Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Return of the Clone (Moira)

After having far too many of his plans, ships and houses ruined by one means or another, the Sith Lord had decided to go mobile.
Therefore, his new lair was a comfortable yacht which his crew of droids could easily run, and which he could move to and from prospective opportunities.

Taking the information he had won on Ziost he was learning a great deal about the applications of the Force one could learn from it.

It was after this latest session of probing the mysteries of the Dark Side that he received a call on his encrypted line.

“Master, a call,” his droid added helpfully…and unnecessarily.

Shadow spared the droid a glance, then activated the console with a gesture, sinking into his chair.
[member="Moira Skaldi"]
[member="Darth Shadow"]

Moira had found herself faced with a conundrum. Recently Archangel had commissioned two Force clones. The first, Phaedra Amaryllis, had been born and was progressing well in her attachment to Archangel, though she was still very childlike and innocent. The other, Enyo Typhos, would be born in two days.

The problem lay in the fact that both would require training in the Force, which was something a droid was obviously unable to provide. While Moira had acquired a certain theoretical understanding of the mystical energy field, it was limited by the fact that she was a droid and she obviously could not use it.

Ergo they would need a teacher. The list of candidates was very short. For one, while she desired instruction for her two 'charges', she wanted them to remain loyal to Archangel. They were supposed to learn how to make use of their abilities, that was it. Thus she had decided to contact Darth Shadow, her old business partner. There was no 'trust' or friendship between them. Indeed, at some point their goals would inevitably diverge, but they had worked together in the past. For an organic he was very rational and obviously a Master of the Force.

Likewise he was not tied to the One Sith or any other established power, which should reduce incentive for betrayal. Moreover, her tools were clones of Coryth Elaris and Siobhan Kerrigan. He had a long history of enmity against the latter, whereas the former was a close friend of the battering ram.

So the connection was made. The call was obvioulsy tightly encrypted. Within moments a holographic apparition of Moira would spring to life in Shadow's room. "Lord Shadow, I hope I am not interrupting any pressing business on your part. It has been some time since we worked together. There is a business arrangement I would like to discuss with you."
[member="Moira Skaldi"]
The droids, always the machines. Is this what I am reduced to, ruling machines and dealing with mechanical parodies of life?

“Of course, Ms Skaldi, tell me everything about this arrangement,” the Sith Lord said pleasantly.
[member="Darth Shadow"]

Moira cocked her head to the side slightly. This seemed to be a tick of her line. "Thank you. My organisation was able able to acquire DNA samples. Of Siobhan Kerrigan and a Jedi Master by the name of Coryth Elaris, a close collaborator of the former," she said softly, pausing for a moment to let that sink in.

"We have manufactured two stable Force clones. Conditioned to be unaware of their true identity, but in possession of the templates' potential. They will be indoctrinated to serve Archangel, but I am obviously unable to teach them the use of the Force. Under what terms would you be willing to provide basic training for them?" She obviously did not expect Shadow to teach them the deep mysteries and inmost secrets of his order. However, Archangel had invested quite a lot in this project and she was certain that she could meet the price the Sith Lord would name if he was interested.
[member="Moira Skaldi"]
How did they obtain DNA? From one of the copious lost limbs, or by combing the cathouses of Fondor and Kaeshana?

Shadow pushed aside the annoying voice in his head. “Interesting, very interesting. I would be very happy to mould and corrupt their innocent states. However, I suspect you have an agenda for them. What incentive do I have to train them if I cannot keep them as my apprentices? If I am merely to play schoolmaster to them I gain neither an apprentice or an advantage.”
[member="Darth Shadow"]

Assuming that they had acquired the samples by scouring the brothels of the Galaxy was not that inaccurate when it came to Kerrigan. To be more precise, a courtesan had done the job and then been rewarded with processing. Verily, she ought to thank Archangel. After all, now that she was an HRD she would never be at risk of being infected with veneral diseases!

"I understand your reticience. My plans to use them as weapons against my enemies, eventually directly or indirectly against Kerrigan, is no clear net benefit to you. However, I could provide you with an apprentice through Archangel's significant cloning capacities. Someone to serve you exclusively. Kaelin Isandros," Moira responded smoothly. Oh, yes, the droid knew all the sordid details that involved Alcori and Kerrigan's resignation. "We would be capable of restoring her to life and then deliver her to you."
[member="Moira Skaldi"]
Shadow laughed slightly.
"You mean, create a clone of her. You cannot restore life to her, I could do so if I chose, but I do not want Darth Keraunos back. She had great potential but wasted it in excess and depravity. However, a clone of her would be useful. Perhaps a chance to remodel an imperfect vessel. It so happens that I have the piece you need for this, I am in possession of blood taken from her when she was my Apprentice. How much training do you expect of the others, and how long until a clone can be created and matured?"

And this time I will not have the pirates break her....
[member="Darth Shadow"]

"Sufficient basic training to realise their powers and harness them and then progress independently. I don't expect you to pass on the inmost secrets of the Sith." More to the point, she did not want the clones to be out of Archangel's control for very long. It was not at all because she did not trust Shadow, well, actually she didn't! Over the years Archangel had acquired a number of holocrons and datacrons that the clones would be able to use for training once they had achived an understanding of their powers.

"As you know Kerrigan is a telekinetic, while Elaris has an aptitude for illusions, though it is wasted on her due to outdated, hypocritical slave morality. It will take approximately six months for the clone to be created and mature sufficiently." In other words, long enough to train the others.
[member="Moira Skaldi"]
What a coincidence, the clone will take just long enough for this training to happen.

Shadow frowned. “I see. I will need them to be with me to train. I am not going to remain as your guest whilst this happens,” he stated.
The Sith Lord did not trust anyone, and besides, it would be much easier to train them without droids snooping around. The temptation to lightning them would be too great. It would also allow him to train them in the way he wanted, which was of course to subtly corrupt them.

“Do not fear, they will not be damaged permanently.”
[member="Darth Shadow"]

In response Moira simply shrugged. "Physical and mental pain can be educational, if used judiciously. As long as they are still sane and capable of fulfilling their duties to Archangel effectively, I will be satisfied." Of course, she expected the Sith Lord to try and subtly corrupt the clones in a way while he got to train them alone. They were sharks moving in the same direction. Moira trusted no one...except Maelion and [member="Madeline Kahoshi"].

There was a reason the clones had been implanted with a restraining device and why Archangel was making every effort to bind the clones to them. There was compulsion, yes, but it was being subtly exercised to make them think that the group had their best interests in mind."Your terms are acceptable. We shall meet in a week. The transfer will take place on an Archangel vessel. I shall send you the coordinates."
[member="Moira Skaldi"]
“A pleasure doing business, Ms Skaldi. We shall meet then.”
The Sith Lord cut the connection. Pausing for a moment he rose to his feet and headed through his ship down into the cargohold. There, in a secure section was a small refrigerator. Reaching in he produced two test tubes of blood, holding them up to the light before replacing them again.
“I knew I kept these for a reason…soon Keraunos you will live again, but this time I will mould my clay better. This time you will become the Sith you could have been.”
[member="Darth Shadow"]

The connection was cut and Moira was alone in her office. The deal had been made. Precautions would have to be taken, but it had found a satisfactory result. She pressed a button on the computer interface, accessing the security cameras in the living quarters of @Phaedea Amaryllis and of the small lab where Enyo could be found.

They were so delicate, innocent and childlike, but that would soon change. There would be obstacles and hurdles along the way. They would have to be broken-in, tested and built up again. Sculpted in the image of Archangel. A machine cult that ironically plotted the downfall of all organic life, but they would succeed. A message was sent to Maelion and Madeline, informing them of the end result of her conferece with Shadow.

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