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Approved Starship Qoritwai-class Battlecruiser

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  • Standard Countermeasures
  • Standard Engine Unit
  • Standard Guidance Systems
  • Standard Hyperdrive System
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Shielding System
  • Standard Targeting Systems


  • Capital Ship Killer
  • Multi-Layered Shielding
  • Greater Speed and Maneuverability
  • Microdrive & Helldrive
  • Artificial Intelligence Enhancement

  • Large Profile
  • Very Low Starfighter Complement
  • Rear Blind Spot
  • Main Cannons Inoperable Without Coolant System Operational

Beyond the margins of civilized space the insidious will of Darth Carnifex, Dark Lord of the Sith, continued to influence the galaxy towards the dark future he had envisioned as the culmination of all of his dire ambitions. Though his Empire had fallen at the hands of their enemies, the plans that he had set into motion nevertheless continued towards their end goals. The resources of the old Empire were funneled through shell corporations and other intermediaries, pooled in preparation for a resurgence that may not arise for many generations.

One of these resources was the
Behemoth II-class Star Dreadnought, the flagship of the Emperor. Carnifex took possession of his former craft and dismantled it, extracting the advanced technologies used in its creation and gifting them to his scientists. In return, those same scientists improved upon the work that had preceded them and created new modern iterations of the same technology that had made the Behemoth II so formidable.

In summation, they laid the foundations for the creation of a new flagship for the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Carnifex christened it the Eternal Rule, though its classification was the Qoritwai-class Battlecruiser. Qoritwai is a compound
ur-Kittât word that literally translated to 'endless', from qorit meaning end and the negation particle -wai. Eternal Rule derived from the driving ideology of the Kainate, that being of Eternal Rule, which was characterized by complete devotion to Darth Carnifex and his idolization through a cult of personality.

The principal weapon system of the Eternal Rule was the matching pairs of Chirikyât-type autocannons, two mounted on the ax-head prow and the other two mounted on the ventral hull. The two forward weapons were designated as anti-capital ship weapons, as they were positioned to attack anything within a large diameter in front of the Eternal Rule. The two bottom weapons were designated as orbital bombardment weapons, much like autocannons featured on conventional siege battlecruisers, as they could swivel down to bombard a planet's surface while the Eternal Rule was in orbit.

Control of the Chirikyât was centered in a secondary bridge closer to the front of the battlecruiser, which could be seen rising up over the sleek silhouette of the dorsal hull. This bridge was crewed by cybernetic strand-casts slaved to the artificial intelligence AQUILA, as were the majority of strand-casts that operated non-officer functions. The primary bridge was crewed by an assortment of natural-born and strand-cast officers, the most capable and loyal within the Kainate. The Eternal Rule was guarded by a combination of Crownguard and Gelian Sentinels.

The Eternal Rule's propulsion systems were revolutionary, utilizing state-of-the-art thrusters and energy convertors to make the Eternal Rule quicker and more maneuverable than most contemporaries of the same ship-class. The vessel also contained a Jumpmaster Microdrive, an advanced hyperdrive that not only allowed the battlecruiser to reach hyperspace speeds of 1.01 but also enabled the craft to perform tight microjump maneuvers despite its large size. The most ambitious piece of technology, however, was the Helldrive, which allowed the Eternal Rule to bridge distances in space by traveling through the Netherworld of the Force.

Though large, the Eternal Rule was not a dedicated carrier. What hangars it did possess were purely used for the launching of support craft such as troop transports or boarding pods, and for receiving the Dark Lord and their entourage. Despite this, there was a permanent force of thirty-two Banshee cybernetic fighters carried onboard, which could be deployed at the leisure of the Dark Lord. Non-fighter detachments included one-hundred-and-forty-four Vindican-class troop transports, each carrying upwards of twenty to forty soldiers from ship to ground, and forty Reaver-class boarding pods for ship-to-ship engagements.

Interior systems of the Eternal Rule included exo-wombs, molecular furnaces, synthicators, and everything required for the Eternal Rule to be completely self-sustaining indefinitely. The crew of the vessel could be quickly replaced through strand-cast replication, memories flash-printed to minimize the need for long-term training, while lost ships or components could be copied almost from scratch with sufficient raw material.

The Eternal Rule was not only meant to replace the Behemoth II as the flagship of Darth Carnifex and his ravenous hordes but to exemplify the superior technology pioneered by the inheritors of the Empire, paving the path for a galaxy ruled over by the Sith and the Sith alone.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

Very nicely made and detailed submission! I really like it, but I have a little concern. Most weapons are very powerful, can I suggest you to think about to modify to the ship's armaments to extreme from the very high?
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