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Rimward Trade League

A better, brighter Outer Rim through commerce, cooperation, and diplomacy

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Rampant Frontier, Populations, and Dominions Discussion & Brainstorming

Strength: In the place of Dominion threads, this Major Faction may submit four quality unique Codex Location submissions by four unique writers completed that month to the Map Update thread.
Weakness: This Major Faction may not submit more than one Dominion thread a month.
Weakness: This Major Faction may not submit more than 12 Codex Location submissions to the Map Update thread a month.

What does this mean?
-We can do one normal Dominion thread per month for a hex. Easily use that to work on faction storylines and such without overwhelming people with too many faction threads.
-We can also use four "quality" Codex Location submissions to gain one hex. To my understanding, they do not necessarily have to be in the same hex as we're trying to claim. Overall, that means we can use 12 Locations max per month. Essentially, that means the same limit of three dominions as people without this mandate.

So, that means, what locations can we think of? Where do we want them? And how do we coordinate and organize them?

We can also use these Populates, especially if we do a lot of local threads based on the locations we can create. Two non-invasion or non-rebellion threads that Populate threads then can build on. This is particularly helpful with the number of public and general faction threads we all do, especially based on general sorts of things. Great way for character developmentally based narratives.

So! Here are some questions:
1. What are some of the general threads we can use to build on for Populates? Any particular storylines to keep building on?
2. Where do we want to do Locations? What sort of Locations do we want to do?
3. Do we want to organize teams to do locations?

What planets and hexes do we want to head towards?
-RTL Council Hall
-Rescue Service HQ
-Susefvi Merchant-Marine Academy
-Svivren Merchant-Marine Academy
-Sevaracos Spice-Lord Hall?
-Rehab/de-indoctrination for ex imperials on E. Pica?
[11:07 PM]
Asteroid bar
[11:08 PM]
Jedi Pilgrim chapter houses
[11:09 PM]
Spacers bar by the space port
[11:10 PM]
ORION Command
[11:12 PM]
Qi-Ko Monastery of the Light Hand
[11:12 PM]
Tree Dreamers commune
[11:17 PM]
An aquarium?
[11:17 PM]
[11:17 PM]
Space gas station
[11:18 PM]
Space stations work
[11:18 PM]
Places inside the Dream of the Rim
These are some ideas I brainstormed on Discord if anyone wants any ideas.

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