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Approved Tech Reav Cloning Method

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  • Intent: To create rp and make Zet more famous. (I will probably sell it, no UC needed, in rp to a medical group)
  • Image Source: Mass Effect Classes
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Reav Medical
  • Affiliation: Zet Reav
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model:Not Applicable
  • Modularity: YES (Small items only)
  • Production: Semi-Unique
  • Material: Organic components. Perhaps electronic and mechanical parts.
  • Quick growth
    - 3 months total
    - Cheaper than full-body cloning
    - Easy to add cybernetics and bio-implants within the body. Almost 100% compatibility
  • Recovery time far less than clone education time
  • Theoretically compatible with all organic races
  • The procedure: It is cheaper and faster than full body cloning and can be done in large quantities.
  • Implants: Through surgery, after the first two weeks, implants of any kind can be added.
  • Theory: But the science behind it is clear, it will work!
  • Hidden: Because the implants are added into the body, accepted as part of it, most scanners won't detect the implants. And because Zet insists on the implants being shaped like the piece of the body they replace, they cannot be recognized by shape alone.
  • Slow Aging: It is optional, but the limb/organ can be altered to age at a slower rate. Or faster.
  • The procedure: The patient must spend a while for the limb/organ to settle in and heal properly. Ignoring recovery times is not advised.
  • Implants: There's no shielding in the procedure, any protection against EMP/Ion, if any, must come from external means.
  • Theory: Zet lacks a proper laboratory to actually make it aboard his ship, but he assures buyers it will not go wrong. No refunds though.
  • Hidden: Deeper scans, such as those in medical facilities, with the ability to show detailed composition of a patient's body can detect the implants easily. Or, if Zet's instructions to shape the implant like a part of the body are ignored, any internal scan will detect the weird object inside the body.
A method developed by Zet to grow organs and limbs at a quicker pace with 100% assured health (but 'only' almost 100% compatibility chance - so players can rp it however they wish), and it was later upgraded to accept implants. Said implants must, of course, be logical and small enough to fit into the patient's body. No 'hidden in' the body but actually part the body since this surgery technique can add the implants at a precise moment, when the limb/organ is still growing, so they are accept into the organic material. For example, one of the ribs can actually be a cybernetic piece, if the shape and size are adequate enough.

On the downside is that Zet cannot work on it himself due to lack of proper facilities. But the theory he has created is perfect and flawless, going as far as leaving minimal scarring while also improving upon all known cloning techniques known (by Zet). The secret behind the quick growth is a constant observation and specialists available at all times. Zet also advises the medical crew to be rotated after every batch is produced so they can work 5 months, rest 5 months, repeat. The strain of 5 months of constant work and care must not be ignored.

It is as follows:

1st month: Fast paced cloning procedure inside an artificial womb filled with nutrients and organic catalysts.
2st month: Surgeries start here if any implants are requested. Followed by observation and careful correction to remove impurities.
3st month: Cloning speed considerably reduced and final touches. Surgeries shaping the limb/organ, either around the implants or to ensure a healthy growth.
4st-5st months: Suggested recovery time and medical care to ensure a full recovery. 5th month suggested in implants were added in.

NOTE: Zet Reav is not responsible in case of attempts at cloning brains. While he assures the brain itself will be healthy and functional the mental health and personality cannot be assured. Try the Sorcerers with glowing swords for mind transfer or something.
NOTE 2: While this method CAN be used to clone a full body, the Reav Method does not include the education period within its interests and must be planned separately. Any changes to the Reav Method will not be recognized as flaws in Zet's very obviously perfect and flawless yet-to-be-tested project.
NOTE 3: Any complaints about notes 1 and 2 will lead to Zet pointing to the fine print in the contract which says, among other things, 'Arkanians know more about you when it comes to cloning, and several other fields, and by signing the contract you have agreed to it'.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Zet Reav Zet Reav

This is cool, but Mass-production without a company, or a laboratory it is weird. I mean the mass-production means you're able to provide your products for the entire galaxy. And your weaknesses and description not reflects this. What you wrote there, this is a Semi-Unique thing. So please add a company to the Manufacturer, or modify the Production-scale to lower.
I understand your reasoning, and changed the production levels.

But to note, the objective is not to do it myself. Zet will not suddenly get a laboratory and start cloning, the whole idea is to sell the rights over this technique to a proper medical group (a new medical group, they seem fun people). I have not planned it with them in ooc, so I chose to keep Zet's name over the medical company's name until said rp selling this happens.

Or even might make a rp selling it to my faction as well. My main desire is an interesting excuse for more rps.

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