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Approved Tech Sasori Biot Box

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Advanced Power Source: Designed with an iso-didact power source giving it a massive and long shelf life.
  • Advanced Biot Fabrication: Using Sasori Materia as programmable matter in the rapid fabrication process biot droids are able to be produced quicker.
  • Travel Size: ABle to be carried as a pack or case.
  • Self Repairing: Designed with the material, the self repairing and maintaining capabilities of the equipment are there to handle the stresses from everyday use.
  • Conversion Bubble: Designed to convert excessive matter and debris around into raw matter able to construct the biots.
  • Advanced Fabrication: Designed as a specialized version of their Li-Ves Harte Box which is for fabrication on a scale few others can achieve.. the biot box uses many of the same technology with the added additions of materia support to produce its products.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the armor and systems of the vehicle but when damaged it is highly explosive.
  • Self Repairing: Built with a protective layer to patch the vehicle in the event of damage. The time table is dependent upon the amount of damage with smaller tears being easier and faster to repair then gashes which can take hours to reform.
    • Note: Only the layer can repair not the full plate armor itself the plating can be damaged still but the underlayer of Laminanium can reform and remain.
Designed by Sasori as an expaansion of both their fabrication technologies and biot technologies. A plain box crafted to look simple enough for transport but when used is able to rapidly use materia to program and convert into biots that they use for operations in a number of different fields. THe box operates with an AI that handles the smaller details in programming to better suit itself and is able to in a smaller portion of the time produce its own biots from different models.

They are still in need of programming which can be supplied from components brought with the teams but as a means to have and create a support staff in outposts or bases it serves a higher function. The designs improvements though are not permanent and as technology improves it will be able to be updated both physically and with its software as well as its converters to allow it to handle different material that might need to be printed.

FUrther work has been done and the design has altered a little.. making it more compacted and able to be travel sized and portable. The biot box was always a marvel of technology but it has continued to preform much much better and with more advancements to the technology for fabrication, duplication and conversion.
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Submission Name: Gnat Runner
Link to Submission: Gnat Runner
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Sasori Biot Box
Link to Submission: Sasori Biot Box
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Sasori Jenoshi
Link to Submission: Sasori Jenoshi
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Sasori Joshū
Link to Submission: Sasori Joshū
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates

Submission Name: Saotome Vatta
Link to Submission: Saotome Vatta
Reason for Factory Modification Request: updates
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