Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reward and Commendation Member Nominations


Event Account
The Omega Event is reaching its climax and it’s been a great ride so far. So many memorable stories and events have taken place.

This is your chance to recognise people’s efforts.

Nominations for rewards are therefore open until the event concludes this coming weekend. Anyone can nominate someone from any thread, you don’t even have to have participated, just read.

There are some conditions:
  • You cannot nominate yourself.
  • You cannot nominate those in the same faction as a character you used in the event.
  • Three nominations per writer max. You may nominate only one or two if you choose.
  • Do not nominate event or board staff, that is being handled seperately.

Multiple nominations of the same character are allowed, as it lets us see community views. The more nominations one character gets, the better.

Use the following template in your reply.

Character Name: (Please @mention them here.)
Nominated Thread & Post: (Link example post you feel best highlights them)
Reason: (Why are you nominating them? Please give reasoning.)

Off topic posts in this thread will be removed.

If you have any questions, please contact myself or [member="Irajah Ven"]

Tanomas Graf

Character Name: [member="Ayden Cater"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Deadly Void, Here.
Reason: He did a great job taking out much of the Sith Armada on his side, especially with his command ship be blasted into slag by the Omega, but that is only a little bit of why I am nominating him. His posts were of a quality that I cannot even hope to achieve, the detail and the emotions, it's like I'm there with him. To be honest I actually teared up at his last post concerning his death, because the Galaxy will have lost a great person, even if I, or my character, barely knew him.
All, I've increased it to 3 nominations per writer. So [member="Tanomas Graf"] [member="Verz Horak"] and [member="William Kerkov"] you can do two more if you wished.

So many threads means there's lots of choices, more than just 1 can allow!
Character Name: [member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Nominated Thread & Post: I should link all posts here because it's been an absolute roller coaster of fun but since you want one, I would possibly pick this one - Click. Why that post ? It is the absolute climax of the story between Matsu and Jude, after slowly building up chemistry and proving quite a powerful team together, this is where that reaches its peak and from then on it is a decline of trust and hints separation. It is literally the pinnacle of their alliance and the point where it descends. The story hasn't finished yet so I cannot say for sure that it is only downhill between them until the end as the swift turn of events that this post demonstrates that another turn of events is quite possible.

Reason: Matsu's writer has been an absolute great partner to write with. She's been very communicative, open minded and accommodating. Her posts were always detailed and very insightful, the kind of where you feel sucked into her character. It doesn't end here, of course, not many people can suck you into their character but even less people can open your eyes on your own character from a third person. Of course, everything is subjective, and that's what makes it absolute fun and joy to read. My own image of Jude, of how as a writer I see him, and that of how another character, based on their own perception, sees him.

Furthermore, Matsu was always inclusive in her posts. She was not obsessed with typing about "I this, I that, I this, I that", if that makes sense, she was quite well descriptive and not even once had this sort of 'tunnel vision'.

All in all, Matsu, you've been absolutely great and your writing has been an absolute joy to read. It also always gave me a surge of muse to write!

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Character Name: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Nominated Thread & Post:
Reason: Gave 110% at every turn. Populated his posts with genuinely entertaining, unique supporting characters. Provided significant assistance when Gray and Stardust were in real trouble. Stayed the course despite frustration. Committed hard and became the only participant to directly assault the central fortress. In essence, Draco won the ground battle.
Character Name: [member="Jude Falkrowe"]

Nominated Thread & Post: All of it, but especially THIS

Reason: I'm going to try to keep this from being too crazy but I'm listening to Sigur Ros and I watched Titanic today, so no promises.

When this event started, what I was really hoping for more than anything was the chance to write with someone I haven't before. That's what a site-wide event is all about! And boy did I hit the jackpot.

From the first Jude rode that very fine line of driving the narrative to inspire me without taking complete control that sucks creativity from everyone else involved. Whenever I had a tag I knew that I'd find something that got me thinking and excited to figure out how I'd contribute next. This entire experience has very clearly only been about story for Jude and its been a blast to read. Every post has been realistic to the situation, thought-provoking, and as a reader I'm totally satisfied with how its brought me on a journey. I care about Jude a LOT - it's rare that I find a character that feels so fully realized. He knows himself, and yet there is so much room to grow and I want to watch it happen. Seriously, someone should have recorded me reading the latest post when its clear that their temporary partnership is - inevitably - going its separate ways...but its not over yet. I also feel like its taught me some things about Matsu, always a wonder when one has been writing a character so long. I've been able to verbalize things about her I didn't have the words for before because I was forced to consider her reactions and feelings in an alien situation with a stranger that pushed her, whether he knew it or not.

Lastly, on an OOC level, I think its worth mentioning that some personal stuff came up for me during the course of this event and Jude's writer immediately hit me up on Skype to tell me to take my time and not worry about posting. In an event based at least partially on competition for prizes if our team did well, I think that shows a serious level of sportsmanship that should be recognized. He's been super friendly, great with plotting, and fun to work with. I hope we get to write more in the future! Even though it probably won't be Jude/Mat. Probably...

Character Name: [member="Wolf"]

Nominated Thread & Post: Both Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now

Reason: I have class six days a week, usually from 8 - 4, and check the board during my breaks and write at night. As much as I'd love to read everything, I just can't. However, after reading Wolf's plunge in Apocalypse Now...I went back and read everything. That post alone made for great story, but I found a consistently engrossing plot from him through both threads. He drew me in despite knowing I had 4,000 other things I should have been doing, and I'm not mad about it.
Character Name: [member="Ayden Cater"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Deadly Void (x)
Reason: I should say the entire event, reading Ayden's posts was a joy. An absolute joy the quality of writing was amazeballs and my eyes loved every single moment of it. You made me feel things in the last post, curse you, curse you grumpy goat. I never asked for these feels, but in all seriousness beautiful writing.

Character Name: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Rains of Castameer (x)
Reason: Favorite Draco post of all the Draco posts in this thread. 10/10 would totally blow up Sith with him again, I thought Draco was a very good team player throughout the match. Great to coordinate with, and even though there were some rough patches. It was great to see him posting in the thread again.
Character Name: [member="Ayden Cater"]
Nominated Thread:
Reason: Even though I slacked off posting in the Fleeting thread (sorry guys I couldn't keep up with both well enough) I made sure to take the time to read every one of Ayden's posts. They were amazing. Each and everyone one of them was a good read in and of itself, and I would suggest other people go back and read them in order.

Character Name: [member="Cyrus Tregessar"]
Nominated Thread:
Reason: Cyrus was the same. He is pretty much the gold standard for writing fleeting in my book, and he is great to write with and fun to read. He is descriptive without getting too into numbers, and concise. Every post flows together and you can tell he knows what he is doing. I envy the FO guys a bit for having him at the helm.

Character Name: [member="Gray Raxis"]
Nominated Thread:
Reason: Dude's a hoss. He got outnumbered and outgunned from the opening post more than anyone, trapped all alone and rolled with it. He kept going and kept writing a solid story, doing a really good version of Zulu until some help started to arrive. He may not have moved around as much as anyone else, but he stuck with the story, and I think he had the most impact on the thread, it would have been way different without him more so than any other writer.
Character Name: [member="Nomar"]
Nominated Thread: Apocalypse Now (x)
Reason: For writing a compelling story that deviated a bit from expectation. I enjoyed the element he threw into the story, if only an aside. I was interested to see what he did with it.

Character Name: [member="Atheus"]
Nomimated Thread: Fate of the Duels (x)
Reason: THIS MOTHER KARKER CUT OFF HIS OWN ARM. YEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Also, because I haven't had a duel that fun in yearsssss. Thanks bb. : *
Grand Admiral, First Order Central Command
Character Name: [member="Ayden Cater"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Deadly Void
Reason: Definitely want to echo what's already been said, but in particular I want to note that it was after reading Ayden's first post in the fleeting thread that I thought to myself 'well hell, I guess I better try a bit harder this run.' So you're not just writing a good story, you're inspiring other people to go above and beyond (and actually see a thread to completion, which is a tough one for me normally).

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Aw shucks.
Character Name: [member="Wolf"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Heart of Darkness
Reason: [member="Wolf"] created a constantly strong storyline with detailed and informative posts throughout the entirety of the DM'd thread.
Character Name: [member="Reshmar"] (Factory Judge status overlooked as per additional questioning with the event staff)
Nominated Thread: Deadly Void
Reason: Reshmar consistently wrote very thoughtfully crafted narratives, and was one of the characters I was most interested in reading each round update.

Character Name: [member="Horus"]
Nominated Thread: Deadly Void
Reason: Similarly to Reshmar, Horus obviously put considerable effort into not only writing his posts, but also in coming up with the story he wanted to tell during the thread. He wins my "Biggest surprise ally" award!

Character Name: [member="Astarii Saren"]
Nominated Thread: Deadly Void
Reason: Astarii was one of the gold standards for fleeting in the thread I think, and was perhaps the #1 writer that I anticipated reading each round outside of the faction members i was directly writing with. Tremendously talented fleet roleplayer.
Character Name: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Rains of Castameer
Reason: Draco was the king of assists in the ground battle. He repeatedly offered assistance to everyone who needed it as quickly as he could. He also was the one who made the most progress in advancing his objectives during the thread which was not an easy thing to pull off in the thread. He also kept a great attitude OOCly through it all and didn't have to be forced to work with others.

Character Name: [member="Symara Tarriq"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Rains of Castameer
Reason: Symara came in with a smaller force to assist her Mandalorian allies and played no small part in coordinating with them. She also did a great job of setting up and following her story arc from beginning to end of the thread. She was also willing to break off from the safety of her allies larger forces to progress both her story and the event. This is something that I feel is worth acknowledging and rewarding.

Character Name: [member="Ajira Cardei"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Rains of Castameer
Reason: Ajira came to assist me in the thread when I hadn't even directed by call for help their way. They were in almost as tight a situation as I was in at the time yet still moved to help me right away. They further coordinated with us after this and managed to make more progress than anyone else other than Draco in the thread from beginning to end. It is even more impressive because they pulled this off with a smaller force than the Mandalorians they were assisting in the end. They also had a great OOC attitude the whole time and helped to lighten up some of the tension of the thread. They were just a model of behavior in my opinion on how to treat others both in and outside the thread.
Nominate : [member="Wolf"]
scene: Death scene in Apocalypse Now
Reason: Tackling the enemy for a suicide plunge was totally unexpected. Plus you stole Daxton's thunder (hahaha). Kudos on excellent writing. Keep up the good work.


Active Member
Honestly it's a shame we can't nominate from our own faction or I'd absolutely put Wolf up for his writing. Still here we go!

Character Name: [member="Kira Vaal"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Err hard to pick honestly but from both Apocalypse Now and Heart of Darkness
Reason: Consistently enjoyed reading these posts and looked forward to reading them every day when I knew they would be posted. Failing to save the salves? Losing crew mates? Taking hits but also being incredibly awesome and having General Vaal get her comeuppance against the Omega by blowing a hole in it? It was seriously cool.

Character Name: @Matsu Xiango
Nominated Thread & Post: Again another pretty consistent one in both Apocalypse and the Heart
Reason: Enjoyed seeing the interaction between her and Juude a lot it felt natural for such an alien place and the writing style was just pretty enjoyable and easy to follow. They had their challenges and overcame a fair number of them through their teamwork so A+ here as well.

Character Name: [member="Horus"] (Genghis Khan)
Nominated Thread & Post: (Link example post you feel best highlights them)
Reason: Apart from the nice act of gallantry on his part to the FO his posts displayed a deal of military sci fi depth as well as setting the scene and world building for his faction that felt grounded. I also enjoyed the style of the posts. His battle reports where interesting twinged with the humanity of the moment as this grizzled admiral does 'the right thing'.
Tough choices, a shame we're limited to 3 and only those from other factions, though I understand why.

Character Name: [member="Matsu Xiangu"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Throughout Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now
Reason: Crafted a wonderful story together with Jude. Enjoyable to read, and felt very natural as others have stated previously.

Character Name: [member="Tiland Kortun"]
Nominated Thread & Post: Was in both Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now, but really stepped up his game throughout the latter. Example
Reason: I have enjoyed his posts in the Apocalypse Now thread, and they seemed to get better and better as the thread reached its close. In particular he was able to put the dots together with regard to restarting Darth Molior's heart, which I had not done. I then took his advice and stole the glory. The least I can do in return is give a nomination. :p
No but really, well done.

Character Name: [member="Audren Sykes"]
Nominated Thread & Post: All of them throughout Heart of Darkness & Apocalypse Now
Reason: Consistently detailed, well-written posts, maintained throughout the entire event.

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