Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Scary Skeletons and Cyan Smoke


The world of Antecedant's high class area, called Central is something extraordinary in its own right and ways, from the behemoth skyscrapers that line the place like giants watching ants crawl around. To the lights and billboards of all colors which illuminates almost the entirety of the world fully, even at night. It is certainly a sight to behold and for those who had never seen Nar'Shaddaa or Coruscant this was certainly something special. And it had its own charm too. Don't you think?

High above the lower layers of this world, besides all these magnificent buildings sat Jennifer. A half Ryn half human girl. For those unfamiliar to the race of the Ryn, which is of course understandable if they are, mainly because of how many races there are throughout the vastness of the galaxy, but anyway. Since Jennifer was only half Ryn, one would be able to spot these slight differences from her otherwise Human appereance in a few things. Such as her marble white hair, which seemed harder in structure than most others, as if sprayed one too many times with a hairspray. Her oddly rough skin and her nose with tiny curves in it would also be an indication of her Ryn genes. But the often first seen and certainly most visible sign of it all would be her tail.

Currently this young half ryn half human was sitting inside of one from the ancient ages of time would consider a Café of sorts. Those passing by could easily spot her, if they cared to look (people are always so damn busy) mainly because she was sitting by one of the windows looking out to the busy mainroad. It wasn't really because she herself cared to look at every individual random bypasser. No, she was clearly focusing on a task. On the table she was sitting at a few plates and cups would have been stacked from a meal long gone, but that wasn't really the interesting part. No. She was working on the frame of a droid. Or something similar to that at least, almost like a mechanical skeleton. welding and turning some screws every now and then. Obviously those inside the Café/Cantina didn't mind as it seemed one of those famous yellow energy tranquility screens was turned on around the table.

It seemed as if she sighed, tossing the mechanical frame back on the table and leant back in her chair. Taking a drag from a cigarette from which cyan smoke vaporised from and moved slowly towards the roof. This idea had been stupid, yea it wouldn't work.. Why even come up with such a stupid idea as a "mechanical skeleton" an.. Exo-skelton. Why even come up with such a thing?

Visibly frustrated she gritted her teeth and turned her gaze up towards the ceiling, to where the cyan smoke currently creeping between her teeth was fleeing. What was the plan now? Yea, get drunk and hopefully get back to the Dragon Palace somehow. Good idea.

Unless, of course, someone would come and give some good ideas regarding this "exo-skeleton" of hers.​


The Mercenary
Falks walks down the road aimlessly passing many restaurants and café's. He catches the glimpse of a woman working on what looks to be part of a droid. This could be interesting Falks thought as he and entered the café and sat down right beside Jen without asking any qustions.
As Jennifer sat with gritted teeth watching the beautiful cyan smoke hover towards the ceiling of the little establishment her peaceful, yet quite obviously fustrating moment was interrupted by steps heard by her table, someone had obviously walked through the yellow energy tranquility screen which was seen around her table, used to muffle both her as she worked, but also the, not-so-quiet music which was played throughout the Café, or cantina rather, but with a better service, that was certain.

Had it not been for the length of the table Jennifer would probably have gasped or made some sort of surprised sound, she was after all deep in thought. Luckily though the table was long and even though this stranger sat close, she, not certain why was sure he meant no harm. Perhaps it was due to the fact that his eyes were more concentrated on the skeleton than her. Having her own amber eyes glance over the newcomer she simply raised a brow for a second or two. And as no questions or even hello's were given she decided to speak herself. A melodious and gentle voice almost. An accent of sorts heard when she talked:

"Ermm.. Good day? Could I help you with something? Perhaps a Soda or two?" She grinned at her own remark, continuing: "No, but really dude. What are you doing here?"


The Mercenary
"I'm just looking at your druid, if you used heavier parts you could make it more durable, and if you attached another hydrolic here you could make it hold its own weight." Looks at the droid seeming to be confused by the empty skeleton. "Why haven't you filled the insides up yet?" Falks seem to be more interested in the droid than in chatting up the stranger, as he carelessly begins to fiddle with the skeleton without her permission.

Jennifer was seen simply staring at the newcomer for a second or two, taking in what he was saying. Her eyes went to the mechanical skeleton and surely enough, he was probably right. The hydrolic by the spine would probably be a very good addition to it now that he said it. But as he started to fiddle with it she went to grab it herself, her long fingers folding around the lower, what one would assume was the legs. A frown appeared on her face. There were way too many people, trick thieves if you will which could make your chrono disappear while you were looking at it. She doubted this man was such a thief, but you could never know. They came in all shapes and sizes.

A bit too aggressively Jennifer pulled the mechanical skeleton towards herself, hissing almost from between her gritted teeth before snapping at him: "Oi! Leave my stuff alone, karker!" With that she attempted to shove him a bit away, angrily staring at the man: "What do you want?"



The Mercenary
Falks was shocked over her pushing him away slightly. "Sorry i have a strange passion for mechanics and i love building things from the bottom."He replied with a slight saddent look on his face, as the droid was taken away from his grasp. "I was just trying to help you know?. Anyways my name is Sam Jone and i do all sorts of things which also happens to include mechanics."
Falks points to his car parked just outside the café. "i'll let you look at my latest creation if you let me help you" Falks seems way to worked up about the droid that he barely takes his eyes of it.
A strange passion for mechanics? Jennifer was pretty sure she knew what he was going at, not as in with the profession "mechanic" but more as in the mechanical wires, metals, screws, bolts etc. Hopefully at least... As he introduced himself Jennifer looked him over for a couple of seconds, as if judging him silently before nodding a few times, adjusting herself in her chair to make some distance from him before opening her mouth to speak, still holding the frame of the exo-skelton in her grasp:

"Well.. Hi Sam Jone. Just call me Jen. Eh? Your latest creation?" Her eyes went searched for where he was pointing, spotting the... Well it wasn't a wreck, but a good old school four wheeler, it had a charm of its own. That was certain. But it wasn't the prettiest of things on this planet. She admired it though, there was a special attention to detail on it, that could not be denied. "I'm good. Thanks.. Though, you mentioned that hydrolic? Yea?" She said, slowly letting go of the skeleton frame, pointing to the spine of it before putting it back onto the table. "Do you have any other suggestions? It's not a droid though. It's one o' those.. Exo-skeletons.. Or.. That's at least what I hope it could become..." She had given a bit up on it so why not get some suggestion from this eager fella? So slowly she put an elbow on the table and her head in her hand, her gaze pointing towards him as she rested there.

She took another drag from her cigarette, slowly blowing out the cyan smoke. "So.. Any suggestions?"



The Mercenary

Falks was thrilled that he didn't come off as a common thief, so he began pointing to the spine where he wanted to insert the hydrolic. "if you insert an hydrolic here the skeleton will be likely to beable to stand on its own." Falks scratched his scalp thinking: "Maybe i could add some sort of pistons at the arms so that i could mount and fire a heavy machinegun. crazy idea, but i don't think she would use it as i would." Falks smirked with a crazy look in his eyes as he snapped out of his thinking box and asked. "what are you using this monster for?"
Shrugging at his question from her seated position she went to look over the mechanical skeleton for a bit. And as he didn't continue talking she decided to explain: "I'm not quite sure actually.. Was just a thought I had. Could alter ones strength. I suppose."

It seemed that the whole, get drunk and see if she could find her way back to The Dragon Palace deal was not going to happen anytime soon. This guy, Sam sort of stood in the way for that or well. He seemed to have some ideas of his own that could definitely contribute to the making of it. She was after all at a point where she could consider herself stuck. What bothered her the most though was that it wasn't just an easy thing getting this mechanical skeleton to get controlled without attaching it to the nervous system. Which wasn't really the intention of it. For now at least.

"So who are you? Like.. I know your name now, but what do you do? You don't really look like a mechanic."



The Mercenary
"Hmm i would be known as a mercenary, or a private solider, but in my sparetime i fiddle with machines and landbased vehicles." Falks shrugged, and inspected the the exoskeletons arms further. "By adding pistons here would greatly help with the strength of the arms, and ability to withstand recoil from heavy weaponry." Falks continued talking about the robot to avoid further qustions about his proffession, and began preparing the arms for the pistons to be attached. "Do you have any suggestions for more improvements on the skeleton?"

"A soldier? Hmmm..." Jennifer muttered quietly at herself afterwards, glancing off towards the ceiling until her thought process appeared to be stopped as he continued to talk, her eyes diverting towards him instead. She wasn't exactly sure why this man was so damn interested in this mechanical skeleton, but it seemed he had some ideas for how it could work. She didn't deny the thoughts behind the ideas either, no. It was quite smart.

"I've a few. Yea.." She simply stated, a slight smile seen forming upon her features: "Your name were Sam, right? I believe I already told you my name, but I'm Jen. Incase you have already forgotten. Or Jennifer rather, but that is rarely used.. Anyway."

She seemed to look past him for a second, trying to see if there was anyone by the bar before slowly going to stand from the table, grasping her leather jacket that was on the back of the chair. She didn't put it on however, swinging it over her shoulder instead. It was probably more as a security meassure. She didn't want it stolen, but it seemed she trusted him enough to let him be with the mechanical skeleton. Because soon after she continued up towards the bar, speaking just before she walked out of the yellow tranquility screen that surrounded the table: "I'll go fetch some drinks. Want anything special?"



The Mercenary
Falks looked to [member="Jen"] and replied after thinking for around 2 seconds. "Just a double whiskey with ice." As jen raised from the seat, she would notice that the man was carrying a gun that was strapped to his side, and dogtags hanging around his neck. He was pretty scary looking fella, but he seemed calm enough as he worked on the skeleton, modifying it to increase ones strength a fair bit. "just a couple of hours and we are good to go." He said as jen was closing in on the bar desk.
As Jennifer came near the bar she raised two fingers at the bartender who seemingly immediately spotted her and awaited her orders. Odd, really. It wasn't because she seemed younger than eighteen which was the intergalactic drinking age, no she could actually go for that age after all she wasn't far from eighteen, not that there didn't exist small people who were old though. But still this idea of her being older was mostly because of the way she seemed to be oddly confident, a trait that could often be confused for maturity.

"Errmmm.. A double whiskey with ice and a soda closed in can, please. Yea? The table is over there." She pointed behind her where Sam, luckily, where still seated. It was a good sign he hadn't run off the with mechanical skeleton. She also needed to point out that he needed to pay for his drink himself. So with that she returned to the table, sitting opposite from Sam, dragging the few tools that had been lying on it closer to herself. "So wha've you figured out?"



The Mercenary
Sam attached the pistons to the exoskeleton and attatched it to his arm. "Hold on im gonna test something." He took the part outside and drew a hand-cannon. "lets see if it does its trick." Sam sipped his drink while holding the handcannon in the other hand. He seemed like this was just everyother day, it was almost as if drawing a gun was part of his daily life, especially drawing without a second thought. You could only imagine what this person had to go through to make this his routine. He seemed young but you could tell he was a seasoned fighter by the way he drew and handled the gun.


Slightly hesitant Jennifer followed Sam outside with the drink of her own that the waiter had just come over with. Her left hand resting on a box by her hip attached to her mechanical working trousers and the other holding the soda. Taking a sip from the bubbling and refreshing, though slightly sickening sweet drink, she followed him with her eyes as he went to drag one of his hand canons. A brow raising on her face.

"We're in the middle of a public area, dude.. There are law enforcement everywhere.. Still.. Unless you want a fine or something I suggest against it." She smirked slightly, trying to hold it back but being unable to. She could probably make the fine disappear, but still. The bullet from the weapon would have to land somewhere.. And in a populated area such as this.. Well the chances were high of it hitting someone at some point.

Her hand flexed a bit incase he was about to go into some physco mode. In a holster at the back of trousers the pistol, or blaster rather were sitting. She didn't consider him a threat.. But these days you could never be too sure.



The Mercenary
Falks downed his drink and threw his glass up in the air far up as he could. He then fired the hand cannon shattering the glass, hitting a neon colored flashing street sign used for commercials. "Seems fine, lets go inside at ones before the cops arrive!" Falks hid his gun under his coat, hurrying inside, making sure the gun was well hidden. "We might need some finetuning on the way the arm takes the recoil, but the overall design of the arm works fine."

The boom from the gunshot sprang out from the weapon as it was fired, silencing the otherwise chaotic road for a second or two before the people had hurried on. Okay, this was one of the more reckless types of, whatever Sam was. She shook her head, glancing to the people who had stopped on the otherwise busy street to stare at Sam and Jennifer. She chuckled at herself, taking a sip from her soda before turning to follow Falks into the Café once again, moving towards the table protected by the yellow and sort of peaceful looking tranquility screen.

"That was unexpected, but it supports you say? Hey, give it over." Jennifer said with a grin, waving at him to hand over the arm as she slided into a chair, pulling a few tools from the table towards her. "Let me fix the arm."



The Mercenary
Sam smirked as he removed the arm piece and handed it over. "This has potential to become something great." Sam then left the yellow protection screen saying."my throat is dry from all this work, ill go fetch myself something to dull my mind and clench my thirst" Falks walked up to the bar ordering a beer and then returned to the table they where sitting at.

When Sam returned to the table Jennifer was sitting with a screwdriver in her hand, attaching a tiny two jointed tube to the underside of the arm, a new cigarette was seen in her mouth. A puff of cyan smoke seen exiting her mouth every now and then. She glanced briefly up towards Sam as he approached, finishing up her work she put it down again with a satisfied expression on her face.

Grabbing her cigarette and taking it out of her mouth she blowed out a cone of cyan smoke, gesturing towards the arm on the table. "Try bending it now, Sam. If you do it all of a sudden it will slow down considerably. But if you bend it slowly it will bend just fine. This can be turned off and on by some switch. Cool idea though, yea?"



The Mercenary
"Hmm how about using the nerve signals in your forearms, i heard they send out pulses which can be translated into a movement." Falks frowned at the young woman smoking as he took out a cigar cutting the end of using a vibro knife. Falks ligthed it with an old looking zippo ligther ingraved with SJ. "i normally only smoke to celebrate, but tonight seems special." Falks smoked and drank some of his beer, looking at the new modification she made, thinking of a new addiction to the exoskeleton.


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