Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Tech Scentzy

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  • Classification: Drug
  • Method of Consumption: Inhalation
  • Average Life: Designed with materia it can while sealed keep itself stable for nearly an indefinite time as the materia will self repairr and renew itself.
  • Nutritional Value/Allergies/Side Effects/ Purpose: When inhaled it increases bloodflow throughout the body and speeds up at the microcellular level healing. Staunching blood loss to clot faster and making the tissue scar over within hours as the organic materia replicates converting dead tissue into new living tissue. INcreases white blood cells production when sick to fight and aids in the progressive production of antibodies for most sicknesses in the galaxy. THe algae working to handle sicknesses based off of the murakami orchid and evolved strains.
  • Begins accelerated healing processes of the body at the cellular level.
  • Antibodies: THe bota allows the body to intregrate and mutate when introduced to foreign agents. Incorporating it and making one highly resistant to sickness much quicker. From strains of influenza to airborne foreign agents like trihexilon and strains derived from murakami, rakghoul and alchemical poisons.
  • Advanced Healing: Mutagenic healing properties that can exponentially adapt to species across the galaxy.
  • Organic Materia: Like its raw counterpart when exposed to anti or dark matter it can explode.
  • Physical Strain: COntinued use within a short time is dangerous as the body is working harder and repeated uses can damage heart muscle as well as blood vessels. Once every 48 hours is recommended.
  • Surface Level: The drug is designed to strengthen the body itself internally, external sickness such as flesh eating sicknesses that are from skin contact or hemmoaging wounds from bites might not be able to spread rapid infection as a result but they will still be very harmful to the body and the drug will not be able to cure them fast enough.
Gulag: While it might help fight off initial symptoms it can't cure or innoculate from the gulag plague.
Designed by Sasori and its medical labs at Sakura based of of the algae from Sangral. Seeing several advances in medical sciences and healing juice the jedi researchers looked for a way to improve the algaes properties to make their own version of bacta. In this case being able to use the mutagenic properties which allows the meds to adapt to other species which removes the risk of an allergy to a much higher degree. Cathbodua working with more of the medical labs to develop it in a different way. AN inhalent that could be stored in capsules or even dropped into an area to let large groups breathe it in to start healing their bodies and making it so if sicknesses come they can be handled. The algaes capabilities to make antibodies faster in the body for most sicknesses in the galaxy much better.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Cathbodua Cathbodua

It's a great technology, although I feel it's a bit strong, that is, rather that the strengths and weaknesses are not balanced. It sounds to me like this healing process is quite taxing and demanding on the body. Isn't it necessary for the body to consume more food/drink during/after the effect?

Would you be so nice to describe which diseases it does not cure? Since you wrote it very vague, so you can say yes to anything, it can cure it and basically you could say that all diseases have disappeared from the galaxy and thus the other poisons/viruses/etc. it would become redundant on the part of the other players, even what is said to be incurable. So please explain this part, whether it is only good against natural things, or also against things created in the lab?
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