Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: PSD-7812
SPECIES: Pistoeka sabotage droid
AGE: 870
HEIGHT: 0.4 meters
WEIGHT: 4 kilograms
EYES: Three red sensors


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

(-/+) Small: This droid is not meant for the role he decided to take on life. The height of this droid would make it difficult for it to get at someones shins much less even be seen by them. This however allows the droid to be fairly sneaky when it needs to be besides the skittering of its feet.

(-) Frail: Due to the size and make of the droid most direct hits would completely destroy the droid or make it quite difficult for it to continue with its tasks. Then again this would be a hit when it is outside of its sphere form.

(-) Free Thinking Droid: Due to this droid having full thought, achieved from quite a long period with a lack of memory wipes, the droid will not be regarded in any kind light by most societies around the galaxy. Thus this causes the droid to attempt to keep a low profile.

(+) The Harder They Fall: The droid fighting rings in Nal Hutta were less than fair. This poor droid found himself against threats much larger than him and many times much more powerful. Through a combination of speed and using the tools at his disposal PSD-7812 managed to come out on top every match and survive long enough to escape.

(+) After Market Upgrades: The smuggler that used this droid within the ring gave him more than one upgrade to keep him kicking. The metal of his sphere shell was replaced with Plasteel to increase the resistance of said shell. Along with that the droids main drill that usually sat underneath its sensors was replaced with a simple front facing light blaster pistol. Small enough to not impede on the droids mobility but not strong enough to hit that hard. A organic could take several rounds from it even unarmored. This leads to the droid having to use its saw and plasma cutters in situations when it needs to get past some armor to damage the target. This was a trick picked up within the ring. Along with all of this a new vocabulator was installed on the droid that allowed it to speak some of the most common languages within the galaxy. This was originally intended to allow it to hype up the crowd and insult its opponents within the droid fighting ring.

PSD-7812 looks much like a standard buzz droid would look like besides a fine number of parts have been replaced or repaired throughout the many years it has existed. The formerly green shell is now a snow white due to it being replaced without much care for the original design of the droid.

PSD-7812 was a simple buzz droid within the CIS military and was used as such. The droid was first manufactured in the mid years of the clone wars and saw many uses on several hostile ships. With ungodly luck the small droid managed to survive this. When the CIS fell the droid ended up like many others of its kind. Sold off in the black market as a cheap pit fighting droid. He saw several different masters and several different planets. None of them bothering to memory wipe a droid with such a low tier at class five. The concept of it developing the any higher thought was beyond most of them. Besides its memory seemed to assist in its combat inside of the ring. The droid saw many repairs and changes done to its body during this time. It learned how to take on opponents much larger than itself by using its speed and its tools to its advantage. Finally it found a home for a extended period were a family kept passing him on through the generations. Using it as a pit fighting droid along with a general mechanical droid. Preforming basic tasks. This is when its first few sparks of self though began. It began to question why it was made to fight. Though this was done in vastly over simplified grammar. The droid itself hadn't had its processor increased at all throughout the years but these thoughts still occurred to it. Its first real sign of defiance was when the droid defeated another in combat, a stripped down B-2, and it simply sat there on the fallen droid. Refusing to move. Its owner decided that the very thing it needed replaced was in fact its processor. Its ancient and decayed one was replaced with a heuristic processor along with a new vocabulator in order to hurl some insults during the fights. This allowed the droid to learn and problem solve better than it had before. This made the droid even more prone to disobeying orders given to it. Eventually near 830 ABY it left its home without a word. Rolling down the streets and back alleys of Nal Hutta. Eventually it stowed away on a frigate on its course to Coruscant. That is where the droid has stayed ever since. Skirting about and attempting to avoid detection. Still trying to search for a new purpose for its life. Its processes giving it a wider outlook everyday.

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