HERE

Act III: Shelter From the Storm

Sometimes I Feel Like Jekyll and Hyde - Nimdok is confronted by Red while recovering in the hospital. He reveals what he knows about the Lord of Doubt. COMPLETED

For Sentimental Reasons - Solo thread. On Coruscant, Nimdok, Miri, Starlin, and Moondog attempt to learn the histories behind a bunch of antique lightsabers in the possession of the professional dancer/yacht pilot/rogue knight Val Drutin. COMPLETED

Come Rain Or Snow (Midvinter/SJO) - Nimdok, Starlin, and Miri travel to Midvinter on invitation, visiting the College of Enlightenment. COMPLETED

Call Me Ishmael - Nimdok travels to Ahch-To with Miri to join an expedition team hoping to protect the planet's artifacts from hostile factions. A diver returns from the open sea with tales of underwater ruins, including a marker she left behind for them to follow. Unfortunately, these waters are rumored to be full of giant sea monsters. ABANDONED

Heart of the Universe - Nimdok is convinced the mysterious magic rock at the Museum of Natural History on Thustra is actually the legendary Heart of the Universe. But the museum won't let him examine it and he can't steal from the Jedi, so he just keeps going there to hang out and stare at it until something happens. "Something" comes in two forms - a mysterious woman who wants to work for him, and a green-haired boy named Slip who was sent by Red to check on him. The group leave the museum, and Nimdok makes a startling discovery - the woman is a biot created by Messala and harboring the enslaved soul of his wife Bithia. Determined to free her from the slave programming, Nimdok enlists Slip's help in hacking into her brain, though she violently resists their efforts. COMPLETED

My Heart is a Hollow Plain - Contacted by a concerned Ayreon, Nimdok gets involved in a plot to rescue Inanna from her apprenticeship to the Sith Lord Vanessa Vantai. The mission involves Nimdok impersonating Adrian Vandiir and offering to become Inanna's new master. However, Vanessa discovers their treachery and imprisons the would-be rescuers, threatening to experiment on them. After Inanna snaps and tries to kill Vanessa, the Sith decides they are more trouble than they're worth and banishes them all from the station under threat of death should they ever return. Nimdok is just relieved that they made it out alive and insists that his impersonation of Vandiir wasn't that bad. COMPLETED

Lady of the Tower - Nimdok does not appear in person. Vanessa Vantai brings fake evidence of Nimdok's and Ayreon's demise to Tower Vandiir, intending to speak to Adrian Vandiir about the incident, but Adrian is not available. Instead Vanessa winds up speaking to Ingrid L'lerim, Adrian's fiancee and a secret agent. Ingrid sees through Vanessa's deceit and urges her to tell the truth about what occurred, but Vanessa remains firm. COMPLETED

Remember to Adrian! - Comically posing as the late Adrian Vandiir (again), Nimdok tells Inanna there's hope for a cure after all... COMPLETED - SINGLE POST

Nobody's Fool - Still posing as Vandiir, Nimdok accompanies Inanna to Atrisia, where Alyosha Drutin conducts a ritual which purifies her. COMPLETED

Note: From here on out, Nimdok began living a double life with his alter ego, the Jedi Padawan Tom Kovack, in order to monitor Miri's training with the Jedi and to keep tabs on Starlin Rand.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do - Tom Kovack's first day of Jedi training has him climbing a mountain while carrying a bag of rocks on his back. Accompanying him is Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot . Starlin mistakes him for Space Sasquatch and throws his bag of rocks at him. Tom survives and then beats Starlin in the race up the mountain. COMPLETED

Silver Jedi 101 - Saber Practice - Tom is late to lightsaber practice taught by Caedyn Arenais , but makes up for it by being already knowledgeable of lightsaber forms. Once practice begins, however, he starts to struggle, becoming frustrated. He is advised not to let his emotions control him. COMPLETED

What Kind of Jedi Do You Want To Be? - Tom and Starlin attend a seminar (?) on Commenor, where they learn about the Jedi classes. Tom opts to become a Jedi Sentinel in hopes of learning more useful tricks outside of the Force. COMPLETED

Ice and Kyber - Tom travels with his fellow Padawans to Ilum to find their own lightsaber crystals. Tom obtains a viridian crystal. COMPLETED

To Speak In One Voice (Jedi) - Nimdok attends a conference the Jedi are having about whether or not they should destroy Sith knowledge in their vaults. Should worse come to worse, he intends to turn it into a rescue mission... just don't tell anyone, shhh! ABANDONED?

Life Over Politics -Jedi - Tom and Starlin watch a livestream of the Jedi conference following the announcement of an alliance between the SJC and TSE against the Bryn. They discuss history and the ramifications of such an alliance. Starlin's master Syd Celsius decides to accept the alliance even as other Jedi turn against her. Starlin agrees with her, but Tom is much more on the fence. COMPLETED

Eve of No Return - With a Jedi schism on the horizon, Tom and Starlin head back to the Silver Rest. Tom plans on taking his sister with him and heading somewhere safer to sit the conflict out, as he has not received enough training to be able to fight on either side. While there, they come across Laertia Io Laertia Io and Syd attempting to rally her fellow Jedi to fight against the Bryn. COMPLETED

Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground - Tom learns the story of Tammuz Hoole's fateful encounter with Darth Phyre. IN PROGRESS

Can't Say I Didn't Warn You, Huh? - Tom attends a meeting with the Jedi on Tribunal Station following the alliance. He refuses to stand with Ryv when called, on the grounds that the GA has sided with the NIO. COMPLETED

The Body Electric - Nimdok visits Starlin in the hospital after the Padawan has his hand cut off during the invasion of Dantooine. The professor finally meets Syd for the first time. COMPLETED

Stand With Me, Stand Against Me, Or Stand Aside - Tom attends a third meeting with the Jedi, this time on Commenor. He is accompanied by Starlin, and the aftermath of the events on Dantooine weighs heavily over everyone. Tom argues for common sense, as usual, but is largely ignored. He manages to convince Starlin not to give up hope on being a Silver Jedi. COMPLETED

Act IV: The Wanderer

Mystery Box Auction: A Black Market Holocron Sale - Nimdok pitches in a corusca gem in order to help a possessed Rodian buy a holocron containing the recipe book of a Sith Ewok. We don't know either. But at least he learns of a fancy organization collecting holocrons in the process, as well as obtaining three coins which will allow him to contact them. COMPLETED

The Night Market - Sleeping on the job while selling alchemized snake oil, Nimdok is distracted by another vendor's wares. He winds up being drawn into a debate with a Sith Lord as the two battle for the soul of a young woman who just discovered she is Force sensitive. COMPLETED

Private Evolutions - Following his encounter with Ashin Cardé Varanin at the market, Nimdok and a few others become guests aboard Ashin's ship/mobile academy, the Pomojema. Nimdok is concerned about Shaye Ares but also can't resist peeking in on the library. IN PROGRESS

The King is Dead - Nimdok and Miri assist a fugitive princess suffering from Sith poison. COMPLETED

Come Get a Drink At Kalipher's - For Starlin's 18th birthday, he and Tom go to a fancy bar to order his first alcoholic drink. Starlin asks Tom some personal questions, which Tom is disinclined to answer. COMPLETED

Club Dusk - Tom meets with Bithia at a sleazy nightclub on Coruscant. They have a cryptic discussion and make out a little. Then someone knocks her into the pool and she starts to dissolve. Tom fishes her out, and they are assisted by Alkor Centaris before leaving. COMPLETED

Light Calls, Iron Answers - Tom observes a GA senate meeting to discuss their alliance with the NIO. Shortly before the proceedings begin, a recording by Jend-Ro Quill is played, revealing the NJO have been involved in the killing of children in Sith academies. COMPLETED

Dirty Laundry - After the meeting, Tom tracks down Auteme Auteme to ask her about Quill's message. COMPLETED

So, You Got Somethin' To Say? - Tom shows up at the Jakku Jedi Enclave during the meeting between Romi Jade and Ryv to watch the theatrics. COMPLETED

Black Nest Crisis: Mission to Draemidus Prime - Tom participates in a suicide mission to help bring down the Bryn'adul. COMPLETED

Artistic License - Tom investigates the ruins of an ancient Jedi praxeum on Arkania. COMPLETED

From Here To Eternity - Tom visits Tribunal Station to check out the Je'daii. COMPLETED

TRAA: Ballad of Bardotta - In this spoof thread, Nimdok's character and fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants lifestyle is parodied. Depicted as a dangerously reckless buffoon failing to find a balance between his family and his work, the professor is thoroughly humiliated, but finds acceptance from the one person who matters most to him. Breaking the fourth wall, he also hints at a shocking twist to come... and is told to go to Chaldea, where he will have an adventure involving a mermaid. COMPLETED

The Mermaid of Nezamiyeh - On Chaldea, Nimdok and Miri get sucked into a mystery involving a missing mermaid named Gerda. When Gerda is found, however, the mystery only deepens, as she now appears mute and doesn't seem to know her friends. What exactly is going on? COMPLETED

Library Hours - While attempting to research Chaldea, Nimdok gets involved in shenanigans at the Jedi Temple archives on Coruscant. IN PROGRESS

The Girl Who Has Everything - Nimdok brings Laraine, a Melodie, back to his ship to meet Miri, who has always wanted to meet a Melodie. COMPLETED

Metal Fist, Psychic Fangs - Nimdok wrangles his way into following Starlin on a mission to ExGal Alpha, with Bithia as his bodyguard. They find the Tomb of Cidd Cinndurr. While Westenra Mina and Starlin travel through time, Nimdok and Bithia deal with NIO troopers. Bithia suggests the family take a vacation on Naboo. IN PROGRESS

The Rhythm Divine - Bithia, Nimdok, and Miri's vacation on Naboo happens to coincide with the coronation of a new queen. Things go awry as they encounter a Shadow possessing an antique shop owner, a holocron covered in mysterious markings, and growing tensions. Later that evening, Bithia decides to leave Nimdok and Miri, seeking a new life on her own on Denon. She makes a copy of herself before she goes, Jaina, to continue to serve as Nimdok's helper. All that happens in the first post; the rest of the thread will be flashbacks to when Nimdok and Bithia first met. SOLO THREAD - COMPLETED

Understanding a Heretic - Nimdok and Jaina are escorted to Naboo to meet with Laertia Io, who hopes Nimdok will write an article about her clearing a few facts up. IN PROGRESS

Collecting Stars - Nimdok, Miri, and Elise meet Elise's mother Aoi and grandmother Sawa Ike Sawa Ike on Atrisia. Hopefully no one will get eaten. IN PROGRESS

Things Fall Apart - Part I of a series of threads set on Lao-mon during the invasion by the Brotherhood of the Maw. Tom Kovack arrives on the planet with Ala and others, hoping to find out the fate of Tom's former master Tammuz Hoole. Tom is captured and tortured in the Goshen War Camp before Ala and co rescue him. COMPLETED

UNTITLED SOLO THREAD - Having heard that Tom Kovack was presumed dead on Lao-mon, Starlin travels there to look for his friend. He instead discovers Professor Nimdok, who reveals he was Tom all along. Nimdok is undergoing an extremely taxing form of "training" under the Benandanti, a group of Force Users who specialize in mental abilities. When completed, the process may kill him or leave him in a catatonic state should his mind not prove strong enough. Meanwhile, the Shi'ido fight back against the Brotherhood of the Maw. CANCELED - WILL FILL OUT EVENTS IN LATER ROLEPLAY VIA FLASHBACKS AND EXPOSITION DUMPS

The Beginning of the End - Nimdok and Miri react to the destruction of Csilla. SINGLE POST - COMPLETED

Silver Jedi Concord Denounces Laertia Io - Article. Now a Master of the SJC, Nimdok formally announces the Order's denouncement of Laertia Io, who has killed hundreds of Jedi in her bizarre quest to unite the galaxy against the Bryn. COMPLETED

And Make a Holy Sound With Our Dirty Mouths - Short story. Starlin visits Nimdok at his new office on Kashyyyk, where Nimdok, now Grandmaster, convinces the boy to help take down Laertia Io. COMPLETED

A Dance With the Devil In the Pale Moonlight - Nimdok, Josh Dragovalor Josh Dragovalor , Or'Fol Moric Or'Fol Moric and Starlin begin the hunt for Laertia Io. COMPLETED

Another Step Into the Light - Nimdok knights his first apprentice, Salazar Niminen Salazar Niminen . COMPLETED

Allegiance - SJC invasion of Bryn-held Nar Kreeta. Nimdok and other telepaths attempt to disrupt the Bryn's hivemind. COMPLETED

This Side of Paradise - Nimdok and Elise finally go on a date. That is, they explore a tomb on Ahch-To. The pair discover a secret Sith lab belonging to the late Darth Prospero. Nimdok disguises himself as Prospero in order to sneak inside. The two explore a little bit before ultimately deciding to seal the lab away with some explosives, ensuring its secrets remain buried. IN PROGRESS

Act V: Long Lost

Predatory Shadows: Phase I - Nimdok attends a secret meeting to discuss new intel on the Brotherhood of the Maw which suggests they have infiltrated all aspects of GA society. He ultimately decides not to get involved in the investigation due to his affiliation with the Silvers, but he keeps the tip in mind... COMPLETED

Truth & Reconciliation - Nimdok attends another meeting, this time about the issue of the Ametrine Accords, an alliance with the Confederacy, who (as usual) are trying to play both sides at once and still appear "neutral". COMPLETED

Shady Business - Nimdok recruits Aayla Shan Aayla Shan into the Silver Jedi Shadows. COMPLETED

Shadows Mingle - Nimdok is visited by Phalsi Drynchen Phalsi Drynchen , who wants to be a Jedi Shadow. COMPLETED

A Terrible Thing - Nimdok and Jedi Masters work to undo the severance of several Jedi's Force connections in a ritual conducted by Laertia Io Laertia Io . Nimdok meets The Man in White The Man in White . COMPLETED

The Best Laid Schemes - Solo thread. While visiting Coruscant, Nimdok has a chance encounter with Kai Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri , the Bamarri he has been looking for. Things quickly go awry as he discovers Kai is a fugitive being hunted by the Jedi, and has fallen ill with a strange illness. Throw in a few of Laertia Io's assassins and some overzealous Jedi Knights and you have a recipe for the worst night ever. SOLO THREAD - COMPLETED

Unknown Pathogens - Follow up to previous thread, with Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze teaming up with Nimdok to save Kai and the now infected Nimdok. IN PROGRESS

A Step Into the Light - Nimdok and Miri attend the Echani Solstice Festival. Nimdok tells Miri he has to leave and go into hiding from Laertia Io's pursuing forces. COMPLETED

Live and Let Die - Nimdok and Aayla Shan Aayla Shan blow up a Sith space station. IN PROGRESS

Battle Plans - Nimdok pays a visit to Tammuz Hoole, general of the rebel army, just before the invasion of Lao-mon. SHORT STORY - COMPLETED

Death's Sting - Nimdok heads an infiltration mission in the Goshen War Camp on Lao-mon, fighting to free the prisoners and liberate his homeworld. Nimdok fakes his own death for a few minutes, and Jaina takes a calculated risk... and loses, resulting in the death of Tammuz Hoole. The battle ends with the rebel army defeated, and the Maw unleashes genocide upon the Shi'ido. COMPLETED

An Evening On Erakhis - Accompanied by Starlin, Nimdok journeys to Erakhis to deliver Tammuz's ashes to his family. SOLO THREAD - IN PROGRESS

When the Dead Come Knocking - A mysterious stranger dressed in black arrives unannounced at Nimdok's office. He explains that he is Tarrish Galland, a former Silver Jedi Knight who was resurrected after death by the Disciples of Typhojem. While he is now infected with Dark Side corruption, he still wants to help the Silvers in any way he can. IN PROGRESS

A Petition For Light & Life - Nimdok agrees to be part of a Silver Jedi delegation to Coruscant in a show of support for the NJO... days before advising the Senate inquiry committee about NJO's war crimes. COMPLETED

Yashuvu Known - Accompanied by Miri and Starlin, Nimdok travels to Korriban to advise the committee. Things don't go great. COMPLETED

Decree - Nimdok shows up on Coruscant for a meeting with Jedi and a senator. COMPLETED

The Great Battle of Coruscant - The meeting goes very poorly. COMPLETED

The Impossible Hour - After the invasion, Nimdok tries to contact Aayla and learns of the birth of his son. He winds up chatting with Auteme. COMPLETED

Not Silver, Not New, Just Jedi - Nimdok attends yet another meeting, this time to debrief the Silver Council about the attack and request their aid. COMPLETED

Nimdok Resigns from the Silver Jedi Council - What it says on the tin. COMPLETED - ARTICLE

The Quiet Conclave - Nimdok goes to another meeting hosted by Romi Jade. COMPLETED

A Visit to the Reef - Nimdok visits Kai and Claudia on Coruscant and meets Damsy Callat Damsy Callat , whom he convinces to take in some Shi'ido refugees. COMPLETED

The Queen's Coronation (Hapes Consortium) - Nimdok and Miri attend the coronation of a new Hapan queen. COMPLETED

Glittering Pains - Nimdok is contacted by Daiya Daiya about a magic rock. COMPLETED

Eternity in an Hour - Nimdok appears as an NPC, meets Lief Lief . COMPLETED

Astral Express - Nimdok trains Eliphas in astral projection. COMPLETED

Monty Tython and the Holy Core - IN PROGRESS
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Lightsabers & Crystals:
  • Holocron of the Force Vampire - Currently in the possession of Elise Ike.
  • Tammuz Hoole's holocron - A holocron made by his former master containing all his knowledge.
  • Mysterious Sith (?) holocron - Purchased from an antique shop in Theed, haven't opened it yet.
  • 5 liters of Shiftglue - Gunk that can stop shapeshifters from, well, shapeshifting. Nimdok has used it while healing from injuries to prevent himself from forgetting that he needs to relax and stop changing form.
  • A few pouches of Vita Stones - Magical rocks that can banish evil spirits if you throw them at them.
  • 3 Obols - Weird little coins created by Greystone Mercantile or some chit, I dunno, ask Kal Kal why he hasn't subbed them yet.
  • Solitude Stone - A rock that allows for telepathic communication with other people who have the same kind of rock. Was gifted to him by Tammuz Hoole.
  • Seimei Preservation Case - A case designed to protect artifacts for transportation.
  • Seimei Archaeological Tome - Nifty portable computer designed for archaeologists.
  • Aquatic Tent - A tent that can be pitched underwater.
  • Tonkutaji training tool - Box used to train the student how to avoid getting injected by poison or drugs.
  • Midvanot training tool - Box used to train lightning.
  • Dreamwalker Armor - Old armor Nimdok received following the death of his mentor. Updated with modern technology.
  • Ruin Runner Robes - Robes for running through ruins.
  • Jedi Strike Team Platform Armor - Sexy Marvel superhero armor designed for Jedi. Acquired for the Draemidus Prime suicide mission, which he participated in as Padawan Tom Kovack.
  • Zayne Carrick's vambraces - This is a unique artifact, but that hasn't stopped Nimdok from wearing them.
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{ ││││││││││││- }

{ Apprentice - Lower Knight - Upper Knight - Master - Apex Mastery }​

Force Powers:

Flow-walking { │││││││││││-│ }

Hibernation trance { ││││││││││││-│ }

Memory Transfer { │││││││││││-│ }

Mind Trick { ││││││││││││-│ }

Telepathy { ││││││││││││-│ }

Weapons Proficiency:

Form One (Shii-Cho) { │││││││││││-│ }
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