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Dominion Remebrance and Healing | AC dominion of Mirial

Ashlan Crusade Narrator



Remembrance and Healing
Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Mirial

The Ashlan Crusade continue to expand across the stars and some would say that they leave destruction in their wake, and some of this people would be right.

Entering a new phase of more reconciliation and development the Ashlans must ensure a prosperous future of health and science going forward. Only by building a strong foundation may they continue their war against the Bogan.

But they must also remember...

Many brave souls have given their lives to the cause, willingly, knowing their faith would be rewarded with a brighter future for their descendants. This is not their time time be remembered and their legacy to shine bright into the future.

On the planet of Mirial, now free from Sith rule, the Ashlans have been building. The brand new, state of the art Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital. Named for the Ashlan Flagship Pillar of Retribution that was lost over Korriban along with a score of other warships.

Objective 1

The Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital is a massive, sprawling facility comprising of advanced medical centre, domiciliary care centres, scientific services and other research facilities. This facility has been designed to serve a vast swathe of space and the first patients are already being received from warzones across Ashlan space and beyond. Thousands of Sisters of Ashla are also on their way back from Panatha for recuperation.

The Hospital needs finishing, the last few buildings and facilities are being installed and there has been some conflict with several of the contractors. Someone from the Ashlan Crusade needs to straighten this out prior to the official opening of the facility.

Today will be a day of important discussions, negotiations, and speeches. Several dignitaries have even been invited to give keynote speeches.

Objective 2

The evening after the opening of the facility is intended to be a celebration. A celebration of all the lives lost over the last few years and of the lives that will be saved here. And what better way to celebrate than a night at the races.

Dozens of Great Farthier have been brought in along with their talented jockeys. Several varied courses have been laid out and bets have been taken. There has been invited sent to allied leaders, each of whom has been offered boxed lined up along the river that adjoins the government building. Most of the Ashlan leadership is also there to enjoy the festivities.

There has been a huge demand from the People of Mirial to attend the races and a lottery had to be held to give out the nearly one million tickets for the series of races.

The final race will see the evenings winners tackle a challenging course for a huge prize and the top three jockeys will also be invited to attend a great banquet along side the nobles.

Objective 3

Mirial is a beautiful planet filled with wonderful people and many different adventures to be had.

Enjoy your stay...
Thank you to Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim for the banner artwork.
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Objective 1

Isla Draellix walked in one of the many manicured parks around the healing centre, apparently the greenery would speed up recuperation and the designer insisted even the shape of the space had some kind of psychological benefit. Maybe it was true, who knows, with all the strange powers in the galaxy. Or maybe he was a charlatan trying to rip off the crusade, so many different contractors, and because this was a 'military hospital' she seemed to have been lumped with it. Maybe she needs to take up the saber and go hunting Sith instead.

At the very least this was a beautiful place and very relaxing, a far cry from the lightning ravaged wastelands of Korriban, the war on Panatha and the corruption of Reelin.

As she walked, she spotted a familiar and welcome face. Her ally, and she would like to think, since their ordeal Reelin, her friend. Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . She looked out of place amongst all the servicemen and orderlies wandering around but had an unmissable grace about her.

"Eina!" She called out, waving and speeding up her walk to catch her "it is wonderful to see you hear. How are you feeling since Reelin?" She was genuinely interested. On Reelin Eina had gone into a strange state of deep energy conservation, as if she was starving and each little exertion could be her last. It had made the conversation fairly limited, but given her an insight into the woman, for once seeming almost vulnerable. She hadn't even gotten to discuss the whole deal with the telepathic communication, but she had had her time to come to terms with that and it was now just something accepted.

"What do you think of our work here? It's beautiful isn't it?"

Objective 2

After a long and hard day, Isla had been looking forward to these races. She hadn't seen Farthiers race for years, her father enjoying a flutter on them and often taking his young daughters to visit the stables afterwards. They were unusual looking but noble beasts.

But Isla also awaited the evening for a different reason. She had deliberately secured a private box with her and Pietro Demici Pietro Demici . Grayson had taken a short leave of absence for some personal matters and the two senior figures had taken the reins of the Ashlan Crusade, he would be proud of them she thought and she eagerly awaited his return.

But for now she needed to talk to Demici, away from prying eyes and wagging mouths. Nobody in their right minds would be suspicious of the two of them meeting privately like this so it would be the perfect way to have the conversation that she knew she needed so desperately to cleanse her soul. She clutched her Rosary hard in her hand and waited for her 'date' for the evening. She hoped he wouldn't be too late as the buffet in the box would be cold and the first race had also just started.​





The Hospital


[ Open for anyone wanting to interact! ]

Aridius quickly ducks as another laser-bolt always cleaves his helmet off. His teeth gritting as he attempted to clear the energy-jam that clogged his Heavy Blaster-Cannon. With a balled fist, he slammed it straight unto the Blaster-Cannon again and again as fire erupted all around him. The fire was immense. Guriella warfare was not the style of the Stormtrooper, this was evident as those of his Squad mates continued to be picked off. They had an AT-ST with them, but it was destroyed in the initial fire. "TK-5324, GET THAT GUN UP!" His Sergeant said, and Aridius smashed the jam again- it suddenly buzzing to life. He would pick up from the crater that he was taking cover in- emptying the massive energypack on his back as he let out a stream of death from the Heavy-Blaster Cannon that he towed. Suddenly, one laster-bolt hit the target; Aridius' chest, causing him to collapse backward. All went back.

The Stormtrooper wakes up in the Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital. He wasn't in his armor anymore but was suspended in a bacta-tank. It was a comfortable and almost heavenly feeling; there was a slight pain in the chest but nothing more than that. A few hours pasted and both the Medical-Robots and living Ashlan-personally signed off Aridius' leave for the night. { You survived, but you're a Stormtrooper now outside of Imperial Order space and without friends. Good job. } He'll be sent back to the 501st but only after making a full recovery; that wasn't for another few days or so.

Aridius would enter into the Healing Center, wearing his off-duty Imperial Uniform to stand out even more. "Ughm.. hello.." He tried initiating talks with one of the other patients, who promptly both ignored him and walked away. Out of the stuffy and concealing Stormtrooper armor, Aridius was a young man around 18- physically fit, a broad and muscular stature; he was young, young but was still a Stormtrooper and that was that.

He looked around, wondering if there was anyone else to talk too.




Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Pietro was not a gambling man; he preferred to make decisions based off of information when he could. Yet, there was always something intriguing to him about the Fathier races. The creatures themselves were quite impressive, and their abilities on the tracks were truly a sight to behold. Pietro had not seen them in action in many years, but the energy in the air felt the same as the last race he attended. It was a pleasant change from the constant strife found within the chaotic remnants of the Tingel Arm. Though Pietro was fully committed to the stabilization of the region, even the most dedicated needed to take some time to clear their mind of the stressful clutter. Hopefully, today would provide him with some semblance of that.

He approached the private box procured by the Grand Admiral with a team of the Holy Guard, but quickly waved them away. They would maintain their positions near the box, but would remain out of earshot. Pietro got the feeling that Grand Admiral Draellix had something weighing on her soul, and such things were often best kept private. He approached her, providing her with a nod of respect as he greeted her.

"Isla, it's a pleasure. I haven't had the opportunity to enjoy a good race in quite some time."

The familiar tone that he was using would possibly catch her off guard, as until this point, they had maintained a proper presence as leading figures within the Crusade. Though Pietro wasn't one to turn off his political image, this would provide him with a moment to finally speak to the Grand Admiral as a friend, rather than a fellow dignitary. He took his seat next to her, his gaze shifting to the race that had just begun.

"I hear the work with the hospital is progressing nicely. Your work in that field has been quite commendable. After all, healing the galaxy is more than the purging of the Bogan. We have to see to those that have suffered for so very long under its reign of terror."

He turned his eyes back to her, with a look upon his face that was both one of concern and reassurance.

"But such things are not why we are sitting in this box, are they? Tell me, what is on your mind?"



Tags: Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575'


The Battle of Coruscant was a tough one, leaving many dead in the wake of he Maw's relentless attack upon the planet. Many others had been injured as well, and even Heinrich had not come away from the fight unscathed. His broken ribs and punctured lung had left him in the care of his fellow Ashlans for several days. Though they had mostly managed to patch him up, Heinrich knew that it would be a while before he had fully recovered. In truth, he felt that he was shirking his duties. Today was meant to be a rather important occasion, and it was his duty as one of he leaders of the Crusade to contribute to the conversation. It was insisted by Cardinal Demici that he take the time to recover, however, and one does not simply disobey the spiritual leader of the Crusade.

He slowly made his way into the healing center, taking his time as he came through the doors. Though he was on the mend, Heinrich could still feel the pain from his ribs in every step. He took a moment to pay respects to a few patients to retain some semblance of responsibility. After all, laziness was never Heinrich's strongest suit, and the Crusade needed guidance more than ever. As he made his way through the healing center, one particular patient caught his eye. Heinrich took a seat near the man, a slight grunt of pain escaping as he sat down.

"You're not one of ours, are you?"

It was certainly not unheard of for the Ashlans to care for those outside of the Crusade. The mission to repair the damage done by the Sith was a long and laborious process, and would span across the whole of the Tingel Arm. Yet, this individual didn't strike Heinrich as a civilian.

"You carry yourself like a stormtrooper. How has your stay with us been?"

It wasn't much more than a conversation starter, but as the NIO had been a great friend of the Crusade, Heinrich would seek to return the favor, even if it was as simple as talking to one of the Order's ever so dedicated soldiers. Having been forced to spend time away from his people in the past, Heinrich understood that things might not be the easiest for the man. Hopefully he could provide at least a small bit of comfort while they were both stuck within the facilities walls. Perhaps this is why he had been made to stay here instead of attending the diplomatic talks. Ashla works in strange ways, he would think to himself. There is a purpose in every moment, and perhaps this would be a small moment of reprieve for the soldier away from home.


Objective 3

Cass Gemini was feeling frustrated, she had hauled herself to Mirial, only to be disappointed. Since her dealing with Heinrich Faust over Tiss'Sharl she had started to think more about her old family and in particular her little sister. She would still never utter the realtionship in public to another soul, but she felt like she needed to know. Did her sister ever think about her? Did she even care whether she was still alive or not?

Unfortunately due to scheduling and just outright security, she had managed to get no closer to her than the million other people here. She had caught a quick glance of her blonde hair as she spoke to some red head in the medical facility, but that was as close as she could approach. She was still wanted by the authorities on Mirial, despite the change in local galactic politics.

So now she sat here, at a river side bar, surrounded by strangers, nursing her drink. Cass adored her life but it could be lonely sometimes, she was pleased she had the Coalition. She considered inviting one of them to join her here, but she was not ready for the questions about her interest in the Blonde woman she had been attempting to follow about for the last two days.

She opened her holopad and started watching the live feed of the races, opening a new window to compose a quick message to a friend. Just checking in with him to see how he was.

As she types another alert popped up, her Locke and Key software was set to crawl different bounty boards searching for her name. The Enclave? Posted 3 days ago, looking at the level of her bounty made her proud. She took a quick screen shot and sent it to her friend along with an image of her grinning and pointing at the board.

She supposed she had better be careful then... or not? A chase might liven the mood up a little.





The Hospital


[ Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust ]

Aridius's eyes would move to settle upon Heinrich as he moved to take a seat. There was a brief and quick nod at that he was a Stormtrooper, made clear by the Imperial uniform and the clear slight discomfort he was in from the injury. { He must've fought at Coruscant or someplace like that. } He thought to himself, offering a verbal response to the man. Assuming him to be of the Ashlan Crusade- Force Users, way above the capabilities of a Stormtrooper or even one that carried an automatic Heavy-Blaster like he did. Aridius, after Dathomir, was weary of the Force and how it can be used. If they can infiltrate's one's mind or send beams of Lightning, what else can they do? Best be in their good side, and it seems NIO already is with the Ashla.

"It's.. been good, amazing actually- never left Imperial space before. Was injured fairly bad, but I feel.." He suddenly coughs, causing a sharp and pained feeling in the chest, "Better, not perfect though."

His words, as they were, voiced how young Aridius was in this galaxy. Even on his home-planet, life was the ideal Imperial utopia; his generation of soldiers were born after the end of the Sith Empire and only at the beginning of the next conflict were they now of fighting age. Aridius, back to the action of the present, would move to take a seat next to the man. Maintaining a safe amount of distance with his back to something that wasn't an open area.

Heinrich may be able to tell that about Aridius- he was young, but the boy that he was died several weeks ago on campaign. The death of innocence could be telling with how he observes people; wondering if they were carrying a blaster with them or quickly checking the corner of his shoulder. The Red-Forests of Dathomir wasn't kind to the Stormtrooper, neither the guerillas that brought him here in the first place.

"Weird to see how peaceful this place is.. Are you a ugh.. Crusader?" He didn't know their ranking, but attempted at conversation. Something hard for a Stormtrooper that was used to speaking with other Troopers and at most Imperials at heart.


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital
Objective I.: Building thee Facility
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana (interaction) | Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575' | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Never Meant To Belong ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina hasn't been well since the ball. She was still completely confused, hurt by what had happened, and didn't understand. She didn't ask Ingrid, she just ran away. The Valkyrja didn't even communicate with her own, she just locked herself in her home, away from everyone. She didn't understand, if she hadn't done anything wrong, then why was Gei so cold and hostile to her? Why did he leave her there? Why hasn't the man been looking for her since? Eina didn't go to find her just because she was afraid the man would hurt her again. She still could hear his prayers, in vain she was in the Nether and it just shattered her more.

Theoretically, they were friends, friends don’t act like that, they are not doing this…

In fact, Eina didn't even notice how much she had changed because of the man. Before she knew him, in the Force she had a blue aura, presence, those who were able to see her that way they saw this. Her manifestations in the Force were also blue, like shields, lightning, healing, the lighting of her eyes. Ever since she met Geiseric Geiseric , everything has turned golden. Red and gold from blue, except her eyes. She didn't notice, didn't watch this, it was natural for her…

Now she had to go to Realspace to visit the hospital, she represented the Eternal Empire, Terraris Command, including HPI, and the Brighter Future Foundation. Those who knew her could see right away that something was wrong with her. Eina didn’t smile, she avoided people, not just communication, but their closeness as well. There was always a strong, determined presence in the Force at other times, now pale. As if she were ill, her physical presence was also gray, not shining in her surroundings. Instead of kindness, a smile in her eyes, there was pain, suffering, dread, and fear. She was like a wounded animal or a dog left behind by its owner.

Eina didn't understand, and now she was afraid, she was afraid that others would do the same as Gei. Like a kid who doesn’t understand why they took their favourite plush animal. She looked at the people in fear, looking for Geiseric Geiseric in the crowd at the same time, fearful and hopeful. At once she was relieved and shattered again that she could not see her crusader. The Valkyrja still didn’t understand that she was in love and that’s why it hurt so much, she just didn’t understand.

She saw Lord Heinrich in the crowd, perhaps she should ask him where Gei was, but she was afraid… Then Eina heard Lady Isla's voice. She visibly shuddered that someone had addressed her. She looked at her in fear with fear in her eyes and instinctively stepped back a few.

"Lady Isla!" her voice was pale, full of pain, fear in her eyes, she was looking for a place to escape. She was unable to answer the question…





Objective 1
Tag Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

The panic in Eina's eyes and her palor caught Isla off guard, she had never seen the women look like this, she had expected to see her glowing skin, her radiant energy, beautiful red hair and and a confidence that hid her innocence. The woman in front of her could have been a different person all together. "Eina, my friend, what is the matter? You look so, different."

As Isla watched Eina step back and her eyes dart about for escape, Isla could see the woman was in distress. "Pleae Eina, at Reelin you showed me yourself in a vulnerable state, I hope you know you have nothing to fear from me," she tried to sound calm and reassuring but didn't know how the women would respond, she had come to learn her perception of the world was different to those she lovingly referred to as mortals.

"Please trust me, we can find somewhere safe and quiet to talk? If you were one of my girls from back home i would offer you coffee, please tell me how to help you."

Isla held out her hand to the woman, she was unarmed, and dressed in a more casual, bit still smart attire than her military dress. It was just Isla, she brought no tricks. She would not pursue the woman if she decided to run, it would only exacerbate the situation, or cause Eina to turn on her which could go very badly quickly. Isla had one shot to reach her friend.

Objective 2
Tag: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

Isla smiled at the Cardinal as he went straight to the point. "That obvious am I?" She said as she poured him a drink.

"Tell me? Have you worked this out through reading me as a person or reading my mind?" Her question was serious but her tone was friendly. "I need to know if I should be touching up on my resistance training before someone reads something they shouldn't" and she laughed.

"I'm not going to jump on you with all my worried cardinal, but there is something I wanted to discuss, in confidence of course." She drank from her drink and rolled her rosary in her hands, she had a few moment distraction as the next race got underway and the two of them, old fans of the races, stood up to cheer a particualry well named Farthier. As the race ended, she sighed and turned back to Demici.

"Six hundred and fourteen thousand nine hundred and thirty one." She put that number out there and let it rest for a moment.

"I don't know if that number means anything to you, it means a lot to me."

"Those are the total casualty figures from our last three encounters, primarily at Korriban, but twelve thousand were at Panatha where we achieved, nothing"

Isla was brought up faithful, the faith thay Ashla protected and would deliver the galaxy from pain, but she had seen more pain and suffering in in last couple of years than her entire previous life.

"Every night I pray to Ashla, but I feel that every night she listens to me just that little bit less, I am sorry."

Isla was desperately trying to keep up her hard facade, but she had been suffering, Korriban was horrific, so many deaths and all for so very little. She had spoken to Ashlan counsellors but had decided her problem was not emotional, it was faith.




Tags: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Pietro looked at the Grand Admiral with a look that was more concern than judgment.

"Yes... the reality of Korriban is simply, we lost. And on Panatha, we did not achieve our goal."

His stature slowly returned to its usual diplomatic state, though he tried his best to remain cordial.

"The road is never clear, and is far from a short path. In truth, I don't even expect myself to be alive by the end of it all."

His gaze slowly returned to the race at hand.

"Do you see these fathier, dear sister? Do you see the incredible amount of chance it takes to secure a win?"

It wasn't said in a patronizing manner, but his tone did infer that he had reverted to his usual rhetoric.

"Like these racers, we spend months upon months preparing for a single moment. We train our minds and bodies, and pray that when the time comes we will be ready. And, just like these fathier, for all of our training and preparation, there is no guarantee that we will win. We race toward our end goal and hope for the best, but there will always be things that we don't anticipate. There will always be the chance for mistakes, and there will always be the chance that we are not successful."

Pietro turned back toward Isla as he continued.

"We have all suffered, and I remember every soul lost. I was there, our ship desecrated, my life in the hands of an escape pod."

He took a moment to collect himself.

"Apologies. I have grown so accustomed to my usual sermons and speeches, that I sometimes forget how to turn it off."

He expected his words to create a cascade of emotion within her, but he wanted to do what he could to squash her doubts before they could truly take root. He placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, attempting to maintain the role of both friend and mentor.

"Luckily we will not have to face these challenges alone. Ashla watches over us, even if we don't hear her voice. With our companions at our sides and Ashla's light at our backs, I believe that one day we will finally see the galaxy healed, and the darkness gone for good."

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Open to interaction!

The whole ride to Mirial, Linny'd been fiddling with the datapad, staring at the speech she was meant to rehearse.

"Hi. Hello. Pleased to meet you, I'm Padawan Alienor Renn... no, too weird," she muttered, shaking her head. Looking over the words they'd given her again, sucking her bottom lip as she wondered how to deliver them. She sat up straight, stared ahead at the imaginary dignitary and plastered a wide, awkward, fake smile on her face.

"Greetings! I'm from the New Jedi Order and I'm bringing... I've got you... we've given you some.... aw hell." The smile slipped from her face. How was she ever going to talk to these people? The Crusaders seemed like pretty full-on people. Like Jedi but way more zealous and serious. So naturally, they'd sent the awkward teen who could barely speak with the goodwill package. This was either an incredible belief in her abilities... or she'd been asking the wrong people the wrong questions.

Gotta be more careful in future.

Of course, when they'd arrived near the facility, there really hadn't been much in the way of a welcoming committee. Just a lot of flustered looking medical staff and administrators, with builders swirling in between them all. Looked busy. Looked like they were still finishing up. Linny adjusted herself, making sure she'd pinned the Starbird badge to her jacket. Gotta look the part, even in her old graduation-blazer best. After asking the very kind pilots who'd escorted her to help carry the packages, Linny picked up a heavy box and started edging into the facility.

She approached a Mirialan woman who looked rather self-important. That must've been the director, or a director, or someone important, right? She was totally giving off judgemental vibes. Placing the box down, Linny gathered up all three molecules of her self-confidence and approached her. Bright smile. Hand extended. Eyes wide.

"Hi!" she said, struggling to keep the grin up as the Mirialan glared at her. "I'm Alienor Rennis, from the New Jedi Order. I've been sent with a package of medicines and equipment for your facility as a gesture of friendship from the Gal-"

"Kid, buzz off," the woman sneered, waving her hand, "I'm waiting for my meds." Linny's smile dropped quicker than a bomb.

"Oh. Uh... sorry lady." Biting her lip, feeling her cheeks burn, Linny picked up the box again and moved quickly away, looking for a desk of any kind. Or a closet. Or a high place that I can throw myself off, right now. Feeling the eyes of the Mirialan patient and the pilots burning into the back of her head, she searched desperately for someone important, someone who looked Crusader-y, someone who she could hand that stupid box over to so she could go back to her dorm and not ever deal with people ever again.



Issue #2

It was an evening of glitter, glam, and... Farthier chit. Dignitaries of different gathered to celebrate the opening of the Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital at the races. The rumble of stampeding hooves drowned under the loud clinking of champagne glasses ringing across the stands, followed by the fakest waves of laughter you could hear. Dagon Kaze could only count on the fingers of his one hand the places he'd least want to be at than these races.

But duty was hardly ever pleasant.

Maxwell Irani - or rather Baron Maxwell Ironi - was the man he was after. A DireX from Denon the raven-haired Jedi suspected of dealings with the New Sith Order and their lackeys the Maw. Allegedly born in the purple, hailing from the noble houses of the Tion Cluster, who had risen up the ranks of suit and ties on the corporate world of Denon. Dagon's world. The place he'd sworn to protect as a Jedi Watchman.

The Baron wasn't hard to spot in the crowd of dignitaries. The Jedi had seen his face a thousand times on his crime boards to the point he could probably count by heart the hairs on his head. Irani was mingling well, as he was supposed to. Trained to, even. Made the women laugh genuinely and the men chuckle all phony. A real devil this one.

Every individual the Baron greeted was snapped by the transparent lens on Dagon's eyes. A neat little gadget that Yula made. As his hunting eyes drifted they suddenly stopped to a familiar face a few feet away. Valery Noble Valery Noble . 4000-year-old Valery Noble. She really had to have a great eye for quality anti-aging creams.

"What is she doing here?" he murmured to himself. Felt like a lifetime when they had first and last met on that Outer Rim planet and its ancient Jedi temple.

"You are in the Crusade's territory, after all, Sir. The Ashlan Crusade that is." Arthur, his faithful AI, was as ever so sharply sarcastic in his ear. Yes, there was nothing odd for a Jedi to be among those who shared his faith.

Dagon rolled his eyes, then meandered forward to greet her. A few more scratches and scars faintly crossed his face than the last time they met, and the suit and tie he wore to blend in was a far cry from the hiking gear he'd donned back then. It was awfully uncomfortable, too.

"Valery? Been a long time." a smile curved his lips, "But it's the last place I expected to see you again."
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: Sacred Pillar Memorial Hospital
Objective I.: Building thee Facility
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Tags:: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana (interaction) | Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575' | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
[ Never Meant To Belong ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina had no idea what to do or what to say. On the one hand, it was very discreet. She has already learned that mortals do not like to talk about their feelings or what they think. On the other hand as Valkyrja, telepathic and empathic communication was discreet, only between two people, possibly more when talking to others. But is this the case? Gei told her she didn't do anything wrong…

"No, you have done nothing that is evil or wrong, you... you are innocent, in many ways."

Nevertheless, the man was brittle, leaving her and treating her like a stranger. Why? If she didn't do anything, why? That is why she was afraid of everything and everyone. Will others do the same? Would you have completely misunderstood them? She was afraid she was doing something wrong again…

"I… I…" she tried to speak, even in her voice there was confusion and fear.

Eina didn't know what to say, what she should do. She just wanted to go home, home to her own world, which is much simpler, more transparent, more understandable than this. She tried to speak, but only a fearful whimper left her throat and mouth, so she just shook her head in fear. As Isla held out her hand to Valkrja, she visibly shuddered. Other times it was always direct and open. She would have accepted the hand extended to her at any other time, but now she was unable to do so. What did she do wrong? Why?

"I… I… I should go home!" she whimpered.





Objective 1
Tag Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

The amazing woman looked so frightened, what could have scared her so much to turn one of the strongest women she knew into this shell.

"Eina," she said calmly, "I am your friend, I am here for you, what is wrong, I dont want you to leave"

She thought for a moment, was there a way she could make this more comfortable for her friend?

"If it is easier and you can't find the words, then please connect with me like you did on Reelin and share that way. Either way I think we should go somewhere private. I know you don't require sustenance, but there is a beautiful little coffee hut surrounded by a rose garden not far from here."

She didn't know if Eina would respond to this, but it was the best she could offer at this time. As Isla had learned, she was very different from most of the people she knew, but maybe watching other women imbueing mild stimulants would relax her in the same way it did herself.
Objective 2
Tag: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici

She listened in to the Cardinals words they were hard but true, they were the words of a true believer and a man who spent his life instilling that belief in others. She felt a little anger as she felt he implied her dedication was waning.

"Do not be mistaken Cardinal, I am not here to tell you that I wouldn't still die for our cause, I am no naive creature that doesn't understand the realities of war, when Grayson points his sword at a planet it is me that actions our armies and fleet."

Her eyes were filled with tears of, a mixture of anger, frustration and loss, but those tears would not roll, she would not let herself cry.

"I know we are doing Ashla's work, but when I pray to her to keep our brothers and sisters alive?"

She drank from her glass again, it actually felt good to be getting this off of her chest, despite the potential for judgement from Demici.

"Can I be blunt, and speak to you entirely in confidence?" She awaited his acknowledgement.

"While I wholeheartedly agree that the Zambranos need destroying and would die to do it, I feel like our actions at Panatha were to close to the line of being personal for our Lord, the timing, the risks to our alliances and just the method of execution could all have been done better."

She was digressing from her original point as she fiddled again with her rosary.

"I am sorry Lord Demici, I love our cause, i love our Lord and I love Ashla, its just been a tough war and command can be lonely. Sometimes a girl needs her ass kicked back into shape."

A tear finally rolled down her cheek as she awaited his response.



Location: Mirial
Valery: Appearance
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze
Dress: Link!
Remembrance and Healing
Valery certainly wasn't one to attend parties regularly, and large ceremonies like this weren't her cup of tea either. But the importance of them outweighed her personal desires to focus on other things. So with a rather fancy dress on, the brunette entered the area where the races would take place. She personally didn't have much interest in them and wasn't going to place bets. She just hoped some interesting conversation could get her through the evening and night.
Almost immediately after stepping into the area, she was struck by a wall of sound - people were laughing, some races or preparation were happening in the distance, and a few of the staff members approached her, asking her whether or not they could be of any help. She had shown up on her own and probably looked like a lost puppy within the massive crowd. Most had already found drinks, tables to sit at, or their places in the stands.
She just kinda stood there, looking around.
"I uh.." she blinked, "I'm fine for now, thank you though."
She quickly walked away and spotted a waitress offering drinks to people. Perhaps if she were to get something, she'd be left alone? A theory worth testing.
Valery approached the waitress and greeted her with a smile. The woman began to compliment Valery on her dress and appearance for the night of celebration, but Valery just wanted a drink. This place just wasn't for her.
Finally, with a glass of red wine held between the curled fingers of her right hand, she found herself a more quiet place from where she could observe the room. But when she finally believed to have found some peace and quiet, a voice spoke to her. She wanted to let out a deep sigh and turn away, but then realized who it was.
I wonder what he's doing here, Valery wondered as Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze approached her. She offered a somewhat awkward smiled and broke eye contact.
"I'll be honest, it's the last place I was expecting myself to be, too." she joked. "But it's good to see you again. How have things been since we last met?"


Linny Rennis Linny Rennis

Greer walked through the corridor, her kilt covered by a loose fitting healers gown, her normally unkempt and flowing red hair was tied back tightly behind her head, the only signs of the wild person she was, was the green clan paint still daubed on on her freckled face. She also had the long hilt of her lightsaber attached to her as she had been given specific authorisation to carry it on ward, provided she at least tried to keep it rolled in her kilt.

If she was honest, she was enjoying this deployment more than she thought she would. She had been assigned to supervise the completion of a large military injuries unit and a pair of attached wards. She was a good healer but was more used to doing things like that on the battlefield, rapidly applying a tourniquet before a patient bled out.

The senior Jedi had sent her here to apparently teach her some humility, that not everything could be solved with a lightsaber. Apparently she was too quick to reach for her weapon, apparently she was too impulsive? She wrinkled her nose and stuck her tongue out mockingly as she thought about the lecture she had been given before she came here.

She suddenly realised where she was and that she was poking her tongue out at some poor young woman, a pretty one too.

"I am so sorry," she said, laughing to the unknown woman ( Linny Rennis Linny Rennis ) "That wasn't meant for you, I was thinking abour someone else" she blushed a little before recomposing herself.

"I am Greer of the Ashlan Crusade, you are looking a little bit lost, is there anything I can help you with"

Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Equipment: In bio | Standard loadout

Shai was nervous about this job she decided to take on. She wasn't at full capacity yet, still getting the hang of her new cybernetics. But she was tired of just sitting around at home and doing exercises to get back into the swing of things. She wanted to run, jump, swing fists and shoot a blaster again, not just pick up objects and and take it easy. She had been testing herself when she wasn't with Alora and the Doc, checking if she could still fire accurately and fly around.

Hopefully her confidence wouldn't be her downfall on this job.

She walked through the streets of the city, making sure she kept a good distance between her and her target. Her HUD was a big help in that regard. She hadn't faced Cass Gemini on Lyran IV when they took it, but she had heard of her after that mission. Coupled with her name on an Enclave bounty board, she had more than enough motivation to go after her. From what she heard, she was close enough to Sith to warrant a bolt in the head. After she was done with her, she could go pay that Zlova Rue Zlova Rue girl a visit as well, see just how loyal that former sith tailhead actually was to the Enclave and Mandalorians as a whole.

Coming to a halt a little bit away from her target, she watched for a bit to see what the woman was up to. She looked like she was relaxing which was ideal for her. Guard lowered, and a clear head from Shai, it was a perfect moment to make a move on her. The Ironclad Wardog casually sauntered over to Cass' table and slid into a seat next to her, a particle pistol already trained on her and set to stun. "Evening, sis. How's it goin'?" She smirked at the girl with a fire in her cybernetic eyes. Her helmet was clipped to her belt, allowing her target to see who it was who would be taking her in. But there was no need to rush this. She had a pistol on her already at point blank range... and the confident Shistavanen highly doubted that she was even close to the level of that Sith Lord she faced on Coruscant.

"Sorry I'm just droppin' in like this, but I was hoping to have a word with you." The grip on her pistol was tight as it hid beneath the table.


Tags: Aridius 'TK-1575' Aridius 'TK-1575'


"Well, good to see that you've found your way here. The NIO has been an invaluable ally in our endeavors, and we are more than happy to help their people."

He turned toward the man, grunting both in frustration in pain as his side continued to burn. Heinrich could sense a sort of... suspicion? Unease? No, it was the death of innocence, likely brought on by combat experience. Heinrich knew the feeling all too well, as he had lost that innocence long ago. It seemed like an eternity since he had aided in the defense of his home against the Sith, only to be thrown into a Sith Imperial prison for more years than he'd like to recall.

"Your diligence is admirable, though you'll be safe here, particularly with me."

Heinrich offered his hand for a shake.

"Name's Heinrich Faust, Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade."

He wasn't sure that the young man would recognize the name, nor the duties that came with the title. He seemed to still be getting his bearings within the greater galaxy, and Heinrich didn't expect a stormtrooper to take a particular interest in the more dry aspects of politics.

"New Imperials are always welcome in our borders. My condolences, by the way, on the loss of Imperator Tavlar. He was truly a man of vision and strength. I never got the chance to meet him myself, unfortunately, but if it weren't for him, the Crusade would have had a much harder time getting a foothold within the Tingel Arm."

Tavlar's death was felt across the galaxy, and the Crusade had been no exception. Heinrich had often thought about the circumstances surrounding the man's death, and the warlord that had betrayed the NIO. It was easy to cast blame; the idea of allowing a darksider to have so much power seemed mad to one such as Heinrich. Despite this, he knew of the man's history with the faction, and couldn't help but to admit that, for a time, Halketh had been a useful tool to the New Imperials. Nevertheless, no matter how useful, to commune with the darkness was to invite evil into one's world. In some ways, the Imperator's death had bolstered the resolve of the Crusade even further. Perhaps, in some ways, that growing resolve was the final useful moment of Halketh to the NIO.



Objective 3

Cass sat and sipped her drink as Shai Maji Shai Maji Approached and sat next to her, she walked like a hunter and she was armoured like a hunter, didn't take a genius to work out why she was on the planet.

She didn't react as the woman sat next to her and made herself comfortable, so she was definitely here for her then? Probably enclave Cass figured to herself, that mess on Lyran IV was fun. She was a little surprised how quickly they had tracked her down, but she wasn't exactly hiding.

She looked at the Shai as she spoke to her, a twinkle in her eye. As she finished, Cass replied. "You know friend, there is special kind of look that everyone gets when they have a blaster on you under the table?" She lifted her left hand up and signalle 'two' to the barman, who slid two large whiskeys over to the women.

"Interestingly enough, it's the same face someone might pull if they had their hand on their lightsaber" and she winked playfully at the bounty hunter.

"Now what do you say, we both put our guns away, have a drink with these nice people? Then go and make a mess outside?" She reached her left hand to the whiskey and raised it in a toast.

Cass liked to play the dangerous game, she expected the woman was packing something special under the table, but Cass's force enhanced reflexes would have her saber ignited the moment she pulled that trigger, neither of them were likely to come out of this uninjured. She banked on the fact that most bounty hunters were fierce pragmatists and would read the situation accordingly and drink with her, a moment as a friend before the frenzy of trying to kill each other.



Tags: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Equipment: In bio | Standard loadout

A dark giggle escaped Shai as the woman hinted at a trick of her own underneath the table. She watched as the bartender slid two shots over to the two of them and the woman raised her glass for a toast. Shai had to admit that the woman sparked her curiosity with this move. The only thing that stopped her from simply doming her with a particle round on sight was the fact that she didn't know if she was directly Sith or just someone doing her own thing.

She eyed the glass in front of her for a moment before she gave a shrug. "Kark it, ain't gonna say no to a free drink. Plus I got a feeling I'm gonna need it for tonight." She admitted as her free hand took hold of the glass and clinked it against Cass' own. "To an interesting evening." She toasted before slamming the drink back and tapping the glass on the counter for another. "I hope you're not gonna try and get me drunk in order to escape. My liver's been trained well over the years." She teased as she waited for a refill.

"Don't worry, I'm not too much in a rush to take you out. I got a couple questions for ya anyway before we step outside. No need to blow this place up." She looked to Cass with a hint of curiosity. "Before we get to anything else, tell me this. Are you Sith?" Her question was quite serious as her cybernetic gaze studied the woman. There were plenty of other force users out in the galaxy with lightsabers who were neither light nor dark. The Dark ones deserved to be broken and burned alive. She didn't want to do that if this woman wasn't directly one of those.

She immediately took a sip at her second shot as she looked down to see the woman's weapons. She was confident in her armour's ability to withstand the lightsabers, but the actual fighting was the bit that caused doubt in her mind. "I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to be coming after someone like you. I'll try to not aim for the face." She snickered before finishing her drink. "So what are ya doing on Mirial? Coalition setting up business or something?" She asked casually.

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