Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Public Speaking Was Never My Thing

Myvette Faeli

After spending the last hour and a half trying to explain to the dock officer that her frequent hand gestures weren’t any of her 'Jedi Sorcery', Myvette had finally been allowed off the landing platform and now could continue on with her mission. Myvette had always been a special case, she was hard to work with not because she was unwilling but because she was unable in a sense. No matter how much counseling and sermons and lectures she attended the girl refused to relinquish her oath of silence and it was beginning to destroy her.

A Jedi must not have attachments but they need to connect with others and the Force which Myvette simply couldn’t do. It wasn’t her voice she had given up but herself and now the masters decided enough was enough, someone needed to break her shell.

Jax Thio Jax ThioI wonder what he’ll be like, she thought to herself. Is he going to be the laid-back hands-on type? Maybe the council thinks I need a father figure and he’ll be strict and authoritative. I hope not or I’m in for a bumpy ride. With a deep breath, Myvette cleared those pessimistic thoughts from her head and looked toward the brighter side of things.

They said he has another Padawan. Anneliese Anneliese . We should be able to get along! We’re around the same age from what I heard. The thought put Myvette at relative peace as she stepped out of the air taxi and into Coruscants federal district. Pulling her hood over her head, Myvette scanned the crowd for Force Users hoping to find a signature that stood out amongst the tidal wave of people.

Myvette didn’t see or sense anything from where she stood so the Jedi began walking through the busy crowd looking side to side like some shady grifter as desperately hoped she didn’t arrive at the wrong place. I’m not usually this gloomy but my hope of a good impression is quickly becoming distant. Maybe she was early, maybe she was late, all that Myvette knew was that whoever this was wouldn't have any more luck getting through her facade than anyone else did.
T h e D e s e r t R o s e

Objective: Meet Fellow Apprentice l Downtime
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio Myvette Faeli

Anneliese sat on a old brick wall in the midst of the heavily crowded courtyard. Her legs were crossed slightly and her hands spread supporting her small frame on the wall. Staring upwards at the sky her dark hair took on a fiery like appearance as she processed her mind. So much had transpired in what seemed to be a small span of time, when in reality, it had been long and grueling. Missions a plenty, planetary wars… but, pushing down the thoughts of work and the ghosts of the past she smiled softly… smiling because she knew why she had come here. Master Thio had been given another Padawan Learner, but to her, the girl would become a fellow disciple student to Anneliese— a sister in the force. She let out a shrill and excited squeal as her smile and excitement began to swell up within her.

Shifting her position, her saber shifting with her robes — while simultaneously moving stray strands of hair that floated freely around her face, she began checking on her wrist communicator, speaking in a mumble. "Leave it to Master to arrive fashionably late." Scanning the crowd she looked for the unknown Padawan, hoping that she might get to introduce herself and talk before Jax showed up, but, would settle just to have company.



Location: Coruscant
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese , Myvette Faeli

Jax wondered why the Silvers would pair him with another Padawan the moment he was about to disembark to Tython where the chances of him surviving was slim to none. He wondered if the Jedi seers foresaw his survival which while nice was only one possibility out of many. The future was always in motion and therefore what they saw wasn't always accurate. Jax wasn't sure that that he was going to survive Tython, he left his life up to the Force. He knew that Jairdain Jairdain won't be happy but she understood his duty. "If the Force wills it, let me survive this battle." Jax muttered stepping out of the spaceport. "Jair and I have a lot of catching up to do."

Like asking Jairdain to marry him.

The Jedi Master raised an eyebrow hearing Anneliese squeal in excitement. She was eager to make a new friend, while Jax was happy for Anneliese part of him wondered if he was ready to take on two Padawans. It was stressful enough taking on one despite Annelise's eagerness. Jax approached Anneliese shall was grumbling that Jax was late. "A Jedi Master is never late Anneliese," Jax approaching Annelise from behind, his tone of voice icy. "Nor is he early, he arrives precisely as he means to."

He gave her frown, yet Anneliese didn't know that Jax was secretly joking.

Did I really get off at the wrong place? That would be embarrassing, maybe I could tell them the taxis were color-coded and I couldn’t distinguish the colors? No. They’d never go for that. Just then a wave of emotion washed over Myvette like a warm breeze passing through a field of roses. Excitement, positivity, anticipation, emotions she could certainly do with presently. But why was she feeling this all of a sudden? In a crowd of hundreds maybe even thousands of people what made this particular sensation stand out?

Sitting above her on the ledge of a balcony was a girl about her age with a warm and bubbly presence that gave her silhouette a bright golden tint amongst the crowd. Well, that’s reassuring, this might not be so bad. Walking up the flight of stairs that led to the canopy above, Myvette silently walked up behind Anneliese Anneliese and the glowing blue figure standing next to her his power like radiance itself.

This must be him! He seems nice but…why does his power stop flowing in his arm? Is it cybernetic? Actually, that’s probably not a good question to be asking someone I just met, for all I know it’s super personal and he doesn’t want to talk about it. Ripping herself from her thoughts, Myvette realized that she had just been standing there for a moment completely silent and unmoving. Well, silence wasn’t exactly unusual for her.

Adjusting her black mask a vapid expression lifted Myvette’s motionless features. The girl cleared her throat as though preparing to say something but instead reached in the folds of her jacket and produced a small datapad with four lines of text on it.

Hello! My name is Myvette Faeli and if you
couldn’t tell I’m mute. I’ve had trouble connecting
with people in the past so I hope we can
all become the greatest of friends!​

That was only a half-truth. Myvette still wasn’t convinced Jax Thio Jax Thio and his Padawan could do anything to crack her shell that hadn’t already been done. That wouldn’t prevent her from trying because Myvette knew she was being too quick to write this off as a waste of time especially when she hadn’t even had a real conversation with either of them yet.

…They were right. I really DO put up barriers. But why? It’s not even about others anymore it’s about something or someone else? What then? What am I putting barriers up against?

Once the two had finished reading her message, Myvette would slip the datapad back into her jacket and allow the duo to give whatever introduction they had ready. She was probably just being sour, after all, linking with people was never her thing.
T h e D e s e r t R o s e

Objective: Meet Fellow Apprentice l Downtime
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio Myvette Faeli

Anneliese couldn't help but to jump just slightly as she heard her Masters voice just feet behind her as she turned around chuckling. "Oh, so you heard that eh? Well pardon my manners but I'd say early is on time and on time is late Master." She flashed him a devilish grin as she felt a softer presence approach the two of them as she turned her attention towards the girl that walked up. Eyeing the girl that seemed to stand there in silence, Anneliese gave her an awkward smile and began to speak. "Hi there, are yo-..." That was when the girl began to speak, er-- well, write?

Reading the datapad, Anneliese flashed her Master a bit of side eye, to see what he made of the girl, but, being her usual self, eager and quick to make friends, she spoke. "Hiya, I'm Anneliese Kaohal, but you can call me Anneliese or Anne, most of my friends do. Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli , that is a pretty name. I'd say I hope we get along, but I'm almost positive were going to be best friends." She flashed a warm smile at the young girl as her wild and untamed curls in her hair floated freely around her in the sunlight like wisps of fire flaring up. She'd met all sorts and types of people, and wondered what circumstances had caused the girl to be mute, was it natural, or due to a trauma? Her jade eyes softening just slightly, Anneliese gave Myvette a softer smile, she'd be sure she learned her story, it had to be an interesting one, after all, they were going to be sibling disciples.



Location: Coruscant Spaceport
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Anneliese Anneliese , Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

"Good," Jax chuckled. "Just you know, I am Master and I reserve the right to determine what time I'll arrive."

He wanted to laugh being a Master felt great, but he didn't want to mess around with Anneliese too much. Otherwise she'll end up resenting him like Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin almost did when they first met. "Right," Jax said let's see who this person is."

Anneliese immediately ran to the woman eagerly introducing herself and hoping to be friends. Jax hoped whoever this girl was they would be fast friends. He didn't want to spend time trying to separate Padawans who were at each other's throats. "I wonder if this is how Jairdain Jairdain feels with her kids." Jax thought while he read the datapad the girl gave him.

"Huh." Jax quickly scanned over the contents of the datapad. A Miraluka by the looks of her, their species are all attuned to the Force but at the cost of their sight. She wore a simple blue dress with a beige waist wrapping and a brown jacket. She was mute based on what was said on the datapad but Jax could help her break out of her shell. Though he'll have spend more time with her to do so.

"Good to meet you Myvette," Jax smiled. "Name is Jax Thio: Jedi Master and you just met my Padawan: Anneliese."

He sighed. "It's a shame that we have to meet under dire circumstances," he said. "In a few weeks, I go to Tython to fight the Brotherhood. There's a lot at stake....."

He didn't want to tell her the consequences, Jax was certain that Myvette knew. There was just that the NJO has talked a lot about the fate of Tython, there was a lot said about the potential loss already. "So how long have you've been training Myvette?" Jax asked.

Well, she’s certainly expressive enough for the two of them, things may not be as gloomy as the girl had conceived. Well, save for the sense of impending danger and destruction. She could feel Jax’s thoughts dancing around the subject and quickly pulling away as though to prevent someone like her from sensing it. He may have made his intention to leave clear but not enough to emphasize the gravity of the situation. Tython. Is no place safe or sacred anymore?

Myvette pushed those feelings away and returned to the present where she had taken yet another awkward pause. The notion washed over her and she had to think for a moment, it wasn’t a question she pondered often. Simply holding up both of her hands the girl wiggled her fingers to signify the number ten.

I still remember when they brought out the training sabers. I might be the first person in the history of the order to get the saber and immediately put it in my mouth…that was not a good day.

Reaching into her small bag, Myvette fished around until her fingers coiled around what she knew to be a piece of dark chocolate, sweet and pure. The girl's lips twisted up in a sinister grin as she bit into the treat knowing she had a full stash still packed away. What part of her wasn’t devoted to chocolate was still listening or perhaps they had another question for her, let her hope it’s a yes or no question or she’d have to put down her holy vice.

Or even worse they might be hungry…

Anneliese Anneliese | Jax Thio Jax Thio
T h e D e s e r t R o s e

Objective: Meet Fellow Apprentice l Downtime
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio Myvette Faeli

Anneliese sat unexpectedly quiet for sometime as she gave the new Padawan a turn to answer her Masters questions. Upon watching her pull out the candy from her pouch, Anneliese simply began to eye the sweet delicacy and sniff, taking in its aroma. Her stomach was already growling just slightly, the sweets reminding the young woman herself she hadn't eaten yet.... simply letting out a chuckle, Anneliese was not one for sweets, but for other delicacies. You see, due to her 'special' nature, her species tended to eat, things of the less processed variety... well, in short, things that hadn't been cooked. Anneliese sighed softly as she reminded herself of the hunts she had gone on as a child with her mother, those were much simpler times.

Bringing herself back to reality, and noticing the young woman had yet to answer, Anneliese felt, well, led to take the lead and share about herself, maybe then it wouldn't be so embarrassing or on the spot... in truth, Annelise wanted Myvette to feel at home and wanted to share things with her. Clearing her throat, Anneliese rose her hand gently and spoke. "Master, maybe I could go first? If your alright with that?" Giving Jax a second to agree, which, she knew he would, knowing she always had the best intentions in mind, Annelise spoke once again. "I've been training at the Sliver rest since about the age of 7, thats when I was.... uh, dropped off on the door step so to speak. It wasn't until the past few months that my missions loads have picked up, mainly due to the shortage of able bodies while preparations are being made. During that time, the Council assigned me to Master Jax, due to a mission we had taken a part in prior together. Master Thio... is really thoughtful Myvette. He's helped me really work on my lightsaber forms, helping me find my rhythm so to speak... and he's been really patient with working on my... natural exuberance." She twirled a few strands of her fiery red hair as her cheeks flushed and she chuckled sheepishly. Truth be told, her 'exuberance' could be overwhelming at times, causing her to dart ahead, tackle life at the fullest... especially without thinking, but in the end, it was always with good intentions -- Jax, he simply found a way to bring strength out from this, not viewing it as a flaw, but a gift. Anneliese really looked up to him, he was more like a father figure to her than anyone had ever been. She was thankful she had him.


Location: Coruscant Spaceport
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli , Anneliese Anneliese

Relief came over Jax when Anneliese explained her story to Myvette part of him thought that Anneliese was going to see Myvette as a rival. Yet Annliese wanted to make a new friend. What Anneliesesaid was nothing new to Jax as Anneliese already told him her backstory back at Tython. Jax turned his gaze towards Myvette, she remained stoic but the subtle twitches on her face suggested that she was.... a little shy. Jax couldn't blame her, she had a limted means of communicating. Maybe he could teach her sign language though Jax knowledge was limited. Maybe Jairdain Jairdain knows how to do Sign Language?

The Jedi Master smiled when Myvette offered a piece of dark chocolate to he and Anneliese. "Nah I'm good," Jax said beginning to walk. "Offer some to Anneliese, I'm sure she's really hungry."

Jax smiled he got to survive this battle, not survive but win. The Brotherhood will be relentless and many Jedi will die, this war has enough dead heroes as it is. It was up to Masters like Jax to make sure that the next generation of Jedi was trained and ready. Hopefully they'll be less bloodthirsty as well. "I'm going to take you two to the Temple." Jax said. "Gonna get you rooms and we're gonna start some basic training."

Compulsively a smile broke Myvette’s sober facade. Hearing the way Anneliese Anneliese described Jax Thio Jax Thio and the genuine warmth and adoration that wrapped around her in a golden hue, it was beauty that she rarely saw in people even Jedi. Actually, it was incredibly sporadic in Jedi. Was that why she was skeptical of them? No, it was something more profound than that, more personal. Either way, her new master had begun walking off, and Anneliese with him which gave her the chance to ignore that last part about the chocolate. She wasn’t greedy or anything but chocolate is chocolate! You can’t argue with its holy power.

Now that I’m getting a better look at her, Anneliese certainly isn’t human at least not completely. Even in a world as technologically warped as coruscant…nature seems to flow and bend around her as if she were some kind of magnet. I want to ask but…I don’t know. I know the Force sometimes grants people special abilities now and again so maybe this is just one of those? If I didn't know better I'd think the girl eats raw meat.

Jax said they were going back to the temple to do some basic training, this was good it gave Myvette the chance to know them better, and who knows? She might learn something amazing in the process.
T h e D e s e r t R o s e

Objective: Meet Fellow Apprentice l Downtime
Location: The Jedi Temple
Tags: Jax Thio Jax Thio Myvette Faeli Myvette Faeli

Anneliese nodded towards Jax as she then smiled at Myvette; and then unexpectedly reached out within the force and spoke to her internally. << I really do hope that you and I get to be friends Myvette. I'm thankful you made your way to us, very thankful. >> Reaching now within the pouch that lie on her hip, Anneliese pulled out a stick of dried meat and began to nibble onto it, lining up behind Jax she would begin to make her way towards the temple that he had stated they would be training at.

On there way to the temple, Anneliese simply allowed her mind to relax as she took in the scenery around her. People enjoying their meals -- vendors selling their wares, and lastly, life was happening around them, no matter how big or small, it was all important, all precious. Allowing herself to feel the flow and ebb of Ashla' within the force, her mind turned towards Tython. Did the brotherhood really detest the Jedi so badly, that they would dare try to destroy such a, well, in her opinion sacred place? It bothered her deeply, which was why, she was preparing as hard and as diligently as she could -- she was going with Jax to Tython, she would fight.

Bringing her attention once again back to the present and now tethering herself in this moment, Anneliese matched her stride with Myvette, her fellow Padawan Learner and nudged her gently. "We should totally stay up late one day and have a camp out under the stars. Back on my home planet, there are stars as far as the eye can see -- and the view of the mountains..." She sighed contently. " They were majestic against the background of the blue sky."

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