Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Regarding Super Star Destroyers


So, I know this'll likely be shot down, but I wanted to pose a potential suggestion regarding maximum ship sizes for Super Star Destroyer-style vessels. I think the maximum length should be raised to 18k meters, BUT with certain restrictions. Major factions'll be limited to a hard maximum of up to three Super Star Destroyer-sized vessels based on the amount of hexes they presently control, to act as command ships.

Super Star Destroyers were always meant to be special set pieces, so why not give them this bigger upper limit? In terms of writing and balance it won't really affect things much. Writers'll always find a clever way to take them down, and such a hard limit seems silly when they're big targets anyway and they're meant to simply serve as yet another tool for potential plots/storylines.

A potential beneficial side effect of this would be that present "SSD"s could be reclassified as Star Dreadnaughts and made a little more available than they are presently.
I think this would make a lot of sense. Upping how large a SSD could be would serve as a sort of bigger reward for Major factions that put in the reward for them but...

The reason we have a size limit is in order to prevent abuse. Of course, this could be controlled by Staff with a General SSD Rulebook, of what you can and can't do with SSD's.

Just my opinion tho
Factory Judge
Grand Admiral Vel'alari

The one singular point of contention that I have about vessels becoming this large, is they are reaching the territory of being classified as a Superweapon. Why? Because the some largest vessels known to canon were superweapons.
The main reason why these ships were considered Superweapons, is due to the massive amount of armaments, shielding, Hull integrity, or the addition of weapons that were massive in size and could legit, only fit on a vessel that is this big.

We already have a ton of ships that are of the 10,000 meter size that could be considered superweapons in all but name. Massive cannons that can perform orbital bombardments that are more powerful than the Taris-Destroying act in KOTOR, Outfitted with massive weapons to bypass shielding systems, Mass Drivers that can fire Giant Ionite slugs the size of Starfighters to shut down enemy systems.

I feel that if a Ship were to be over this 10,000 meter mark, then it will have to have significant weaknesses that could be exploited in PvP scenarios.

I am all for the idea of "Why not go bigger" but at the same time, I would rather not like to continue this power creep of an Arms race that the Factory is right now.


Vora Kaar Vora Kaar

Oh I totally agree! Weapons'll have to be logical. That's why Zahara's idea of a clear ruleset'd work well. No one'll strap a superlaser onto an SSD-sized ship like a lot of those examples if there are rules against it.
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While I don't think expanding the size of SSDs is necessary, those super star destroyers you reference as superweapons are considered such (though a few of them aren't actually considered superweapons) because of the main weapons on the ship. The Eclipse has a superlaser that could crack a planet open or melt an ice moon, the eye of palpatine was a literal asteroid fitted with weapons and shields so it was nearly impervious to real damage, the sovereign also had a superlaser in the same fashion of the eclipse, and the supremacy was built and designed to dock multiple (8) star destroyers and still hold over 2 million crew members and an insanely large hangar.

The reason these ships are super weapons is not because of their size, but because of the unique purpose they had to a given plotline that necessitated that sort of size for justifying what they could do. The size alone doesn't make a ship a superweapon, if you take away the axial superlaser from the Sovereign-class or Eclipse-class you have a big star dreadnought that is just a very heavily armed ship but with absolutely nothing special to write home about. The Supremacy is the only ship that shows how a ship being large can turn it into a superweapon through careful and clever use of ergonomics - and even it had extremely poor shielding.

The real reason you'll probably never see SSDs jump over 10k is because then you run into ships with >200 squadrons of starfighters available, it was hard enough to convince admins to vote on allowing the increase to 10k.
Factory Judge
Grand Admiral Vel'alari

I want to make it clear that while I have stated this opinion, my post is not the end all be all of the situation. You are more than able to make your suggestions for the Factory/for the site as a whole, made. I am not shutting you down, or saying no. Just that these are my own personal opinions.
I personally don’t see the need for larger ships. In the grand scheme of chaos SSD’s are all fluff pieces for faction threads and inter faction conflict stuff. You could theoretically bring only 5 cruisers to a fight where your opponent has double as many SSDs and your opponent can still handily lose. 10k is big enough.
I want to make it clear that while I have stated this opinion, my post is not the end all be all of the situation. You are more than able to make your suggestions for the Factory/for the site as a whole, made. I am not shutting you down, or saying no. Just that these are my own personal opinions.

Pretty sure someone said that about the Hyperdrive suggestion earlier this month.

Edit: Last month, my bad.
I didn't take into considieration the insane ammounts of fighters a ship like that could carry. But couldn't we just implement a standard Dreadnought Hangar Templete

Like for instance, no matter how big your ship is, the extreme hangar rating would still be 101 Squadrons
There's already a standard Star Dreadnought Hangar Rating on the Star Dreadnought template already, so if there would be any changes would be made - it'll likely be expanded to whatever measurement folks decide to go with in the future. However, that's still going to be an astronomical amount of Starfighters and Support Craft no matter how you look at it.

Personally, I'm not a fan of Super Star Destroyers - especially here on Chaos. Making them bigger won't change that. I'd rather have a handful of Starhawks than an Executor any day of the week. Not only would the Starhawks be relatively cheaper to make, especially since they were made from captured enemy vessels, but you'd get more in the same timeframe as it took someone to build the Executor.

As an added plus, Starhawks don't have a visual history of being taken out by an A-wing pilot that decided to follow through with young Anakin's advice about spinning being a good trick. So, there's that, lol. ;)

I get the appeal, but there's no real purpose behind it. Say you get to have your bigger ship, using an aesthetic or image that you could have already used with the system we have now. What then? From how SSD's are treated already on Chaos - it's become nothing more than an oversized trophy that'll likely never see the light of day. As this isn't a new conversation - the most common counter argument I've seen is "But if they were canon-sized, they'd see more use!"

No, they wouldn't. The extra meterage isn't going to change how someone wants to write a naval battle, nor is it going to change a person's drive to write pretty starships duking it out in space.
Factory Judge
Pretty sure someone said that about the Hyperdrive suggestion earlier this month.

Edit: Last month, my bad.

The hyperdrive suggestion was looked into, and doesn't pertain to this?

While I am a RPJ, I was stating that my post is not the official stance of the Site Staff.
Although I'm not a SSD type of person I'm agreeing with a lot of others here that pushing up the size of super star destroyer up to 18000m makes a lot of sense and the idea proposed that the more hexes you have the larger ships you can get sounds like a good reward for factions to have. Matching territory to industrial output makes sense icly and also sounds like a good way to decide whether a faction gets a SSD. Losing hexes could also work towards losing SSDs as many ships like the Executor specifically state that they were costly to operate. This makes it so once a faction loses too many hexes they can no longer afford to operate once of their star destroyers. The only potential problem I could forsee is factions spamming doms just to get SSDs but I think this will be more or less balanced out by the fact the doms are decided based on the story created and the process to make an SSD and have it approved is quite a lot of work.

Cypher Rage

You know, now that I think about this in depth, what Republic Engineering Republic Engineering sayed is right. SSD's are pretty much gargantuan trophies, used almost only when another SSD is being fielded, or in threads as a meeting place or as a flagship crusing through Major faction territory.

Actually the there is onky a handful of people I know who regulary field SSD's during Invasions and such those being high-ranking members of a factions military or the owners themselves.


Adron Malvern Utilizing the
Veil during multiple Invasions
Darth Metus utlizing the
Fotressa during an Invasion cuz it's the Confederate Flagship
Darth Athora using her flagship the
Legator I and later the Legator II during Invasions as a Lord Admiral
Amelia von Sorenn using the Grievous Class during an Invasion as a Grand Marshal

My point is that, all of these people were awarded these massive flagships because they put in the work, as did the whole faction when doing Dominions. So I say, rewarding a Major Faction with a 18km Dreadnought for creating dope RP isn't a terrible idea.

The logisitcs of it tho. Like I said before, can't staff just instuite a general hangar template for all dreadnoughts. Kind of more than fair in my opion.

Cypher Rage

Republic Engineering Republic Engineering

It should help sustain activity. It's not really about utilizing dreadnoughts more of writting submssions, all of them are dope reads and it's proably great writting.

But otherwise, I believe they could be used as settings for rp, flagships, etc. There is an unlimited (very much limited) use they could have. Again, just my opinion
The issue there is that SSD's don't help sustain activity in any way, shape, or form. Like I mentioned and you've posted in agreement with - they're nothing more than trophies to recognize that a faction's pumped out ~150 posts over the course of a calendar month. Sustaining activity falls under the purview of the major factions staff by providing its members a means participate in the overarching narrative.

Making them longer won't change anything from what they're already capable of being used for.

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