Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Rik Perris



Andi (by his sisters)​
Character Class(es)
Jedi Guardian
Jedi Ace
Late Twenties​
Personality Traits
Education Traits
Corellia Compulsory Education
Pilot Training
Jedi Training
Guerilla Tactics​
Lifestyle Traits
Lightsworn Jedi
'Guidance Counselor'​
Jedi Knight​
New Jedi Order
⤷ Galactic Alliance

Galactic Basic
Force Sensitive
Force Alignment
Character Alignment
Neutral/Chaotic Good​
1.85 m [6'1"]​
93.44 kg [206 lbs]​
Medium Brown​
Brant Daugherty/AI Art​
Template Credit


    Andrik "Rik" Orin Perris is a Lightsworn Jedi Guardian, originating from Corellia and its Green Jedi, and an estranged member of the New Jedi Order of the Galactic Alliance.

    A former Jedi Ace, Rik has increasingly taken to a ground combat role over the most recent decade of his life, becoming a tough soldier and hard-hitting combatant, with his particular strengths both in body and in the Force.


    Andrik was born to Kalidan El-Eison, a CorSec Officer, and Jamie El-Eison, a starfighter pilot, on Corellia. Unfortunately, tragedy struck this young family when his father was killed in the line of duty when Andrik was only two. He has scarcely any memory of this, though his mother made certain to keep him connected to the memory of his late father, and to his father's family. When Andrik was three, his mother remarried to a childhood friend of hers, a man by the name of Tadel Perris (another starfighter pilot) who subsequently adopted him. The following year saw this small family welcome the first of his half siblings: a sister, Elsabetta, named in honour of Tadel's late mother. Three more siblings would follow over the next eight years: Kelly, Osira, and the surprise, Tobias, when Andrik was 12.

    From a young age, Andrik's strength in the Force became apparent, when he inadvertently burned his sister Elsie with his hands, while horsing around; the earliest sign of his strength, and the realisation of his inherent talent for pyrokinetics. He had always looked up to his parents and other relatives who had served in the military, wishing to follow in their footsteps as a child, but the need for him to be trained so as to not be a danger became clear. The change in his path, having to walk away from that dream was painful for young Andrik, but the will to never harm any member of his family again became paramount.

    Thus Andrik began his training as a Jedi, in addition to his elementary schooling, a significant portion of which began to be handled by the Green Jedi and enforced by his new master, Edic Nurown - after all, the unintended harm that had been inflicted on his sibling could risk painting the boy as someone to be feared by his peers, and they might be too young to truly understand the remorse Andrik felt despite the incident being outside of his control. It had certainly altered his relationship with Elsie.

    The following years adapted Andrik well to the full life of his education and training, cemented his bond with Edic, and his friendship with another padawan his age, Kyle Torchwood Kyle Torchwood , until Edic died at the hands of a darksider when Andrik was fifteen. It was at this time that the remainder of his training and education was shifted to the main temple of the overarching New Jedi Order at Coruscant. Getting over that loss was hard, and for a time his grief and reactions to others within that pain somewhat alienated his friends and other peers. Soon enough, the teenage Rik overcame his grief in full commitment to his path, becoming a Jedi Ace within Saber Squadron by eighteen, and attaining his knighthood the following year under the weight of war.

    By his twenty-first year, his convictions of this idealistic young man were tested, when his comrades in the Order were party to the murder of children - never mind that they were Sith - which caused him to walk away from the Order and the Alliance it served. This was too much on top of the death of his great-grandfather not so long before. While his first stop was a brief stay amongst the Knights Obsidian of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, before long, Rik's drive to do right and a bit of righteous anger made him a Jedi who worked alongside guerrilla outfits, insurgents, and rebels for a number of years as part of a paramilitary contractor by the name of Ankor, operating largely in Imperial space to dismantle the remains of Imperial power wherever they could.

    Years later, with opportunities drying up in former Imperial space and his paramilitary comrades moving on to other pastures, Rik began to consider his options, going forward. After one last job, he was convinced - with no small amount of reluctance - to set his sights on returning to the Alliance by the first operating Jedi he had seen in years, Sera Rosh Sera Rosh , which he began the process of doing, taking both the Alliance and the NJO with open eyes and a few grains of salt, and his decision to do so with a lot of ale, as war briefly erupted on Alliance shores once again, by way of the Mandalorian Enclave.

    This was but a flash in the pan, but the ultimate cause of that conflict was just the first of many things that would whittle away at what faith he might have had left in the Order that had once made a Jedi of him. As the months wore on it became increasingly apparent that much was wrong - in his eyes, and as he would find out, many others - with how the NJO operated and trained its members; peace had softened the New Jedi Order, made it complacent, when the Jedi should always have been ready, always prepared for whatever comes. They should have known. The nail in the coffin of his faith, and the greatest proof of the Order's weaknesses in his eyes, came when Tython was lost, and in response, the Order and the Alliance it served acted in cowardice, abandoning Tython and the Jewel of the Core, Coruscant, in fear of this new predator in the Dark Empire, rather than standing and taking the fight to this dark beast.

    When the open letter came from Hirata, resonating with his deepening misgivings and feelings, he found little to object to within its contents; though the condemnation of even those who had renounced the Dark was perhaps a shade too far, the balance of evidence that something had to be done outweighed this extreme. Thus, when the call was put out by that estate, Rik travelled to Atrisia as a reasonable handful of other Lightsided did.

    Including the very woman who had talked him into returning to the Alliance in the first place. One of the only people in his direct acquaintance to appear at that gathering; he could forgive her the 'bad advice'. After all, he might never have known how far their Order had strayed, if she hadn't put it on him to go back. If he hadn't had the sense to listen.

    And so, in the predawn hours, the Lightsworn was founded, with the raising of lightsabers and shouts of unison to the cause as the first light brooked a new day. Their first target? Kaas City.



    ➢ 1x Lightsaber
    Divine Consequence [Perms]
    Alliance Jedi Guardian Armor


    A supposed era of peace has settled in. After years spent far from the Core, the Galactic Alliance, and the New Jedi Order, Andrik 'Rik' Perris is drawn back in...
    The Calm [ ONGOING ] - During some downtime between operations in Imperial space with Ankor PMC, Rik visits a high-end nightclub on Hapes with the intent of having a drink or two, while elsewhere the Annihilation of Tython rages on, and by chance meets Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren : another Jedi herself on leave from the Order for her own reasons...
    Three Years Later

    Drifting [ INCOMPLETE ] - Rik is on his final mission commitment for Ankor, when he crosses paths with the Jedi Knight Sera Rosh of the New Jedi Order, who is there for other reasons. His operation, and therefore also her objectives, go awry when more troopers arrive from the garrison...​
    Did You Expect a Welcome Party? [ ABANDONED ] - Having come to the conclusion, with Sera's input, that it was time he returned to the New Jedi Order and the Galactic Alliance, Rik makes his first stop in Alliance space at Corellia, to visit his family and inform them of his decision. Arriving later in the evening, he opts to bide some time in a dive bar off of the spaceport, to avoid encountering anyone connected to his family before he can surprise them the following morning. Here he encounters the half-Zeltron Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus ... (Abandoned due to circumstances beyond writer's control.)


    Winter Gala [ COMPLETE ] - Rik takes notice of a general invitation for Jedi to attend a Winter Life Day Gala on in the Gallo Mountains of Naboo. Finding that that Briana Sal-Soren is the host, Rik takes advantage of the invitation to go inform her of his intent to return, rather than leaving the crossing of paths with her up to fate and possibly untimely surprise. However, finding the young Duchess preoccupied, he ends up gaining the attention and company of a wallflower - one Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro - whom he becomes enamoured with in the brief time they have together. Before she leaves, she provides him with her direct contact details.​
    Relaxation on Corellia [ COMPLETE ] - Rik heads to the beach during the continuing leave he has taken for himself to spend time with family and celebrate the holidays before finally reintegrating himself into the Galactic Alliance and the New Jedi Order. Here he meets Valery Noble Valery Noble , who is on a short break from her duties, and unbeknownst to him, the Sword of the Jedi, and leader of the NJO. She invites him to join her for a drink or two, and they talk into the evening.​
    Taking Chances [ BLOG ENTRY ] - After much consideration, in light of discovering just who, exactly, Ivalyn was... Rik finally calls the woman on Life Day; he is inspired to make this move by witnessing his parents together, and spending time with his siblings. The stability and happiness they have reminds him of what he had nearly forgotten - his want to one day have a family of his own - and he resolves to pursue his nascent interest in the blonde, despite her family history and origins. Despite the severe incongruity, given his own family's allegiances and background. Ivalyn easily coerces him into attending an upcoming Gala, once again on Naboo, in celebration of the New Year.​
    A Jedi Once More [ COMPLETE ] - Setting foot in the Coruscant Jedi Temple for the first time in years, just ahead of Life Day itself, Rik encounters a recent acquaintance (Gatz Derrevar) who, as it turns out, is also a returnee, but Gatz is quickly greeted by others who were expecting his arrival, for which Rik steps aside. When he interjects where he might find Master Noble, as he's slated to meet with the woman - and having had it just come to light who she truly was - the Master appears with impeccable timing on the coattails of his question, to the surprise of everyone. Rik then leaves the group, to continue with seeking out the room he's been assigned.​


    New Year Gala [ ABANDONED ] - The day arrives, and Rik travels once again to Naboo to spend time as planned with Ivalyn Yvarro, but their desire to spend time solely in one another's company is tripped up by other people... (Abandoned due to loss of interest.)
    As Sweet As It Was Fleeting [ BLOG ENTRY ] - After the New Year Gala, Rik receives a brief letter - Ivalyn Yvarro has decided that she does not wish to pursue anything further with Rik, beyond friendship.​
    Sleepless Nights [ ABANDONED ] - Unable to sleep with an upcoming assignment on his mind, Rik wanders the temple and encounters Gatz Derrevar. (Abandoned due to circumstances beyond writer's control.)
    Trials and Tribulations [ ABANDONED ] - Given his first mentoring assignment by the Grandmaster, Valery Noble, Rik travels to New Cov to begin to establish a rapport with the Order's most abrasive, reluctant, and reticent resident, who is having significant difficulty adapting to her new life: the former Sith acolyte, Saahar Saahar ...​
    Unhallowed Front [ ABANDONED ] - Joining the effort to stem the tide of the Sith Order's movements, Rik travels to Celanon with a group assigned to track down and ward off a familiar face - the Sith Empress' attack dog, Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner . (Abandoned due to various factors - posting group too large, more than one person being unavailable, etc.)
    After the better part of a year since he had been convinced to return to the New Jedi Order, Rik has found more to hold his tongue about than he ever had, the first time he had left, and soon finds himself drawn into the company of others who share similar views and grievances, causing him to walk away from the New Jedi Order for a second time.
    Final Days With the Alliance
    Another Day, Another Would-Be Jedi [ ONGOING ] - On his way to test a newly acquired piece of force-loaded weaponry, Rik's attention is diverted by a sudden use of the Dark Side, and goes to investigate. Here he happens upon two teens, Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti and Balun Vale Balun Vale ... (to be determined)
    Detox from the Dark [ ONGOING ] - Rik enters into working on another darkly wayward youth, Falentra Falentra ... (to be determined)
    A Monument to Your Sins [ PARTICIPATION COMPLETE ] - In the midst of gear maintenance, Rik is pulled out of his focus by the rise in emotions caused by a growing gathering of Jedi at the front entrance to the Temple. He leaves his quarters to investigate, only to receive a notification with the damning list of names - the same that was nailed to the front door of the Temple - and struggles to take exception to the vast majority of what the list represents.... along with a letter that had been weighing on him since a couple of days previous.​
    A Monument to Someone Else's Sins [ PARTICIPATION COMPLETE ] - Rik ventures outside well after the curious onlookers have dispersed, to find Thal Mantis Thal Mantis in the process of cleaning up another poster (or several) pointing fingers in the opposite direction from the first list, and the tape residue these have left behind.​
    -The Foundation of the Lightsworn
    The Hirata Reformation [ ONGOING ] - Having accepted that he could no longer abide the deplorable state of the New Jedi Order and its inaction, its weakness, Rik heeds the call to travel to Atrisia and the Hirata Estate. Here he is witness to and participant in the founding of the Lightsworn, and reconnects with the very woman that had implored him to return to the New Jedi Order and Galactic Alliance in the first place, Sera Rosh Sera Rosh .... (to be determined)
    A Sword Forged Anew [ ONGOING ] - Rik travels to Kaas City with a raiding party of his newfound Lightsworn comrades... (to be determined)

    Sera Rosh Sera Rosh Jedi Knight

    Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Jedi Knight
    Estranged Friend
    Former Lover
    Valery Noble Valery Noble Jedi Master

    Eenia Vahn Eenia Vahn Friend
    Met while breaking rocks
    Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus Estranged Friend
    Jedi Knight
    Kyle Torchwood Kyle Torchwood Childhood Best Friend
    Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro Friend?
    Brief Romantic Interest

    Jamie Perris [née Brend]Mother
    Kalidan El-EisonBiological Father
    Jamie's First Husband
    Tadel Kieran PerrisAdoptive Father
    Jamie's Second Husband
    Elsabetta Nalra Perris↓ Half-Sister [4y diff.]
    Kelly T. Perris Kelly T. Perris ↓ Half-Brother [6y diff.]
    Osira Yasmin Perris↓ Half-Sister [8y diff.]
    Toby Perris Toby Perris ↓ Half-Brother [12y diff.]

    Kendra El-EisonPaternal Grandmother
    Gael El-EisonPaternal Grandfather
    Diana Hale [née El-Eison]Paternal Grandaunt
    Luke HalePaternal Granduncle
    Estan HalePaternal 1st Cousin, 1x Rem.
    Caleb El-EisonPaternal Granduncle
    Eden El-EisonPaternal Grandaunt
    Aeron El-EisonPaternal First Cousin, 1x Rem.
    Cheriss El-EisonPaternal 1st Cousin-in-law, 1x Rem.
    Caradin El-EisonPaternal 2nd Cousin
    Damara El-EisonPaternal 2nd Cousin
    Jorel El-EisonPaternal 2nd Cousin
    Carmen El-EisonPaternal 1st Cousin, 1x Rem.
    Nalra BrendMaternal Grandmother
    Trenton BrendMaternal Grandfather
    James BrendMaternal Uncle
    Kaiya BrendMaternal Aunt
    Faline BrendMaternal 1st Cousin

    Osira Perris [née Themis]Adoptive Great-Grandmother
    Tadel Perris Sr.Adoptive Great-Grandfather
    Kelly Jonathan PerrisAdoptive Grandfather
    Alyesa Organa-PerrisAdoptive Grandmother
    Kelly's 2nd Wife
    Ariel Organa-PerrisAdoptive Half-Aunt
    Kieran Organa-PerrisAdoptive Half-Uncle
    Iara Organa-PerrisAdoptive Half-Aunt
    Yasmin Iara PerrisAdoptive Grandaunt
    Erix ThiledAdoptive Granduncle
    Yazmeen ThiledAdoptive 1st Cousin,1x Rem.

    Falentra Falentra Mentee?
    Character name/tagRelationship description
    Character name/tagRelationship description
    Character name/tagRelationship description

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