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Scion Series Counter-Interdiction System

  • Intent: To create technology that allows a ship to jump to hyperspace while in an interdiction field
  • Image Source:
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  • Permissions:
  • Primary Source: AntiGrav, Repulsor Field Shell , Pressor Field
  • Manufacturer: Scion Mobile Shipyards
  • Affiliation: Scion Mobile Shipyards
  • Market Status: Closed
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: (Yes, can be upscaled or downscaled to any Size of Ship)
  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Durasteel, Repulsor Electronics
  • Generates an omni-directional Antigravity Field based off Repulsor and Pressor Technology combined that allows ships to jump into hyperspace while caught in a Gravity Well generated by another ship
  • Cancelled Stop: This device utilizes a combination of Pressure Field Technology and heavily altered technology first explored by the Verpine, which was originally used to keep asteroids from colliding with each other. A massively powerful repulsor field is generated around the ship that pushes back the effects of an Interdiction Field, disrupting it's effects at the subatomic level and making the interdiction field "slide" around the craft rather than trapping it, allowing a ship to jump into hyperspace after a gravity well is turned on
  • Modularity: Can be upscaled or downscaled to any ship size
  • Trackable: A ship that escapes from a gravity well using this device leaves a massive energy signature through hyperspace that tells enemy ships exactly where it leapt to, enabling easy pursuit
  • Vessel Strain: Due to the power required for a ship to escape to hyperspace while defying the effects of a gravity well, intense strain is put on the hull, and often immediate inspection and repairs are necessary, and the ship becomes much more vulnerable to damage after using this device due to heavily weakened metal
  • Power Drain: Power from nearly every other system on a ship goes into the device when it's used. It is unable to use weapons or shielding when preparing to jump with this , and after jumping, those weapons and shields remain inactive for hours for safety reasons due to vessel strain
  • Recharge: It takes a solid 48 hours to cool down before it can be used again
  • Tractor Beams: if a ship is caught in a tractor beam, it completely disrupts the field this device generates
  • Nebula: Being inside a Nebula disrupts the coherence of the field, preventing it from being used
  • Stars/Black Holes: The strain a ship would be required to endure escaping the gravity well of a Star or Black Hole would be too much for even a Megator-Sized Vessel or Battle Station...they would be ripped apart.
  • Delicate: Requires frequent maintenance and safety checks, as there is a risk it could cause the Hyperdrive to malfunction and result in a slow hyperspace jump that might cause someone to come out of hyper space a few days...or a few years after the jump

The Counter-Interdiction System--got to escape some jerk's interdiction field fast and don't mind putting your ship at severe risk? Give this sucker a try!

--Sales Pitch

Using a combination of Pressor and Repulsorlift Technology in a manner that mystifies Core-ward Scientists, generating a rapidly alternating field of energy around a ship that pushes back against the effects of an interdiction field and allowing a ship to slide right through it (A sort of Counter Interdiction Slipstream Effect) at the cost of severe risk to the ship in question, this technology is barely past prototyping phase, released with the emphasis that it is meant to be used only as a last resort, when all other methods of escape have failed. In particular it's being marketed primarily to wealthy smugglers, Battle Cruiser Commanders or Diplomats, and the Price Tag backs this up.

Krass Wyms

Jedi Tech Division
Factory Judge
Laertia Io Laertia Io

An interesting idea though there are some things that shall need to be addressed first.

Production: Limited

Particularly rare or powerful special features may necessitate using a lower level of production, such as stealth or anti stealth technologies (for example: cloaking technology, personal cloaking devices, gemcutters, crystal grav traps, moon dust, ), or rare canon technologies (for example: Hyperwave Inertial Momentum Sustainers, etc) and their equivalents will only be permitted at Semi-Unique production.

As you are trying to create a technology similar to an HIMS the maximum production will need to be semi-unique.

Vessel Strain: Due to the power required for a ship to escape to hyperspace while defying the effects of a gravity well, intense strain is put on the hull, and often immediate inspection and repairs are necessary, and the ship becomes much more vulnerable to damage after using this device due to heavily weakened metal

Modularity: Can be upscaled or downscaled to any ship size

Sadly this wouldn't work, a star destroyer generates a lot more power then a starfighter. Scaling the technology to be able to be used on a smaller vessel would need to generaate the same field strength to counter a gravity well. This will require a size limit and I would recommend keeping in mind power generation and scale required.

Cancelled Stop: This device utilizes a combination of Pressure Field Technology and heavily altered technology first explored by the Verpine, which was originally used to keep asteroids from colliding with each other. A massively powerful repulsor field is generated around the ship that pushes back the effects of an Interdiction Field, disrupting it's effects at the subatomic level and making the interdiction field "slide" around the craft rather than trapping it, allowing a ship to jump into hyperspace after a gravity well is turned on

That is partially how an interdiciton field worked, not all generated gravity and pulled. Centerpoint could prevent ships from going because it had tractor beams able to move planets it was nearly impossible to break such a grip. THis doesn't address the primary method of pulling a ship out of hyperspace which was lower effort. The tripping of the safeties to activate the failsafes and revert back to real space. You don't need to generate massive amounts of power to pull everything in when you can just mirror and trick a computer for the same results.

Using a combination of Pressor and Repulsorlift Technology in a manner that mystifies Core-ward Scientists

Given that most of the technological advancements and a good deal of exotic tech came from the core worlds this will need to be expanded on. Just saying "because it works" isn't much and this is about balance.

This is as I said interesting but would in the long term be highly impractically. Large power draw, only functions if you know the type of interdicition being used as there are two. A bubble like and line as thrawn was able to use from the vagaari. The size requirements of a vessel being able to use this is also a thing. So I am going to move this back to the pre-factory for the extensive edits required.

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