Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Promotion Requests

Tanomas Graf

Ranks are open, you can request any of them, but you must have a reason to be said rank. Please fill out this form below to request one for your character.

Character Name:
Link to Character Bio:
Rank Requested:
Threads Completed as part of the Empire:


Once you have finished and submitted the above form, faction staff will decide whether or not you deserve the requested position. If so, we will add you to the appropriate roster; if not, we will express our justification.

Giorg Montey

By The Emperor's Command
Character Name: Giorg Montey
Link to Character Bio: N/A
Branch: Imperial Navy
Rank Requested: Commander
Reason: Kerkov
Threads Completed as part of the Empire: Plenty as other characters.

Also, please promote [member="Vrapir Detta "]to Sergeant. Thank you


Well-Known Member
Character Name: Ephraim Tarkin
Link to Character Bio: Link
Branch: Imperial Navy
Rank Requested: Rear Admiral
Reason: Return from Retirement/ Academy Duty (IC) Because - You know who the kark this is. (OOC)
Threads Completed as part of the Empire: Zero

[member="Tanomas Graf"]
Character Name: DT-7343 (Corric Tassadar)
Link to Character Bio: Here
Branch: Death Trooper Command
Rank Requested: Butter bars Lieutenant (Death Trooper Squad Leader)
Reasons: Gorgon Team will need a leader, and you can't sink ships with a headless mythical creature.
Threads Completed As Part of the Empire: None so far.
Character Name: Esoryuko Tobruk
Link to Bio: Here
Branch: Imperial Navy
Rank Requested: Captain
Reason: To allow myself greater flexibility in contributing to battle threads and such.
Threads Completed as part of the Empire: If this was changed to threads in progress there'd be a few to list. Sadly, not applicable.
Character Name: Chūichi Haasa
Link to Bio: Profile
Branch: Imperial Navy
Rank Requested: Captain
Reason: Seeking to come back to Chaos, to be involved with the Galactic Empire, and assist in more space and interplanetary-oriented action in support of the faction.
Threads Completed as part of the Empire: Seeking approval in order to assist in this thread.

Tanomas Graf

[member="Oscar Saint-Just"]

Are you sure you wish to start at ensign? I'm more than willing to approve higher ranks (Captain, etc.)

If not, approved!

Welcome to the Imperial Navy.
[member="Tanomas Graf"] Ah, I should have probably posted a follow up to this, but I actually ended up changing my mind and joining another faction in the meantime. I wasn't sure if posts can be deleted though. Sorry.


"DT-0029 Reporting for Duty!"
Character Name: DT-0029

Link to Character Bio:

Branch: Death-trooper Command

Rank Requested: Captain

Reason: To be able to have more of a reign within the ranks and to be able to have a official rank to be able to command a team on his own and maybe organize a team for himself

Threads Completed as part of the Empire: (Not Finished- May be finished if person(s) went inactive)

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