Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Quittin Time (SJO CIS GA OPA and friendlies welcome)

Silver Rose


Change rippled through the Silver Sphere. The threat of Bryn'daul gained heat along the Silver boarders, and nations that once looked inward found reason to start reaching out. Even the Silver Jedi were pressed to change and adapt in this unstable climate. Accepting financial backing from Concordia presented the Silver Jedi with the funds they sorely needed to keep the borders safe. But it came with stipulations.

Their new Temple at the center Commenor was currently under construction. But that did not mean the Silver Jedi could not come and make preparations on a more secluded, smaller scale.

Temple Acorda sits among the quiet, mountainous region of the planet. Decades ago it served as a peaceful outpost for the sciences of many Jedi. Restoring the untouched temple took hard work and elbow grease, but today the Padawans and Masters alike finally finished the task.

No more cleaning floors.

No more pruning hedges.

No more linen boxes to be placed in laundry closets. The modest temple in the center of nature was ready for its opening night. In the center lawns a projector screen was set up-- on track to play a movie picked by popular vote. Food, pranks, and a chance to see old allies was the name of the game. One last chance, before attention turned back to the war drums building in the south-- The calm before the storm.

Message incoming
The Silver Jedi have returned to Commenor. All friends are welcome.
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Coren Starchaser, Jedi Master, General, and all around Crusader had made his way to the new Silver Temple Acorda on Commenor. It was a place he was setting up his own training center, but he could feel it was going to be a place he was going to be spending a fair amount of time. Not dressed too much like a Jedi, but just enough, he had his robes, his lightsaber on one hip, and a few other trinkets from his travels, tucked into his spacer gear that he seemed to be favoring more and more. Tunics were comfortable but they just made him feel

And he was the type to never get old. Jedi Master, for Force’s sake.

He understood what was going to occur, people that the Silvers were friends with would arrive, and he would have to remember personal history, and not something larger. The New Jedi
Order and Galactic Alliance were lost before, but during that time, many friends, even some unlikely ones, had come to their rescue. He knew that the Confederacy was lead by Sith, but several Jedi and officers found a home there following the capture of Coruscant. It meant that friends could come in all shapes and sizes, and that some people could be counter to himself,
but it didn’t make them an enemy.

Maybe his travels made him more welcoming, but no less prepared. Under his robes, of course, were two pair of stuncuffs, in case he needed to be the adult here. He really hoped that would not be the case, but things never exactly went according to plan for him. Stepping up to the table, he started helping himself to a drink and some finger food. And tried to look official.

People knew who he was, so he needed to start looking like the beacon some of the legends
said he was.
Nightmother Vytal Noctura had been this way several times before. Political boundaries did not mean much to a Witch, except when they might involve being shot on sight by more hostile elements. Even so, it had been some time since she attended a formal function with the Silver Jedi. Her last appearance had been at the Temple of Kashyyyk where she met a small band of rebellious padawans that no doubt gave their Masters countless headaches -- rightfully so. No, not because she disliked Jedi; but because that was what youth did. It was up to their elders to temper their enthusiasm in some places, and let it run free in others.

Once the shuttle had touched down, the pale woman of Dathomiri descent stepped out onto Commenor. Her bright, green eyes swept over the area as she strode down to the surface and began to make her way toward the new Temple founded here. Would it be inappropriate to say she preferred the old one? The trees of Kashyyyk were majestic by sheer size and endless growth. Towering, imposing forces of nature not easily toppled or slain. Time's children. Well, Vytal would be polite and not remark anything so crass about their redecoration akin to not liking it. Not aloud. And she had only just arrived so there was plenty of time to change her mind. Obviously the landscape held a greater variety than the forest world of the Wookiee.

As for the Jedi themselves... Well, she had no problem with them at all. Just because her talents lay in darkness did not mean she shunned the Light. True, a Light side nexus or something on that scale was hardly pleasant, but a Witch could not be all things to all people. Nor should they try. The Light was as much a part of this world as the Dark, and she embraced students of all philosophies or powers... Provided they did not use their knowledge or power to the detriment of all.

Vytal's eyes fell upon a man near a table. One whose aura spoke of experience and strength. Deciding not to loiter on the outskirts, the pale Witch casually moved in Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser 's direction. It would not hurt to get something to drink, after all.

"Good afternoon. Or is it evening?" Vytal asked without bothering to check a chronometer before hand. Every conversation began somewhere, why not something forgettable like asking the time? "It appears today will be a festive one, regardless."

Tarish Galland

Tarish arrived in the NovaDive, setting it well out of the way to avoid parking issues. It was small sure, but even a small vessel could make a hassle for a much larger freighter or transport if parked in the wrong place. Content with the arrangement, he took steps towards the place he had seen from the air. Well, scanned really. He had readouts that had given him a clear idea of where things were in the new temple.

His senses opened up as he walked, the fresh feeling of the renewed temple making him take a deep breath at the hope people had poured into it while bringing it back to life. A smile crossed his face, enjoying the atmosphere that washed over him. He had spent most all of his life in jedi temples, and each one was different from the other. No matter how hard one person cultivated the force there.

No two could ever truly compare to each other, the feeling of ease varying from one to the next. A feeling of friendly welcome at one, to cool acceptance at another. The warm embrace of almost familial comfort at another. The descriptions were endless and all unique, and all held equally unique people.

His steps led him to the gardens, a place of meditation and relaxation that he found himself drawn to instead of the food and drink area that he knew was close by. His attire held his lightsaber plainly on his hip but little else. The more physically inclined knight finding a place of peace at the edge of a storm. Eyes wandered over the garden, taking in the serene and calm beauty of it before standing silently and allowing himself to be drawn into a small trance of meditation.

He balanced himself to the temple, to the sense of being it gave freely of one who opened themself to it. Even deep into the short trance, feelings of unease and worry faded into a growing sense of peace and goodwill.

This was to be a peaceful day, a peaceful meeting for everyone. Not a show of force, but of solidarity. That thought grew as he stood quietly, focusing on his breathing and mental state.
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Ryv Karis, Jedi Knight, Commander, and all-around Warden had also made his way to the new Jedi Temple Acorda on Commenor. Anyone who knew the young Jedi knew he wasn't fond of the Silver Jedi Order. Had they not split away from those fighting the One Sith years ago, he believed his father would've still been alive, making a difference out in the galaxy beside him. Instead, Vyrin Karis perished at the end of a crimson saber, his head left to roll aimlessly down the busy streets of Coruscant following the public display of brutality. By then, Ryv was already stowed away on a cargo ship meant for the Outer Rim, somewhere far beyond the reach of the Jedi and Sith alike. Said ship brought him to Nar Shaddaa, a cesspool of greed and crime he called home for several years. Those years changed the young man, turning him from aspiring Padawan to Hutt Enforcer practically overnight. Fortunately, Jedi Master Cedric Grayson guided Ryv back to the light, where he worked tirelessly to grow as both a Jedi and strengthen the Jedi's stance across the galaxy.

That mission brought Ryv to Commenor in hopes of finally confronting the Silver Jedi Order. Wyatt began something meant to unify the Jedi and bring them all under one roof, servants to a single council, expected to work in tandem to bring peace to a galaxy at war. The Kiffar held close to that dream but understood it likely wouldn't come to fruition in his lifetime. Barriers, borders, names, and claims have kept the Jedi apart for so long. He could only hope to lay the groundwork for the coming generations while building better relations with those who claimed the title of Jedi Knight in his era. It was time he put aside his feelings for those who failed his family, buried the hatchet, and began the first steps to one day see what the galaxy so desperately needed.

Approaching the growing gathering, Ryv navigated his way through the various groups taking shape. Though the meeting was social in nature, he hadn't come to socialize with the run of the mill Jedi or foreign dignitaries. Nor had the Jedi Knight arrived to watch whatever movie they prepared for the evening festivities. Ryv sought one of more experienced Jedi Masters of the Silver Jedi, one he'd discussed matters of the galaxy with on more than one occasion. Elise wasn't someone he personally agreed with, nor could he find it within himself to just respect the woman for her place as a Jedi Master, but that stemmed from what he considered a failing of all Jedi. The One Sith once ruled supreme, besting Jedi forces time and time again. The Sith Empire walked the same path, conquering large swathes of territory without fail. It wasn't the Jedi who rose up to the occasion. Remnants of a dissident force once loyal to the Sith Empire took the mantle instead. And in doing so, Ryv supported the Alliance's desire to join the fight, dedicating his allies within the modernized New Jedi Order to the front.

They made a difference, for the first time in a long time, the Jedi managed to take the fight to the forces of darkness and win. The Silver Jedi Order did not falter on Kintan. They fought off their aggressors and saved many lives, but it did not come without a price. Many perished, with no large-scale response in turn. Ryv knew they had the resources and forces necessary to do help make a difference in the war, with support from several planets under their sphere of protection. He need only to find Elise and convince her to do something more, anything to make a difference on the front lines. Even if it came down to dedicating a handful of capable warriors, something was better than nothing. Seeing a small group of Jedi talking off to the side, hovering beside a freshly trimmed bed of flowers, Ryv stepped towards them.

"Hey, uh, anyone know where I can find Elise? I'm hoping to maybe catch a movie with her, if you know what I'm saying," Ryv slipped his hands into his jacket pockets, the worn leather sticking out among some of the more traditional Jedi or finely dressed dignitaries.

It had been quite a long time since Cassius had been on Commenor – quite a long time since he’d been anywhere other than the frontier, actually. The past couple of years, he had been exploring Wild Space, discovering new worlds, pouring through old ruins, and generally living a more quiet, studious life. Danger would always come to those who chose the Jedi path, or even just the path of the unknown, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.

The modified VCX-100 Spectre Melody glided through the atmosphere, over the mountainous terrain of Commenor. To think, all those years ago, this had been where he started his journey – it had been the first planet he’d stopped at since leaving his home of Rinn. So much had changed since then… and apparently much had changed even in the time that he had been away more recently.

With him was Sabine Galen, his frequent partner in exploration. Turning to her, he said, “I guess we’ll finally see what this is all about, huh?”

Seeing that the Silver Jedi had taken up residence on Commenor had been rather interesting, to say the least. Truthfully, Cassius wasn’t sure exactly why he was visiting now – the most honest answer was curiosity. These were two worlds that had barely begun to touch each other by the time Cassius was becoming more distant from them both, and now they had merged into one.

Landing the light freighter amongst all of the other ships of visiting Jedi, Cassius figured they would go rather unnoticed.

Stepping down the front ramp of the Spectre, took a look around. He’d almost forgotten what it was like to be around civilization, or even large groups of Jedi.
Ura closed her glowing eyes, almost seeming content for a change. It was a chance to relax before the possibility of war came. She just hoped her eyes weren't too bright for the movie. She was at least calm. It was a bit strange for the Lervon. No training. No combat. Just relaxing. And not being told water balloons are presents.... Ok, that was actually fun. Ger'Off would soon walk over with... a shoe!

"Ger'Off! No! Put that shoe down! That's not for eating! Get back here you rock muncher!" Well so much for relaxing.

Sabine Galen

Sabine watched out the view port as the world of Commenor opened up before them.

The mountain landscapes were quite pretty, even if it lacked the ancient Wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk. She had spent much of her life traveling, visiting different worlds at the side of her father. Until Silver Rest had become something of a home. Sabine thought back to her first days there, it had been a learning experience to be around so many Jedi. And she felt this strange feeling of wonder returning as the Spectre Melody set down.

“Yeah,” she said, gathering up her bag. “I guess we will.”

She'd been in touch with her father and seen him briefly when they'd left Aida Aquila on Kashyyyk to visit with her wookie friends. It was likely that he'd make his way to Commenor, too. Sabine drew a breath of fresh air, and adjusted the back on her shoulder. Clad in clothes that were more fitting for a spacer – boots, tan pants, tank top, and leather jacket – she wondered momentarily if she ought to change. But, in the end, she gave a little shrug and went out after Cassius.

Her fellow explorer had been one of the first friends she'd met with the Silver Jedi. So, she supposed she would always have a soft spot for them, even if her travels took her elsewhere in the future. But for now, she'd go wherever the Spectre Melody went—so long as Cass let her. After all, she had a room aboard his ship, and all of her stuff was there.

“So, you've been here before, yeah?” she asked, arching a brow and glancing sidelong at Cassius. “Oh wait, didn't you live on Commenor for a while?”

Cassius Droma Cassius Droma
This was his third worst decision in months.

Darlyn had to hold himself back from groaning in discomfort from the moment he stepped out of bed, and began to fumble his way into an appropriately dressed state. He had adamantly refused his mother Niamh Jones Niamh Jones 's attempts to get him into something normal, and as such had negotiated his way into freedom to dress as he felt comfortable. Thus after getting fully cleaned to keep her from nagging on him, he donned his black robes, fitting his tunic comfortably around himself and finding a sort of cold comfort in the former sith robes. He'd worn them when he first came to Commenor, he'd worn them many times over whenever there was a turn of times. Considering the way things changed now, he figured there was nothing more fitting.

Once his hair was put into a contained mess, he strapped his personal blaster to its holster at his hip, along with the broken fragmented hilt of his former lightsaber. Again, they had been there when he came here, and despite the way they currently were he refused to leave either. Besides the point, they weren't going to be used for anything. Aside from maybe a little sense of comfort. After getting approval from Nia, he grabbed his whiskey flask on the way out, and stuffed the metal flask into his tunic before she could notice. Down through the palace, and onto a luxury transport alongside his dear mother. A ride he had been uncomfortably sitting in for a while, trying hard to contain himself.

Even so, by the time they had arrived, he still hadn't made any progress. Everything still surfacing inside him was too much, and the dark feelings just radiated off of him. Regardless, he had little choice to do anything short of putting on his most neutral face, and motioning for his Mother to come with. He took the first step off the transport and onto the temple grounds, and took a brief glance around as he made his way inwards. Hopefully he could get today done with quickly, he had a seventh nap to get to.


Elise's lips quirked as she watched Ura Iolar Ura Iolar run through the grass chasing after a wayward pet. Was it running if she was sand? Came the passing thought. The old teachings said a Master could consider themselves blessed to have a padawan of another species under their tutelage. The exchange of lessons and growth was always meant to be two-sided. Elise made a mental note to speak with the girl one day in the future.

They had never had a chance to address what had occurred with the bounty hunter that day on Onderon. The reminder burned in the back of her thoughts, her mood churning against the mental scab that had not had a chance to heal.

She took a deep breath, steadying herself back on the moment. Behind her a familiar laugh rang out, but as she turned to see what mischief Kyra Perl Kyra Perl was up to next, another voice caught her attention. She looked to Ryv with a flickering sense of confusion, barely noticeable as it melded into her usual soft smile. "I am here."

She adjusted her simple cotton robes as she approached, her hands folding before her front. "It's nice to see more jedi here, we intend for this to be a temple for everyone to enjoy-- the path for knowledge shouldn't be limited by governmental bounds, I feel. You'll find all sorts of good resources inside." She gave the temple a cursory glance backwards, her tone light as she went about her spiel.

"You're welcome to explore it if you have the need for it."
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The galaxy had a lot of history, and it helped that he was the type of person to pay respect to it, having done enough of his research to know about the Jedi who had come before him, who had worked to do something for the galaxy, and to recognize who his true enemies were. Walking around with pomp and delusions of granduer was not something that was beneath him in his younger days, but now? He was much more relaxed, more collected. And he knew that there were parts of the galaxy, parties who may seem, on the surface to be worse off than other groups.

The Sith were out there, dark siders were out there, and maybe the OPA tempered him, or the time he spent away from the war had, but when he saw the people who were arriving, he was keeping his eyes peeled, and staying prepared for the other shoe to drop, but he wasn’t expecting to have to spring into action. What he was hoping for, was that the other Silver Jedi were cautious. It’d been recent since he made this area his home, and as a Jedi, he felt comfortable here, just… he wanted to make sure his presence didn’t bring others into action.

As a Dathomiri had approached where he was, Starchaser nodded and smiled. “Its… I think we’re almost hitting evening here.” He laughed. A traveler, he was always on his own clock. “And I do believe it will be. A big move for the Silvers recently.” He took a sip from his drink. Manners, Starchaser. “I’m Coren Starchaser, Jedi M—master.” He stuttered as he finished the sip. Where were the Witches nowadays, Sith space? The Confederacy? No way someone from the Sith Empire would be here, must be the Confederacy. As he introduced himself, he caught the feeling of others entering, more Jedi, one from the Galactic Alliance, others he recognized. But he turned his attention back to Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , as his blue eyes watched her green eyes.
// FOCUS // Kyyrk Kyyrk //

Moving to a new temple caused... mixed feelings in the young Hapan, to say the least. Kasshyyk had truthfully become more of a home to the younger Lysle than Hapan had been, memories of the classrooms and experiences by the lakes had made the girl reluctant to leave to say the least. But at least something about her original move from Hapes to Kashyyk had taught her the importance of letting go, and home was always transient. At least if you had the right people with you.

Unfortunately, many of Jamie's friends had already managed to run out and mingle with the CIS. Many of the younger padawans were less hesitant that some of the old guard of the Jedi when it came to associating with the CIS, eager to make friends with some of their southerly neighbours. Perhaps it was due to her brother's miserable attitude of the whole affair that the younger Lysle was coming off a bit tense herself, eagerness making way for a cautionary attitude.

Why did Kiegan have to ruin this...

She knew that her brother was still around, hopefully not causing a fight with any of the Confederates that were here tonight. Jamie wanted to socialize with them, she was just nervous is all. It was a bit hard to approach someone when your older brother just told you about how all Sith deserve to be brought to justice, whether they wore the title or not.

Still, she was determined to find someone new to talk to. So she swallowed her nerves and of course, as most people would, immediately approached one of the taller and more statuesque of the CIS contingency.

"Uhmmm, hello?" The words came out a tad meek and unsure, mostly due to the blindfold that the man had on. "You aren't from the Confederacy are you?" Hopefully the words came off less like an interrogation and more as a meaningful conversation starter.



TAGS: Jamie Lysle Jamie Lysle
Voph drew a deep breath as he stepped from the shuttle into the calm Commenori air. This was his first visit to Commenor since the Uprising, and since he had been considered a member of Lady Kay's House of Lords. And yet, it felt like returning home. Voph had shed the intricate cloak of his robes, instead wearing the simple black and silver covering that appeared far simpler and monastic in nature. Things had changed greatly since his time on Commenor. And yet, it still felt as though he were returning home. Voph stood in the courtyard looking up towards the moon of Brelor. His moon. Or at least, the portion of Commenor he had lead during his time as a citizen. He wondered who ran it now. He wondered if his old home was still there.​
His attention was brought back to the planet about him when a small voice called out to him. Voph's gaze fell, and turned towards the young girl that addressed him. She asked if he was with the Confederacy. Did he really stand out that much? As Voph considered, he realized he might. The Jedi were not given for dark clothing. Voph offered the girl a thin and stiff smile. Clearly a practiced social gesture, and little more. In fact, such a gesture seemed...out of place on a man like Voph. Not that he should have been stern and reserved, but more as if he carried the aura of a man that had forgotten what joy, or even the mere thought of emotion was. "Aye, I am. You must be one of the Jedi."
Voph's head canted to the side, giving the distinct impression that he was puzzled, or at least curious, about the individual standing before him. And that he could very much see them quite clearly in spite of the blindfold around his head. She was young, and carried herself with a meekness that suggested a newer Padawan. Voph offered a stiff bow that stopped at his waist. A sign of respect and a greeting, in spite of the blindfolded gaze that never left the girl's face. "You may call me Voph. Did you wish something of me, or has curiosity merely gotten the better of you?"
Niamh was so, so proud of her son.

When Niamh had heard that Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron would be going to a gathering, outside the palace, she was overjoyed! He was finally leaving the palace! And she didn't have to bribe him! The gods had blessed them this day, she was sure of it, as she donned her gown and styled her hair into a half-up-half-down braided bun. One of the palace maids insisted on putting violets into Niamh's braids, even offering to rebraid them to do so.

How could Niamh say no?

Thankfully, the maid finished just as Darlyn finished getting ready, and Niamh nodded her approval at the both of them. She took hold of Darlyn's upper arm, and walked beside him happily through the palace, until they reached the transport. Niamh inwardly sat in awe of how luxurious it was, and loathed stepping out of it when they arrived.

Stepping out, Niamh glanced around curiously at the grounds, before quickly following her son inside with a smile.
A smile pulled at the corners of Vytal's black lips as the man replied gracefully. Aside from a small stutter that is. Curious place to hesitate without reason, but there was no point dwelling on it right now. "A pleasure to meet you, Master Starchaser. I am Nightmother Vytal Noctura, of the Solanaceae Witches and Druids." She afford the man a respectful nod of the head. "But there's no need for formality in an occasion like this one. Call me Vytal." Nor was there any reason to be overly haughty or disdainful to a man she'd just met. A social gathering warranted social decorum.

"I do miss the trees of Kashyyyk," the Witch remarked, which was acceptable to do so. "Yet I am pleased the Jedi desire to retain a connection to a world with such a diversity of spirit and life. It is this connection I believe we share." Their methods of protecting it would perhaps be radically different, but at least most Jedi did not run around setting fire to planets. "Are you of this particular Order?" Not to ask too personal a question, but it was a rather noteworthy consideration. After all, it would be even more impolite to go on assuming he was. Not to mention the awkwardness might keep Coren from engaging in the conversation; and despite what some might think, Vytal did not like to hear herself talk.

Tag: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser | Open
Walking into the temple proper, Darlyn could practically feel the Light slamming into him from most of those present. The vast majority of those who had decided to come were, naturally, Jedi, and unlike himself most were some varying, but often bright, level of light to contrast his Dark. Of course there were others like him, an odd sort of comfort to let him drop his usual guard, and no shortage of those between, but Darlyn still held a well rooted concern. The day that they had joined the Silvers, at least one other Jedi had given him reason to be concerned that some would oppose him remaining on what had become his home. He had seemed to be old fashioned, as many others had in time shown a lack of care, provided he behaved himself, yet it was ever present in the back of his mind.

Of course it wasn't as though he was going to stay on edge, with any luck he would be able to live tonight for a while. Either get through being present for his perceived responsibility as President, or actually find some level of enjoyment in the process. With his Mother present, at the least he knew he could stay calm. Niamh Jones Niamh Jones had that much ability after all.

He thought he could feel eyes glancing at him, sure that there was some discomfort from some though that could easily be his own paranoia acting up. Though what was true was his slowly panning attention, picking out anyone he could find that was familiar or odd. For most it was a casual glance, or a quick look away in the case of a particular blind man he had no interest in provoking. The only other one he really recognized was Cassius Droma Cassius Droma , someone he had met a few times if he recalled, though mostly in brief. And ages ago, at that.

Of course there was someone else who caught his attention, that being what looked like a sand person chasing what appeared to be a pet, running off with someone's shoe. Somehow that managed to make him softly snort, and he gently guided his mother in that direction. Whether she followed or not, he made his approach, until he was relatively close to the both of them. He lifted up his right hand rather casually, palm up, and made a gesture with his pointer and middle finger to grip and pull the shoe with the Force, intending to either wrest it free or hold the creature still as it tried to resist. Either way, this should be rather trivial, and doable with just the two fingers.

Hopefully the strange new person would be grateful.

Ura Iolar Ura Iolar
“For a while, yes,” Cassius answered Sabine as they walked. “A very, very long time ago.” Interestingly enough, he wasn’t recalling his time on the planet as much as he was looking at his immediate surroundings. He was already unconsciously taking mental notes about the architecture of the temple, trying to pinpoint influences and historical significances. “It was one of the first places I came to after I discovered my Force sensitivity and started my basic training. Funny – I don’t think I ever knew this place was here.”

Changing his gaze from the building to the people, Cassius didn’t immediately recognize anyone. In the distance, he could see Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron , whose current occupation and status he was unaware of. Leaning over to Sabine, he said, “I’ll have to be honest, I probably recognize just as many people as you do.”

How quickly things changed. At one point, Cassius could be considered a prominent member, or perhaps someone who helped with many things behind-the-scenes. Now… he was surrounded by strangers.

Sabine Galen
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
Elise's confusion did not go unnoticed by the empath, Ryv's eyes shifting from the faint furrow of her brow to her typical smile in the blink of an eye. He considered approaching the topic, addressing whatever it is that came to her mind the moment she noticed him. What did the Jedi Master think seeing him here? Likely nothing, potentially something, none of which mattered at the moment. The Alliance's Jedi Knight returned her smile with his trademarked grin, striving to push past former negativities within his past, alongside failed meetings between the Silver Jedi Order's representative and those Ryv once represented. It all fell away, replaced instead by the prominence of truth. He stepped closer, tugging his hand from his jacket, offering it to the pale-skinned woman before him.

"Probably didn't expect to see me here, huh?" Ryv pulled his hand back, maintaining outward friendliness, regardless of her response to the gesture. "Its definitely nice to see you folks opening your doors to Jedi and the like," he scanned their surroundings, some of the darker presences catching his attention. "You're probably smart enough to know I'm not here to explore your temple halls or meet your Order's friends, Elise. There are far more pressing matters to discuss, and if I had to guess," his gaze swept over the crowd once more. "Things look like they're going well. Your Jedi are entertaining the guests, your guests are mingling among one another, and I'm sure the movie should be rolling out soon," the Kiffar's amber gaze stopped on Elise once again, his brief scan coming to an end. "I'm hoping we can maybe discuss all the terrible shit going on out there," a hand motioned to the galaxy at large. "In private, away from all the good vibes out here. I wouldn't want to ruin the evening for anyone curious enough to eavesdrop."

Ryv took a step back, turning on a heel in one fluid motion as he strode towards the temple's entrance. He paused in the threshold, offering Elise a cursory glance.

"I don't imagine you've got an office or something for this, huh?" Ryv called out to her, his form resting casually against the structure.

Merlin liked the planet - it wasn't like his 'home planet' Corellia. Being that his mother was born on Corellia. Truthfully the galaxy was his 'home planet' being that he spent most of his younger life on different ships in his mothers company fleet on the trading routes. This planet was beautiful and he had been to many beautiful planets. Many barren ones as well, and some which were downright unsettling but paid coin for goods regardless.

He'd settled on a decision after some time of sorting himself out, of reconciling with the situation and of trying to find the first steps on his new path in a new galaxy. Merlin still needed a purpose, a home and something to do. Something to work on and people to help him grow. He wore the best pants he had a plain white shirt, nothing fancy as he had not planned to come and had not shopped for anything but basic set of clothes as yet and made sure he looked neat. Compared to many here the jedi knight was underdressed but a last minute decision meant that didn't matter. His ship landed on the landing pad and he looked at the few jackets he had. None of them were overly impressive but one looked more presentable than most so he threw it on and gave a gentle pat to his ship, promising to be back, and left the safe confines to feel the outside air.

Just as he'd seen flying in the surroundings was pleasant and the air was not too cold. Moving towards the temple he could see much work had been done to it - right down to the trimmings of the grass and cleaning of the ground beneath him. There were people milling about but no-one he recognised which wasn't surprising. Merlin quietly moved around observing for a good amount of time, his green eyes with the subtle green glow taking the time to watch the interactions around him. He wasn't one who enjoyed surprises but so far the whole affair seemed peaceful. After all he'd be calling this order his home. It was probably a good idea to meet some of them.
Darlyn Excron Darlyn Excron Elise

Ura continued to run after Ger'Off as he chewed on the shoe in his mouth. Why did he like shoes so much? They weren't any good for him! The Lervon would jump in an attempt to capture him, but she missed. Then she saw that the waterdog was tugging against an unseen force. At least until she actually noticed the Force, coming from someone who seemed to have decided to help. The sandy being had a happiness come off of her before jumping the waterdog, and managing, with help from the Force wielder, managed to pull half the shoe out of Ger'Off's mouth.

"Dang it, Ger'Off. Now I have to figure out who's this is...." While her voice didn't carry her annoyance, it could be felt. At least until the waterdog gave her a lick. "Ok. Ok. Just no more shoes. Please." She then looked at the man that helped her, walking up to him as Ger'Off followed. She then extended a hand, and spoke up.

"Thanks. I'm Ura, one of the Padawans. Who would you be?"

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