Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Rise of the Empire | Eternal Empire

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
STRATCOM: Shran Shran | Admiral Tobias Larr | Ladybug Ladybug | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo | Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson | Tubrok Ragal
Other leaders: Alli Vern Alli Vern | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Vexari Kahl | Hanna Hanna (Their presence is not mandatory, they can join if they have time and mood.)

It was not a traditional STRATCOM meeting, but a rather unique one. The first since Ingrid was officially crowned Empress. The first since AMCO AMCO was dead. As a result, the first was when members of the former – Tacitus’ last – government - who survived past events, the Night of Truth or the Byss’ invasion or did retire - were no longer present, only the new ones. Of course, the old ones also helped with the work because there were no final new persons in several posts yet, so here the candidates were invited to today’s meeting. Of course, the leaders of the other local factions were also invited, as was the AoC leader.

Today may also have been strange because not only were countless new members present, but the Overlord was missing from the room; he was not present, but Lord Tubrok Ragal was. Ingrid's husband had not been involved in any political affairs before; this was one of his agreements with Tacitus when he returned to the Eternal Empire. After all, the man was formerly the heir to the throne of Nelvaan, where the late Emperor founded the Eternal Empire, so essentially Tubrok lost his power and influence. Tacitus didn't want Tubrok to try to regain the throne. But since he was dead now (to everyone’s knowledge), who knows what the Empress planned.

As for the woman, she didn’t like those arriving late, not to mention that she timed the first agenda item to four o’clock in the morning. The Empress expected physical presence only from the STRATCOM members and the two possible candidates, the other four invitees did not have to come physically, they could also participate through a holo call if they wanted. As for the arrival, anyone, whenever arrives, they had already found the Empress there in the military meeting room; the woman did not go home to Vengard that day. True, this has often happened since the death of AMCO AMCO because the woman is fleeing to her job and work. And as for Tubrok, he arrived at about half past four, he was home with the two kids, so he had to come back to Wulfngard.

When everyone arrived, or joined, or not, but Ingrid got up from her chair at four in the morning, where she had been waiting in silence, almost motionless until now. She saluted in the usual Eternal Imperial way to the others, clenched fist over her heart, in the manner of the Nelvaanian military. After all, everyone was a soldier in the room.

<"Welcome everyone to this early morning meeting. Get used to it, we’ll start so early in each case, or even sooner. We have a lot to talk about today. If everyone is ready, we can start the meeting."> said in High Nelvaanian.

//OOC: as I mentioned, this is mainly used to assess the activity of STRATCOM members. I am also happy to see the other four leaders if they have the time, the desire to join. Overlord position; still, if there is a player who achieves this to get this position, it will be his/hers, but for now Ingrid (ICly) would only give it to Telis Taharin or Scherezade deWinter, but she can't give it to them for some reasons.//



Location: -ERROR-
Equipment: Legionnaire Heavy Elite Armor LHEA mk I | MK sniper rifle
STRATCOM: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Shran Shran | Admiral Tobias Larr | Ladybug Ladybug | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo |

Ranulf laid on the side of the ridge, slowing his breath as he watched the military encampment below, his visor picking up the heat signatures of the members on the base as they made along with their day-to-day duties, all without the knowledge that someone was watching over them. He had been there for several days now, having prepped for the visiting of a high ranking official to this encampment. Ranulf had been able to receive transmissions through encoded messages allowing him to stay under the radar and keep himself from being discovered.


The wind and the rain plastered the face of the man as he looked at the time on his HUD, he was going to be late, he let out a soft sigh as he made his way to a cave near the ridge he had been watching for some time. Moving to the caves entrance he put some motion sensors on the top of the entrance to go off if anyone else happened to enter whilst he was in his meeting, although he wasn't too worried about that. He took off his helm and placed it beside him as he put the holo-communicator in the corner. He cleaned himself off a little getting the mud off of his gear before he linked in for the meeting.

The image of the room and his fellow members flickered before him, the people all came in with a blueish tint as it did when using a holo-communicator. Ranulf responded to the Empresses salute with his own as he gave a nod.

"Good morning, my Lord."

Ranulf said this as he motioned towards the Empress with his hand before he stood at attention waiting for the discussions to begin. He was no stranger to military protocol, his mind focusing on the discussions as he kept an ear out for the motion sensor just in case.

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Admiral Tobias Larr

Tobias didn't mind the early hour. Not everyone ran in the same time zones, so what was early morning here was late afternoon or evening elsewhere. Orders were orders and he wasn't about to disobey them.

He stepped into the meeting room, fist over heart as he spotted Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim upon entry and took his seat at the table. A part of him wanted to take out a case of cigs and light up, but he refrained and decided to wait until he was back in his own office. There was much on his mind and it was unfortunate, albeit not unexpected, that part of the Rebellion problem involved members of his own family. Yet all of that could be dealt with swiftly, one way or another. And it didn't really bother him which way that was. Duty trumps family every time.

Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson
Ty would have made it there a few minutes before it started in person to make a good first impression. He had been up for several nights already handling the companies finances after the big shipment and sale they had just pulled off for a sith lord no less. Sleep is for the dead as they say, how ironic for him.
"Morning my Lord, Ready when you are." He stated as he stood in parade rest till the other members got here before taking a seat.
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Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Tobias Larr Tobias Larr Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson
Broka sat there in his palace on Nal-Hutta. He was enjoying ninth dinner when the meeting began, and his appetite would be quenched while it was going. Food stimulated his cunning he found. At least, that is what he thought and his courtiers "agreed". He has been very occupied with the affairs of the new Hutt Republic, with him now being the leader of it. The Supreme Mogul. It was busy affairs, and very tedious affairs, but it was what he has been working towards. However, he had to still conduct business with those who he used to propel himself to this point. Black Sun was his, and it was privateers for the Eternal Empire. It was his job to make sure things remained in the interest of Black Sun. He had an underworld monopoly to maintain in the Unknown Regions after all.

It was the evening for him, which made the remarks of the Empress amusing to him. He chuckled a bit to himself while his extremely corpulent image appeared on the holo-projector in the conference hall on Kalidan. All the common guests to the throne room were forced out. All were out except for his guards (which even then were few), and his closest advisors, however two of them would not be the most useful for such a situation. Those had yet to be fully educated on the ways of politicking. Something Broka has mastered in the previous years. Thus, they were given a break for this time. As the others made their addresses, Broka messily slurped up some eels, and shoveled the remains of the rest of the dinner into the gaping chasm that is his mouth. The servants then came, and cleaned up their master's plates and scraps while repouring his glass. The drink will keep his mind sharp during this. He needed to be taken seriously by these new people. He was not original to this administration, but the new faces needed to understand that he had seniority on this council, that he meant business for gracing these imperials with his holographic presence at the least, and that hey needed to learn that he was one to be respected. Too many times had imperials looked down on him and his kind, and too many times had him and his kind outlived those snooty dogs.

After years of working with these imperials, he has learned the tongue of High Nelvaanian, though he always spoke his home language of Huttese. The only difference now was that no translators (be it droid or person) were needed for the colossal and powerful Hutt to understand these people. After the two newer people made their addresses, it was time for him to make his.
"<Morning to you then. However, if this is going to be the regular timing for these meetings, I certainly will have no issue here on Hutta. As head of Black Sun, I am ready, and wait for the topic of commerce or any other subject of interest to my organization.>"

Broka then sat back and sipped from his giant goblet of wine. It was amusing to see the faces of those who once looked at him and his lot with disdain look now with respect. They have learned. A lesson he learned as a Huttlet was not to bite the hand that feeds you, and the Eternal Empire recognized that with his exploits. Finally! He got some proper respect from them. Business will prove good for him.
Alli Vern was in Wren'Goa Station tending to the very needy people of the Zweihander Union. While she had managed to get enough stations and large ships to house everyone, it wasn't a planet. All their exploration so far had been for nothing. She had only staved off people's unhappiness with rotating them in areas that the Eternal Empire had been taking over and the ZU had managed to get a foot hold. By the ZU, she mainly meant Baktoid Industrial Systems. She had been expanding of late, turning the ZU into more of a extension of her own corporation and the couple other corporations that made up the corporate council. It was troublesome though that they were all stuck in stations. It was enough for some but many preferred a more terrestrial lifeand she didn't blame them. The time didn't bother her, but she was sure it was less fun for those on planet. She sat in her office, empty but for her many decorations and such mostly gifts from important people, that she needed to display.

"Morning everyone. I have no problem on this side either and I am ready to discuss anything on behalf of the Zweihander Union. "

Alli sat had a cup of Caf on her side and was all prepared to take notes, her screen already showing the pertinent documents for today's meeting. It would be good to know the new members. She was glad the Empress was getting some new blood in. She much preferred the ways the Empress did things from what she heard about the previous ruler.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo | Tobias Larr Tobias Larr | Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt
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Vexari Kahl

Vexari's holographic personage flicked to life in Ingrid's meeting chamber. She too couldn't be present in person, but she could still attend the meeting holographically. "Vexari Kahl here! Sorry for the slight delay connecting. We're still having issues with our holonet transmitter after the Maw raid. They....certainly did a number on Black Spire Outpost."

Several other holograms popped up behind Vexari. "I'd also like to introduce a few extra faces. Attending via their own holonet transmitters are most of the big shots amongst my council. They're just here to listen in, given we'll be working with the Eternal Empire now."

She then turned to politely bow to Broka the Hutt's hologram. It wasn't the first time she'd dealt with the Hutts, and she'd learned that being polite and respectful to them tended to be better for one's long term health than being snarky. "Mighty Broka. It is an honor to be working alongside you and our friends from Black Sun. I trust you received the surprise shipment of Alderaanian Nectar? A friendly gift, as a sign of our new working relationship."

Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim
Ty Sibo Ty Sibo
Tobias Larr Tobias Larr
Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson
Alli Vern Alli Vern
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
STRATCOM: Shran Shran | Admiral Tobias Larr | Ladybug Ladybug | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo | Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson | Tubrok Ragal
Other leaders: Alli Vern Alli Vern | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Vexari Kahl | Hanna Hanna (Their presence is not mandatory, they can join if they have time and mood.)

As several people responded after her words, Ingrid could feel her husband's gaze on her as well. Although Tubrok was not Force Sensitive, she nevertheless had a similar bond between him and that which bound her to Adrian. It was for this reason that she felt perfectly that the man did not understand why he was here; yes, Ingrid didn't tell her husband what she was planning. If Adrian was still alive, she wouldn't have told him either, even though her other husband was a Sith observer in the Empire. Mostly didn’t tell Tubrok about it because they didn’t meet each other, or if they did, they didn’t want to talk to each other about work. When Vexari mentioned the shipment, the Empress cleared her throat.

"Then let’s start, I’ll outline the points we’re going to take through today. The first item on the agenda is the theme of our allies and enemies. Batuu has been attacked recently, and in the near future we will be sending support to the planet to help rebuild and repair what the Maw has done there. In light of all this, as a result of previous negotiations, Batuu will officially join the Eternal Empire, so we will extend our protection to them as well. That position hasn't changed, has it, Miss Kahl?"

As always, speaking in a cold, military voice, waiting for the woman to answer, it was short enough for the time being, then continued.

"The second point is that we want to forge even closer ties with AoC. So far, no negotiations have taken place on this, but our alliance has been around for a long time, so it may be timely. That is why I also invited @ Hanna to today's meeting, hoping that we can make progress on this issue."

She waited a few moments again to continue.

"The third point is oversight of Firebird Trade Spine, where I would primarily like Black Sun and ZU to work together, possibly involving Miss Kahl’s organization in oversight and control. With imperial support, of course, as it is important for everyone to keep this trade route under our control."

Fell silent again, there were countless other points left.

"The fourth point is the question of the rebels. They are getting more and more naughty and trying to gather more and more allies in the Galaxy. It would be time to settle accounts with them once and for all. They are said to want peace while negotiating with allies who are known to slaughter everything and everyone who gets in their way…"

Looking through those present, there was also the reconstruction of Bakura, the additional soldiers, and a few other points. But first go beyond the points already mentioned, then the others can come.

"For the time being, these points; on home affairs will come when we have discussed these."



Admiral Tobias Larr

Tobias remained silent still as he listened to all the points Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim had laid out. Not all of them were in his jurisdiction, and if the agenda was to be followed, then his topic for discussion is fourth on the list.

And so he bided his time, patient as ever while in the presence of their Empress and many of his collegues. His expression remained neutral and without feeling, yet his eyes were forever calculating.


Location - ERROR-
Equipment: Here
Allies: Tobias Larr Tobias Larr | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Vexari Kahl | Alli Vern Alli Vern | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo | Shran Shran | Ladybug Ladybug | Hanna Hanna

Listening to his Lords words carefully he sat on a nearby rock and pondered the situations that were going on inside the empire. Ranulf began typing on his keypad, sending operatives to the sectors being talked about. Making sure that his connections were notified of incoming events, and so that he could give the most reliable information in case of any mishaps and mistakes.

This was his job, he wasn't meant to be in the forefront of these meetings giving reports and other such politics. He was there to be the eyes and ears of this council, and he was going to make damn well sure that he was doing that to the best of his abilities. As soon as he had stepped up into his position he solidified the command and intelligence chains of the empire. He had connections that reigned even outside, to aid in the expansion they were attempting.

His eyes glanced around the room as he readied for the responses of the surrounding people, his fingers ready to type commands onto his wrist pad.

Ty would listen intently to Ingrids Points of interest as he pulled out a datapad to take notes she laid out all the info for everyone here.
"Hade's corp would be able to assist with aid relief, and troops for the Batuuians as well as look into the trade spine." continuing to take notes on the matter Ty thought of ways to handle the Rebels given heir situation and what they know at the moment. "as far as the Rebels go i may have a way to handle the rebels however were looking at a long war game with that so to speak. As i could develop multiple Biodroids with false memories and stage a biodroid breakout keeping trackers and optical recordings on this would give us an unknowing insider/spy within rebel cells to help take them out more efficiently if that suits your plans, my lord."

Looking to the others in the room and continuing to speak to them with mass telepathy he continued "though I'm interested in seeing all of your opinions on the matter and see what ideas can be brought to the table."



Location: Wulfnguard, Kalidan
He was not tardy.
Rather, he was fashionably late. Or, if one were to be technical, he had simply been...involved in other matters Nonetheless, he arrived dressed sharply in his uniform, his rank insignia designating his political and military rank.
"My Lord" He saluted the Empress. "I apologize for my tardiness, however I divulge" He handed the red-haired monarch a datapad containing the information nesscary to his planned fleet and army deployments. It was rather unusal that he was handing the information directly to her however, but as fortune would have it, his superior, a man he had served with many years before the Eternal Empire even existed, had been largely absent in his duties.
"These planned deployments will allow us to operate more flexibly, be it offensive or defense, by drawing on forces collectively rather than establishing a sole expeditionary force"
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson Tobias Larr Tobias Larr Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Tristan Evore Tristan Evore

The words of the gifts from the Smugglers was inticing for Broka. He did not recieve those gifts yet. Did not know they were coming. He had hardly ever communicated with this Smugglers Queen at all before now, though what a great first impression for the gluttonous Hutt's standards. He did not say anything in response, as he was waiting for the Empress to make the announcements, though it was clear for all to see his holograph that he started licking his lips in anticipation of such fine delicacies coming to his doorstep. His eyes opened a bit more too, which was noticeable to those closer to his holo-image.

As Ingrid listed the objectives to speak of, Broka took some more sips from his wine. That was the spirit that could focus his thoughts better. The brandy was for fun times. By the time the new arrival walked in, Broka finished the chalice, and waved a servant over to fill his cup quickly before he began to speak again.
"<Black Sun will also be willing to come to Batuu. Considering the delecacies apparently coming my way, this first impression seems to be the beginnings of fruitful relations between Black Sun and the Smugglers of Batuu. Therefore, I have no problem using some of Black Sun's resources in the industrial sectors of the Empire's worlds to help send over materials to rebuild Batuu into what it was and then some.>", he then looked over at Vexari's image with a look conveying that what he would want in return will be settled more privately. A knowing look that could be read so among anyone who was of any underworld element. "<The trade spine can also be easily handled by Black Sun. There has already been some effort to link the Empire's worlds with Hutt Space that have been secured, but it seems more security must be added closer to this home of mine too.>"

He then took a sip of his wine again. A large sip, as this coming subject was slightly personal. What do they mean they want an alliance with the Agents of Chaos? Those zealots of anarchy have been a thorn in his side since Pa'Desh! Now he will be expected to shake hands with them?! This is something Broka needed to know more on. He will not forsake his ways to appease them at all. He does not care how much pressure the others put on him to accept conditions they make. If they stop attacking his efforts of expansion; good. The thorn will be removed then, but they will ask something of him he will not be willing to give ever. As he spoke, his tone changed from analytical business to frustration and the cusp of rage.
"Why exactly are we dealing with the Agents of Chaos again? They oppose the principles of the Eternal Empire, do they not? What could we gain from their alliance other than them no longer pestering out efforts of expansion? They will ask of us things that make us forsake the principles of the Eternal Empire, and will ask things of me that would make me forsake the principles of my species' culture! What is it that makes them worth working with all of a sudden?!? These ties could get in the way of Black Sun's business, as well as the efforts of all you more proper imperials too. It will not be a matter of what we want from them, but more of what they want from us!>"
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Admiral Tobias Larr Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Tristan Evore Tristan Evore Vexari Kahl

Shran sat quietly listening to those around him. Everyone had their strengths and Shran's was listening. He oftentimes came off as disinterested or as though he wasn't fully focused but a little known trick that he had picked up over his years, especially in regimes where a misstep could be the first on a short road to execution, was to not show his hand at all but rather let the others do the talking and allow himself to meet them on their terms. When he felt a pause in the conversation, he sat up and spoke for the first time;

"I will personally oversee the efforts to aid the Bantuu and assist with the integration of their forces into the Eternal Empire. My people will coordinate with Ty Sibo Ty Sibo , if that works for you." He turned and gave a nod in Ty's direction. "Similarly, I would like to discuss your ideas on combating the rebels in greater detail but for now I don't think anything should be taken off the table. A rebellion is a delicate thing. Handle it too harshly and you risk generating sympathy. Handle it too sheepishly and it emboldens them. Having eyes on the inside is an excellent first step towards devising a successful strategy."

He had considered addressing the Hutt's qualms about dealing with the AoC but decided that was not his place and instead bit his tongue. "Lastly I will just say that I am happy to work one on one with anyone who's got suggestions on the rebel issue." With that, he sat back in his chair and would again resume his listening.
Location: STRATCOM HQ, Wulfngard - Kalidan
Equipment: Hanna’s FAE/A-01 “Fulminatrix” Combat BodysuitChaos Symbol Necklace
STRATCOM: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Shran Shran Admiral Tobias Larr Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson Ladybug Ladybug
Other Leaders: Alli Vern Alli Vern Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Vexari Kahl

While the Hutt shook and clamored with rage at the mention of the Agents of Chaos, the Aspect of Devotion was quiet and meditative.

Clad in her armor, the diminutive Qilin had arrived at the meeting in a timely fashion, having been listening to the political and military leaders of the Eternal Empire as they spoke of various affairs pertaining to their state. Hanna did not speak where her input was not necessary, but in attending the meeting her primary objective was to develop a strong alliance between the Agents of Chaos and the Empire, given the emergent threat of the Brotherhood of the Maw. The Brotherhood had grown from a small band of marauders to a potential major actor on the galactic stage in only a few short months, creating a massive refugee crisis within the Unknown Regions as they raided various isolated planets and settlements. The Scintilla was already seeing the effects of their actions, in the form of a seemingly unceasing stream of refugees into HOPE, putting a strain on the sphere’s resources as masses of people who had lost everything sought refuge from the threat.

Hanna had already decided that she would do almost anything to see to the end of the Brotherhood, even if it meant allying with criminal factions.

You are dealing with us, because there is an existential threat emerging in our region of space that will kill and enslave us all if we fail to respond to it.” Hanna began, speaking not only to the Hutt, but also to the other leaders in the room. “In case you are not yet aware, the Brotherhood is here.” She said with emphasis. “They are not on the other side of the galaxy, where they could be easily ignored as we have done with the Bryn'adûl. They are in our space, the Unknown Regions, right now, amassing fleets, building armies, and projecting power, which they are using to massacre and enslave entire populations, just like what happened to Black Spire Outpost.”

“So I may be a thorn in your corpulent side, Broka, but if we fail to act together against them, we will be next.”
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Alli Vern had listened and addressed the points in order. This was a wonderful meeting. She was glad to be a part of it.

“As far as Batuu, the Zweihander Union will send aid and start to build up some influence there as well. The second point. I am with Hanna on this, when a threat like the brotherhood rises, we have to put aside our differences and face it. Look at what the Bryndul has forced the groups on the other side of the galaxy to do. I personally am in favor of working with them. I also specialize in large artificial habitats so if you need assistance with room for refugee’s. One of my company’s Tanlab will be more than happy to assist in building should funds be provided. “ She smiled and looked at the Empress. “In regards to the Firebird Trade Spine, The Zweihander Union has already begun building a presence. It provides us an avenue of trade and business that until recently we were unable to establish and of course we will continue to work with the Black Sun in our business endeavors. “

She gave a smile to the Hutt, She had no problem working with them. Broka showed time and again that they were a worthy business partner.

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo | Tobias Larr Tobias Larr | Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt

Vexari Kahl

"We welcome the aid of our new allies eagerly. Batuu suffered greatly during the Brotherhood attack, and we need to rebuild quickly to get business going once again. We're a freeport after all. We can afford to languish in disrepair. There's also the matter of all those people the Brotherhood kidnapped during their raid. I want them back, and given we've fully committed to the Eternal Empire, I expect every effort will be made to return them to their families on Batuu swiftly. I don't want those nutjobs twisting their minds and torturing them into submission.", Vexari said, with a hint of anger in her voice. She didn't want those innocent people to be turned into monsters by the torments of the Brotherhood.

"And the Smuggler's Alliance has a great many ships as it's disposal, though, the vast majority are our spacers and smugglers. They arn't dedicated military vessels but they'll fight when I call them, and when our way of life is under threat. My own fleet however, consists of many surplus military vessels. And I have a lot of pull in the surplus ship market. If I need to expand my military strength to help counter the Brotherhood threat, I'll get additional ships and crews sorted prompto."

Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Tobias Larr Tobias Larr Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Alli Vern Alli Vern
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Wulfngard, Kalidan
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
STRATCOM: Shran Shran | Admiral Tobias Larr | Ladybug Ladybug | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo | Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson | Tubrok Ragal
Other leaders: Alli Vern Alli Vern | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Vexari Kahl | Hanna Hanna

Ingrid wasn't bothered that Ranulf hadn't said anything yet and started working; she had done exactly that in the past, though had telepathically communicated with others in the meantime. Acknowledged with satisfaction that the man still seemed quite fit for the task. Ingrid would have just responded to Ty's words when the door opened. The woman's body tensed and she was ready to attack, but only one of the Overseer deputies arrived. How did he find out about a secret meeting? Didn't look at the data the man had brought.

"Baron Evore, would you tell me what you are doing here and how you learned about the meeting? " asked incredibly coldly. "Do not reply, write in your report. Now you can leave and take with you the two guards at the door, whom you will personally kick out of their work and from the military because they have let you in here, breaking the order that no one other than those invited may enter the room. If you got in using your power and rank, report to a penitentiary where you will receive your punishment for abuse of power. You can leave now!"

While the man was leaving, the woman sent a telepathic message to Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson .

~ Find out where he found out the information. And if that has to do with Ben Craig Ben Craig , you're also holding the director of Blackwatch to justice. Discipline has been too loose since I don’t lead intelligence. I hope I won't be disappointed in you! ~

"As for the rebels; it is not only internal affairs but also foreign affairs. The rebels are also in talks with GA and the NIO. Given that the two factions are allies, sooner or later the NIO will break and betray our contract. Biodroids are not needed, as we have several spies inside who were even brought into their ranks by the Emperor or myself."

After that, Broka began to speak; the Empress nodded that the Hutt and the Black Sun would be present at Batuu, which is always great, as there were overlaps in the roles of the two groups. Nodded at the man’ s words, in fact, expected exactly what the man had told her to have the three organizations working in such a field work with each other. When it came to AoC, there was already more resistance from the man there. However, did not answer that yet because she focused on Shran's words.

"Do so Shran Shran , and yes the question of the rebels is a delicate matter. Although the public turned even more against them due to the killing of researchers and scientists. However, we may not have heard much about them in the last two to three years, since Orellon II; this does not mean that they do not exist. The fact that they are negotiating with the NIO and GA is a sign that they are no longer interested in any casualties or massacres and that millions, billions would be sacrificed in order to carry out their plan…"

After that, listened to Hanna's words and then spoke.

"Yes, as Hanna says, the Brotherhood of the Maw is an open threat against whom we must join forces because there is very little chance that the First Order would do anything about it, so we can’t count on them. Last but not least, the political views and behavior of the New Imperials and the Alliance are such that it is worth teaming up with the AoC against them as well. And why are they? Well, Lord Broka… I played a role in the founding of the AoC and I have been one of the leaders of one of their organizations, the Wild Hunt, for many years. I was before I became the Overlord. That is why I am in favor of an alliance with them. BotM's actions also run counter to the principles of the Eternal Empire, starting with the institution of slavery…"

Glanced at Hanna and nodded to her that the woman could trust her. After that, Miss Vern spoke; it was a pleasure to hear that the people of ZU had already done their work.

"Great, so in this part we can already monitor the trade to and from the Outer Rim. This will also make it much easier to circumvent Alliance embargoes. Later, we will have to negotiate with Darkwire to trade through their territory, omitting the GA and NIO territories as well."

Finally, the Smuggler Queen spoke, to which Ingrid nodded.

"Our short- and long-term plans include further expansion north, not south. With the First Order, we agreed on the boundaries in the region for us south, for them north. From then on, we will be concentrating north, so the border will hopefully soon grow beyond Batuu as well. In this regard, I wanted to ask you Lady Hanna Hanna , does the AoC want the Eternal Empire to expand in your direction? It is likely that First Order will also try to acquire those areas, so perhaps all of this could be prevented."




Location - ERROR-
Equipment: Here
Allies: Tobias Larr Tobias Larr | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Vexari Kahl | Alli Vern Alli Vern | Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt | Ty Sibo Ty Sibo | Shran Shran | Ladybug Ladybug | Hanna Hanna

Letting out a sigh he looked through the holo-communicator, feeling the presence of someone else touch his brain and give him a short message he gave a nod before he shook his head. God darn force users and their abilities, don't like others inside my head.

He went to his datapad and began to send out some messages to his operatives in the Empire itself, having them check up on how such a person could know about the meeting that was going on. He intended to deal with this matter personally when he returned. Not only would it prove him a capable overseer, but it would also look good in the eyes of his lord to accomplish this mission for her.

Each member in the room began to weigh in on their respective part of the discussion. The Hutt was there along with the leader of the smuggler's. There was definitely an array of different faces in the room, and he took it as his mission to remember them all. It would be important in future dealings if he knew the heads of the Empire if anything happened in to jeopardize the sanctity that was the Empire. Each member in the room whether they knew it or not held a wealth of power, and if given to the right people could topple what had been created.

Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Alli Vern Alli Vern Tobias Larr Tobias Larr Thorald Magnusson Thorald Magnusson Shran Shran Hanna Hanna Ty Sibo Ty Sibo Vexari Kahl

Broka listened for once. He listened to make sure there was no veiled threat against his business primarily. It was back to the business expression. A truly stoic expression returned to the colossal Hutt's face as he analyzed the response to his remarks. That he did not know of the Empress' past. He took her word for it, and such a statement was good. It meant that those anarchists are less likely to continue being a thorn in the side of his operations for at least as long as these exterior threats were existing. That Hanna might listen to the Empress far better than listening to what he would say. If the Empress was to bridge between the two peoples then so be it. That will neutralize the potential for any damage to his operations, at leas he hoped it would. Broka took a sip, and responded, "<If they say they will not threaten the operations of Black Sun, or any other privateer organizations within the Eternal Empire, then this alliance should be fine. These threats are existential enough to make me understand the need for this coalition now. Such a threat is to my home here on Nal-Hutta and Nar-Shadaa with the Bryn'adul beasts you mentioned. I understand quite well the desperation an existential threat can cause. So, I will not get in the way of these arrangements with the Agents of Chaos. Though a statement of the lady Hanna saying that she will no longer work against my organization's operations will be more..........comforting to assure my suspicions and wariness in concern to dealing with them. I trust you will ensure that Black Sun will not be targeted by the efforts of the Agents of Chaos for as long as these arrangements of working with them last Lady Ingrid?>"

The look of business pursued further. He just sipped the wine some more to keep it that way. They made a valid point in regard to the existential threats, and Broka did not want to compromise his investment in the Eternal Empire over such grievances that could be evaded right now. He actually was now rather glad this meant they might not pester him by getting in the way of his efforts while this alliance exists. He also agreed with the Empress on another note, that the First Order would most likely be useless. He did not like how they received him. Got him too comfortable only to sneer and look down like every other Imperial he has met outside the Eternal Empire. Useless they were indeed. He even began looking at their market aspects, and starting to expand trade to their space seemed rather useless too. Them shunning Black Sun would not hurt him in the slightest. So this alliance was fine by him now that he realizes it cannot hurt him. At least, he hopes it cannot hurt him, and knowing the Empress, it most likely will not. However, he had to not get his hopes up too much. Nothing was certain yet.
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