Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 Regular Map Wipe Poll

Should we have map wipes?

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Dear Staff peoples,

We understand this is not presumptive, nor is this a referendum currently called for. This is just a poll to collect information and inform you and the community. We understand that decisions are not made entirely based on polls.

Feel free to close responses to this thread, we don't need opinions - just vote.

Melia Siari

An irregular event that may or may not happen at the whim of the site would be fine with me. I'm not really fond of a regular/scheduled/planned wipe of the map, but I am not opposed to it happening only once or happening after long periods of times (like the time we've spent since Netherworld's event, which was, uh, 5 years ago? I think?)
Major Faction


Become One With All Things
There are other RP platforms that make use of regularly occurring global events that set back development and growth to begin the cycle anew. Its something I've always considered beneficial. Leaving factions to stagnate as they realize map progress is ultimately pointless is worse off than resetting and forcing factions to work their cloud back up.

I think seeing parts of the map regularly blacked out and unable to interact with after these events could be interesting. Knock out random chunks so factions are forced to interact with each other more directly by limiting their potential direction of growth.


Disney's Princess
For clarity,

I'm currently of the opinion that regular map wipes should be scheduled once every two years to create bold freshness, passively combat entrenchment, and still allow for a positive faction building environment over time. With maximum major faction map size becoming 3 Dominions a month for 24 months, or 72 hexes, plus or minus successful rebellions and invasions. Which is huge.
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Ulkahall Svaraghaun

imma just slap my quote from the previous thread on this discussion here, as it's got my thoughts on map wipes on it.

So, hello, hi, some of you know me as wendigo kid

So, faction are a very important thing in Star Wars, as a setting, as a narrative playground. Factions are the lifeblood of the galaxy, and they exist because people will naturally gravitate to groups. I have my own opinions on the map game, and how by and large, it shoe horns natural development and narrative because some people think they're playing a Paradox Game.

Chaos is special because it allows us to correct and explore things that Star Wars never properly dealt with, I mean, I've seen full blown discussions on the philosophy of the Force, the nature of Imperialism, nature versus nurture, and a plethora of nonsense that good old George, Disney, nor Legends authors never tackled in a major way. It's amazing, and has breathed so much life into the fandom for me. It's gotten to the point where my head canon for the SW future is the Chaos universe, because of how well built it is by the collaborative efforts of the writers, it is our own Legends.

That all being said, what was a major component of how Star Wars worked? Analogy and astropolitics. What was one of the major issues in Star Wars because of how they handled it? Analogy and astropolitics.

No matter how you cut it, the factions in SW never felt realistic, the timespans we got felt more like the Imperium of Man than the Old Republic, and in general, real worldbuilding of the nations of the galaxy was never a major concern of most of the writers. They were acronyms that the writers could fling at one another until one of them was left standing.

What does Chaos do better than Legends? Nationbuild, worldbuild, I'd argue that the factions that have come into being on Chaos are unique enough to stand out from what we got from Legends and Disney, even if a lot of them are derivative from the films/legends.

With that also being said, do I think factions live too long to suit the nature of the site? Yea, I really do. I first poked my head in about two years ago, just when TSE was finding it's legs. Come back to stay and they're still around without signs of stopping. I'm not singling anyone out, I would say that most factions historically on Chaos have lived long past their prime, and eventually devolve into just a couple of jabronis shooting the shit. Not that there's anything wrong with that by nature, but when these nations occupy such a large space in Galactic politics, history, and narrative, it can turn into a problem. Again, not saying this is the current state of any faction, I could give less of a damn about what people do. People write to write.

What I do think comes down to the problem is the mindset of these faction creators going in, and how they develop. Factions should have a purpose, an end goal narrative that they strive to get to. And once they reach that, they should be able to evolve in a way that helps the flow of the Galactic narrative, or, even have their own deaths planned. Contingencies, contingencies. That's the name of the game. It helps an overall atmosphere of professional narrative writing and proper worldbuilding fitting the genre.

If people are making factions with the end goal to paint the whole map and to rule for 1000 years, they should play EU4 instead. Much more fun and less effort to do something like that.

Organic faction death breeds good narratives, map wipes would feel artificial and utterly kill some peoples love for Chaos as a setting. Map wipes, by their nature, simply turn the setting of Chaos into more of a mechanical driven nightmare than it needs to be. And I absolutely pray the Staff never implement anything like that, because it takes away the feeling of a natural and changing Galaxy that I, at least, have come to love during my time on the site.

If a nation has to die, they should do so organically, in a way that feels natural. Either by war, dissolution, internal strife, whatever. The Galactic Republic didn't go out with a whimper, it morphed into the Galactic Empire by the scheming of a Sith Lord years in the making.

Meanwhile the Jedi of Chaos turn into Vegemite. I just think it would be more helpful as a whole if people writing factions looked into the idea of assuring an organic death, or narrative end goal, for their nations. We are here to write, not to play a game.

At the end of the day, Chaos can improve so much on the formula we we're left with by Star Wars, and I think that every faction right now is trying their damnedest, but that doesn't mean they should all last forever.
Speaking as someone who doesn't really actively participate in the map game any longer...maybe?

I could see a one-time wipe happening as part of a large-scale event with a story built up around it; if it were to just happen out of the blue I doubt that the greater consensus would be there. If moving into the realm of regular wipes though, who defines what is regular? Once a month personally seems too little time to do anything, especially considering major factions get SSDs for running 3 doms in a month. Every three, four, or six months then? A year? Multiple years? At that time rate we'll be having this discussion again, initiated by people who don't want the map wipes...maybe even some of the people who are looking for them now. Interwebz knows we've got enough contention over it as is.

There's also the possibility of not having it run a set time but instead based on other metrics. One that comes to mind is map saturation; a comment in one of the other threads was that as more and more major factions get more and more space there's little space for newcomers to grow. Legitimate, especially when there were maps like Feb2015. Maybe make it so if there's less than X percent unclaimed hexes remaining on the map for Z period of time there is a possibility for some calamity that shakes up the map and frees up hexes. Not sure how simple that would be to track with the current system. Let current majors remain major with some amount (some ratio of new vs currently-held?) of adjacent hexes but would need to work IC to regain/grow, and in the meantime there is plenty of new space made available.

TLDR; don't have map wipes just for the sake of having them, there should be reason.
I'll have to say a conditional no on this one. We've had a long period of stagnation and only recently have new stable, successful major factions emerged on the map. A wipe right when these factions are just getting started, would severely demoralize the smaller factions and put us back at square one, with the older, established major factions recovering much more easily, while the smaller major factions, with less writers, would have a hard time at building back morale. For the smaller major factions, completing dominions takes a lot more work, due to the smaller number of writers which have to post more often.

We also still have plenty of free space to expand into and the map is already undergoing a period of upheaval, with all the invasions going on and what is effectively a Second Galactic War brewing. If a map wipe is to be done, then it must be done through an event, one that is slow-burned and announced months in advance. If all the major factions are to lose all their hard work, then it must be done in a way that is meaningful and feels satisfying, at the conclusion of a large enough storyline. Dominion burn is also a major issue that the board is currently facing and a map wipe right now would start a veritable dominion race.

If the objective here is to refresh the map with new factions, a map wipe would not achieve this result. The older, larger, more established major factions would survive this, while the newer factions like the GA, NIO, EE and Bryn'adul would be most heavily impacted and would likely not survive the impact on morale, given how new these factions are and the fact that they're only just getting started with their faction narratives.

The only way I see this working properly is if it is announced months in advance, perhaps for December, or some time in the first quarter of the next year, then gradually built up to it through a slow-burn event, perhaps with temporary dominion rules changes, allowing for a period of rapid expansion leading up to it (such as maybe allowing two hexes instead of one to be annexed with a single dominion, or some other mechanic which allows the major factions to expand quickly).

As things currently stand and without more information regarding what is being planned, I have to vote no on this one.
For the purposes of tallying I am taking a vote for 'OK' to be a neutral vote either way, or in cases like mine, a way to see the results.

If that is not your intention recast your vote to one of the yes or no options.

100% for a wipe or multiple spaced out evenly.


Kainan Wolfe Kainan Wolfe - Have some faith in the new kids on the block bro. Cmon

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