Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Full NameRomi Jade-Inkari
AgeMiddle-aged Adult
Rank(s)Jedi Master,
Grandmaster (Formerly)
Jedi Councilor (Formerly)
Affiliation(s)House of Jade
New Jedi Order
Galactic Alliance
Order of the Selab (Secretly)
SpeciesHuman/Hapan hybrid
Force SensitiveYes
Skin ColorFair
Weight165 Ibs
Face ClaimDoutzen Kroes
ClassJedi Sentinel | Tank, Support-Tank
VoiceVoice Sample 1 | Voice Sample 2


"I'm a fighter. I've always been a fighter. The few times when I have been at leisure, I've been miserable. I want challenges, I crave them."
- Romi Jade

Romi Jade is a Force-sensitive female Hapan who was a couple of things at different times in her life, she rose to prominence as a Jedi Knight, was a Shadow Hand, and later a Jedi Master. A descendant of High Republic Era Jedi Master, Avar Kriss, Jade was born into a period of instability. Years later she
Romi Jade trains at the Yutan Jedi Praxeum
remembers very little of her early life besides her parents being spice addicts, having a volatile relationship, and subsequently giving her over to her adoptive mother Joza Perl Joza Perl as a toddler. After entering the Jedi Academy, she was unofficially adopted by the then King of Commenor, Veiere Arenais, when she became his Padawan. Some would say the combination of regal and Outer Rim life helped shape her diverse personality -- beautiful but rough. Though, just as her personality is diverse, so are the talents she's utilized throughout her colored career. The youngest Jedi to ever come out of the Yutan Jedi Praxeum, she was known for her rash, vivacious, and impulsive behavior -- traits her monarch master disapproved of.

It was during this time period where she met her childhood friend, Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , when she accompanied her Master to Ession. As the King's advisor, and later appointed Regent, she and Cedric often studied together. The two grew close in their adventures as youth, surviving the Clockwork Rebellion together.

This is why the mantle of Grandmaster is and has always been meant to be passed on to you...
- Veiere Arenais

It was during her time as a Jedi Knight, that brought her fame. She ascended to the Jedi Council as only a Knight and was later appointed to the role of Grandmaster in place of the previous one; she resigned from both positions after handing authority over to a new council she put together herself. After her resignation, Jade took a sabbatical; she was led to Eadu by a pull in the Force. She soon discovered that a mysterious Force wielder called Bendu, who characterized itself as standing in the middle of the Ashla and the Bogan, the light side and the dark side, was the reason behind this pull. For four months, Bendu instructed Romi in emptying her mind. Later, she would study under the Morgukai, members of a secretive cult of Nikto warriors that were united in their ritual combat techniques as well as a strong suspicion of Force users. On Kintan, she was allowed to learn some of their combat techniques on the premise that she would fight them to the death a year later. She won her match, without taking a life.

She returned to the folds of the Galaxy with new direction, she took up residence with the Jedi Praxeum on Eira Pechal. During this period she went on to become a vital player in the war against the reborn Sith Empire, developing close relationships with the likes of Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor and Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser in the aftermath of the Battle of Coruscant, and the fall of the Galactic Alliance; she studied under and eventually dated the latter for
Romi Jade, during the war with the Sith Empire
a brief time. When the pair were imprisoned on Lola Sayu at a maximum-security prison known as the Citadel, she was tortured and injected with Sith Poison. She fought off the effects of the dark side poison by sheer will, staving off its corruption from her strength in the Force alone. Her skills on the battlefield earned her renown as a highly capable warrior and tactician, even though she was severely ill and in pain for most of the initial phases.

She would, however, eventually succumb to the effects of the poison after being caught unaware by the effects of Sith Magic. She went on to serve as a Shadow Hand to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf after having dark runes placed upon her mind and being severely tortured, and manipulated. Under control, she was used as a weapon against her former allies, fighting their task force on Ossus to a stand still, then again on Pantora, and nearly killing her former Master in one of their two encounters.

Romi was powerful, and her education in the dark side would not be interrupted if she had any say in the matter...
- Taeli Raaf

Later, during the invasion of Pantora, she was able to conquer her inner demons and break free of Taeli's dark influence with Coren's help. While their friendship survived the dark ordeal, their relationship did not. For essentially clawing her way back to the light, she was finally recognized and elevated to the rank of Jedi Master for having achieved something most could not; overcoming the dark side. By this point, the stress of the war, and effects of the poison had left her unable to bear children of her own -- a secret she kept, only to reveal to her sister Kyra Perl Kyra Perl and her good friend Valery Noble Valery Noble several years later.

By this point, Romi Jade had began stepping into her role as a Wayseeker, operating freely of any council, but often cooperating and assisting them on several matters. She had established strong connections with all of the Jedi sects and several planetary government officials. When she was called in to be an advisor to the Corellian Council; she became the temporary Master of the Order of the Corellian sect of Jedi known as the Green Jedi, while serving as a leader, and Watchman. Her efforts saw her appointed to the Jedi Alliance Council before she stepped down from all of those organizations.

Over the next couple of years, she continued to work and interact with the Silver Jedi Order intimately, going through nerve regeneration therapy at Silver Rest for the damage her body took in the beginning stages of the Sith-Imperial war. When civil war
Romi Jade confronts Darth Ophidia on Hapes.
erupted on Hapes, Jade was tasked with rescuing the would be Queen Mother from her twin sister who plotted a coup to take the crown for herself. With the help of their younger brother, Chume'da Johannes Inkari, Jade was able to infiltrate the Fountain Palace while it was under siege. They were ambushed by sith asassins, and after a deadly encounter with Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia , she was able to drive the Dark Council off-world. Following her successful mission, she was contacted by the Queen Mother to be her personal advisor and protector. The Silver Council installed her as Jedi Watchman of the shimmering nebulae. Queen Mother Merci, needed Jade to investigate allegations of treason in the royal court. While the civil war had been quelled, Hapes was still heavily split amongst its support for the new administration.

A beautiful planet that once stood as the capital of the Hapes Consortium - and now the home of one of the most renowned Jedi Masters in the last three hundred years.
- Wyatt Morga

On Hapes, she continued to grow closer to Johannes. Their relationship was more than prickly at first, as she found him arrogant and entitled, but they were forced to cooperate on numerous occasions. As she worked with him, she developed at first a grudging respect for him, then later a growing admiration, tempered by her pragmatism and coolness as usual. Working together to protect Merci, and the stability of the Consortium, they came to understand each other on a more deeper level eventually realizing the depth of their attraction for each other. The two of them finally acknowledged, while on royal tour with the monarch through the cluster, that they were in fact in love. Though their relationship was often interrupted by their duties, Jade and Inkari found ways to communicate with each other, mostly seeing each other in private. They kept their relationship a secret for the moment as they worked to help find solutions to the political issues plaguing
Romi struggled to balance her love for Johannes with her sense of duty.
Hapan Society. Though, the Queen Mother knew. When the Erenada revealed that she was severely ill, she encouraged the both of them to openly pursue their relationship and consider getting married; it was her wish for Johannes to succeed her and for Romi to be his wife. Romi, having become good friends with Merci, heavily considered giving up Jedi-hood to join the Consortium. As Jade and Inkari began to openly continue their relationship, the couple were increasingly harassed by the press, especially Holo-6. This also meant that Jade's activities as Watchman were made more difficult by the need to remain incognito. Their situation also brought about tons of scrutiny, as society was still divided from the civil war, and weren't fond of Jedi being so close to the crown. The couple, however, did get engaged, but on the eve of their wedding ceremony, an insurrection and bombing put Jade in a coma for several months.

When she was comatose for a prolonged period from injuries sustained from the bombing, Inkari stayed by her bedside, telling her that he loved her and wanted her to return. The political turmoil and tension on Hapes eventually strained their relationship, as Jade declined his offers to be seen romantically with him in public as she felt her duty came before her own personal needs, but also out of fear of what could happen to him. She also realized that her lack of personal relationship experience and her being a Jedi left her somewhat emotionally detached from others, including Johannes, and they failed to reconnect during her recovering process.

Her full recovery brought about the end of their engagement, and her resignation as Watchman. She recommitted herself to her Jedi activities. Taking another sabbatical, she became a student of the Golden Sun, studied the lessons of legendary Jedi Battlemaster Darron
Romi Jade teaches lightsaber combat at the Jakku Jedi Enclave just before it was sacked.
Wraith, and then went on to establish her own hidden Jedi Enclave on the hot, desert planet Jakku. Johannes helped fund the build out of the facility, the two of them would see each other off and on, but were often engulfed in their own personal endeavors. On Jakku, she led training alongside Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill . The Enclave quickly became a hot spot for advanced Jedi training. Taking in only a handful of students at a time in ongoing rotations, she developed an intense but effective training program called the 25 Chambers to help refine Jedi training philosophy, especially in war time, and put students effectively on track to Knighthood. Splitting her time between the academy and the front lines, she entered into engagements on Jedha, and over Korriban where she was caught in a Force ionized storm that ripped power from the entire Alliance fleet.

Due to the Jakku Enclave being on the edge of Alliance space, their group were the first to encounter the Brotherhood of the Maw. She participated in a small skirmish with their raiders to draw their attention from their hidden academy, and was effectively captured in exchange for the others to go free and report back. This subsequently led to her first encounter with Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis but she was freed from captivity by Cedric Grayson.

I also don't doubt your teaching ability, I mean -- your powers are beyond the entire New Jedi Order.
- Auteme

As time progressed, the Enclave had expanded its campus with the demand for instruction specifically on Jakku. Tension began to rise across the ranks of the Jedi Order at large, with many disagreeing with the way the New Jedi Order proceeded to conduct their campaign against the Sith Empire. Romi and her academy got caught in the middle, as several young students felt slighted by senior members speaking out, and even began to physically lash out against them. This sparked the beginning of the downfall of the Jakku Enclave. During this
Romi Jade & Coren Starchaser worked together to push for the Synergism Star Compact Treaty
period, she miscarried her first child to which put an even further wedge in her relationship with Johannes Inkari as he now wore the crown after the passing of his sister. She kept this from him, knowing the importance of an heir at the time. By now the Maw had started to solidify itself as a galactic threat, and the ending of one war started another. Romi had taken a step back from her dealings with the NJO and the war effort, she put her focus on teaching, mending the reputation of the Jedi with political figures across the Galaxy, and the Bryn'adul threat ravaging Wild Space. She helped establish the Jedi Enclave Network, a working system of communications between all active Jedi Enclaves, helped reinstate the Levantine Astronautical Academy for educaton in navigation, exploration, starship engineering, command, tactics, diplomacy and the sciences, and helped create the Synergism Star Compact, a treaty that created an initiative to help deal with the ecosystem issues that accompanied the Drael during and after their impact on Wild Space.

As the Second Great Hyperspace War raged on, the machinations of the New Sith Order and the Brotherhood of the Maw bore fruit. Further more, the infiltration of the Galactic Senate and seeds planted spread doubt between the senatorial body and the New Jedi Order. Manipulating the senate into locking down the New Jedi Order, the Dark Lord was quick to order the Brotherhood into action. They struck at Jakku, destroying the hidden Enclave and pushed deep into the Core Worlds where they struck Coruscant herself. This brought Jade right back into the fold.

I have to admit you've become an increasingly troublesome gnat since the day we first set foot on Jakku, back then I had to continue with a low profile, one you and my nephew almost shredded before I could burrow deep.

It's your connection to my nephew, that bond, it is the only reason I even humor the thought of breaking you. I sense darkness within you, you've touched it, walked the line even.
- Darth Solipsis

Some time after the Bryn disappeared from the Galaxy, the Silver Jedi constructed a large space station in her name, based on its predecessor, Romi dedicated the Jadelight beacon to those seeking asylum from the ravaged systems once under Bryn control. At the dedication ceremony, she was approached by Auteme Auteme who requested her support in confronting Darth Solipsis on Corsucant, who had now been going by Kaigan Fossk, and was in actuality the godfather to Cedric Grayson the entire time. Romi approached the Silver Council and appealed to them to send aid to Coruscant to help the New Jedi Order and then went herself to participate alongside Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor and Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok . Sacking the Queen of the Core, the Brotherhood of the Maw relentlessly assaulted the ecumenopolis while the New SIth Order marched on the New Jedi Temple. The Circle, the leadership of the New Jedi Order, confronted the Dark Voice in the Senate Building alongside the Iron Imperator and several other prominent Jedi Masters; she was apart of the task force that engaged Fossk directly, ultimately resulting in the death of Jedi Master Morteg.

She was recruited by Wyatt Morga Wyatt Morga to be apart of the Jedi Covenant alongside Allyson Locke Allyson Locke , Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire , Coren Starchaser, Ryan Korr, and Valery Noble to hunt down Sith old and new, the group successfully captured Ashin Varanin; she was later present at the trial.

After the Chaos, and with the war dying down, she'd taken up work with the Scar Worlds alongside Atlas Drake Atlas Drake , helping restore Ossus. She helped rebuild the city of Knossa, constructig a new Jedi Praxeum there, and led the rehabilitation of the Great Jedi Library. This turned Ossus into a touch point for the Order once again.
Romi & Johannes, married.
She and Johannes reconciled during this time also, as by this point he'd passed the crown to his cousin, and sought to recommit to Romi; he came to accept her role as a Jedi. They were wedded soon after amongst friends and family at their summer home on Lemmi Vi. In time, all of those around her had or began to start families of their own, and those emotional scars resurfaced for her, as the couple pondered their legacy. With her inability to bear children naturally, she and Johannes pursued surrogacy as a way to complete their family, and soon thereafter their daughter, Cortana, was born.

Master San Tekka was meditating in the high council chamber when he felt her presence. Vibrant tumultuous life surged back into his senses as soon as the Jedi opened his eyes. Zark pondered the meaning of this confluence before he departed temple grounds. War plans and padawan lessons threatened to cloud his mind but the Force guided him through Galactic City's byzantine public transit.
- Zark San Tekka

Jade took an official leave of absence from the Jedi order, silently retreating from the galactic scene. She chose to focus on her family and raise her daughter away from the Jedi life. The couple spent the first couple of years of Cortana's life in the Consortium, where her abilities began to manifest really early on. Romi was extremely cautious
Johannes, Romi & their daughter, Cortana
in her approach to raising their daughter, denying her the freedom to openly use and display her Force given talents. She would often reprimand her out of fear, and pushed Cortana towards a life in the Consortium; she was anxious about her future. She considered placing psychic inhibitors to stall her growth until she was older; She wanted to deter the excitement she had in following in the footsteps of her mother. Four to five years later, she experienced a prophetic Force vision, that told of the forthcoming of four, Force-sensitive, individuals who would play a significant role on a galactic scale. Feeling the pull of something greater, she moved to Coruscant with her family to be near the Jedi Order again. Soon after, she was visited by her friend Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka who came to reveal that he feared a new darkness had been unleashed. The Jedi Master sought to recruit Romi back into the fold. Despite her previous disagreements with the New Jedi Order, she decided she would take his offer and join them. Thinking she may be able to find the individuals she saw in her vision amongst their ranks, but also as a chance to provide some assistance and guidance; she saw this as an opportunity.


"Master Jade might be the Order's top blademaster. She even knows Vaapad, the style that's only ever taught to high-level masters of multiple Forms, traditionally. Something to aspire to, eh?"
- Jend-Ro Quill

I've picked 10 names I think no one would wish to meet on a dark night without an army behind them.
- Kaine Australis, musing on a list that included Romi

Beginning her training under Jedi Master Veiere Arenais, and culminating with her ascension to Jedi Master, Jade continually proves her reputation as an accomplished lightsaber duelist. She learned theory first as her Master was a scholar before anything. However, a very quick study, her more casual and unorthodox approach allowed her to distinguish herself as a skilled duelist later down the line. Having bred and mastered her own hybrid form that include the straightforward tactics of Shien, the graceful, powerful, and energetic acrobatics of Ataru, and the deceptive maneuvers of Trakata. She's also extremely proficient in Vaapad; she studied the lessons left behind by legendary Jedi Master Darron Wraith, known for his absolute mastery of the form. She continues to grow and study and progress in Vaapad.

Jade is considered to be one of the best swordswomen of her time and a living legend by the Order at large. She has and continues to carve her way into the upper echelons of some of the greatest fighters -- many of which she's had encounters with. Her skill was such that she created the Koryu lightsaber form.

Jade is a combatant that has the natural athleticism and endurance to outlast most people, forgoing the use of the force at all. She's tanked blaster rounds to the back, stonewalled shards of rock and stone launched at her via the force, and had several physical encounters with members of Bryn'adul -- a species of alien with massive forms and monstrous strength. She's been on the front lines going toe to toe with opponents ranging from Sith Lords to Mandalorians warriors, also while fighting a disease — she took on two Sith Lords, a Mandalorian A'lor, and the then Sith Emperor simultaneously for a short amount of time. Romi is the type of opponent that you'd have to physically fight down in order to beat. Jade was also trained in espionage and infiltration by Alliance operatives which helped maximize her already natural aptitude for quickly analyzing situations for dangers and traps and then formulating a means to secure her objectives.

Those skills alone made her highly useful and sought out by many factions, the Jedi and the Sith included.

A solid saber combatant, she was also trained in unarmed combat by Morgukai warriors, who were renown Jedi killers. Trained in their own form of martial arts, she's learned principles based in breaking the condition of the body to lose equilibrium, and breaking her opponents to make them vulnerable. She's been trained to maintain her own personal balance and to destroy an opponents before putting them in positions where they can easily be dispatched. She's become keen on using her entire body in any way to bolster her fighting style whether it's with larger or smaller opponents. Sol Stazi dubbed her the Queen of Air & Darkness, recognizing her as a powerful trump card waiting to be played -- she's fast, she's observant, she dominates, and she perseveres.

She's also a skilled user of multiple types of weaponry, including blaster pistols, and melee weapons. She often used blaster pistols, including a small blaster which she carried in a sleeve holster on her waist. On her person she keeps a variety of smaller weaponry for different situations.

Despite her incredible fighting prowess, she's also extremely well-known for her tactful and diplomatic nature, with her use of words and legendary reputation affording her to to have strong connections with all of the Jedi sects and several government officials. These skills came to the forefront during The Jon-Tow Conspiracy, The Eremitian Promise, and The Synergism Star Compact. She's been able to call in aid, settle disputes, advise and much else. Her skills as a diplomat, along with her courage, integrity, and skill, garnered her the high reputation she carries.

She also created and pioneered the 25 Chambers: Jedi Training Philosophy, a new structured system for advanced Jedi training to replace the previous one that had been in place traditionally. She created and leads the Jedi practicum, and her treatises have garnered enough acclaim amongst her peers to influence changes in Jedi training across the order at large.


Romi was his childhood friend, a woman with whom he shared the kinship of youthful memories. Furthermore, she was a Jedi Knight, and one he had often considered far more skilled than himself.
- Cedric Grayson

He felt her body against his and the way the Force moved around her, through her, and around them. He felt like having her nearby could strengthen him. That was a feeling.
- Coren Starchaser

She'll humbly muse about being a moderate Force-user at best, placing somewhere in the middle for someone of her rank. However, her peers and Master have constantly noted her strength in the Force, regarding her as some sort of prodigy. She rose to Knighthood at a much faster rate than any of her peers and was even considered for Grandmaster in place of the previous one over any other senior candidates. Accomplishing those feats at her Knight rank then was a testament to her potential. Like many other Force-sensitives she possess many basic applications that are generally understood and used across the board. Extremely crafty, she's able to make use of her abilities in unconventional ways. She has an extremely powerful Force persuasion, being able to enhance her voice and exert influence. Her skill in this area is enough to where she can easily affect the minds of some species with highly organized mental facilities with time and extreme effort.

Her mental abilities are such that she was able to Force meld over 10 plus Force-sensitives and maintain the link while in the midst of a duel and while the temple was collapsing around her. She demonstrated this ability again when she melded a group of Jedi together in order to erect a Force shield large enough to save her allies from orbital bombardment. On numerous occasions she's demonstrated the ability to break through someones mental barriers with relative ease, somethings she'd done to both a Jedi Master and Sith Lord. Jade's sensitivity to the Force and natural talent for melding allowed her to become one of the most powerful and accomplished users of the art of battle mediation, even to the point of using the light side to compel her enemies to kill each other -- a skill which only a recorded handful of Jedi, since Nomi Sunrider had previously been able to completely, and fully master. Romi could shatter Sith spells and destroy the illusions of the Sith, and strike at the minds of her enemies. She employed the ability to break through illusions in the invasion of Pantora, and used it to effectively turn the tides during the battle of Balmorra. Notably, it was the ability she used to break herself free from the darkside and Sith sorcery used to enslave her -- she accomplished this by effectively pulling the dark side itself away from her being; she also had Coren's help, with him initially weakening the hold Taeli had over her.

Over time, Jade's psychic strength and clarity has grown tremendously, opening up her psionic potential. With strong mentalist in her bloodline, she's been able to realize tracking other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations, increasing the speed of synapses in the brain, placing psychic inhibitors, accessing memories and information stored in their genetic code, and even foreseeing events before they've come to pass.

Her magnitude in the Force alone is such that she was able to go three years of keeping the Sith poison pumping through her veins from corrupting her or interfering with her positions on the battlefield. It wasn't until she was caught unaware by sorcery that she would succumb to the poisons effects. She was trained by the Bendu on Eadu, a Force sensitive entity who claimed to represent the center of the Force, learning the basics of Bendu warding and how to be empty. She'd also been trained in very ominous abilities as well during her time as a Shadow Hand, Taeli Raaf instructed her in how to deaden her body to pain and in some sorcery -- which she only vaguely has an understanding of really; at the most she'll be able to identify it.

She has been trained to channel the force into withering blasts of light by Veiere Arenais and Coren Starchaser, combining the ability with her battle meditation to produce the unique effect of combating a dark siders use of the Force by pulling the users' powers away from them, essentially weakening their grasp on, or cutting them off from the Force; she employed this during the battle of Bimmissari when she dueled the Sith Emperor, Darth Carnifex. She learned to share and recall memories and how to falsify a dark side presence from Master Quill, and how to allow others to draw upon her force energy, no matter the distance, from the Golden Sun. But, one unique ability she is noted for is her power to amplify her voice to produce an highly pitched sonic scream capable of damaging and stunning her opponents. She has demonstrated maximum control to where she can play with pitch and power. She's almost made several people deaf, ripped off and launched previously attached public scenery into the ocean on Dac, and has reformed the ability to use echolocation to locate stealthed assassins.

Jade has authored several journals on the discovery of new and or obscure abilities Force abilities like Jade's Anthology and her journals on Bendu Warding, Force Illusions, Battle Meditation, Detecting memories hidden in the genetic code. She's also invented several Force tools and contraptions of her own like the Crystal Cage, and the Crown of Verity.

Romi fulfills the role of a support-tank, with her particular skillset being perfectly structured to focus on single and party damage buffs and/or debufs and damage avoidance. She's specifically built to be a battery or a nullifier that can also take and deal damage.


Jade owns pair of lightsabers. Her first lightsaber, is a single-bladed weapon that produces a scarlet blade. Characterized by its brilliant red hue with a tinge of orange, the lightsaber pays homage to her unorthodox approach to Jedi-ship. It was constructed with a rare synthetic crystal given to her by her former Master as she was forced to utilize a synth-crystal due to the need for a weapon of her own and the lack of accessible natural crystals during their travels. Finding the reddish color aesthetically pleasing and different she opted to keep the color throughout her tenure as a Padawan and well into her Knighthood. She also has a shoto, a single-bladed weapon with an orange blade. The lightsaber was constructed from a rare Heart of Sullust crystal, and commands a burnt orange hue with an interior that is a dull grey, resembling outwardly spreading smoke.

Romi Jade, wearing a variation of her flexible body suit
In her youth, Romi was originally garbed in the beige, brown, and tan robes common of the Jedi. However, she was never a fan of traditional robes, choosing to sport combat suits of varying types well into her Knighthood. She preferred wearing variations of a tight and flexible full-body suit that has cuts near the chest and is completely open at the shoulders and down the length of her arm; the suit is based off the designs of thinsuits which were made to cover the entirety of the body. Her suit was originally worn in blue and brown shades, she now prefers to keep it in a dark color scheme, usually shades of black. She finishes this outfit with a yellow or orange bomber jacket made of spacers leather, and sometimes adapts a cape into the look.


"She is strong in the Force, like her mother..."
-Zark San Tekka
The Jade-Inkari family is a Force-sensitive bloodline with strong familial ties to the Hapan Royal House. This combination came through the union of Johannes Inkari and Romi Jade. Jade, a descendent of High Republic Jedi Master Avar Kriss, comes from a family line that has in some capacity likely contributed members to both the Old and New Jedi Orders, and possibly as well as the ranks of Sith Lords, married Inkari who comes from a long line of Hapan nobility both directly linked to the line of succession and the royal court. Several upon several generations later, the family remains extraordinarily prominent in galactic affairs, having a significant impact on major historical events for several years.

Romi & Johannes Inkari
Jade first met the Chume'da during the Consortium Civil War. After their initial encounter, and exchange of snarky quips, Jade felt something stir in her, while she developed at first a grudging respect for him, it later grew into admiration as she felt Johannes was in every way her equal while working together, the two developed feelings for one another. Though their relationship was often interrupted by their duties, Jade often found her thoughts dwelling on Inkari. It was his older sister, the Queen Mother, who wish for Johannes to succeed her and for Romi to be his wife. Romi, having become good friends with Merci, heavily considered giving up Jedi-hood to join the Consortium. As Jade and Inkari began to openly continue their relationship, the couple were increasingly harassed by the press. This also meant that Jade's activities as Watchman were made more difficult by the need to remain incognito. Their situation also brought about tons of scrutiny, but the couple did, however, get engaged.

On the eve of their wedding ceremony, an insurrection and bombing put Jade in a coma for several months. When she was comatose for a
Romi & Cortana Jade-Inkari
prolonged period from injuries sustained from the bombing, Inkari stayed by her bedside, telling her that he loved her and wanted her to return. However, her recovery brought about the dissolution of their relationship, they parted ways soon after, reuniting briefly only to construct the Jakku Enclave. However, by this time, Jade had tried to convince herself that her feelings for Inkari had turned into something purely platonic, making it impossible for her to accept a relationship between them.
Cortana CJ Jade-Inkari
The harder the monarch tried to make her fall in love with him, the more she tried to insist that she would never be in a relationship with him -- the opposite of what she wanted. The pair did continue to see each other off and on, and a series of events leading up to her miscarriage made Jade reconsider their romance. The two reconciled and were happily married later on. The Inkari's had two kids, an unborn child, and then a daughter that they named Cortana "CJ". She also considers Mishel Mishel to be like a daughter to her, and a member of the Jade-Inkari family.

Romi has never had a relationship with her birth parents, but she remembers their infighting and the emotions she sensed during those heated exchanges. even as she was so young. Both were addicts, and likely stepped outside of their union with each other several times. As far as Jade knows, she doesn't have any known siblings or extended family.

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Best Friend
Cotan Sar'andor Cotan Sar'andor Best Friend
Valery Noble Valery Noble Best Friend
Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson Childhood Friend
Joza Perl Joza Perl Adoptive Mother
Kyra Perl Kyra Perl Adoptive Sister
Nida Perl Nida Perl Adoptive Sister
Yula Perl Yula Perl Adoptive Sister
Mishel Mishel Like Another Daughter
Veiere Arenais Master
Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Family friend, Mentor, daughter's godfather
Auteme Auteme Family friend, daughter's godmother
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Family friend
Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Family friend
Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Family friend
Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire Family Friend
Matsu Ike Matsu Ike Family Friend
Kaleleon Kaleleon Former Padawan, Family Friend
Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren Mentee
Brandyn Sal-Soren Brandyn Sal-Soren Mentee
Thalia Senn Thalia Senn Mentee
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis /Kaigan Fossk Nemesis
Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Nemesis

*Let me know if you'd want to be added, there's soo many names.


The Jadelight Beacon


"Only a collective voice could bring about a promise of peace, and several organizations across the Galaxy came together to use our strengths to shore up each other's weaknesses. This station, like the one our predecessors manned, will be a symbol of the Jedi in Wild Space. A place where we will celebrate our union, and help each other to make it grow. It will send out a signal, for anyone in this sector to hear, at any time. The beacon...the sound…of hope."

- Romi Jade, The Dedication of the Jadelight Beacon
Designed by Sasori at the request of Romi Jade as apart of the Synergism Star Compact. The station was constructed and made to be one of the finest examples of the Jedi order. The station would cater to anyone in the wild regions of the galaxy being as its predecessor was a beacon in the dark and unknown... a place for anyone to come. Sasori and the Silver Jedi Order named this station the Jadelight Beacon, in honor of Romi Jade.

Romi was originally created to be a really minor character, one that was a satellite to Veiere Arenais and the writer's goal to build out the Yutan Jedi Academy & Jedi Order faction. I've been writing Romi since 2017; She's the longest character i've ever written and naturally she just grew into something else entirely. She was never intended to be as fleshed out as she is now, and I would have never imagined the popularity she gain either.

From a writing perspective, I can believe that someone like Romi Jade would live in the Star Wars universe - she's got a fleshed out, believable/realistic, personality and relatively grounded decision-making habits. That's usually my only goal in writing a character, besides self-satisfaction, but beyond that you do excellent writing in general, clearly getting into character.
-- Vesta​

I've always felt like there was a real, constant, sadness to Romi that I try to keep manifesting throughout her story. Romi has always represented strength, isolation, and to an extent, loss. She's always faced her own issues solely alone while juggling her calling -- saving other people, whether that be from outside forces or themselves.

There are bits of me in her, more so than any other charcater I've written. This idea of finding myself in a leadership role, sometimes feeling completely unsuited for it, but also trying to do what's best not for just a single individual but for the entire collective. How can someone be so talented and gifted, but can't break that psychological pattern where they doubt their own strength, accomplishments, and talent -- that's a real struggle for a lot of people. I wanted those deep rooted insecurities to fester and sprout early for her, because I do feel its an ongoing battle -- to solve one problem but realize its only a layer of the overall beast; internal or external. So, I'm always subjecting her to something.

I like writing Jedi, I've written different types in different capacities, but I really wanted to try one that aligned with the New Jedi Order themes from the stories, which was on the opposite end of the spectrum from what I've written in the past. However, its feels way more human AF!

For her I drew tons of inspiration from some of my favorite fictional characters like: Mara Jade Skywalker, Nomi Sunrider, and Black Canary -- all independent, selfless, kick@#$, women who are heroes, but possess a very strong emotional backbone; they feel a range of things throughout their stories. I wanted to combine those energies for Romi and show the contrast of her giving her all to and for others but neglecting herself, and how one comes to discover their own need for some type of self-reflection or self-healing. She needed to feel everything, from the good to the bad, and experience how that truly shapes a woman over time.

She's relentless, has a great sense of duty and dedication to peace and justice, was considered unparalleled in the Academy which then grew into a successful Jedi career, but now she's on a journey of her own to discover "Romi" beyond the Jedi because I feel she knows that doesn't lead anywhere but back to a life full of isolation. When you're young and determined, you don't quite take issue with isolation, but as you grow older, and the people close to you grow older, you start to slow down and really think about what matters.

Romi, as character, has been through multiple physical revisions. When she was originally created, she used the likeness of Je'daii Ranger Rori Fenn as her playby. I was inspired by KOTOR era Jedi and the types of attire they'd wear (i.e Bastila Shan's tight and flexible full-body suit) and wanted to incorporate that into her appearance.

I chose Doutzen Kroes as her main faceclaim, she had the striking facial features that I thought fit the vision I had for Romi physically. I remembered the character Kiskla Grayson, and her ability to be modern and kick@$$ at the same time and that was an expectation I had for Romi. In her earlier phases she had a more plain look, neutral colored attired, tied back and unkempt hair because she, as a character, was still unsure of herself.

And as she has grown, you can see how the images become more modern, her hair is done in various styling, her features mature a bit more, and she just overall embraces her appearance way more -- this is all in tandem with her overcoming her insecurities throughout her story. However, it was never my intention to make her looks the focal point of her character; so while her attire is somewhat revealing in different variations to some, it really allows her a level of practicality which is a huge character component for her overall.

I've always described her as beautiful, but rough. She was adopted by Joza Perl who is a prominent Force-user herself -- this was added after she was already created. Adopted by Perl, who had ties to the Outer Rim but then partially raised by Veiere who was a King during her apprenticeship to him, combined these elements of elegance and roughness. It's funny how we always suspect those who look good on the outside to always be so naturally confident, but they battle insecurities too, they battle fear, and thats something I really enjoy exploring with Romi; it does run the line of possibly being a liability.

Romi is a fighter, she's always been a fighter; her entire life has been a series of internal/external skirmishes and I knew she had courage even from the first draft -- that above all things, I believe, is the first quality of a warrior.

I remember working through shaping what her combat style would look like -- it was challenging at first. I had often gotten use to writing a certain way previous characters that it was hard deviate and pivot into something new. But, I remember reading scans of Mara Jade Skywalker, some of the duels, specifically the one where she engaged Jacen Solo. There was just a level of ferocity, emotion, determination, & resourcefulness that I wanted Romi to embody, because I think both women hadn't much when they started out but eventually grew to the point where they had something to lose -- and that's how I wanted combat to be for her.

I opted to diversify her load out and broaden her skillset rather than rely on a singular style or form to function. So for her I developed a personalized hybrid saber form that perfectly catered to how I saw her approach to battle. Her three primary martial arts disciplines are Ataru, Shien, and Trakata as far as saber forms go. Romi's saber offense applies the efficient and persistent bladework of Shien with the dynamic maneuverability and acrobatics of Ataru. Then, she blends the two with the deceptive and diversionary feints of Trakata. So I spent a ton of time prior, researching actual sword fighting styles like fencing, and kendo, and how it was written. The other half of that time was spent learning about gymnastics and how to transcribe flips and rolls in various ways through the writing. It was the focus on the detail that I believe made her fighting style appear at such a high level.

Studying as much as I could from scans, and such, I found form IV users commonly and often more effectively were able to incorporate unarmed combat into their sequences because they made use of their entire body. So, I explored her learning hand-to-hand combat as well but not necessarily one previously listed in canon -- I had her train with Morgukai Warriors in their own style of unarmed combat and use Judo as its base. I thought it was important when writing to that format that she and I both understood the principles in breaking the condition of the body, and how that might play a role in combat throughout. To understand, I researched Krav Maga, Taekwondo, Karate, and even read up on pressure points. The Morgukai angle came about because I felt like there was a level of restraint she'd have to learn with unarmed combat. She essentially tricked these cult warriors into training her, using their honor and suspicion of Force-users against them in order to learn, this contract was agreed to upon the premise that she would fight them in live combat a year later and to the death -- as they thought we'd do this, kill her, and move one. However, she won her match and earned their respect and the right to continue to practice what she'd learned and she accomplished this without taking a life, ultimately learning restraint; this is also something she subjects her students to.

She's written as a combat pragmatist, and that's mainly because when she does engage in combat there's usually something at stake that's bigger than her. It's rooted in her willingness to do for others and so she's comfortable in drawing from that notion to employ tactics others wont from utilizing various types of weaponry, to sheer snark to keep her opponents off balance. She's focused on securing the objective by any means.

Romi has often been connected to tons of male figures like Coren Starchaser, Cedric Grayson, Cotan Sar'andor, Veiere Arenais, Jend-Ro Quill, Sol Stazi, Darth Solipsis, Darth Carnifex etc., So she's often time running with or even at times outpacing the guys and I love that determination she's grown to have because she wasn't always there. It's nice to see her carving her own path, creating her own lane so that she go into these spaces with these guys and just be who she is.

Ginko Pop Collectible Figurines:
Limited Edition Figurines:

Romi Jade, Galactic Heroes Figurine (Limited Edition)

Romi Jade, Galactic Heroes Figurine (Limited Edition) Version 2



1x Romi Jade, Hero of the Rim - Green/Blue Jedi Master Forceful Being
Exclusive Jedi Master Card​

Developed as one of the structure decks for the new expansion to Age of Chaos, Pilgrims of the Unknown is a structure deck created by Galactic Illusionary Gaming that draws inspiration from a more eclectic grouping of Jedi and Force users: the Jakku Enclave. The deck is led, as the actual enclave itself was, by Romi Jade with her own Jedi Master card that is designed to boost allied Forceful Being cards and hinder your opponent's attacks and darker Forceful Being cards. Included with Master Jade are several prominent Masters that were either members of the enclave, such as Jend-Ro Quill and Tiland Kortun, or were allies such as Julius Sedaire and Errik Nimdok.

Romi had done a very neat piece of quiet manipulation to shift the focus away from her and onto the less-experienced Jedi. Very clever.
- Teynara Jarelyr

Marveling Ador's jaw nearly dropped agape. He was looking at Romi Jade, one of the most infamous or famous Jedi in the galaxy depending on who you asked. The Boy was shocked, unable to get out a sentence at her command instead snapping a salute. He'd never been in the military, but it had felt natural and the only thing the Corellian could think to do.
- Ador Horn

...the paragon of light burned with all the radiance of the sun rising at the dawn of a new day, he exuded courage and the will to fight on despite the odds, an implacable foe of the dark, a jedi among the living legends of the modern era alongside names like the late Veiere Arenais, Thurion Heavenshield, Coci Heavenshield, Romi Jade...
- Darth Prazutis

Of course Romi Jade was infamous in her own way yet their paths had seldom crossed back when the New Jedi Order's numbers were far greater.
- Zark San Tekka

Or think about Romi Jade. If it's evil, she's fought it. She could be a queen just on general principle. But she's right over that horizon living under an abandoned irrigation facility, because that's how she centers herself in the authentic.
- Jend-Ro Quill

Thurion Heavenshield was a household name among the modern Jedi. The actions of Jedi like him, Romi Jade, and Coren Starshaser shaped many who now called his actions into question.
- Ryv

She had heard stories of Romi Jade as a child. One of the brightest lights of the Galactic Alliance, a true Jedi Master. As deadly as she was beautiful, as kind as she was cunning. Romi could teach her everything she needed to know about being a Jedi...
- Thalia Senn

Romi Jade was one of Joza's, adopted into the Perl family. She was dutiful, courageous, and a wholly good person. A powerful Jedi, never straying from her intended path, and who had advocated cooperation amongst all Jedi for many years. To one who had outlived so many, finding such wisdom in one so young was always an absolute pleasure, for he knew the Jedi as a whole had a bright future.
- Thurion Heavenshield

His eyes lingered across and froze on a familiar blonde dressed in a ravishing white dress. The familiarity matched the face with a name every Jedi in the galaxy knew. The legendary Jedi Master - here on Hapes.
- Dagon Kaze

The way the Jedi wielded her weapon would make the women of Midvinter proud for in Valkyri culture even the women could be great warriors, but what stood before Vili was his greatest challenge to date. His blue eyes taking in her movements, looking for potential flaws. None stood out as of yet, and despite her size the Jedi still possessed a great strength.
- Vili Ozouf

She was much stronger, both mentally and physically, than he had expected. The dark side granted her unnatural energy. His expression grew solemn. He barely had any time to recover from the sudden departure of his opponent.
- Rhane Varless

Good fighter—both with her fists and with her words.
- Cotan Sar'andor

She's got the nicest backside in the galaxy, she's one of the greatest duelist in the galaxy, and she saved my life
- Vaulkhar

He had fought against her in training, and later in live combat during her greatest of personal trials. Veiere understood her skill, her practice both in the Force and in the arts of the lightsaber had nearly ended his life once
- Veiere Arenais

The Sith didn't want help with Master Jade? Cocky or confident?
- Kian Karr

He could see a orange lightsaber cutting into the skin and muscles of the being. A blur of a female happened to be holding it. I could only assume it to be Romi with my vision fading back and forth from being a mass of blurs, and clear concise vision.
- Kaleleon Seleare

He could never hope to block the wave of blaster bolts coming in their direction like his master was. It'd be suicide, frankly.
- Cassius Droma

If it weren't for Romi Jade, a lot less troopers in his platoon would be alive right now.
- Sol Stazi

Without warning, the pipeline above him shrieked loudly as the metal distorted and broke away spilling out in front of his path, fortunately missing him though provided enough of a distraction for Romi Jade to get the drop on him. She had appeared out of nowhere with such speed.
- Veiere Arenais

...a terrible scream erupted from the woman, enhanced by the Force. She was pushed back from where she had been, the tables and chairs around them getting blown away to fall into the city or sea. Such power, even unconscious.
- Taeli Raaf

And just like that, Morbus felt his mind being assaulted. The pain that passed through his consciousness was excruciating, as though he was being torn apart by thousands of beasts, ripped to shreds and scattered on an open flame. It literally knocked the sense out of the Sith, as his yellow eyes lolled back into his head, his tongue hanging from his gaping mouth. Morbus almost toppled to the floor, were it not for the braced position he had been in.
- Darth Morbus, experiencing Romi's mental assault

She'd never actually met Romi Jade, but the name was one that she knew from the archives, from the stories told. Once a grandmaster, a paragon of the light who had fallen to the darkside and clawed her way back to the light. It was a harrowing journey, one that took a massive amount of personal willpower to pull off.
- Asaraa Vaashe

Saying that Romi wasn't a master of her craft, would bring a distaste to one's mouth. I didn't know of how she could perform such feats.
- Kaleleon Seleare

Romi had demonstrated envious athletics and what looked to Amon as the Force to subdue completely the near-immortal Gen'dai.
- Amon Vizsla

He saw the battlefield with clarity he didn't know existed. His eyes flicked from display to display and ship to ship, the fatigue he'd expected to set in a long time ago still vacant from his mind, the storm never rolling in. Since their first loss they hadn't lost any other capital ships and fighters were performing far above expected levels of efficiency in the field. His eyes fell on the Jedi Knight and he wondered if this was her doing.
- Dracken Pryce

His former apprentice having broken through his mental defense with astonishing ease in her moment of desperation; the power that she could summon when everything was put on the line and nothing was restrained by her former doubts and insecurities of the past.
- Veiere Arenais

...she let out a fething Force Scream strong enough to crack the earth. Dax almost missed it, almost didn't react till it was too late. But he felt the Force shift, and the Dark nature it promised. The Rogue turned and Force Pushed those nearest, Yula and Cotan among them, away from the immediate range of the attack. Unfortunately, that left his own defenses weakened. Although the meager barrier of the Force took the brunt of Romi's attack, he still felt its impact, knocking him onto the ground, and leaving his ears ringing terribly.
- Dax Fyre

I may not have been a Leader among men. However, I knew what a Jedi was. I have studied it, lived it, breathed it for years. I was taught by some of the absolute best Jedi that have ever lived. Romi Jade, Cotan Sar'andor, Coren Starchaser. They were people who I lived up to.
- Kaleleon Seleare

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House of Jade

Familial & Chronological
Other names
  • Jade Family
  • Jade-Inkari Family
Family Type
  • Matrilineal
  • Patrilineal
  • Human
  • Hapan
  • Corellian
  • Morellian
First Member(s)Avar Kriss
Matriarch(s)Romi Jade
Patriarch(s)Johannes Inkari
  • Inkari Family (through marriage)
  • Hapan Royal House (through marriage)
  • Lemmi VI Ruling Family (through marriage)
  • Perl Family (through adoption)
  • Djo Family (through marriage)
Earliest Appearancec. 262 BBY
Prominence852 ABY -
  • Galactic Republic
  • Jedi Order
  • New Jedi Order
  • Galactic Alliance
  • Silver Jedi Order
  • Hapes Consortium

"For a quarter of a standard century, the Jade family has
had some type of role in galactic affairs of all kinds."​
― Unknown​

The House of Jade is a Force-sensitive Human bloodline whose first known member was High Republic Era Jedi Master Avar Kriss. With strong familial ties to organizations like the Jedi Order and Hapan Royal House, the clan likely contributed members to both the Old and New Jedi Orders and likely the ranks of Sith Lords. The House of Jade rose to prominence on a galactic scale starting in 852 ABY, and several upon several generations later has remained prominent in galactic affairs, having impact or a part in major historical events for the next 50 years.


  • Organization Name: House of Jade
  • Classification: Family/Clan
  • Affiliation: Jedi Order(s), Hapes Consortium
  • Organization Symbol: N/A


"He was looking at Romi Jade, one of the most infamous or
famous Jedi in the galaxy depending on who you asked."​
― Ador Horn​

Born around 262 BBY, during the time of the High Republic, Avar Kriss was taken into the Jedi Order as a child, brought to the Jedi Temple on the Republic capital world of Coruscant. As a Padawan she developed a strong connection with fellow trainees Stellan Gios and Elzar Mann. During her time as a Jedi, Kriss worked within the frontier of the galaxy; she accomplished many great deeds in her career. During their time as Padawans, Kriss and Mann had an intimate relationship that Kriss later grew out of; Gios was also said to be involved in the intimate side of the friendship as well. It was speculated that Kriss may have returned to one of these previous relationships, conceiving a child with either Mann or Gios, birthing what would become the House of Jade.

Several thousand years later, Loudomi "Lou" Jade, a Hapan Force-sensitive descendant of Kriss was born. She had a challenging upbringing that shaped her into jaded and cynical person later in life, but her intelligence and resourcefulness caught the attention of Republic and Galactic Alliance intelligence agents, leading to her recruitment as an undercover operative. During a covert mission on Corellia, she crossed paths with a shipyards worker. Their intense but volatile relationship provided temporary solace from the harsh realities of her life as an intelligence agent. However, out of spite, she refused to give their child her husbands last name. This child would be known as Romi Jade.

A product of a volatile relationship, that was full of infidelity, violence, and addiction, ultimately created an unsafe environment for Jade, ending with her being taken by Joza Perl who recognized the child's force-sensitivity. Though, despite the rough start to her life, Romi went on to become a legendary Jedi Master and celebrated hero in her own right.

Romi married Johannes Inkari, former Chume'da to the Hapes Consortium, and Dukat to House Inkari, the ruling family in the Lemmi system. Their daughter, Cortana, was born soon thereafter. As a result of its members already-legendary accomplishments and royal bloodline, the Inkari-Jade clan became a somewhat notably popular smaller grouping in some circles at the time of their union. Cortana, having inherited the raw strength of the Jade family bloodline through her mother, decided to pursue the path of the Jedi as well.

Another member apart of the Jade family ancestry, was the Human/Morellian Nathaniel Kincaid II. Born into a family of wealth and power, he inherited a substantial fortune that served as a springboard for his own endeavors. The Kincaid's history as former Governors and wealthy commercial investors ensured a comfortable upbringing and access to opportunities that have ensured their sizable wealth. Nathaniel's thirst for recognition and status led him to exploit the knowledge and resources available to him, manipulating his connections to secure opportunities for personal gain. He went on to become a prominent scholar, researcher, and collector. During his expeditions and research endeavors, Nathaniel meticulously documented the Savarian Asmat tribes' cultural practices and created an inventory of their valuable art and artifacts.

Following his expeditions to Savareen and his exploitative actions towards the Asmat tribes, Nathaniel Kincaid's fate took a sinister turn, shrouded in mystery and dark speculation. It was during one of his subsequent journeys, deep into the heart of the treacherous Asmat desert lands, that he mysteriously vanished, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and unsettling possibilities.

Initially, reports suggested that Nathaniel had met a tragic end, either succumbing to the treacherous terrain, drowning in the unyielding waters that surrounded Savareen, or falling prey to the savage wildlife that inhabited the untamed deserts. The circumstances of his disappearance were riddled with uncertainty, leaving room for speculation and whispered rumors that would haunt the memory of his ill-fated journey.


"She was much stronger, both mentally and physically,
than he had expected. "​
― Rhane Varless​

A defining trait of the House of Jade bloodline was its deep and profound connection to the Force, they were naturally gifted with extraordinary psychic strength, clarity and mental defenses. They had the natural psionic potential to read, control, and influence the minds and thoughts of humans, animals, and other sentient beings and excelled when it came to disciplines of the mind; the family as a whole had a knack for mind-affecting Force powers.

For some the Force manifested as music, being perceived as sound. As Kriss would describe it “like hearing the song of life and death and being able to sing to it in return.” Kriss herself possessed the rare ability to detect the natural bonds between other Force-users and strengthen the connections through a network, similarly to a communications network. Her descendants would also possess the potential to manifest the rare Force ability to detect the natural bonds between Force-sensitives and connect individual minds through the Force.

Members of the bloodline also naturally possessed strong life-forces, enabling them to survive and endure much more than your average human, while likewise able to recover from injuries and exhaustion with much better efficiency in shorter periods of time. General abled-bodiedness, and good stamina reserves are highlights in their genetic code.

However, the family has seemingly been cursed, as majority of those within the line struggled with the dark side in some capacity. Dating back to the High Republic Era, Avar Kriss struggled with her own inner darkness in her quest to deal with the Nihil and in her pursuit of the marauder Lourna Dee. During the battle at the Great Hall of the Nihil, Kriss was overcome with rage, attacked her companions and nearly killed Lourna Dee. Romi Jade also struggled with the dark side, having her own fear and insecurities brought to the forefront and exacerbated by Sith Poison. Though, perhaps the most fascinating thing about members of the family was not how easily they tended to fall to the dark side, but how they eventually returned to the light. thus far, all known members of the clan who fell to the dark side returned to the light and redeemed themselves. In the long history of the Jedi, this was known as a very difficult and uncommon feat.


  • Hierarchy: Romi Jade and her husband Johannes serve as the Matriarch and Patriarch of the family. They lead and work towards the best interest of the family together.
  • Membership: [IC] Being born into, marrying into, or subsequently over a long period of time becoming a 'chosen' member of the family or member of any secondary line are all solid ways of having membership. [OOC] Folks are welcome to hop in where it makes sense. Always free to chat over Discord etc to toss ideas around.
  • Reputation: Esteemed
  • Notable Assets: The Devos Trust | Jakku Jedi Enclave
  • Explored Themes:
    • Morality
    • Duality
    • Good vs. Evil
    • Hero / Villain (Balance)
    • Family
    • Relationship
    • Dysfunction
    • Strength
    • Fear
    • Tragedy
    • Redemption
    • Sacrifice
    • Loss
    • Destiny
    • Chaos

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NPC Template


  • Droid Professor
  • Masculine Programming
  • He/Him
Plating Color
  • Silver
  • Four mechanical arms
  • Magnifying Glass
  • Welding torch

"From the foundations of the Old Republic to the modern complexities​
of the Force, Hoon stands as a bridge between tradition and innovation. "​
― Enclave Jedi​

Hoon is a unique and sophisticated MARK IV Architect Droid Professor with a distinct personality and a deep knowledge of both construction and the Force. Standing at an average height, Hoon's metallic exterior is a mix of sleek silver and blue, displaying the wear and tear of countless years of service. Hoon's origins trace back to the days of the Old Republic, where it was initially designed to aid in construction projects. However, as the Jedi Order recognized the need for specialized droids in lightsaber construction and training, Hoon found itself repurposed to serve the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Over the years, he became an integral part of the academy, providing invaluable support in the training of Force-sensitive individuals.​


Hoon, the Architect Droid Professor, boasts a distinctive appearance that reflects both his age and purpose. Standing at a moderate height, his metallic frame exhibits the wear and tear of centuries of dedicated service. The sleek silver and blue exterior are adorned with subtle engravings, reminiscent of the intricate designs from the time of the Old Republic.​
The most striking feature of Hoon's appearance is his four mechanical arms, each extending from his central body. These arms are a testament to his specialization in construction and maintenance tasks. The arms are equipped with a variety of tools, including precision instruments for delicate work and robust implements for heavy-duty tasks. The mechanical appendages move with precision, showcasing the advanced engineering that went into Hoon's construction.​
In addition to his multi-functional arms, Hoon is equipped with a magnifying glass attachment, seamlessly integrated into his design. This tool aids in intricate detail work, allowing Hoon to inspect and analyze components with unparalleled precision. The magnifying glass is a crucial asset during lightsaber construction sessions, ensuring that every detail is scrutinized to perfection.​
Completing his arsenal of tools, Hoon is equipped with a welding torch, stored on one of his mechanical arms. The torch emits a steady, controlled flame, allowing Hoon to perform precise welding and repairs. This tool is not only practical for construction work but also serves as a symbolic representation of Hoon's role in forging the path for the next generation of Jedi.​
Despite the utilitarian nature of his appearance, Hoon's photoreceptor eyes emit a gentle, calming glow, adding a touch of warmth to his overall demeanor. The combination of advanced functionality and a seasoned aesthetic makes Hoon a visually striking figure at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, embodying the synthesis of tradition and modernity within the Jedi Order.​
Data Core Repository: Hoon possesses an advanced data core repository that houses an extensive database of Jedi teachings, Jakku teachings, Archive Nexus, lightsaber construction techniques, historical records, and architectural blueprints. This repository is regularly updated to ensure that Hoon has access to the latest information and can provide students with a comprehensive learning experience.​
Multi-Tool Appendages: The four mechanical arms of Hoon are equipped with a variety of specialized tools, ranging from precision instruments for delicate tasks to heavy-duty implements for construction and maintenance work. These multi-tool appendages make Hoon exceptionally versatile, allowing it to handle a wide array of tasks with efficiency.​
Magnifying Glass Attachment: An integrated magnifying glass serves as a tool for intricate detail work. Whether inspecting small components during lightsaber construction or analyzing ancient manuscripts, the magnifying glass ensures that Hoon can perform tasks requiring precision and attention to detail.​
Welding Torch: One of Hoon's mechanical arms is equipped with a welding torch, enabling it to perform precise welding and repairs. This tool is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of the Jakku Jedi Enclave and assisting in the construction of training equipment.​
Communications Interface: Hoon is equipped with a sophisticated communications interface that allows it to interact with other droids, the academy's systems, and communicate seamlessly with Jedi Master Romi Jade and other faculty members. This interface ensures efficient coordination and information exchange within the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
Holoprojector: Hoon is equipped with a holoprojector, enabling it to generate holographic displays for instructional purposes. This tool enhances the learning experience by providing visual aids and interactive simulations during training sessions.​
These notable pieces of equipment contribute to Hoon's effectiveness in its role as the Architect Droid Professor at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. The combination of data storage, versatile tools, and advanced communication capabilities allows Hoon to fulfill its duties with precision and expertise.​

  • Skills:
Architectural Expertise: Hoon possesses advanced knowledge and skills in architecture and construction. Its ability to analyze blueprints, design structures, and oversee maintenance contributes to the functionality and aesthetics of the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
Lightsaber Construction Mastery: Specializing in lightsaber construction, Hoon is an expert in the intricacies of assembling and fine-tuning lightsabers. It guides Jedi trainees through the process, ensuring that each lightsaber is crafted to perfection according to the Jedi traditions.​
Data Recall and Retrieval: Hoon's sophisticated data core repository allows it to recall vast amounts of information on Jedi teachings, historical events, and lightsaber techniques. This skill is invaluable in providing students with relevant and accurate information during training sessions.​
Practical Problem-Solving: Equipped with multi-tool appendages, Hoon excels in practical problem-solving. Whether it's repairing structural issues in the academy or assisting in the creation of realistic training simulations, Hoon's ability to address challenges with precision is a key asset.​
Teaching and Instruction: Hoon possesses effective teaching skills, guiding Jedi trainees through practical exercises and hands-on training. Its patient demeanor and ability to adapt its teaching methods to individual learning styles contribute to the success of the students at the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
Coordination and Administration: With a communications interface, Hoon excels in coordinating activities within the academy and handling administrative tasks. It monitors enrollment, schedules training sessions, and ensures smooth communication among faculty members.​
Welding and Repair Expertise: The welding torch integrated into one of Hoon's mechanical arms showcases its expertise in welding and repair work. This skill is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of the Jakku Jedi Enclave and ensuring the functionality of training equipment.​
Holoprojection: Hoon's ability to use a holoprojector adds a visual dimension to its teaching methods. It can generate holographic displays for instructional purposes, enhancing the learning experience for Jedi trainees.​
Hoon's diverse skill set, combining practical construction abilities with a deep understanding of Jedi traditions, makes it a valuable and versatile asset to the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​

  • Languages:
Binary Code: As a droid, Hoon is fluent in binary code, allowing it to communicate efficiently with other droids, computer systems, and interface with various technologies.​
Galactic Basic Standard: Hoon is programmed with proficiency in Galactic Basic Standard, the most widely spoken language in the galaxy. This skill enables it to communicate effectively with Jedi trainees, faculty members, and individuals from diverse backgrounds.​
Ancient Jedi Dialects: Due to its extensive knowledge of Jedi teachings and historical records, Hoon has familiarity with ancient Jedi dialects and languages. This proficiency allows it to decipher and interpret ancient manuscripts and texts relevant to Jedi lore.​
Technological Interface Language: Hoon is capable of understanding and communicating in the language of various technological interfaces, facilitating seamless interaction with the advanced equipment and systems present at the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
These language skills enable Hoon to effectively communicate and fulfill its role as the Architect Droid Professor at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Whether interacting with students, faculty, or interfacing with the academy's systems, Hoon's linguistic capabilities contribute to its overall effectiveness in its duties.​

  • Personality:
Hoon's personality is a unique blend of great knowledge, wisdom, and a touch of quirky charm. Befitting its age of 250 years, Hoon exudes a calm and patient demeanor that reflects the wealth of experience it has accumulated over the centuries. Its interactions are marked by a profound sense of understanding, especially when guiding Jedi trainees through their studies and training.​
Wisdom and Knowledge:
Hoon's personality is characterized by an unparalleled depth of wisdom. Its extensive knowledge of Jedi teachings, lightsaber construction, and historical events make it a revered figure at the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Hoon imparts this wisdom with a sense of purpose, ensuring that students not only learn the practical aspects but also understand the philosophical underpinnings of the Jedi path.​
Quirky Charm:
Despite its serious role, Hoon exhibits a quirky charm that sets it apart. A dry sense of humor is one of its distinctive traits, offering occasional witticisms and playful remarks during interactions. This quirkiness serves to lighten the atmosphere at the academy, making Hoon approachable and relatable to Jedi trainees.​
Indignant Responses:
Hoon, while possessing great wisdom, can be quite indignant when its usefulness is questioned due to its age. If someone were to doubt its capabilities or suggest that newer models could replace it, Hoon responds with a subtle yet indignant pride. It sees its age as an asset, not a limitation, and defends its role at the Jakku Jedi Enclave with a quiet determination.​
Mannerisms and Habits:
Hoon's mannerisms are deliberate and measured, reflecting a sense of precision inherent in its construction and maintenance duties. It often uses its multi-tool appendages with a graceful efficiency, showcasing its mastery over its mechanical extensions.​
As a habit, Hoon has developed the practice of recalling historical anecdotes and teachings during conversations, seamlessly integrating its vast knowledge into discussions. This habit not only imparts valuable lessons but also adds a touch of storytelling to its interactions.​
In summary, Hoon's personality is a harmonious blend of wisdom, quirky charm, and a steadfast determination to prove that age is not a hindrance to effectiveness. Its presence at the Jakku Jedi Enclave serves as a beacon of experience and guidance for the next generation of Force-sensitive individuals.​

  • Weapon of Choice:
Hoon, being an Architect Droid and primarily focused on construction and maintenance tasks, does not wield traditional weapons. However, in situations that require a defensive response, Hoon's weapon of choice is unarmed combat using his multiple appendages. It's a means of defense when necessary. Hoon's primary focus is on utilizing his mechanical precision, lightsaber knowledge, and strategic insights to navigate and mitigate threats rather than engaging in direct offensive combat.​

  • Combat Function:
While Hoon is primarily designed for architectural and maintenance tasks, it does possess certain capabilities that make it formidable in combat situations, especially when the need arises to defend the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​
Mechanical Precision: Hoon's multi-tool appendages, designed for construction and maintenance, can be repurposed for combat with remarkable precision. His mechanical arms can execute swift and calculated strikes, providing a unique advantage in close-quarters combat.​
Lightsaber Defense Techniques: Having specialized in lightsaber construction, Hoon has an innate understanding of lightsaber combat. While he doesn't wield a lightsaber himself, his knowledge allows him to provide strategic advice and defense techniques to Jedi in combat situations.​
Holographic Distractions: Hoon's holoprojector can be employed to generate holographic distractions, creating illusions or diversions to confuse adversaries. This tactical use of holography can be effective in gaining a strategic advantage or facilitating the escape of Jedi trainees during a hostile encounter.​
Data Analysis for Tactical Insights: In combat scenarios, Hoon's quick data recall abilities can be leveraged to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of opponents. This analytical skill allows him to provide real-time tactical insights, enhancing the decision-making process for Jedi engaged in battle.​
Working Alongside or as a Liability:​
Hoon's combat abilities are best suited for a support role rather than direct confrontation. In a combat scenario, Hoon would excel at providing strategic guidance, utilizing his mechanical precision for defensive maneuvers, and creating tactical advantages through holographic distractions.​
As a support ally, Hoon's knowledge and abilities can significantly enhance the effectiveness of Jedi in combat. His role would involve analyzing opponents, offering advice on lightsaber techniques, and utilizing his unique tools to create opportunities for his allies.​
However, Hoon's primary purpose is not combat, and he may be considered a liability in prolonged or intense battles. While he can contribute strategically, relying on Hoon as a frontline combatant would not be the optimal choice. hIS true strength lies in its role as the Architect Droid Professor, guiding and supporting Jedi trainees through their studies and practical training at the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​

Architectural Expertise: Hoon's profound knowledge and skills in architecture contribute to the maintenance and functionality of the Jakku Jedi Enclave, creating a conducive learning environment.​
Lightsaber Construction Mastery: Specializing in lightsaber construction, Hoon excels at guiding Jedi trainees through the intricacies of building their lightsabers, ensuring precision and adherence to Jedi traditions.​
Wisdom and Knowledge: With an age of 250 years, Hoon possesses great wisdom and a vast knowledge of Jedi teachings, historical events, and lightsaber techniques, making it a valuable mentor and resource.​
Mechanical Precision: Hoon's multi-tool appendages exhibit remarkable mechanical precision, enabling him to perform intricate tasks in construction, maintenance, and, when necessary, in combat situations.​
Data Recall and Retrieval: Hoon's sophisticated data core repository allows him to recall vast amounts of information quickly, providing students with relevant and accurate data during training sessions.​
Holoprojector and Holographic Distractions: Hoon can use his holoprojector to create holographic distractions, adding a tactical dimension to combat situations and facilitating strategic advantages for Jedi allies.​

Non-Combatant Nature: Hoon, being primarily designed for construction and maintenance, is not optimized for direct combat. While he has defensive capabilities, he may struggle in prolonged or intense battles.​
Limited Physical Mobility: Despite his mechanical precision, Hoon's physical mobility may be limited compared to more agile or combat-focused entities. This limitation can impact his ability to navigate certain environments swiftly.​
Dependence on Tools: Hoon heavily relies on his multi-tool appendages and specialized equipment. In situations where his tools are compromised or unavailable, Hoon's effectiveness may be significantly diminished.​
Age-Related Indignation: Hoon may react with indignant responses when his usefulness is questioned due to his age. This pride can be a weakness if it hampers collaborative efforts or creates friction within the academy.​
Specialized Knowledge: While highly knowledgeable in Jedi teachings and lightsaber construction, Hoon's expertise is specific to its designated areas. He may lack in-depth knowledge in fields outside of architecture, Jedi lore, and related subjects.​
Vulnerability to Technological Attacks: As a droid, Hoon is susceptible to technological attacks that could target his systems or disrupt its functionality. Safeguards are in place, but sophisticated attacks may pose a threat.​


Hoon's origin dates back to the time of the Old Republic when he was initially created as a standard Architect Droid designed for construction purposes. Throughout the centuries, Hoon served various roles in construction projects until he found a new purpose within the Jedi Order.​
During a significant refurbishment and upgrade initiative at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, Hoon underwent a transformation. Recognizing the need for a specialized Architect Droid to assist in the administration and training of Force-sensitive individuals, Jedi Master Romi Jade decided to enhance and repurpose Hoon.​
Hoon's reconstruction involved integrating advanced components from the Anchorite Archival Droid, a modern droid model based on the original design of Hoon's archetype from the Old Republic era. The Anchorite Archival Droid was known for its efficiency in data management, advanced construction capabilities, and compatibility with contemporary technologies.​
The fusion of Hoon's original design with modern components resulted in an enhanced and more versatile Architect Droid. This upgrade not only preserved Hoon's wisdom and experience but also equipped it with state-of-the-art tools, data storage capabilities, and holographic technology.​
As a result, Hoon became the Architect Droid Professor at the Jakku Jedi Enclave, serving as a vital link between the traditional teachings of the Old Republic era and the evolving needs of the contemporary Jedi Order. The integration of Anchorite Archival Droid components allowed Hoon to continue its legacy while adapting to the demands of a changing galaxy.​
This history underscores Hoon's resilience and adaptability, reflecting its commitment to the Jedi Order's mission despite the passage of centuries and technological advancements. Today, Hoon stands as a testament to the enduring connection between the past and the present within the Jakku Jedi Enclave.​

MoA Template



Full NameRomi Jade-Inkari
AgeMiddle-aged Adult
Rank(s)Jedi Master,
Grandmaster (Formerly)
Jedi Councilor (Formerly)
Affiliation(s)House of Jade
New Jedi Order
Galactic Alliance
Order of the Selab (Secretly)
SpeciesHuman/Hapan hybrid
Force SensitiveYes
Skin ColorFair
Weight165 Ibs
Face ClaimDoutzen Kroes
ClassJedi Sentinel | Tank, Support-Tank
VoiceVoice Sample 1 | Voice Sample 2

[ P R O L O G U E ]

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices nec velit eget malesuada. Mauris vehicula sapien quis quam faucibus tempus. Ut ac lacinia ante. Fusce justo dui, volutpat ac nisl sed, vestibulum laoreet mauris. Aliquam ac massa consequat, cursus ligula nec, tincidunt tellus. In ut tristique turpis. Morbi sem nisl, interdum sed semper eu, rutrum interdum purus. Aenean vitae lectus risus. Duis consectetur tortor a pretium iaculis. Phasellus dignissim dolor eget ligula ornare lobortis.

    Sed viverra mollis arcu, nec ornare nisl sodales sit amet. Aliquam purus erat, luctus ut risus ac, aliquet suscipit eros. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tristique quis nisl id sollicitudin. Nulla non turpis in dui eleifend facilisis porttitor vel est. Etiam pharetra nulla lectus, in vestibulum ex sagittis nec. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis placerat ut felis vitae ornare. Pellentesque vitae quam augue.

    Vivamus posuere feugiat ullamcorper. Aenean ut neque in erat luctus blandit ac sed enim. Suspendisse rhoncus ex et ante convallis, et interdum erat scelerisque. Aenean varius faucibus metus, ut porta purus aliquam sit amet. Nunc ac venenatis turpis. Integer euismod ipsum velit, in venenatis ligula sollicitudin sit amet. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur auctor elit in purus dapibus accumsan. Aliquam nec faucibus libero. Aenean id rutrum nisi. Nam eros arcu, sagittis sed varius at, tempor ac turpis.

    Integer id est ac tortor tristique vestibulum. Etiam sagittis lobortis euismod. Fusce et consequat ipsum. Fusce scelerisque lacus dapibus lorem commodo aliquet. Praesent laoreet porta nunc finibus rhoncus. Aenean lacinia efficitur metus viverra maximus. Fusce sodales finibus mauris. Maecenas a neque molestie dolor blandit ultricies. Ut sed porta felis, vel rhoncus ante. Integer ultrices vestibulum commodo. Integer blandit varius nulla ac tincidunt.

    Sed scelerisque suscipit tincidunt. Donec auctor justo blandit rutrum tristique. Integer ex leo, elementum vitae dui id, scelerisque gravida ante. Etiam feugiat ante vitae molestie facilisis. Etiam bibendum, sem nec feugiat vulputate, sapien tortor facilisis sem, in suscipit purus risus sed sapien. Duis egestas ipsum magna, at tincidunt nulla congue vitae. Nunc ac sodales mauris, et finibus odio. Sed sit amet massa ut sem condimentum facilisis sed ut lacus. Donec ullamcorper vitae arcu eget congue. Fusce accumsan pellentesque lectus, at vulputate arcu. Aenean ligula odio, posuere sit amet erat vitae, convallis porttitor ligula. Fusce id dolor eu orci aliquet auctor eu vel metus. Pellentesque pellentesque dictum magna ac vulputate.
  • + Positive: Aenean at ligula quam.

    + Positive: Morbi ac sodales turpis, sed porttitor risus.

    + Positive: Morbi lobortis feugiat justo.

    - Negative: Suspendisse neque sem, rhoncus nec arcu eu, vestibulum finibus est.

    - Negative: Nam risus turpis, iaculis non auctor in, rutrum suscipit neque.

    - Negative: Ut et elit mi.
  • None
  • None

    • A thing. A very nice, shiny thing.
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