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Approved NPC Project Dísir

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S

  • Intent: A new project in which the Wardens of the Shroud and the Eternal Army will also receive undead units.
  • Image Credit: Eoxians, Border; Headers: Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe
  • Role: Officers and commanders who are commanders of Project Einherjar members. In addition, because of their knowledge of the Force, they were also advisors.
  • Permissions: Link.
  • Links: Wardens of the Shroud | Sith Necromancy

  • Unit Name: Project Dísir
  • Affiliation: Eternal Empire | Wardens of the Shroud | Ingrid L’lerim-Vandiir
  • Classification: Strategists, Senior Officers
  • Description: All of them were members of the Wardens of the Shroud, however, they lost the ability to use the Force in the Netherworld. Like all such individuals, they were former soldiers in the Eternal Army / Eternal Navy, this has not changed now. After they returned to life and were given a body again, they continued their old work. It is also true of the members of Project Dísir that they have lost their conscience, tireless, ruthless soldiers and leaders.

    They kept their previous dogmas, which they had learned in the bond of the Wardens of the Shroud and which they lived by. They do what is necessary to do, relentlessly and without hesitation. They would probably also be able to give orders to burn the galaxy. They are all excellent strategists and officers because they have held high ranks in the Army in their lives, but probably also among the Warden.

    They do not wear armor but officer clothes, making them stand out from their people. In addition, although they can no longer assist in the two projects in practice as they no longer use the Force, nevertheless they contribute their theoretical knowledge to the development of the project.

  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Rare
  • Unit Experience: Elite
  • Equipment:
  • Combat Function: They were brought back to life basically because of their knowledge. Not just because of Force knowledge, but also because of military knowledge. Typically, they no longer take part in the fights, but function as strategists and a kind of undead High Command. They are the superiors and military leaders of Project Einherjar. Of course, they, too, are obliged to obey the orders of the living commanders and can only command members of Project Einherjar.

    If it is necessary for them to go to the battlefield as well, they prefer a shroudsaber or the Nelvaanian longsword. In addition, they may use other melee or ranged weapons because they are trained for it. For the time being, the rest of the army does not know about their existence, as they were also made for the same purpose as the other project. But they can be deployed in any field in the same way and they are also perfectly suited to break the enemy’s mental resistance.

    But most likely, if deployed in a possible war, they will still be in the back ranks, where the battlefield is analyzed and decisions are made about how Project Einherjar should act in the war. However, their commands must also be approved by live officers to avoid going too far in terms of commands.
  • Consciousness: In the process, they are perfectly able to preserve their consciousness, almost entirely themselves. Thus, they can think as well as act as in their lives. If their bodies are suitable for it, they are also able to speak.
  • Tireless and Insensitive: Because they are undead, they are tireless. The members of the project were able to slaughter even civilians in their lifetime without emotion, if necessary. They don’t have as much empathy in them now as they used to. Although they can think and act independently as in their lives, their conscience has completely disappeared from them. They are perfect, able to think, well-trained military war machines.
  • More Resistant: Their equipment is the same as in their lives, except that they feel no pain and no need to take a breath. Because of this, they are not stopped by a fatal injury either unless the body is destroyed. Because of this, they may appear to be much more resistant to injury.
  • Disturbance: They also gained a special ability when they returned to life (in the Netherworld), as they cause disturbance in the Force, making it harder to use Force near them. The more people there are, the bigger and stronger this disturbance.
  • Well-trained: They are better fighters in all respects than members of Project Einherjar. They were subjected to other training, which is considered elite warriors. They also have great knowledge in the field of the Force and they are all excellent strategists, warlords.
  • The Light Side: The members of Project Einherjar are creations of necromancy, which is why the Light Side effects affect their bodies and souls much more strongly. They are able to suffer much greater damage from such effects.
  • Destruction: Their physical bodies are as vulnerable as their lives, so if the body is completely destroyed, the soul will return to the Netherworld. If the body suffers injuries that prevent it from fighting further (loss of limbs), it will be unable to fight.
  • Banish: In addition to the damages one can destroy the soul with the Force or banish it into the Netherworld. All of this can be done on Dark Side, vs. Light Side Force abilities as well, it just needs to be strong enough for this.
  • Difficult to Replace: The members of Project Einherjar are difficult to replace because so many members of the Eternal Empire are against the Force, which is why it is very difficult to find volunteers who undertake to mark their souls and later, after death, bring them back to life, to their dead bodies to continue fighting. . That is why the size of the army is limited and it is very difficult to increase their number as well.
  • Madness: Although the Wardens were trained to be mentally strong as this is acceptable from a Force User, being undead is very stressful, especially in a rotten or skeletal-like body. This is why it can be common for returnees to go crazy sooner or later to their condition.
  • Easy spot: They were all Force Users in their lives, most of them also knew about to Warden’s goal of destroying the Force, ironically the return from death took the Force away from them. They have become something different, which is why any Force User can detect them very easily because of their very strange aura, even from a great distance. In doing so, they actually made a target from themselves because they can’t hide their presence from others either. Thanks to this state they can be can sense them as a black hole or void in the Force due they are repelling the Force.

The concept of Project Einherjar and Project Dísir originated after the death of AMCO AMCO . Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim has done everything in her power to save her husband's soul and bring her back into the ranks of the living. That’s why she experimented with how to summon a specific person from the Netherworld and transplant/put it back into a body. However, this is not so easy, as a lot of people in the Netherworld lose their identities.

Since she did not have Soulstone at her disposal, a maximum of a few for personal use, so the souls could not be stored either, so some other solution was needed to make it easier to find the souls. It was an easy thing for Adrian in this respect, as she felt him at Netherworld, not to mention her own piece of soul, which she left behind with the largest piece of her husband’s soul. This all played a role later, not even at the beginning of the project.

The Empress first dealt with non-Force Users, ironically they were the heavier ones, and then experimented with Force Users. She used the books of Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe for these rituals and was successful after a while, however, she could only lift out and put back into the bodies that souls had not yet lost their identity and remained themselves. That's why she needed another solution.

She found a solution to this, which eventually deviated in part from her original plans, where she marked the soul of the dying or sentenced to death with a sign through the Force so that later this exact person could be summoned again. This method worked because the dead could be called back from the afterlife and the soul put back into the body. With that, it was already a successful process. However, it really only worked for individuals, not for those who have already lost their identity in the afterlife. This is why Force Users could be recalled after a longer period of time, while non Force Users could be recalled for much less time.

With that, she could save Adrian later, but there was still no solution to how she could safely unite her husband’s soul. However, the method she developed was an opportunity to supplement an army and surprise their enemies with them. As soon as she was ready, the Empress initiated the STRATCOM, with whose support Project Einherjar and Project Dísir were created. As this also required the help of the Wardens of the Shroud, the most powerful sorcerers, necromancers, have been inaugurated and have been working on it ever since. The project received the highest level of encryption, at least as secret as Wardens’ final plan.

However, as many in the Eternal Empire are anti-Force, it is difficult to find a replacement for the two projects because the application is entirely voluntary.
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