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Dominion Reunification of the Codrus - AC dominion of Munto Codru

Ashlan Crusade Narrator


Reunification of the Codrus - Ashlan Crusade Dominion of Munto Codru

Munto Codru, the original homeworld of the Codru Ji is one of the first major worlds beyond the old Sith territory and into the area devastated by the Bryn'adul, monstrous nihilistic creatures only barely stopped by a major combined military campaign.

The Codru Ji are a familiar species to the Ashlan Crusade, a key ally is the Queen of their second homeworld, a former colony of outcasts known as Codru Secundus. She is understandably eager to reunite the people of her world with the survivors still on their old planet of origin. Recolonising Munto Codru would also help with the over population and other social impacts of the refugee crisis on Codru Secundus, caused by members of the species fleeing the Bryn'adul.

Codru Ji scientists, using old and poorly understood technology have managed to remotely reactivate and connect to an ancient Otherworld gate hidden on Munto Codru and intent to establish a permanent portal between the two worlds, hugely speeding up transit times and allowing more efficient re-colonisation. Munto Codru will never be the same since the Bryn infestation, but Queen Enzar put every effort into rebuilding the home of her ancestor's.

Objective 1

Renewing Diplomatic ties


The Queen of Codru Secundus wishes to extend an invitation to the members of the Ashlan Crusade to visit her aboard The Paragon he lone battlecruiser and pride of New Codru Systems Defence fleet. But this is not about showing off a beautiful ship, this is about renewing a long standing Diplomatic arrangement and maybe coming to new terms with a currently exceptionally grateful Queen.

There will be a lavish dinner aboard her ship with fine food and music it is intended as a Diplomatic Objective but is an open invite to those of the Ashlan Crusade to dine with someone already counted amongst their allies.

Objective 2

Assailants from the void


The Otherspace gateway has been in use for a several weeks now, and there have been a number of, incidents with creatures and cargo entering one door and not appearing at the other side. After the second living creature vanished, the sending of organics was prohibited, pending investigation. Several possible theories have come up and a number of patterns have been extrapolated from the disappearances but the most enlightening data was made purely by accident.

Two droids entered the portal together, only one came out but his chassis had scrape markings horizontally across the chest. The droid was immediately taken from debrief and its data thoroughly examined. Its photoreceptors captures the moment the droids crossed the first threshold stepping in to otherspace. The transition took only seconds to an outside observer, but the droid recorded nearly a minutes of feed. His companion was dragged by an invisible assailant, deeper into otherspace. The only evidence was the scrape marks as he tried to grasp his ally for dear life, and the look of horror on the face of what should be a thoroughly impassive droid.

Now it has been decided the Ashlans must do something, or else the portal be rendered unusable for rebuilding the civilisation of a valuable partner. A modified Helldrive is to be used to force open the crack between the two portal layers and allow the light of Ashla to flow through. The Crusaders will find out what they want and appease the entities, or they will destroy them. This crack is large enough for humanoids to walk through, but they will be without armoured support and other heavy military equipment until the gateway can be stabilised and enlarged.

This is an objective for those who want to enter otherspace and hunt its denizens. The beasts that have been lured to the portal are mindless but dangerous, and very eager to cross over to realspace to cause mayhem. No quarter should be expected and none given.

Objective 3

Legacy of Occupation


Since the final battle against the Bryn'adul, the planet has largely returned to its natural state. Being on the very edge of Bryn space meant it did not suffer for full corruption of their terraforming efforts. This does not mean however that the planet was spared, millions upon millions of Codru Ji were slain and large parts of the planet thoroughly infested, some of these areas are still plagued by more resilient Bryn'adul creatures that need to be purged to ensure future safety. This is a military offensive of track and steel compared to fight against the Otherspace entities. The main infestation of the Bryn'adul seems to be focused around a large partially constructed terraforming complex.

Objective 4



As ever, there is no way of listing the full range of stories you might find, so please bring your own.

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Queen Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum

Objective 1

Renewing Diplomatic ties


Location: Aboard NCSN Paragon

Objective: Diplomacy with the Ashlans

Tags: OPEN

The Queen sat in a long flowing dress made of dark blue and golden silks, elegance for her, but coloured to match the colours of her allies the Ashlan Crusade. Her red hair was topped by a tiara studded with jewels and further jewelled chains flowed down her neck and on to the tops of her upper pair of arms. Next to her sat her beautiful fiancé, Princess Zolasha Tyrin, also in regal splendor, as befitting the wonderful Zelosian woman. Several amongst the highest echelons knew of her Sith past, but she had proven herself to be a valuable and trustworthy partner, and the Ashlans appeared to respect that, particularly her now close friend Prime Minister Draellix, a woman she had worked with for more than a decade at this point.

The room itself was a well appointed state room decorated in light pastel colours, but theoghts were dimmed to improve intimacy. The room certainly felt fit for the occasion at hand and well staffed with finely dressed Codru Ji walking in and out to serve foods, drinks and desserts. It was a fairly free form menu, as was Hanaya's tastes and right now on her plate a half eaten sugar free chocolate cake that she had been sharing with her partner. She looked around at the room and bathed in the artificial breeze that was blown in through the long drapes over the windows to give the impression that they were not in space.

Next she stood and tapped her glass. "My Lords and Ladies of the Ashlan Crusade and the Government of Codru Secundus, it is a great honor to welcome you aboard my flagship." She suppressed a small laugh as her Chancellor tried to lead a round of applause at her introduction, but she just raised one of her hands and quieted him.

"For a long time now we have worked side by side and whilst I appreciate your respect for my planet's neutrality, the Crusade and its people have a special place in by heart. To see your territory now spanning the entire distance, some thirty five thousand light years between Codru Secundus and Munto Codru is wonderful news. To this end I would like to invite a reaffirmation of our long standing friendship, there will be many new opportunities as we rebuild my ancestral home following the damage the Bryn'adul have done, and I can't think of better people to aid us in that endeavor." she raised her glass to a small toast and then sipped at it before sitting down next to Princess Tyrin and giving her a look that asked for her feedback.

There was much to talk about, she hadong joked that if the Crusade ever reunited her homeworlds they would never have to pay for another ship to be built. There was of course, no economic way she could honor that humour, and she knew they were aware of that, but she was open to a w

Friendly negotiation. It was right that there was lot to do, and with Munto Codru becoming the newest frontier of the Crusade, she expected a lot of interest from them. She looked across the table at the Ashlans as if to invite them to take the next words.



Tags: Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar , Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , Count Tarsus Count Tarsus


Pietro calmly shifted his robes as he took a seat, his eyes scanning the room as he and the other Ashlan representatives took their respective places. The Codru-Ji queen had long been a good friend to the Crusade, having provided their fleets with a vast amount of incredibly effective ships since their founding days. When the proposition to reunite her people, the Crusade was more than happy to provide their assistance. And with the opening of the strange portal, Pietro knew that there would likely be a need for their forces to maintain order.

He made sure to not make his distaste for Zolasha apparent, as he did not want to completely derail the talks before they even began. The Cardinal didn't trust Hanaya's fiance, as he had been made aware of her... questionable leanings within the Force. For now, she had not been a problem, and so long as it stayed that way, Pietro would find a way to keep his mouth shut.

"Indeed, to our continuing friendship. May our work together never end."

He took a sip in tandem with the Queen, acknowledging his continued devotion to maintaining their working relationship.

"The Crusade is honored to be a part of the reunification of the Codru-Ji. Your people have been divided long enough, and I'm sure that they will be happy to be under one banner once again. We have already begun the deployment of our forces to this strange portal. We will ensure the safety of whoever chooses to use it, no matter what may be hiding within."

There was more to be discussed, of course, as the Crusade had their sights on bringing the Codru-Ji completely into the fold. But that would come in time. First, they would show their good will in these efforts, and hopefully gain not just Munto Codru, but Codru Secundus as well.



Tags: Inkara Liet, Elysium Dusk Elysium Dusk , Jeren Kestros Jeren Kestros , Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici


Otherspace... a strange dimension that Vaxis knew entirely too little about. He had heard stories growing up among the Nagai, about wayward ships caught in a strange universe apart from their own. The sort of stories parents tell their children to teach them morals. Vaxis never really believed them as a child, but after the things he had seen since joining the Crusade, the Juror could only imagine that there was at least some truth to them.

He had spent several days pouring over the data from the portal. The Cardinal had asked for the Jury to make their presence known in this particular mission, hoping that their skills in hunting would benefit the expedition. Despite his research, there was little that the Juror could glean, beyond the fact that people would die if something wasn't done. So with that, he had gathered some of his fellow Jurors and set out for the portal.

His hand never left the hilt of his sword as he approached the portal, almost as if he expected something to try to break out from the rift and into Realspace. In truth, part of him was worried about exactly that. They were headed into uncharted territory, and there was no telling what would be waiting for them on the other side.

Turning to his good friend and fellow Juror brother Ambrose, Vaxis let out a sigh.

"Well, looks like another dive into the great unknown, eh Brother?"

"Indeed. How many of our brethren will be joining the expedition?"

"Enough. I have sent word to several others. Elements of the Ashlan military and knightly orders will be joining us as well."

"And if we meet... whatever it is on the other side?"

"We will attempt to reason with it. If not... well, hopefully it won't come to that."


Business, Espionage & Faith


S I S T E R⠀ M A R I A N A
OBJECTIVE: Renewing Diplomatic Ties; Cluelessly Mingle
TAGS: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Count Tarsus Count Tarsus & Open!

'Shrine of Shame'

Once again electing to answer the Cardinal's call, Sister Mariana found herself in Pietro's entourage above the Codru-ji colony within the Queen's flagship of the New Cordu Systems Navy; an exciting prospect and a chance to help maintain their alliance, not
that her efforts would be entirely essential for such a task though.

As the Cardinal took a seat, Mariana and her fellow attendants split off into areas around the main table, intermingling with a variety of other dignitaries and diplomats alike accompanied by a barrage of friendly smiles and exchanging blessings, "
Ashla be upon you," she'd offer before engaging in a short, odd conversations regarding topics she knew little about.

Overhearing the sharp sound of clinking glass, the room went quiet as their gracious host began her introductions, quelling one of her own people to pause their applause as she continued talking. As the Queen finished her toast, Mariana raised her glass in conjunction with the rest of the room before taking a small sip; followed by their revered Cardinal's words, many would continue to listen attentively including Mariana..



Queen Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum

Objective 1

Renewing Diplomatic ties


Location: Aboard NCSN Paragon

Objective: Diplomacy with the Ashlans

Tags: OPEN Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora

The Codru-ji clapped two of her hand to the speech from Pietro Demici Pietro Demici . "There will be a great number of people very happy to return home, and they seem to have great faith in their efforts, going as far as to packing their bags already." she laughed and thought of the refugee ships that had sat formant of years now brimming full of her people ready to go home.

"The portal is an interesting question to say the least, if we can stabilise it and make it safe, the passage between the two worlds will become much easier. Would you believe though that there are some thar see the portal as representing something terrible." she shook her head solemnly, there were many who wished the Codru-ji to remain isolated and traditionalist, but the ancient founding of Codru Secundus and the subsequent exodus from Munto Codru changed that.

"But... there are also people who thing the Ashlan Faith is a good fit for us and churches have begun to appear in your names." she raised her glass again to the gathered priests, including Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora .

"So what is next for the Ashlan Crusade? You know how many years I have sat on the fence, reluctant to make a formal declaration of loyalty to the cause. Maybe things are changing? Tython was appauling, my techncians are working night and day to repair the damage vehicles. But i see great things in you."


Tags: Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar , Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora , Count Tarsus Count Tarsus


The response from the Empress produced a chuckle from the Cardinal. It was a grim thought, when one considered the incredible pain placed upon the Codru-Ji. Nevertheless, given enough time, even the most terrible pains could be soothed with a little bit of laughter.

"Indeed, I'm sure that your people are quite ready to make the journey."

The Cardinal took a moment to review his notes about the strange rift before continuing to speak. There was a great little that he understood about Otherspace. So few had made the journey that information was quite difficult to come by. Perhaps there would be a need for a scientific expedition in the future, as such an opportunity to study the strange dimension was quite the rare opportunity.

"As for the naysayers, well... there are always those that will fear the unknown. The Codru-Ji are largely entering uncharted territory, so it's natural for some to be hesitant."

His eyes shot a quick look over toward Marianna, a newer member of the clergy who had already been making herself quite known in recent weeks.

"Perhaps we should have a representative speak to those people, to prove that our intentions are pure."

He paused for a moment at the mention of the battle for Tython. The evildoings of the Maw and their former leader were catastrophic on the planet, and despite the success of the allied defense, many were still licking their wounds after the fight.

"Tython was a costly victory. In truth, we are still finding ripples in the effects of what Solipsis had done upon the planet. As of right now, we are all simply trying to help each other recover from the losses suffered there."

A smile returned to his face as he nodded in Hanaya's direction.

"With your continued assistance, however, I believe that things will return to normal soon enough."

Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to teach Force and try to help on Cartri.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Vaxis Vaxis | Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Otherspace. Eina had not been to that place yet, but she knew about it. Among other things, through her mother, since she had a connection to that place and was able to summon some disgusting creatures from there. This connection between the other dimension and her mother had existed since before Eina was born. In fact! Even Eina's father was alive. To tell the truth, her former Valkyr was created because of the event that happened back then. When her mother became a Shadow-born, a relic was found there, which opened a rift into Otherspace...

Oh, not! She didn't remember well. That is, it was Otherworld. In any case, she hasn't been to any of them, she's only been to Realspace and Netherworld in her long life. Today it seemed that she would have a chance to enter another dimension. She did not count hyperspace as a separate dimension, although it was another dimension in some form.

Eina arrived at the meeting point in her usual way; until now she was in Ession, home with Eisa and Gei. She smiled for a moment, Gei preferred Amal for their daughter, but Eisa was closer to Eina. The first name came from Gei's roots, the second was Eina's. She knew that she had promised to bring her daughter so that Isla and Pietro could meet her again, but this was such a mission that left the little girl at home.

Upon arrival, after a short orientation, she found out where the people going to Otherpsace were, so she headed there. As always, Eina was in her angelic form; now she almost always used it, only among her former people, the Valkyrja, did she use the form she used as a Valkyrja, which was once her original appearance.

She soon arrived where Vaxis and Ambrose were. She nodded respectfully to both men.

["Lord Vaxis, brother Ambrose, welcome! If you don't mind, I'm going with you today."] she told them.




Tags: Inkara Liet, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


Others had begun to gather at the portal entrance, taking their time to ensure that all were properly prepared for the journey. None were quite sure what they would encounter, but they maintained a strong will in the face of the unknown. As they made their preparations, Vaxis and Ambrose found themselves encountering a well-known face within the Crusade. They both bowed as Eina approached, honoring her according to her station.

"Lady Eina, your presence is most welcome."

Brother Ambrose nodded in agreement as the pair both rose.

"In fact, you are just in time. The preparations are nearly complete."

Vaxis eyed the others present, a smattering of individuals from different walks within the Crusade's ranks. Knights, Jurors, soldiers, medics, scientists... many had gathered in the attempt to traverse the strange dimension before them. Normally Vaxis would have insisted that only a select few go through the portal, preferably the most skilled fighters, but they wouldn't know what skills would be required until they made the great plunge.

"Tell me, Lady Eina... do you know anything of Otherspace? I know that you hail from the Nether... perhaps you've heard something of this strange place?"

Whether she had wisdom to share on the matter or not, Vaxis felt an added sense of security knowing that she would be accompanying them. With such unforeseen factors in play, the Champion of Ashla would certainly improve their chances of success.


Wearing: Liar's Flesh

Armed with: Double Agent (Blue Saberstaff)

Objective 3

24 hours earlier...

"You shouldn't feth with this..." The Mercenary said to the Stone Cutter, a Witch from Dathomir that had hired him to find a strange box at the bottom of a mine shaft.

"You opened it?" The young, slender looking woman with smooth, light brown skin and black hair, in a silver armorweave cocktail dress asked, as they sat in the Privacy of the Stone Cutter's estate on Coruscant. It was an interior obsessed mainly with plants and water fountains, rock gardens in key areas.

"No." The Mercenary said, a gruff, unsubtle Mandalorian in black armor with the left arm and gauntlet covered in a repeating pattern of yellow pentagrams. "But Clan Starbright deals in such affairs as a particular trade. That was why you hired us."

"Obviously..." the young Witch said in agreement, examining him with that familiar sheen of disgust mixed with acknowledgement of skill that so many Mandalorians experience from Force Users.

"Well I know a guy who knew a guy who knew a guy who found a box like that. Said it had a face that was alive. A face that could speak. You are aware that certain Force Users are incredibly powerful, can leave traces of themselves behind? Traces that can affect still living people. Clan Starbright's advice in all such cases is and remains this: Destroy it. Destroy it utterly."

"Your advice is noted. But I am more than capable of handling the artifact in question."

"I'm serious lady. If I didn't have to give it you, I'd have taken a Disruptor to it. You should just vaporize it. No good can come of examining what's inside. Not for you."

"You underestimate my power." The Stone Cutter replied.

The Mandalorian leaned across the table as she sipped her tea.

"Famous last words." he said. "But you are right. Its your problem. Not mine. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

"Your payment is waiting for you in your guest room." The Stone Cutter replied. "A pleasure doing business with you."

The Mandalorian slid the small golden box forward and left the room, walking past rare and colorful plants each being tended to by a miniature probe droid and headed to his guest room, generously sized, still with deep misgivings.

He knew he shouldn't have given her it. Should have told her the mission was a wash. But sure enough. There was his payment. Enough to keep the lights running for another eight months.

He quickly counted out the stacks of credits and stuffed it all in a bag, and then, because his conscience was bothering him, decided to go back to her and warn her one final time to drop the box and let him destroy it. If she still wanted to use it for her weird rituals, fine.

He tried to think of what he would say to her as he walked back to the tea room to try and knock some sense into her.

When he opened the sliding door to the tea room he was not prepared.

"Hey, Witch I know its your problem but I gotta say--" he began, and stopped.

The Witch's body was slick looking in a very unpleasant manner, flash bulging and moving like rats were underneath. He squinted at her distorted, constantly warping and melting face, completely bald, watching it puff up to grotesque purportions before deflating like a popped balloon and dragging against the skeleton. The strange box lay discarded on the floor, lid open, seal broken.

He did what many of us would have done. He snorted, muttered "Dumbass" and then noped the hell out of that place so the Stone Cutter could live out the price of her arrogance.

The mishapen mound of flesh eventually settled into the appearance of an elderly but still curvy and beautiful woman with a shock of platinum blonde hair, the flesh on her face shifting violently between that of hers and the Stone-Cutter's before it finally settled on hers own visage.

Lucretia sat up, examining her new body and promptly looked through her new hosts memories to play catch up...

The Force Spawn promptly strode out of the tea room and began strutting towards the crystal chamber, heals clicking on the marble floor. She was soon stopped by what appeared to be a pair of magnaguards, both armed with electrostaves.

"Halt. Identify."

"Emergency override, Dravis 98." Lucretia answered back.

The Magnaguards immediately stood down. Lucretia knew everything her host knew.

"Better." The Force Spawn remarked haughtily, heading into the crystal chamber.

The Witch's flesh shuddered slightly as she beheld the small selection of crystals, immediately selecting two synthetic blue ones and went to work...


It had not taken long for Lucretia to get her bearings. New era. Same old game.

The Stone Cutter had been mulling over joining the Ashlan Crusade. Lucretia had thought it an excellent idea, as it was an opportunity to re-establish her businesses elsewhere. She had not hesitated to fashion for herself her armor of choice and had preceded to Munto Cordru aboard the Stone Cutter's YT-1300 Light Freighter, dropping out of Hyperspace and landing at the designated coordinates for the attack on the Terraforming Complex. It seems the Ashlans were looking for all the extra help they could find.

Lucretia stepped off the vessel minutes after it landed, clad in a skin tight metallic gray catsuit that reflected everything around it, a double bladed lightsaber with a pearl grip and gold hilt clipped to her belt as she stepped before a Crusade contact processing all the volunteers that had come to Ession space from friendly territories.

"Name?" he asked.

"Lucretia Lister. Businesswoman and entreprenuer." Lucretia answered. "I'm here to aid the crusade in raiding the terraforming complex."

"Good luck." The Crusade soldier snorted. "Nasty problems we've started to have. Chewed up and spit out the first batch of volunteers. Them Bryn are no joke."

"I have dealt with more than my fair share of oversized Malcontents." Lucretia assured gently. "I'll be fine."

"Your funeral. May Ashla guide you." The recruiter replied dryly, pointing to a combat shuttle that had other Crusaders aboard it. Lucretia nodded respectfully and slinked aboard the shuttle just as it lifted off and they were soon soaring across the sky, the sounds of battle carrying over the wind.

"So what made you sign on to Ashlan Crusade?" asked a Jedi close to her, not sensing anything amiss with her aura due to the magical nature of her flesh.

"Heal the Galaxy of course. In this case..." she trailed as the shuttle landed and she hopped, out, blue saberstaff activating.

"One Bryn at a time," she mused as she beheld the large yet incomplete terraforming complex. She saw Juggernauts and Drones manning defensive nests in certain parts, trying to keep back forces that would eventually outnumber them. But not quite yet. But the writing was on the wall. She could feel the desperation starting to mount in a few of them. The rest were blinded in their fanaticism, even after they had been forcibly torn from power so totally that the chance of them ever getting back up were highly unlikely.

Lucretia was moving fast through the battlefield, towards the construct, dodging the molten bullets and energy beams, using her control over Ionic energy to blast away a mortar shell about to land on an Ashlan fire team that had been trying to advance through the cover provided by various battlefield debris.

"Thanks for the save!" the Ashlan Sergeant called out, a burly man in typical crusade gear. "You new here or what?"

"New!" Lucretia called back, blasting away another deadly mortar shell with a stream of Ionic energy from her outstretched hand.

"Hell of a day to sign up. The Goddess must have a sense of humor!" he called back.

A shell landed close, seconds from going off. Lucretia moved in front of it, conjuring a protective bubble just in time, flesh shuddering as it took all her strength to shield them from the blast.

The fireteam was of course overjoyed to be still alive, but they raised an eyebrow as they saw the flesh on one side of her body sag on the skeleton for a split second as the stress of blocking such a powerful blast had drained her of energy.

It soon reset on her body and she bounded forward into a squad of fast approaching drones...
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Lady Eina L'lerim-Vandiir
The Light of Ashla

Champion and Avatar of Ashla
Objective: Try to teach Force and try to help on Cartri.
Location: Surface, Sump
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Vaxis Vaxis | Open
[ Valkyrjan ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ["Essonian"] | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

["What exactly will our task be?"] she inquired.

Eina also looked over those who were here. An entire scouting party, or rather an expedition, as she might have called them. What kind of threat were so many prepared for? This was much bigger than she would have thought. After the question, she looked back at the two men but had to shake her head.

[" Unfortunately no, I know the basic information about it, that it is a pocket dimension that goes beyond the boundaries of Realspace and Hyperspace. Also, that there are planets there, and that one or more species live there. But unfortunately, I don't know anything else. I also left the Netherworld for the first time only after I met the people of the Ashlan Crusade."] she said honestly.

Yes, she basically spent her entire life in the Netherworld and had little contact with the mortals and the living in Realspace. This may have been strange or surprising to many, but it was the truth. She also left the Netherworld mainly because of Geiseric Geiseric , because she liked the man's company, presence and joint programs. He was her best friend, later her love and soulmate.

Of course, in the meantime, Eina also found friends, like Hei or Isla. But regardless, she really belonged to that world and had never been to any other, except Realspace, Hyperspace and the Netherworld.

["What do we expect over there? What is there, enemy, friends?"] she asked him.

She wouldn't have been able to tell, as she saw a very mixed group here ready to go...



Otherspace... An unknown realm to Lansal, who had never experienced any phenomenon like it. Several Knights had come to volunteer their services to, depending on who one asked, parley with or battle the entities residing in it. The great machine they had use to open up the portal was unlike any Lansal had seen, and in all honesty, everything about the situation felt too risky. But leaving the gateway open was worse, and so he volunteered, if only to catalogue what exactly was going on.

The Nagai Juror Vaxis Vaxis was already at the portal, as was the Valkyrja Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir . Lansal felt out of place and almost insignificant near these strange and magnificent servants of the Ashla. Not for the first time did he wish the other Vigilants were still here to guide and lead him.

"Greetings, uhh, this is the queue for entering hell right?"



Tags: Lucretia Lister Lucretia Lister

This was a dangerous mission, the Bryn'adul were a lethal at the best of times, but these hold outs were fanatics and knew they only end was death, so they fought as.if possessed. The first wave of drop ships had landed with heavy casualties and just barely managed to establish a foothold. Unfortunately they were pinned down and in danger of being forced back out. So Brimstone himself would lead the second wave along with his Hades Commandos, every one of them an elite and highly skilled weapon, if they couldnt turn the tide in the Ashlan's favour, then maybe it wasn't to be.

He looked at his newest recruit, she had been with him for only a few months, only the second of his Commandos taken from the ranks of the Sisters of Ashla, she stood out amongst the others as, although her armour was identical to the other Commandos, she still insisted on adorning it with the religious trappings of her former order. It didn't take anything away from her combat talents, so Brimstone had no problem with it.

"Here's the plan, artillery are going to strike these fuel stores before we land to give us smoke cover, we hit the ground hard, reports have their command centre in this location, we take this and they will be forced to drop back out of range of our landing forces."

A few minutes later his shuttle came in to land hard amongst the others, acrid blacknsmoke filled the air armour them, but their suits protected them. The Commandos and the Sister's filed out of their respective transports and immediately opened fire. Brimstone's rotary cannons blasted into the ranks of the Bryn'adul light Infantry, cutting down a dozen in as many seconds. These creatures though were nothing compared to what they might face as they advanced. "Fireteams push up, relieve the defenders and then regroup to advance." he estimated they could have their first objective achieved in forty minutes, there was no telling what would happen after that. There were other groups in the area too, including mercenaries, linking up with them could prove advantageous.

The black smoke filled the air as far as he could see but his helmet gave him enhanced visibility regardless, he could see large figures looming in the distance, he pointed his finger and adressed his Commandos... "Here they come"


Inkara Liet


Amongst the gathered was the former student of the Dark Sentencer, the Lady Juror Inkara Liet, and when he eyed them, he only just caught her gaze as she turned from consulting with another member of the group. She knew what he was thinking, and after so many years, she had adopted many of the same patterns.

There were few questionable instances that warranted anything but the most skilled amongst them, but when it came to another realm with so many unknowns, they needed to learn as much as they could. There was only so much the skills of a Juror could do, even if that was a considerable amount… there was no knowing if her abilities would even function once they entered.

She could very well be relying solely on her skills with a blade, which wasn’t an issue. Quietly she listened to the conversation between Vaxis and the Valkyrja, until the Felucian Knight-Vigilant walked up, and asked if this was where they entered hell.

Inkara blinked.

“This is a portal to Otherspace,” she informed, glancing down at the Knight, “If you’re looking for the Nether you are many light-years displaced from the nearest gate.” As far as she was aware. If Wgahnagl was realspace, she couldn't imagine what laid beyond... a thought that iced her spine for a moment. "Or a matter of minutes if you get mauled by whatever monstrous things might possibly be lurking beyond the threshold."

A distinct possibility, but she was attuned to the nature of darkness. Maybe she just expected it more than anything else. Call it experience.


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Tags: Inkara Liet, Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Lansal Akira Lansal Akira


"Well, your presence is welcome nonetheless."

The rest of the expedition had finished their preparations as others joined their number. Vaxis looked at the others as Eina asked of expectations, letting out a resounding sigh as he sought to find the right words for his uncertainty.

"In truth, I cannot say. Some that have ventured in have not come back. We are hoping that, should it be the work of... something sentient, that we can come to some sort of terms. Either that, or we'll be forced to try our hand at eliminating the threat."

His eyes shot over to Lansal and Inkara at the mention of the Nether.

"We are in for a much stranger journey, I imagine. There's much yet to be discovered about Otherspace. I simply hope that it will be less hostile than all that."

There was no promise that it would be, of course, but one could at least attempt to hope. His gaze shifted back to Brother Ambrose, who had begun to gather the last few individuals to the nearby portal.

"Well, it seems that we are as ready as we're going to be. I'll take point, the three of you stick close. Once we're through, we'll ensure that Brother Ambrose and the rest will be able to enter safely."

Vaxis turned toward the portal, his hand resting on the hilt of his blade as he took a deep breath, as if he were diving into the deepest ocean with no sign of return.

"Ashla will guide us."

With those words, he stepped into the portal, and within it, the great unknown of Otherspace began to unfold before him, slowly unveiling the mysteries that lie therein...



“This is a portal to Otherspace,” she informed, glancing down at the Knight, “If you’re looking for the Nether you are many light-years displaced from the nearest gate."
Lansal nodded.

"Right, different place. Apologies, I'm not very experienced in this kind of operation." Another in his place might write off the difference: after all, both were not Normal places that spawned creatures currently apparently hostile to the Crusade. What's the difference?

Well, the Vigilantes had taught him better than that. There was always a world of difference.

We are in for a much stranger journey, I imagine. There's much yet to be discovered about Otherspace. I simply hope that it will be less hostile than all that."

"Ashla will guide us."
The Juror seemed apprehensive but hopeful. Good enough for Lansal. He too stepped into the portal.
Lucretia's double bladed lightsaber spun around her body as she cut down drone after Drone, forced to move constantly to avoid the non blaster projectiles including the molten bullets, distracting the Bryn'adul while the Fire team she was playing escort to continued to pour fire on a machine gun nest as she waded into thick combat.

A hissed spell and a fireball was sent hurling from her gloved hand into a grenade about to be throne. The releasing blast flung even her backward, leaking green blood as she was stunned by the attack, flesh sagging everywhere disgustingly on her body, bunching up in certain spots in vomit inducing ways as she stood up, disoriented, before the blow of a Drone sent her stumbling back, face completely deformed from the punch like silly putty as she was flung back, skidding on the ground with a metallic shriek. She only barely managed to get up as she was hit by a molten bullet.

Her side partly exploded and she was hurled back again, this time a bloody, shredded mess in absolute pain, as she got behind cover, realizing she needed to find a source of energy and quickly as she was forced behind cover for the moment, the Bryn'adul firing madly on her position as she had inflicted a high body count on them that had allowed the defenders to move up a couple of meters. She heard the tell tale whistle of artillery and started running for her life in staggered, crippled fashion, leaking blood and muscle behind her as she barely cleared the blast wave, in no condition to fight at the moment, and badly starved of energy.

Lucretia couldn't really think too hard as she struggled to survive. She was running out of energy, and could barely run, each movement a sharp one of knives everywhere. But her flesh still had enough magical charge left to buy her at least another five minutes, but if she hadn't found energy by that time...

Lucretia was in no mood to die however, and certainly not when so many depended on her...

She would have to improvise.

Brimstone Brimstone and his crew soon arrived however and the shredded creature bought him some time to prevent the Bryn'adul from cosusing on his squad while they advanced by hissing a spell to the sky, doubling over due to the drain of energy in her body, face decaying and falling off her skull, exposing the slick, pearl white skeleton underneath.

The Massive Lightning Strike that came down from above smashed apart a small squad that had been about to fire a bevy of missiles at him. The Explosion was tremendous, and the mutilated Lucretia stared in satisfaction before her Jaw also decayed and fell off. Running on fumes at this point.

Just then she spotted a fallen Ashlan who had been cut down while using a heavy repeating blaster attached to a Generator. Scrambling towards it, she placed her hands on it and her body began using the Force to greedily leech in any remaining energy from the generator, growing her jaw and part of her face back, at the very least fixing her organs enough to keep them from falling out. She still had her lightsaber, but it was damaged, with only one blade working as she waded back into the fight, nowhere near a hundred percent, but not willing to back down if it meant she could save and spare one more ally from a horrific fate at the hands of these monsters.

Lucretia's blade dashed through a Juggernat's armor after a few swiped, though he managed to open her side again with a knife, making her back away before she could make a killing blow. He lunged, and she only barely sidestepped it, using her Soresu training, to cut him across the spine as he went past her, killing him instantly...

A squad of drones rushed her and she threw out her hand, still winded from the explosion, but managed to slow the group down for a few seconds longer and closing the distance, her blade slashing them to pieces. She stumbled back, flesh sagging from her weakness from previous injuries allowing a Drone to aim but she managed to recover and slice his weapon in half before he could get a shot off, the blade going through his eye a second later.

The Weakened Force Spawn signalled for an attack on a bunker spraying fire at troops...
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Queen Hanaya Enzar

Queen of Codru Secundus

CEO of Archangel Manufactorum

Objective 1

Renewing Diplomatic ties


Location: Aboard NCSN Paragon

Objective: Diplomacy with the Ashlans

Tags: OPEN Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora

Hanaya mused at Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , the pride he had in his people showed through clearly and was an Admiral quality. "I hope the sacrifices at Tython prove to be worth it, my sources report that the Maw are beginning to be pushed back. We'll see won't we. To those we have lost" she raised her glass again to make a toast. The irony of an arms dealer toasting to the loss of life during war was not lost on her though and the Queen left the toast hang for a moment in silence while she reflected.

"Once we have liberated Munto Codru I think we might build a memorial plaze to honor those that have fallen. Without their sacrfice who knows where we would be now?"

She looked over at Zolasha Tyrin Zolasha Tyrin and smiled, speaking quietly, "Perhaps a memorial forest for you to tend to?" there was an element of teasing in her voice, asking the ex-sith worshipper to be part in a monument to the Crusade, she wouldnt really ask that of her, but she wondered if she would enjoy it in spite of its meaning if it was a forest filled with wild things.

Hanaya noted that the Cardinal had singled out a young priestess as an offer to speak to her people. "Cardinal Pietro's offer to have a representative come and speak would be an excellent idea. The Codru Ji have always been inward looking so it would good to make that connection."

Her greatest fear, beyond that of never reclaiming the planet, was that the Codru Ji would return to their old divided ways, with Munto Codru being isolationists and scared of outsiders, and Codru Secundus being the untrustworthy wayward colony to the far north. This would be the dining moment of her reign whether she could begin a new and unified era.
Business, Espionage & Faith


S I S T E R⠀ M A R I A N A
OBJECTIVE: Renewing Diplomatic Ties; Cluelessly Mingle
TAGS: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici , Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar

'Shrine of Shame'

Little was happening apart from the discussion of politics from those in power~ Mariana simply continued to mingle and listen to
the discussion at hand. After a few moments of listening, she caught Pietro Demici Pietro Demici 's eye as he commented on the Codru-Ji, followed by a comment of sending a representative.

A shiver slithered down Mariana's spine, to have caught to attention of the Cardinal and to be offered such an influential task shook her for she was no speaker or person of relevance. Yet she could not refuse the Cardinal's call and offered a polite smile accompanied by a small curtsy, to acknowledge him; the acknowledgement of the Queen simply intensifying her anxiety.




Tags: Hanaya Enzar Hanaya Enzar , Marcella Fiora Marcella Fiora


"Yes, hail the victorious dead!"

Pietro raised his glass as well, allowing others in the room to do the same before taking a drink. There was something fascinating about an arms dealer portraying themselves as sympathetic to a particular cause, though Pietro expected that it was simply a businesswoman looking after her investments. The Crusade had provided her with quite a considerable amount of business, having made most of their fleet up of her ships. But then again, she had always been good to them, so perhaps there was more to it than that.

"A monument would be welcome. The Crusade would gladly help to bankroll such a project. We must not forget those that gave everything to protect the safety of the galaxy."

The Cardinal ignored the look given to Zolasha, as he was already attempting to make an effort to not raise an eyebrow at her presence. He was still unsure as to how best to handle the relationship between the two, as he couldn't find it in himself to trust a darksider. Nevertheless, he would continue to hold his tongue so long as it didn't become a problem.

His eyes floated back toward Marcella as they spoke of sending the representative to speak with the Codru-Ji. In other cases, Pietro may have appointed someone of higher station within the Crusade for such a task, but he had found that when talking with those that held little faith, it was best to not lead with titles and status.

"Perhaps Sister Marcella will be suitable for such a task, should she be willing."

Whatever was decided, it was clear that there would be more work to be done in order to fully bring the Codru-Ji into the fold... and the Cardinal was determined to see it through.

"In regards to this portal... I believe it would be wise for us to set up a secure facility around each entrance. Some sense of security will be needed, should whatever may be awaiting within decide that it wants out. I propose a joint security force, between Codru-Ji planetary forces and the Crusade. That way your people can still feel a sense of self-preservation without sacrificing the use of our forces."


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