Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sand Against Stone, We Don't Stand Alone

Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Location: Jakku Enclave
Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone
Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber

She'd made a request to meet at least one of the Vanagor's when she'd received the message Romi had sent her. Knowing of their deeds, but knowing little otherwise about them personally. She frowned thinking she would be in any sort of position to advise action when someone with their wisdom was present. Perhaps that was a part of why Romi had done this. Trusting those around her to watch over the Enclave in her stead.

The wry expression wringing itself free as she stepped closer to the main chamber.

She suspected contacting either the elder or younger Vanagor would ease her into making sure everyone was aware of the situation presently. Rather than leave everyone wondering why the Zeltron was suddenly filling the halls with noise. Or even present in the first place.

Awkwardly crossing her single arm across her body, staring down at herself a while before letting the arm try to find a comfortable rest.

Eventually settling on the crease formed by her outer robe in front of her to rest in as she waited. Chewing on her lip and glancing about with a frown.

"No playing hide and seek in this place." Looking up to the ceiling and squinting.

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Jakku - Jedi Enclave
MISSION: Meeting someone
TAGS: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

“You’re needed on Jakku.”

That’s all that father had told him.

What was it for? Was he going on some sort of mission? Was he being admonished for not taking a leadership role with Padawans Jade and Lesan leading that expedition not long ago?

This is why I hate surprises.

Never one to shy away from “facing the music”, Connell manned up and made his way to the Enclave. This was not his Temple, it was where Father was going to spend his “official” time, so it felt strange, but he was not here to split hairs or act entitled (we all know he isn’t). When he landed, Connell did like what he had seen, in truth the young Knight had heard stories of the place in its heyday before it was sacked by the Brotherhood of the Maw. This was not the time for sightseeing though.

There were several looks that he was getting, some double-takes, this was the “Vanagor” in him and he hated it. Not that he hated his parents, or anything of the type, he just wanted to be his own person and again did not realize that he was no different from anyone else.

Finally reaching the meeting rooms, Connell looked around for the room he was supposed to go to. Truthfully, he did not have a clue as to which it would be as Vanagor did not get that direction, so when he saw the elder Zeltron Padawan who he was impressed with from the last time he was here, Connell walked over and went to ask her if she knew anything… then it hit him…

Ugh…. Daaad….

Good to see you again.


Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Location: Jakku Enclave
Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone
Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber

Seeing Connel again didn't make her connect that he had been sent to speak with her immediately.

Assuming he'd be a constant presence more than just an occasional one given the roster that she'd glanced at. Others seemed taken at his presence, and she couldn't help the grin that formed as he moved to greet her.

A name could cast a long shadow.

"And you! Sorry to call you back so suddenly but. I received a recording from-" She cut herself off before getting to far ahead of herself. "I have something that should be discussed privately."

Letting her eyes scan the scant few others that were present as she directed them to a private meeting room. Already furnished with a few glasses and a pitcher.

"Connel. Mm." Frowning as she thought on the word, looking to him as she let the doors seal close behind . "Do you have a preference for how I address you? Knight Connel, Vanagor?"

Doing a lot of nothing to fill time as she fished for the device that held Romi's recording from her Robe. Awkwardly sitting on the couch before presenting the little disk and setting it on the table.

"A message from Master Jade. Delivered by her droid after her... departure." She would let him turn it on, crossing her leg and trying to find a comfortable way to support her weight as she watched the recording for what felt like the millionth time now.

Already having searched for any deeper meaning behind it than what was offered. Finding nothing more than a plain message, confirmed against what Briana had brought with her own recording.

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Jakku - Jedi Enclave
MISSION: Meeting someone
TAGS: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Now that I know why my father had called me here… let’s get some privacy. As for my address, I personally don’t care either way. Especially because of how far along you are, we are basically colleagues at this point, in private just call me “Connell”, but my father taught me to “respect the station”, so I guess “Knight Vanagor”?. Wow, what a ramble there. Anyway he had not really thought about how to be addressed, but it was nice to be considered.

Then she handed him the disk and he played the message. “Aunt Romi” was gone? This was the trial she was on, yes, what mother was talking about. That made sense, she would be back soon enough. So yeah. It was good to see that this was going to be Lossa’s “trials” so to speak. Hopefully she would not get in over her head.

I am thinking that you might have the wrong “Vanagor” on this. I don’t really know what you would need here. Do you need anything? Any help? I’ll do what I can.


Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Location: Jakku Enclave
Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone
Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber

A singular nod to let him know he'd been heard. It never seemed like a big deal, until you were dealing with someone face to face you'd spent 3 days flying with and never bothered with learning the name of. That had been an awkward post flight meeting along the Rim.

He listened, and seemed troubled by her calling.

"I don't think there's a right or wrong Vanagor for the task. And advice is always welcome. Just," Frowning before leaning back as she searched for the words. "I might drop you a message sometime, for help, or to keep an eye out."

Running a hand through her hair as she finally looked at him proper. Vanagor was a known name, and Connel certainly looked proper for it. More than that he was probably better trained than she was. Or he'd at least got more in depth training at least.

"I'm not concerned about the trial part of, all that. I'm more worried about the actual training." Pointing to the disk, looking around the room and picturing the beings beyond the walls. "And your dad will be here yeah, but also. If you find anything neat like uh, some master that's not usually seen, or an astronomical event. Drop me a message or stop by. Field trips for the lot might be a good thing."

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Jakku - Jedi Enclave
MISSION: Meeting someone
TAGS: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Yeah, she was in over her head.

No shame in that. She didn’t need to fear failure.

Failure is a part of life, and if you do not fail, you will not learn, and if you do not learn, you will never change. Failure must be expected along the journey to achieve your goals in life, and be used as a feedback mechanism for getting things right the next time, or next time. The problem that she was dealing with was that she had yet to realize the calls were hers to make. Sure, she is learning to get along with that and it will come with time.

I’ll let my father know to be there if you need advice or anything as well, but yeah, if I can help, I definitely will. ‘Aunt Romi’ has left the place in good hands though. Relax and give yourself some credit. She would not have chosen you if she did not trust you. Pulling out a datapad and entering some information into it, before long his astromech “B3-T5” or “Bets” as he calls it rolled in. Inserting the device into one of the droid’s ports, he pulled it out a moment later and offered it to her.

All my necessary contact info.

Then the droid made a couple of beeps that caused Connell to roll his eyes. Go feed him please, before he wrecks the ship. Quickly the astromech rolled out of the room.


Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Location: Jakku Enclave
Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone
Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber

She listened intently, a brow rising at the mention of Aunt Romi as she grinned. Another connection in the verse it seemed as she kept from laughing aloud. Oh she was going to have a field day with this.

"I don't doubt she has faith in. Wouldn't have left it to me otherwise. Just. A lot all at once." A sigh escaping as she leaned back into the chair.

Leaning forward long enough to watch the droid roll in and take the offered information as he mentioned something that also piqued her interest. In order she thought to herself, keeping her topics in line.

"Blood relation to Romi or, sort of adopted by her?" Amusement plain on her face as she brought up the relation topic, hand waving as she connected the mental dots. "Romi's my adopted Aunt... or something like is why I ask. My mother and uh. Oh. Juxa, no. Jozi. Joza. Joza Perl. They're sisters."

A wave of her hand to move the point along before it got too off track.

"Joza adopted Romi. Or. Something like that. I still haven't quite figured out the nuance to that." Shrugging at the details of lineage anymore when it came down to it all.

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We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Jakku - Jedi Enclave
MISSION: Meeting someone
TAGS: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

A slight look of embarrassment crawled across his face. Sorry, force of habit. Her and Johannes are good friends with my parents. So, I guess you could say “adoptive”. There are a few others to whom I consider “aunt” and “uncle”... but I won’t bore with the details. Cracking his neck, Connel leaned against the nearby chair.

Is there anything else you need? He wasn’t really sure what else to talk about. Darn shyness.


Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Location: Jakku Enclave
Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone
Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber

"Ah. No worries there." A humorous grin with a wave of her hand before she explained. "Just making sure I didn't have to update my family tree again."

His question pushed aside the humor, clicking her tongue before frowning.

"At the moment that was everything. If you have anything more urgent feel free to head out," Crossing a leg as she thought a little longer. "If I need anything on this end, I know how to get a hold of you now. And, thank you by the way. It was nice meeting you Connel. I look forward to working with you."

Offering her hand to shake before he left with an easy smile.

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Jakku - Jedi Enclave
MISSION: Meeting someone
TAGS: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus

Now it was his turn to frown. He did not mean that the way she took it. I’m not looking to leave or anything. I just don’t really do well in awkward silence, I guess. I’m sorry. Looking around, he wasn’t sure what to say next, so Connel stood erect and went to leave, unless she wanted anything before he left.


Tags: Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Location: Jakku Enclave
Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone
Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber

"Oh." A beat of silence after as she let herself laugh aloud. Usually the loudest and most rambunctious, she hadn't expected the moment of quiet to have that affect.

Her hand covering her mouth to help stifle the laugh before she beckoned him to sit again.

"I'm sorry. Not laughing at you. But now that business is put aside," Getting comfy as curiosity was allowed to present itself."Have you got a companion of some kind on your ship? You mentioned feeding earlier to your droid."

We will either find a way, or make one.
I learned from my mother and father, but I am not them!

[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]
Jakku - Jedi Enclave
MISSION: Meeting someone
TAGS: Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus
WITH: Buster

Yeah, Buster. He’s technically a “pet” I guess you could say, but… Laughing out loud. Don’t tell him that. He’s a Gallinorese Mountain Aak Dog puppy. Feeling a little more comfortable, he wondered what it was about little Buster that seemed to make him more at ease. Having the little guy around was indeed therapeutic.

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