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Private Rendezvous at Varykino (Danger)


He appreciated her reaction, though many might claim otherwise the Dark Lord held a deep fondness for His people and their culture. He would have not gone to such lengths to preserve it as He had done, even when some of His own kind bristled at being so tightly bound under His authority. They had been opportunists and cowards, feigning fidelity while wringing their hands in secret; loathing the power that He and His family had over them. He found them to be repugnant, not even considered Epicanthix, and He would mete upon them the most cruelest fate when their time came at last.

"For now, I have sojourned my people on both the Malsheem and on Dromund Kaas. They have acclimated well to Dromund Kaas, for it's temperance is much like our homeworld's. My kind takes to new environments quickly, Danger, we adapt with ease. Already my people thrive, though we all know in our hearts that it is not to be permanent. I have been working on a new home for our people, one fashioned for them as a paradise. When the time comes, I will lead them to this promised land. Until then, they must do what they must to carry on our legacy."

Carnifex continued to eat for a few moments, allowing the moment to grow between them. "I should extend an invitation to Dromund Kaas as well, so you may see the fruits of our labor. I have gone to great lengths to restore the Sith Holy Worlds to functional order, although our enemies would see us uprooted at any cost. Already, I have had to fend off their marauders and saboteurs. It is work I am well suited for, for I harbor no hesitation or mercy in my heart for those who raise a hand against me. My fleets roam the Stygian Caldera, monitoring for signs of treachery. It should be safer now for Arceneau Trade to move through the nebula."

His countenance darkened for a brief moment, "I sense that we will require such cherished trade in the future, the enemies of the Sith are constantly moving; plotting and planning. We must always stay one step ahead or find a blade in our hearts, but we will prevail."

Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex

If Kaine said that his methods have ensured fending off marauders and the like, Danger believed him. He was the sort of man who ensured his domain was held firmly in control and that any issue or sign of trouble would be swiftly dealt with.

The only issue, being, that the last time Danger had been at Drumond Kaas was in the wave of the Black Hive Virus almost twenty years ago. That had been the day that Alric and she had found and saved Myra, completely changing their pathway in life with her subsequent adoption. Had they'd not stopped there to assist with the refugee crisis during the midst of the zombie outbreak... well, not only would Danger not have a daughter, but Makai would certainly not have his bride.

The mere thought alone brought an icy chill down her spine. So much that she had to bring her glass up to take a sip. The warmth of the fine liquor helped matters. Upon Kaine's look of concern, Danger elaborated, "Forgive me, Kaine, it is not that I have an issue with visiting Drumond Kaas. I genuinely want to see the changes you have made to the world for the betterment of your people."

Her wrist would gently rock the amber liquid, as her emerald fire gaze would settle on the small whirlpool the motion created.

"It is just that the last time I visited the world, it had been in the aftermath of that nuclear winter... and the dead had managed to rip through the remaining refugee settlements there. Alric and I rescued my daughter, Myra, from there. Pulled her out from under the dead bodies of her parents. They gave their lives in the hopes she would live and I am forever grateful... but the images of how we barely made it out of there still come to time to time. I would be happy to replace them with new ones with your offer."

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