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Public Rise of the Hutt Space Consortium (Open to All)

Orotta the Hutt



Criminal Syndicates had once been forced to deal their hands in the shadows beneath the banners of another, forced to follow the rules and laws of someone else, someone that had reach so far beyond their own, and ensured that the lot of them listened and obeyed. It was to be no more, this newfound Consortium had decided. Gorba the Hutt of the Bareesh Kajidic had called for a summons, a meet between the various criminal elements that had stretched themselves across the stars. It was on The Wheel that the scum of the Galaxy had convened, and in the conclusion of said meet had banded as one in an effort to create a united front that was able to best serve their interests freely. Independent, to answer to themselves and themselves alone.​
The Hutt territories had once suffered. Yet, this was to mark their return and to see them become a considerable force in their own domain.​
It was on the Varl Station - the newly constructed and luxurious station that orbited its namesake - that the various syndicates had elected to meet once more. It was not for business this time, no, rather for reasons that often better suited their lavish lifestyles much more than tedious conversations that concerned their trade. It was intended to be an event unseen since before the incursion of the Bryn'adul into Hutt Space; the sort to be assumed of a Hutt, in truth, as the wealth of a thousand systems collected across centuries was on full display. Yet, it seemed as if the numerous decks had been filled by those that entertained themselves in the pleasures of the Galactic Underworld, either for their trade or personal fulfillment. Even those that had become items to those within it had been in attendance, of course. And in no small number, either.​
The Hutt viewed the various banners that scattered themselves around the room, their base tone that of the void and the credit-coloured symbol of all their syndicates fused as one. It was the main theme of the event​
The Hutt viewed the various banners that scattered themselves around the room, their base tone that of the void itself and the credit-colour symbol of all the syndicates fused as one in the centre. It was the main theme of the event. It seemed as if it was decorate across the entire station, yet the symbol itself was never on the floor; not to be trodden on as if the old banner of a failed state. Orotta was not to allow it. But for all the food, for all the drinks that had been sent in from the most exotic of locations, none had matched the main entertainment: the Axis of Champions.​
It was a colossal coliseum arena in the heart of the station. In it, had been two beasts that battle on the rock-like terrain; their footfalls akin to thunderstorms, and each collision had been met with cheers - two rancors torn from Felucia, bulls of the most ridiculous of stature clawed into one another, sunk their teeth into the hide of the other. It was brutal, but it was adored. Rest assured, even after the fall of the beasts had come, more were to reveal themselves and the bets were to continue. But it was not solely for exotic creatures, slave warriors also battled in the arena and often in the shadows of the creatures, forced to content with them too. Few survived, but the thrill of the bloodsport enthralled most.​
Invitations had been sent to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy. It seemed as if there was no one that had not recieved one. From the Moffs of the New Imperial Order to the Politicians of the Galactic Alliance, the scum that was once in their service to the Sith themselves. If the Consortium wished to see itself become more, it needed allies, it needed to make deals, and it was a lucrative area of the Galaxy.​
It was to be as intended, to mark the rise of the Hutt Space Consortium.​

OOC: The Hutt Space Consortium has sent invitations across the Galaxy to all the various factions. It includes all the characters within them, should they wish to attend. You may be a Jedi that aims to seek out the motives and ensure there is an obtainable peace, a smuggler that needs work, or even a politician that wishes to have allies in darker, more lawless areas of space. Anything goes! Hope to see you in thet thread.


Location: Varl Station; Watching the fight.
Wearing: The Donna's Regalia, The Black Hand, Naehtid Earpiece
Tags: Open

An ear-piercing roar split the air as one of the great Rancors bellowed; thunderous footfalls quaking the deck beneath their feet. The hum of conversation amongst the assembled crowd abated - but not by much - as one of the towering, feral creatures lunged, battering its opponent with fists the size of speeders. Blood was already flowing from each of them... The fight was to the death.

The Donna stood, hands upon the edge of the private balcony The Family had been provided to witness the carnage. She was leaned forward, intent on watching the battle. A lit cigarra was pinched between two fingers, and beside her on the small ledge, a glass of something blue and fancy-looking shimmered with its own internal light - a strong drink, and one she'd acquired the taste for only recently. A feral grin had spread across her lips; enthralled in the blood sport as she took a moment's rest from mingling with the crowd.

"Yes." She hissed under her breath. She might just come out a winner here, after all.

She lifted a gloved hand, bringing the cigarra to her lips & taking a pull - wreathing her face in a cloud of smoke as she exhaled. The Wroshyr-Wood cap which concealed her face in a well of shadow dipped as she broke her eyes from the arena, reaching for her glass, grasping it, and bringing it to her lips. The drink was cool, sweet, and refreshing - a dangerous combination for such a strong mix of alcohol.

"Talik." She said, returning her eyes to the arena as the thunderous battle continued to rage.

"Yes, mum?" One of her soldiers, a younger human male dressed in a suit, stepped forward from his waiting position beside the archway from the balcony.

"Be a dear, and bring us a plate of fruit, would you?"

"Right away, mum." He responded, turning immediately to step through the arch & make his way toward the refreshments elsewhere near the arena.

It wouldn't be long now. She might even make some credits.
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Tags: (OPEN)

The underworld was rising.

Ghorua had sensed the change long ago; he had a good nose for this sort of thing. What the inciting event was, the Shark couldn't say. Could've been the Bryn's meteoric rise and collapse, or the Confederacy biting the bullet, or even the galactic north faceplanting head-first into a meat-grinder. Whatever it was, the syndicates had decided to organize, and ride the wave as high as it would take them.

And Ghorua would be damned if he weren't there to rise with them.

The veteran hunter was dressed to impress. Which, for a bounty hunter, meant showing off the hardware. Well over three meters tall, with enough beskar armor to cover five Mandalorians, and enough weapons to make one of them jealous. His helmet was firmly placed on his head, obscuring his features. Which was good, because he was giving the mosh pit of violence a nasty glare.

The Shark would never call himself a particularly moral individual. He'd been to a few abhorrent events in his day, having worked for Sith and the Hutt Cartels before. But this made him a bit sick to his stomach.

Some might call him weak for it. Maybe he was.

The Shark would just have to imagine himself tearing them apart like wet tissue paper, and move on with his day.

armor, Sabers

Hutts, she abhorred them with every fiber of her being, nothing more then slave owners that she had killed plenty of times. The enforcer of the family kept her face shield up and opaque as to shield he expression of disdain from everyone including ivory who star had a feeling knew of her hatred to what she was watching below. It wasnt the rancors fighting but the slaves below that boiled her blood, yet as she walked to be beside the Donna she had a emotionless visage with her face being hidden, a true dragon simply observing the carnage while providing personally security to the Donna

they better have some good offers, I'd hate for them to invite us all without some sort of way to win us

Popping her neck she sighed and looked around the area, felt like old times oddly enough and stardust really couldn't complain much about it. Turning her view back to the fight she gave a chuckle

I bet you I could easily take one
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Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Sparti Short Spear Dedata's outfitModified Datapad running Deda-net
Ianus Kopis Leg harness and bagsData spikes

Tags -
Interacting with - Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae
Other - Orotta the Hutt Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark


Boston Manor "Welcome To The Neighbourhood" (Lebrock Remix)


Dedata laid in the recliner chair able to see well enough through the minimal metal railing with glass pains. It was hard to focus on her work, between the brawl of beasts gnawing and clawing, Smashing and bashing into on another; then Ivory herself. Her hand touched on her helmet where her mouth would be, reliving that moment of being sprawled out. A soft and little hum escaped her lips with a big smile. She herself had became accustom to a certain kind of flavour, Chandrilan Blue 439. Really it was a funny sight seeing every few moments she would hide her head with a blanket to take sip. It was something she had already implemented in the construction of the new MK2 helmet, a spot of an extendable straw.

At least this time she was pacing herself with the drink and had ate a good fill prior to coming to the balcony. There was a need for a clear head for the work she was doing right now. Every bet that went it there was now a hidden 10% extra charge that was labelled as tax. Of course the credits where being syphoned into different accounts then sent to another and another till reaching her own account. Credits raised from this would be used to buy as many slaves as possible, children and women first.

"To fill you in on the loop and I am leaching credits from those who are betting. Not the hutts themselves. Promise to reimburse those of the family that have bet later.
Dedata typed then stood to stand by the right side of the woman showing the message she wrote. Waiting for ivory to read the woman leant back a little to wave hello to the green Twi'lek.



Location: Varl Station watching fight
Tags: Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud
Wearing: This dress but with dark red accents and fur lining

The fight was raging on and it was fun, Cass hadn't been to one of these in ages, the two beasts were slapping each other about and tearing chunks out of each other. She looked over at her host Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud they had a nice box here, and she was enjoying the hospitality. The food was good and the company was excellent. Cass had taken a liking to the head of the family, she was her kind of woman, and she would love to get inside that head and crack out those secrets.

"you guys do this much? I am usually more about the drinking and dancing, but a good fight can really get the blood flowing." she jumped up as one of the beasts was thrown to the floor by the other and their was a roar as it was mounted and its back gouged. The well dressed Ivory called down to a solider, he called her mum, interesting. "He referred to you as Mum? You don't look of enough for an adult child? Or do you have some special serum I need to be injecting before the everything starts heading south." she laughed and as the fruit plate was brought over, she waved her hand and gently lifted a grape off of the plate and towards Ivory. It looked as though she was trying to do some cheesey 'force' feeding trick when inches before it arrived at Ivorys mouth, the grape suddenly accelerated towards Cass and she gulped it down. "oopsie...." Cass said flirtasciously.



[ Theme ]
| Location | Axis of Champions, Varl Station
| Company | Orotta the Hutt , Handlers
| Purpose | Acquire potential business associates

The criminal underworld; an anooba eat anooba world where only the strongest and most cunning of criminals thrived, much like the arena that Vienna had found herself setting foot in. The tall human who wore a suit of pure white, strode through the crowd, accompanied by her handlers as the crowd stepped out of her way. Even if they did not know her by name or face, she exuded an aura and atmosphere that commanded both fear and respect. The steady click of her shoes against the ground echoed as she made her way to a particular booth overlooking the arena.​
Her resources and contacts were as vast as they were numerous; Word had spread to Ord Mantell where Vienna had resided that the criminal underworld was on the rise and starting to grow once again, an opportunity that she was keen to capitalize on and profit off of. The Hutts had once been a Galactic power that even governments and empires were keen on avoiding on becoming an enemy of, though their power had greatly diminished over the years; but with the potential of the Hutts and other established crime families and syndicates coming together.​
It was certainly an investment worth making, and one she wanted a hand in.​
Vienna's footsteps paused at the entrance to one of the booths she had been making her way towards, pausing with her hands in her pockets as she stared down at the guards covering the entrance. Her gaze fell upon them as her eyes narrowed, the piercing purple of her iris' basically glowing in the center of eyes as black as space. Her vocoded voice spoke in a short and simple commanding manner, " Step aside... " Her tone was as sharp as a vibroknife as the guards glanced at one another before they stepped off to the side and opened the door.​
Her handlers stayed outside as she stepped through the threshold, the door sliding shut behind her as she made her way to the large figure perched on the balcony. An elegantly crafted cybernetic hand slid out of her pocket as it raised itself to her masked face, resting on the front of her respirator as a jet of colored vapor was expelled from the vents; a synthetic compound that was similar in effect to spice without any of the drawbacks of her own creation being taken in before she lowered her hand down to her side. Her vocoded voice spoke once more, " Orotta the Hutt... It's been a while. " The de facto head of the Hourne Syndicate stepped forward until she was side by side with the Hutt, staring down into the ring.​
" My sources tell me that the Hutts and some of the other syndicates were planning on something big... Care to elaborate on the details? "​


Orotta the Hutt


Vienna Hourne Vienna Hourne

In a seat crafted for his individual frame, the Hutt sat for several hours and intended to remain seated for several more. His meat-filled hand had lowered itself into the bowl and tore a small creature from it, one that used the last of its breath to scream aloud before it was devoured. Orotta the Hutt had let forth a thunderous chuckle as one of the warriors below had found himself in the middle of the two beasts, crushed beneath their mass and flattened. His limited companions in the booth had done the same, save for the chained Twi'lek that had done little more than seem discomforted.

She was new.

It was with an effort that he swiveled his head, even if in such a miniscule movement, to see Vienne Hourne. <Vienna,> his voice rumbled in Huttese, neither thankful or loathesome of her arrival. <The Consortium has risen, my cousin Gorba has seen to it. The Criminal Syndicates have banded as a united force, to see our once beloved territories have their former fame returned to them. In the interest of our businesses, that is.>

He offered her a brief moment of silence. From his voice, at least. But the sound of another dying creature was soon silenced, followed by that of his harsh swallow and the his tongue swirling around his mouth.

<Your interests are our own.> Orotta said, his fat neck turned to her more so than before. <You should consider joining the Hutt Space Consortium.>


He roamed the station over Varl as a free man, one not bound to a contract but an invited individual. His first belief once contacted had been for a contract, to serve the Hutt once more and ensure it was all fine, that there was a lack of disturbances. But on a station such as that, full of armed men and women that were as cruel as the worst of them all, Fett held little in terms of concern. No one was so foolish as to make a scene, and if someone was... then there was sure to be one less fool once the blasters riddled him with holes.

His T-visor scanned across to see the various bars, the dancers and the bands in which said dancers moved to. Some had been of note, seen in other venues across the hives of scum, whilst others had to earn their break in such a terrible environment. Someone started somewhere, as it were. But even as the aliens of all the criminal elements moved beside him, as if traffic in a street, their attire had been cleaner than his own; bruised, beaten and otherwise battered Mandalorian armour was not the sort of attire one wore to such an occasion. But it was his.

The Mandalorian turned off street-like route and towards one of the bars, one that oversaw a vast amount of the station - the Axis of Champions one of said locations. He refrained from a seat in the stands, or in a booth beside one of the other credible crime bosses. Instead, the Bounty Hunter had chosen his venue in the skies, the thin layer of a window for a wall all that was beaten him and a lethal fall.

Daesha Sivron, an uncommon sight as a free Twi'lek working with Hutts, drifted about the Varl Station like a phantom. Although beautiful, alluring, and certainly desirable by many, she preferred not to draw attention to herself. A whip was always at her hip, regardless of what she wore. Today, she was in a stunning white gown that was almost as soft as the tone of her skin. The slaves below were not solely trained by her, but she'd certainly worked to break their spirit for those who did dabble in combat. A smirk pulled at her lips just thinking about how readily they fought for fleeting glory.

The Twi'lek moved to a bar to get a drink. While she wasn't stupid enough to get totally wasted among the worst the Galaxy had to offer, the woman wanted a little bit of a buzz to see her through the meeting. As she waited for her drink, she noticed a peculiar individual making his way through the area as well. Based on the fact that he wore Mandalorian armor and it bore the colors it did, she'd hazard a guess at it being Koda Fett Koda Fett , a skilled bounty hunter in his own right. Of course, it was none of her business to bother him, but she kept him in mind for later.

Still, curiosity was a devilish thing. And it was curious that he chose a window rather than any of the many seats in the portion of the station they resided in. A loner, perhaps? Daesha couldn't help herself from casually wandering over once a fanciful glass found itself in her hand. "Say, you've worked with the Hutts before, haven't you? I have as well. Still do, actually. What made you want to view the action from here? If I'm being honest, I'm not a social type either."

Daesha Sivron Daesha Sivron

His chosen career ensured the lifestyle of a loner was all that was on offer; connections, outside of contracts, remained difficult to maintain. So much so, the Mandalorian had abandoned the notion in the earlier moments of his career. Fett was a loner, and it was alone that he watched the the two beasts battle one another below; flesh from flesh, the various slaves Daesha conditioned fled from the thunderous footfalls of them, cautious as to not become the next victim. It seemed as if bodies littered the arena, and more were to come.

He turned across to see the Twi'lek, someone the Bounty Hunter had seen before in his time under contract for Gorba the Hutt. The Slavemaster, she had bite. His contracts had not crossed her own duties beforehand, and so she was no more than a familiar face to him.

Fett nodded first, a slow movement. "Gorba is bothered by his business. I'm not here on contract, if I was beside him I soon would be."

The Hutt was a most resentful one, harsh and brutal as the Mandalorian had been callous and indifferent. "Yourself?" His helmeted head tilted to the side, "Your slaves are still in service," he motioned towards the arena, an aimed stare at the tool on her side followed.


Location: Varl Station; Watching the fight.
Wearing: The Donna's Regalia, The Black Hand, Naehtid Earpiece
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree , Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

Without taking her eyes off the fight, The Donna heard & felt Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae approach her from behind. The beautiful emerald-skinned Twi'lek was careful to keep her personal opinions about their choice of business partners quiet; but Ivory was well-aware of her feelings toward Slavers & The Hutts in general. Typically, The Family would have taken more of a hard-line stance... but standing on a moral high-ground, especially in the face of such a proposal as the Coalition offered, was simply not good for business.
they better have some good offers, I'd hate for them to invite us all without some sort of way to win us
"They will. I'm sure of it." The Donna responded, glancing toward her Enforcer - her violet eyes sparkling with amusement & blood-lust.

Ivory laughed at Star's assertion she could take a Rancor: "Oh yes... I'd give it a nasty case of indigestion." Grinning, she reached for her glass and took a sip once more - chasing it with a pull from her cigarra. As she exhaled, her Intel Specialist, Celty Ree, came alive from her seat - the helmeted woman preferred to keep her appearance and voice a complete secret, and it was only Ivory who knew her true identity. The Slicer held out her datapad and Ivory turned her head to read the words on the screen; nodding in a moment of recognition without taking her eyes too far from the fight - lest she miss something significant.

One of the Rancors, the one who appeared to be losing, let out a pained bellow which would have hurt the ears.

"Excellent." Ivory said, glancing at what would be Dedata's eyes through her visor. "Monitor it." The woman had begun making herself useful from the moment she'd joined The Family... Ivory was becoming impressed more & more with the woman's natural inclination toward their line of work; her social skills needed work, of course, but for now, her industrious nature more than made up for it.
"you guys do this much? I am usually more about the drinking and dancing, but a good fight can really get the blood flowing."
The Donna grinned at Cass Gemini's question, rising from Cass' seat a few feet away. Her head turned - directing her gaze toward the beautiful Pirate Lord and admiring the woman's ensemble for the hundredth time. Ivory gave her an approving look, flicking the stub of the cigarra over the balcony without a care as-to its destination.

"Fights of any kind are exceedingly rare at most Galas. I do tend to get out quite a bit... but certainly not in this environment. I'm enjoying this, immensely." The Donna let out a soft laugh, shaking her head slightly - the leather straps hanging from her beautiful wooden cap twisting to & fro with the motion. The Donna's own dress was an elegant, beautiful, and unique design - one which set her apart from everyone; an Underworld Queen. The Family colors of Black & White made her easily identifiable at a distance; such an outfit set her (and by extension, her people) far apart from the common thugs which roamed the party below.

"He referred to you as Mum? You don't look of enough for an adult child? Or do you have some special serum I need to be injecting before the everything starts heading south."

Ivory laughed out loud. "No, I am not his biological mother... nor am I the mother for any of The Family. But, I am their mother, you see? And they are my Family." She glanced at the few Family Soldiers who'd joined them, as well as Celty & Star. Other members of The Family were also present; in the booth, as well as wandering the grand party. "Cass, dear, I understand there is such a serum. Perhaps I can find you a sample... for a price." A playful grin spread across Ivory's ruby lips at the mention of immortality. She was not lying - she had, indeed, heard of a serum which could delay ageing indefinitely. However, it was quite expensive... Kal Kal The Shadow kept knowledge of its existence closely guarded.

A few minutes later, when the fruit plate arrived, The Donna turned to reach for a grape and found one floating toward her mouth - surprised and a little turned on, she opened her mouth... before the grape was stolen, zipping into Cass' waiting mouth.

Ivory smirked at the pirate, wagging her finger in admonishment. "That is just cruel."

She reached out with a gloved hand and plucked her own delectable berry from the plate - popping it in her mouth and biting down, closing her eyes at the sweet flavor as she chewed.

The Rancor which had pinned the other to the ground hefted its great fists above its head and began bludgeoning its downed opponent to death. Over... and over... and over again, the beast's fists fell like hammers. The impacts were audible and their power immense. The Donna kept her gloved & gauntleted hand near her mouth as she watched... The fight was over, it seemed.

The victorious beast stood over its fallen enemy and raised its great head to the ceiling, screaming its victory with primal force. The fallen creature beneath it lay, unmoving, bloody, and broken. It would take the handlers a few minutes to get the beast under control and get it back into a holding cell... then a new fight would begin.

Pleased, The Donna turned her back to the Arena and leaned against the railing. "Well. Dinner's on me, tonight."

(Elsewhere: Koda Fett Koda Fett Orotta the Hutt Daesha Sivron Daesha Sivron Vienna Hourne Vienna Hourne Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark )

Personality Reference

  • Angry
  • Temperamental
  • Brash
  • Prone to fits of rage
  • Infantile
  • Loving
  • Sweet
  • Not very smart
  • The Conscience

CAB-48 (Cab) - BB Series Astromech, Heavily Modded
Snitch - Kowakian Monkey Lizard

  1. WeldersTools
  2. Hydrospanner
  3. Scrapper's Goggles
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber


Viz needed to catch her breath after that massive burnout near Nar Bo Sholla, and attempt to avoid the aftermath of not being able to even retrieve the cargo. This Waypoint would serve as a way to rest, but also she might be able to grab some work. Since it was Varl, she knew Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud was here somewhere. She also most likely knew Viz was as well. Since she'd bundled up with The Family in order to open up herself to new comissions, she felt like she'd sold her soul. That issue out on the Hollastin Run with Blurgo had served as an excellent reminder that she was very much in the red with the Hutts, and needed to get out of it quickly. She was fast, but not that fast. For someone who was trying to lie low, she was suddenly up to her ass in a druk load of problems.

She ignored the fighting. Her more infanitle personality, Naobi , didn't like it and she really didn't need to trigger one of them into surfacing. Not here. The more she could keep her personalities under wraps in a place like this the better. She was also glad she'd left Snitch behind, having only ONE voice in her ear (CAB-48's constant nagging whistles) was enough to bear.

She needed to stay sharp and put her ears on. She sidled up to the bar and ordered something stiff, but not so potent. They could think what they wanted of her. If she was going to find work, she needed to listen.​
Caporegime - Cyber-Intelligence Division

Sparti Short Spear Dedata's outfitModified Datapad running Deda-net
Ianus Kopis Leg harness and bagsData spikes

Tags -
Interacting with - Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cass Gemini Cass Gemini
Other - Orotta the Hutt Ghorua the Shark Ghorua the Shark Koda Fett Koda Fett Daesha Sivron Daesha Sivron Viz Harridan Viz Harridan Vienna Hourne Vienna Hourne


Ray Gun Hero - Neon Criminals

Dedata's head turned as the unknown person came from behind. With a tap of a button her datapad went dark. Last thing she wanted was some stranger stealing a glance. Sliding the device into her thigh bag she moved back over to her seat. One upside of Ivory not wearing the ear piece, she could think aloud. Down side, well she liked talking to her, just with so many around it made that impossible. Sitting back on the recliner she reached over the side pulling a black bag up onto the seat. Bit by bit she laid it out on the foot rest. A series of tools, components and wires. Then finally she took out the new helmet, unfinished but it was coming along fast.


Setting it down on her lap with the base faced up the woman removed the padding. It resembled her current helmet in the colour and the ears, however it's shape was much more different. It was sleek and looked more intimidating than the one she currently had on. Dedata took a one of the components that had been coded to be the new improved motion sensor. This one was able to keep track of someone's motion down to centimetres up to ranged of three hundred meters. Further in less built areas. Though this had one other feature that she wished to keep improving on software side.

Setting the piece into the right ear and clipping it down in the slot she was happy with how snug it fit. Less clunky than the last one. Next was the radar that was needed for the motion sensor. As far as they went, this component was already top of the line hardware, it did not stop Dedata tweaking it to fine tune. Then finally to fit into the right ear was the most chunky component that did a range of things from life form sensors to echolocation. With the ear filled out she began connecting them with wires and trailed them neatly to the visor.

"On ear down, one to go. Then after that I need to work on the rest of the stuff to fit behind. Feth I forgot why the this helmet one was never as compact." She to herself said enjoying the challenge. All the while the data feeds of her datapad ran on her HUD. "Dee how long till we are into the Camera networks?"

"You will have access in five minuets forty eight seconds." The VI said answering the question.

"Put that on display to the left. Once that is completed run a basic background of the woman who just joined us." Dedata looked at the woman for a moment to ensure she got a good visual to run her face. Something about her screamed danger and risk of the unfavourable kind.


Kirk Korrado

Varl Station, Lower Reaches
Open to all

Kirk Korrado, smuggler extraordinaire and amateur podracer, enter, pursued by bounty hunters

Sweat poured freely down a dour man's pink face. He breathed heavily, his hard drawn breathing only exacerbated by the thick smoggy air of the lower levels. Weary hands gripped tight around a blaster rifle, the man's frame pressed tight to the alley wall to avoid detection from the pursuers down the main corridor.

Two dark figures rushed passed through the dim red glare of the hallway, their frantic footfalls echoing off the pipes that lined the ceiling. The hiding Zeltron stepped cautiously out after them. He planted his feet firmly on the floor in the middle of the hall, leveled his rifle, and gunned down the slower of the two men.

The bolt hit him square between the shoulder blades and sent him face down to the ground. The one ahead of him stopped on a dime and whipped around, quickdrawing his own sidearm and firing off a few pot shots at the Zeltron, who fired one blast and kneecapped the thug.

The victorious Zeltron dropped his right arm to the ground and let go of the rifle as he strolled up to the two men. The first, face smacked against the floor, showed no signs of life. He presumed the deceased was near-human of sorts, though he didn't bother rolling him over to verify. The living man, clutching his shot knee a few paces forward from his comrade, was a Weequay.

"You son of a b-"

"Ah ah! Now that's no way to speak of my poor ma, rest her soul."

"You bastard," the thug spat. "You think just 'cause you got Taso and I that this is over?! Schutta!"

The oddly relaxed Zeltron crossed his arms and look down with pity on the man.

"I know this ain't over."

"You sad sack o' crap. You crossed Mondo, Zavvo, AND Blogga. How are you karkin' stupid enough to come here?"

"Says the thug with one working leg." Kirk chuckled.

"Laugh it up, Pinky. Just shoot me already you pansy."

Kirk drew his pistol and aimed it down at the Weequay's head. The end of a barrel was never a nice place to be, but the Weequay remained stoic in the face of certain death.

"Y'know I wasn't going to. I could let you off the hook. But if that's what you want..."

"What? That alliance prison really softened you up Korrado. That where you got so good at givin' out backshots to bounty hunters?"

"You are awfully glib, my friend. I like it. Which Hutt hired you?"

"Dunno. Contacted me though another guy."

"Hmm. Zavvo it is. Mondo's dead and Blogga thinks I'm dead. I had my suspicions."

"Whoopdie karkin' doo. You're still gonna die. Just a shame it wasn't me wipin' that grin off your face."

"Sorry bud, but that's how it goes." Kirk lowered the gun's angle slightly, then finally pulled the trigger, delivering a shot straight into the thug's chest. He never liked executions, but that was indeed how it goes.

Kirk quickly swiped over the mens' pockets and emptied them for credits. He then picked up his pace through the winding, industrial looking tunnels of the station's nether regions. When he thought he was almost lost, a small neon arrow sign reading Cantina was before him. He follow it's direction to what amounted quite literally to a hole in the wall. The cantina within was much, much larger than it's façade suggested, and a neon green sign in Huttese above the gunmetal doors referred to it as The Cistern.

Kirk slipped inside to find it bustling, and he knew exactly where he was. Every Hutt station, palace, and privately own city block had a place such as this. The Cistern was an apt name for a place where the sludge of society trickled down and convened. Outsiders to the game might refer to them as dive bars, but Kirk liked to call them recruiting centers. These cantinas were the watering holes for the baddest of the bad, those not quite refined enough to stand beside the Hutts in public, but brutal enough to be making creds hand over fist from them.

Kirk positioned himself at the far end of the bar with a line of sight to the front door, which as far as he could tell was the only entryway. Behind the bar was a dark, bearded Besalisk deftly pouring spirits at lightning speed despite his size. Kirk ordered a rum & fizzyglug in crude Huttese sign language, knowing he'd never be heard over the sound of the thumping music.

Right now, as always, money was the name of the game. If an opportunity for payday didn't pop its head up here, he would at least have a good spot to take down the mercs gunning for what little he left in his wallet.


[ Theme ]
| Location | Axis of Champions, Varl Station
| Company | Orotta the Hutt
| Purpose | Acquire potential business associates

" As gluttonous as ever I see. " The tall human remarked as her gaze was fixated on the arena below, the bloodthirsty crowd cheering on the beast they bet on in the hopes of making some credits. While blood and gore painted the floor of the arena varying colors depending on the species slain, Vienna listened to the Hutt as he spoke, speaking of a Consortium on the rise and talk of returning the Hutts and the other syndicates back to their former glory. A smirk formed on her lips, hidden beneath the respirator as she once more raised a hand up to her masked face, pressing softly against her mask as a pair of colored plumes shot out as she exhaled softly.​
As Orotta took a moment of silence, Vienna glanced over, her gaze falling upon the fat, malodorous slug that sat beside her while he licked at his lips the way all Hutts did. She'd cock an eyebrow up as he offered an invitation into the new and upcoming consortium as she spoke in a rather sarcastic and amused tone, " A seat at the table? Orotta you certainly know how to spoil a girl and make her feel special. " Her voice trailed off as she let her hand fall to her hips, resting on it as she spoke, " Though it certainly will take more than such an 'earnest' invitation to persuade me to lend and offer up my hard-earned resources and networks on such a whim. "​
Vienna glanced back at the ring as the beasts continued to trade blows with one another before eying the Hutt with a sideways glance. Simple talk about uniting the syndicates under one banner was all fine, but actually putting the resources together and carving out an empire for themselves was another matter entirely. That in conjunction with the fact that every syndicate and their founding fathers and mothers had aspirations and schemes of their own made for a tedious alliance at best. Talk was cheap to a woman of action like Vienna, who had forcefully seized control of her own family's syndicate after being exiled by her own hand. For years the syndicates had opportunities to seize control, only to flicker and sputter out like a flame and return to the shadows of obscurity.​
" What has changed? I assume that because the excision of the Bryna'dul has given you lot the confidence to be able to move back into the old territories, but what of Nal Hutta or Nar Shadda who are occupied by Jedi? What do you intend to do when faced by one of the Galactic powers Orotta? " She paused before continuing on,​
" What assurances can you give me that the investment of my time and resources will be profitable? "​
Her gaze returned to the ring. She did enjoy betting on the underdog - The one least expected to succeed and win, more likely to get pummeled and slaughtered; but still a massive payout should they succeed. Not unlike the circumstance with the Hutt Consortium that Orotta was boasting about like a prized fighter on the up and coming.​

Conversing with: Koda Fett Koda Fett

It was hard to read someone's face when it was covered by a visored helmet. But that just meant she had to try different methods to uncover what was really going on in there. Did he have something to hide? Well, it depended on Koda. There could be details he kept secret to maintain his image, or details he simply didn't want to be public knowledge. Either way, there was a curiosity and a drive to understand him. A small chuckle left her in an attempt to be social. People liked it when Twi'lek women were what they expected them to be: good-humored and docile. Daesha was happy to pretend for a moment.

As he said his piece, once she showed the expected amusement, Daesha chimed in. "Hutts can be hard to work with. They have thousands of years of superiority complexes to wrestle with. When their way isn't had... things can get ugly."

Of course, she knew she shouldn't be speaking like that at all. Chances were, any of the Hutts would hear through the vine. But she did good work and her original boss liked her enough to keep her safe from harm. When he asked about the slaves, there was a momentary pause.

"I'm just enjoying the moment, really. This," Daesha said, putting a hand over the hilt of the electro-whip, "is more for show than anything else. A blaster is so... obvious and negligible. Besides, I've never been good with them. Too much aiming, not enough finesse."

A smile formed. "Not that I think I'd be in danger like that. It's not often you have someone this good at working with spirited slaves-- especially Twi'leks. But if you're not on contract, what have you been up to?"
Interacting with Dedata | Celty Ree Dedata | Celty Ree Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

mmm, maybe so

Star said boredly, eyes moving to cass as she watched her carefully, ivory seemed familiar with her but that wasnt a excuse for a enforcer to let their guard down. Glancing back to the fight a grin formed behind her helmet watching the two mighty beasts go back and forth causing the arena to shake. Tapping her finger star had a massive urge for battle and then he smile turned wicked as she closed her eyes and looked to her Donna

I'm bored, I kinda wanna show off what the family has,

Walking to the edge she hopped up easily as she looked down into the arena as the beast fell with a mighty thump

call it a warning to those who'd think to ever cross us and come for you...celty dear I want this recorded if possible...oh ivory

She took her ring off and turned as she pushed off

hold that! Hahahahahahah

The air got hot for but a moment before star was gone, flying off the balcony as she flipped, her body felt electric as her power returned to her. Her signature soared to its usual height right as she met the ground rather hard but stood up as she popped her neck again and began walking forward to the beast that was currently fighting off its handlers

let it go, I wish to fight it!

Hands clenched as she stood up tall approaching the beast as the ground before her grew hot, her hands outstretched as she lowered her face shield


Her face shield went up as she slammed her fists together and then lowered them next to her sabers ready for a epic fight
Location: A cantina on Varl Station
Engaging: Koda Fett Koda Fett | Daesha Sivron Daesha Sivron

It was truly strange for Captain Kintor, being on Varl Station. It was truly a haven for the villainous, the wretched, and the criminal. The Klatooinian had a toothy smirk as he gazed at the Hutt-provided amenities. He had given his crew the night off, as Rhorro was not truly there for business. Most of them headed to the arena to watch the rancor fight. Others, to peruse the black market connections, or watch the various bands play.

As for Rhorro himself, he was going to have a drink so long as the Hutts provided. Who was he to object to the hospitality of the Kraken's newest "friends"? Perched on the pirate's shoulder was his constant companion, Skrim. The grey and white-patterned Kowakian chittered contently as his master scratched under his chin. The Captain could not help but chuckle.

"Now, Skrim...." His voice was in an almost parental tone, "You're gonna on your best behavior. Stick by me, and keep those thievin' paws where I can see them."

Skrim gave a squawking chuckle, inherent of his kind's mischievous nature. But, the monkey-lizard knew better than to upset his captain. The Klatooinian entered into a nearby cantina, heading toward the bar. The barkeep almost started to say something about Rhorro's companion, but one gruff look settled that.

"A pint of Kowakian rum." He requested politely, "And a bowl of dry roasted wuli nuts"

The bartender slipped off before returning with the ordered food and drink. The rum was saccharine and had a nice, dark color like liquid caramel. But that was not the only thing to keep the pirate's attention. As he handed a handful of wuli nuts to Skrim, Rhorro noticed a man in tarnished, green Mandalorian armor. He could swear he knew him.

"Oy. Mando. Don't I know ya from somewhere?" He prodded, perhaps not exactly with the best decorum.

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Tags -
Interacting with - Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Cass Gemini Cass Gemini


Personality Reference

  • Angry
  • Temperamental
  • Brash
  • Prone to fits of rage
  • Infantile
  • Loving
  • Sweet
  • Not very smart
  • The Conscience

CAB-48 (Cab) - BB Series Astromech, Heavily Modded
Snitch - Kowakian Monkey Lizard

  1. WeldersTools
  2. Hydrospanner
  3. Scrapper's Goggles
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber
  1. HF-94 Blaster Pistol
  2. Scrapped Lightsaber


Viz nearly spat out whatever it was the bartender had given her as all heads (including her own, she wasn't ashamed to say) rubber-necked in the direction of the rancor pen. An emerald green Twi'lek, whom she knew from digging alone was Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , had just dove in. Like... into the pen. She swallowed the burning sensation from the booze and looked up to where-from the psychotic woman had leapt. There... in the viewing box above, were some very classily dressed women. One was surely Ivory Stroud Ivory Stroud . As a number of people swarmed the side of the pen to watch the fight, Viz shuddered, letting Stilza surface.

- The frigg are you waiting for, clutzo?--

"We just got out of one scrape, you want to get into a new one?"

- The whole reason why you joined The Family was so you could find more work and pay off the damned Hutts. It might mean you have to suck it the hell up and actually join them. Physically --

"As if I'd have anything to bring to the table."

Stilza's rage flared. -You have got to be kriffing me. What? You're afraid of talking to some waspy ladies in party gowns? Why are you even driving the ship right now, move aside. --

Viz slammed her glass on the table, the few beings near her, including a Kowakian monkey-lizard (who made her doubly glad she'd left Snitch at home) flinched away from her. She was well aware she was talking to herself... that just came with the territory. "No... stop. I'll go."

It was really no use hedging it anymore. Her ship was nearly done with it's repairs and she was, maybe, 95% certain The Family already knew she was present. She didn't have a choice anymore. Hiding away on Nar Shaadaa barely paid for fuel let alone the massive debt she'd accrued. If she didn't use this new alliance, at least for now, she could most likely count on one hand how long she'd be up and about. Blurgo didn't threaten three times and she couldn't keep running. Her lack of people skills was only getting in the way of finding more work. She took a deep breath and approached the dais where The Donna stood, praying she could keep her wits about her long enough to slide somewhere into the fold.

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