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Resa'geriuvr Crushgaunt, Cabur-type

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R E S A ' G E R I U V R
C a b u r - T y p e

"The power of the unknown, in the palm of your hand. Wield it."
- The Quartermaster

  • Classification: Force-powered Crushgaunt
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • EMP/Ion: High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Pressure: High
    • Extreme Heat: High
    • Extreme Cold: High
    • Elemental (Other): Low
    • Force: Low
    • Witch Magic: None
    • Disruptors: Average
    • Sonic: Average
    • Radiation: Average
    • Corrosion: Average
Code of the Protector
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy [Effectively Immobile]
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • EMP/Ion: High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Pressure: High
    • Extreme Heat: High
    • Extreme Cold: High
    • Elemental (Other): Low
    • Force: Very Low
    • Witch Magic: None
    • Disruptors: Average
    • Sonic: Average
    • Radiation: Average
    • Corrosion: Average
Code of the Deathseeker
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Light
Code of the Annihilator
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Very Heavy
  • Explosive Type: Force & Netherworld Energy Bomb
  • Delivery Method: Thrown
  • Effective Range: Long Range
  • Area Of Effect: Extreme
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Polymer-enhanced beskar grants crushing grip, able to break bones and block lightsabers among other feats.
  • Ability to change between different ability set, or 'codes.' Each code features unique abilities.
  • The crushgaunt must be given time to cool down or ‘reset’. Resetting 'Code' resets crushguant charge as well.
  • Code of the Protector:
    • Summons a large shield-bubble of shimmering netherworld energy. Shield can fend off most types of attacks, but will only stay active for a limited amount of time.
  • Code of the Deathseeker:
    • Allows the user to go invisible when activated, disappearing between the folds of reality and oblivion.
    • Creates two gleaming knives of dark netherworld energy to be dual-wielded as temporary melee weapons when activated.
    • Constructs of netherworld energy, the knives dissipate when the deathseeker's charge runs out.
    • Knives have similar penetrative power and resistance to beskar.
    • Only active for a limited amount of time.
  • Code of the Annihilator:
    • Summon a gigantic bomb of destructive netherworld energy to hurl at an enemy. Does extreme damage across a large area-of-effect.
  • Lightfury: The Resa'geriuvr Crushgaunt grants the user force powers with an extreme destructive or defensive potential. Whether it be summoning massive force bombs, impenetrable force shields, or dissolving into the night to hunt a target, the Resa'geriuvr seriously increases the dangerousness of its wielder.
  • Crushgaunt: Outside of its force-power-granting abilities, the crushgaunt is still very powerful as a crushgaunt alone, able to crush bone and counter lightsabers, greatly increasing the melee capabilities of its wielder.
  • Cooldown: The crushgaunt must be allowed time to cool down between uses, during which force powers of it will be unable to be activated until crystal stability is reached.
  • Power Dissipation: The powers of the gauntlet are only able to be activated for a limited amount of time (the exact time dependent on the type of code activated). After a certain amount of time, the amount of Force Energy being channeled through the crushgaunt's crystal is too much that it risks the crystal's stability, and must be allowed time to cool down.
  • Force Nullification: The Force-using aspects of this gauntlet are affected by all force nullification technologies, which have the ability to prohibit or cut of the gauntlet's access to the Force.
The Resa'geriuvr Crushgaunt. A new creation both capable of terrifying destruction and unbreakable defense.

Forged using the extreme technological capabilities and intelligence of the Mind Forge, an ancient semi-omniscient Mandalorian superintelligence, the Resa'geriuvr is an armor piece unlike any other seen in the galaxy before, Mandalorian or not. For through the use of the rare Force-channeling Kyr'lyatr crystal and advanced electronics, the Resa'geriuvr allows its user to wield the mystical power of the force, albeit temporary.

At first glance, the crushgaunt is like any other crushgaunt; it has a terrifying 'crushing' strength, able to break bone, metal plate, and even stop the plasma blades of the Jedi sorcerers.

Alone, that makes the crushgaunt a portent weapon with defensive capabilities, but that is only the tip of the gauntlet's great power. Because, through a kyber crystal, the Resa'geriuvr is able to grant its user abilities for a limited amount of time, to destroy, hunt, or protect as its user wishes.

The first of these abilities is the Code of the Protector. When activated, a medium-sized shield bubble of shimmering-purple Force energy is summoned around the user, able to protect the user and anyone else inside from harm. The shield bubble does not last forever and will dissipate after a moderate amount of time but will be able to withstand most types of damage, and is large enough to fit an average squad of soldiers inside. The Code of the Protector allows the user to be a defensive wall, protecting themselves and allies from all manner of attack.

The second set of abilities a user may choose is the Code of the Deathseeker, geared for those who hunt in the dead of night for their prey. When activated, the user is granted the ability to temporary go invisible at will for the time in which the ability is activated, concealing themselves from detection by slipping between the folds of reality and travel through the
Spirit World, a semi-parallel dimension few can access. The gauntlet is able to arm the user with two deadly blades crafted out of Force energy, similar in cutting ability to that of a beskad. The blades will dissipate with the rest of the ability when the gauntlet's charge expires, but still allows the user deadly melee capabilities.

The third ability is the Code of the Annihilator; a user is able to summon a mega-destructive bomb of Force energy, hurling it at opponents to deal devastating amounts of area-of-effect damage akin to Force Destruction or Force Shockwave. The bomb travels slowly and is 'thrown' by the user, limiting its range and practicality in tight areas (summoning it in the interior of a starship or close-quarters has more potential to hurt themselves than others) but when used in the right situations it is extremely destructive, as the code would suggest.

Each of these abilities are extremely useful in their own way, but when compared to a standard force user still does not measure up fully. A wearer of the Resa'geriuvr is limited by the long cool-down time of the crushgaunt's crystal before Force Energy can be channeled through again, and Force Energy can only be channeled for short amount of time before crystal instability is too high. Thus, use of these powers is less a constant variable to be relied on, and more a temporary ability that can be activated to change the tide in a battle, or as a last resort.

Ultimately, the Resa'geriuvr is a powerful tool that will no doubt be instrumental to the success of all Mandalorians who wield it. And it will once more strike fear in the hearts of the Mando'ade's enemies.

Changes Made:
Manufacturer, Images

Last edited:
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
The Quartermaster The Quartermaster

Hello! I'll be your judge today! This is a very interesting piece of technology.
  • Please link the Enclave to the Manufacturer.
  • The gauntlet is a bit underpowered (-2), if you want you can fix it.
  • Weight: Immobile; there is no such rating in the template, this is Extremely heavy, please edit.
  • Code of the Protector's ratings are bit underpowered (-2) again, here too, if you want, you can fix it.
  • Just a note, Code of the Annihilator's ratings are -5, but I know explosives are often unbalanced.
  • I’ve written quite a few Netherworld things before (objects, city, vehicles, species), and you know that Netherworld’s energies are no different from Realspace's energies and its mostly Force energies?
  • And how can this device manifest the Force into a physical thing (blade)? Or what do you mean by "Netherworld energies"?
  • Furthermore, there is no explanation in the submission for how an object is able to absorb and use energy from another dimension. How can it open a rift for this without Force, because you won't be able to solve this with a Kyber Crystal alone. Even very few PCs are capable of this. Or you are able to use this only in the Oblivion? Or in the entire Nether? Please explain it.

And I think in this I... we need someone who is more expert in the Nether than I am... AMCO AMCO .
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
The Quartermaster The Quartermaster

It looks like only those what I wrote.
Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Thursdy (2021.08.05), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
The Quartermaster The Quartermaster

Now better than first time, but we still have some problems:
  • Affiliation: The Mandalorian Enclave; I can't accept this. Please give the proper PC names to whom this submission belongs.
    Resistances: (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme. Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.) Resistance Ratings Extreme will require the submission to be Semi-Unique. This Resistance Rating is considered very strong and are usually dealing with unique items that should be restricted to Player Characters only.
  • You are still not explained what do you mean under "Netherworld energies". Please specify this.
  • The Code of the Protector is overpowered (+1), please fix it.
  • The Code of the Annihilator (+2), please fix it.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
The Quartermaster The Quartermaster

Thank you! So in short, this is a Force-imbued item, what cause a Force blast or Force Destruction maybe Force Shockwave when it explode? Just because the Force is not a tangible energy, it cannot explode. If you imbued it into something, yes with the channeling for example, the explosion can be more powerful, more devastating. But you need some kind of mediator, baradium, any other explosive. But as a Force-bomb, it has no effect, because the Force not work like this.
You can solve this with the mediator, or with Force you endow (imbued) the items with Force Blast, Force Destruction and/or Force Shockwave. But both solution require Force/Sith alchemy.
But because you mention the summon, I recommend the Force Blast, Force Destruction and/or Force Shockwave solution.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
The Quartermaster The Quartermaster

Thanks for the clarification! And Sorry for the late answer. I tried to gather the other concerns:
  • First of all, others indicated to me that these are too similar to the capabilities and technologies found in Destiny 2, so please provide the relevant links. And maybe you need to change some things due to this.
  • "Disappearing between the folds of reality and oblivion" this should really be clarified given that it could be interpreted as some sort of dimension hopping.
  • I would like to ask you to replace the post-based charging with something else because it is very easy to abuse. Anyone can write one or two line/sentence posts quickly to avoid the limitations. Please come up with some other legit drawbacks instead.
  • In addition, what are the effects of Force suppression, Force nullification effects on the object?

Things changed in the submission:
  • Added further clarification that the Deathseeker ability is allowing the user to travel in and out of the Spirit World, and provided a link for ease of access.
  • Added weakness stating that Force nullification effects can, in fact, nullify the Force abilities of the gauntlet.
As for your other two concerns:
  • With your wording in the first problem addressing similarities to the Destiny Franchise, I can see where an argument can be made that some of this submission's abilities may be similar, but as you can see I intend for the abilities to solely be based in 'canon' Force powers.
  • I'm fine removing the weakness about post charge times, as I can see the concern for 'loopholes' by making substandard posts. I do want to point out that I think multiple-post recharge times are a conventional weakness for super large weapons (although I recognize that the Factory does not operate on a precedent-based system) and that if someone tries to cut corners and jump through loopholes, they can easily be reported for breaking Factory rules or whatnot. That being the case, if you still feel like this weakness is not sufficient I'm more than happy to remove it -- I've added the Force nullification weakness, would you want another weakness to be included as well?
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
The Quartermaster The Quartermaster

Thank you for the edits and clarification.
That is not problem if you copy them from the Destiny and modify them, I just ask only please link these original abilities/technologies to the Primary Source. Nothing more.
Yes, I would like to ask you to delete them. The slow charging time of the various effects is good, in the weakness. Try to put it that way, the charging time really takes enough time, minutes or more (that is the 2-3 posts, just try to not use the post base).
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