Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Scrap for Your Thoughts?

Scrap for Your Thoughts?

Location: Korriban, Site of Ashen Crusade and Maw Brotherhood Engagement

River could hear the blade of Mathieu cut through the fallen foes, yet the Mandalorian couldn't help but feel worthless in her current state. She just managed to remove her helmet and somewhat prop herself up before the jedi knight was upon her. Despite the battle, he seemed almost unphased, though perhaps she was just out of shape. It had been some time after all since she last had a real fight. Living up to the jedi ideals, he set about asking if she was alright, and fortunately he seemed to calm at her answer.

Her cheeks colored at being asked if he could lift her, and though she tried to hide it, she was a tad flustered by the question. Too many times had she been the casualty of battle, and once more she was having to be whisked away from danger. If she had been a true Mandalorian she might of died of embarrassment years ago. But now was not the time for pride. Pursing her lips, she gave a reluctant nod, and manged to prop herself up. "Yes, it'll be fine, just let me disconnect to save you the trouble." Her hands worked at her back, wincing as she manually disconnected the tendrils from her spinal implant. She could have asked Mathieu to assist of course, but given the circumstances and his rather proper manner, it would be uncomfortable for the both of them. One by one, her cybernetic appendages clattered to the deck, and she felt the unneeded weight shed from her in the process. Once the trouble was done, she slid her helmet back on, and looked to Mathieu; bracing herself in the process. "Alright, give it a go, and please for both our sakes, don't remind me how heavy I am." She knew it was always the armor, but it still didn't help. She was getting older, her body had never been honed for fighting, and truth of the matter was she just wasn't a warrior.

She was just a bitter widow that was drowning her sorrows in her gadgets. Thankfully, everyone was just content on seeing her as their adoptive mother; when they weren't busy trying to disown her.
Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Scrap for your thoughts

Location: Korriban, site of major engagement
Notable Equipment: Jedi armour, various items
Tags: River Kryze River Kryze


It was hard not to look puzzled when she mentioned 'disconnecting' something. It was only when he saw her detach the first tentacle that he realised what she meant. Mathieu leaned a little closer over her to see what she was doing. He wanted to help but had no real idea of what to do to make the process easier. Instead, he took a short step back to give her some space.

When the arms were finally detached his eyes lingered on the mechanical limbs for a few moments. He had spent some time working on different 'inventions' - it was a generous description but still somewhat appropriate. What she had looked to be leaps and bounds more impressive than what he had made. Of course, he had helped create some more impressive items too, but those were oftentimes created in a team together with true experts.

Her words caused a soft smile to grow on his lips "Don't worry" he said reassuringly whilst stepping closer and crouching down by her side. Knowing that he had a climb ahead of him, Mathieu removed his outer robes, revealing his armour-clad form underneath. It carried a few more scratches and burn marks than before - for the bestial attackers had managed to land a few blows despite his well-practiced Soresu defence.

"On the back" he said, almost in a whisper as he turned it against her, allowing her - seemingly functioning arms to grab him by the shoulders or neck while his own arms reached for her back and thigh to pull her into position. Normally, the one being carried would be able to clammer on to the carrier with arms and legs in this position - River, with her paralysed legs did not seem to be in the same position. Leaning forth to give her a better angle to rest on, he let out a short "Hold on" With that, he trusted her to stay on his back and removed his arms that propped her up. Working hastily, he rolled his outer robes into something of a thick and unwieldy rope. Wrapping it around her and his own waist, he tied a knot with it by the front to keep her from falling off - it was not nearly as good as if she had been able to just keep her position with her legs but it would have to do.

Standing up, Mathieu made sure to supress any grunts or heavy breaths that would otherwise have escaped him. If she didn't want to be reminded of her weight, he would endeavour to keep quiet about it. But then, in his time, the large Morellian had moved far heavier objects than her. Still, at this point in time, he did not have any active stims, nor was he enhancing his capacities with the force. He threw a quick glance to his left, just to try to see if she was doing okay. If not, he would start to move through the corridor that they had moved into.

"You are not like the other Mandalorians I've met" he said, making up conversation as they moved. "Maybe a bit like this medic I met when defending Sarka." He thought back to the medic - a specialist who excelled at healing rather than combat. "Are you some sort of engineer? Your improvisation probably saved our necks there"

Soon, they reached the wire-rope that Mathieu had left hanging. Looking up, he saw the daunting distance that would have to be climbed. Stopping in front of the rope, a small creeping sense of hesitation hit him as he was about to take on the challenge. Mathieu took a deep breath, allowing his chest to swell and and shoulders rise. "Okay, let's go" he said whilst letting the air out again, causing his wide shoulders to fall. With that, he started to climb, pulling them up with his arms and the pushing with his legs.

"Y'know..." he immediately regretted trying to speak - it could wait. Mathieu continued to climb but deferred from talking as his energy would have to be dedicated to the task at hand. Now, his mind focused on getting up - after that, he would just have to move through the door to the room where he first entered and the soldiers were. As they had got half way up, he held still for a brief moment "You okay back there?" he asked in between breaths, clearly showing signs of being winded.

Scrap for Your Thoughts?

Location: Korriban, Site of Ashen Crusade and Maw Brotherhood Engagement

Mathieu positioned himself for her sake, and with a bit of effort, she reached and took his shoulders, and with effort pulled herself up his back and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms helped her a great deal, giving she was dragging her lower half, and feebly tried to position herself as to not be an obstacle. Obviously, with her cybernetics not functioning, she did not make much progress. She was thankful for the helmet she wore, so Mathieu wouldn't see how embarrassed she was about this entire ordeal. The jedi had shed his robes and bound River's legs against his waist, and the Mandalorian could only grumble under her breath as she was forced to lean on the jedi for support. He told her to hold on, and she suppressed the desire to laugh at the hilarity of the comment. "Oh, sure, I'll get right on that." She hoped it wouldn't be considered a rude remark, in all honesty, she was just annoyed at this whole situation. What would Kreslin think if he saw her now?

The thought of the man brought forth a sea of sad thoughts, and the humorous mood she had held deflated quickly. She held onto Mathieu just a tad tighter, as if that would offset the bitterness that she still held. It was the jedi's words that moved her out of her lapse of focus, and she was drawn into a conversation just to keep her mind off the past. "Being truthful, I've never considered myself a true Mandalorian, I married into it." Omar was rolling in his grave somewhere with her having said that. "The Sith glassed Mandalore about a decade and a half ago, killed my family in the process. This armor was all that I had left." She chewed on the inside of her lip, pondering what exactly she was going to do now. Mathieu picked up on her mechanical skills, and she was happy that she at least came off as knowing what she was doing. "I am, before I took up the armor I owned a starship repair shop. Got really good at tinkering and making things, so I ended up crafting my own gear. The tendrils you saw are mine, same with the ship I came in on. I'm glad I haven't lost my touch." If anything it meant she still had some reason to keep on going; least she wasn't a total waste of space.

Glancing up, she found they had reached a long rope, and Mathieu seemed intent on climbing it. She nearly asked if he wanted to consider an alternative method of bypassing the rope, but he sought to power on through in spite of it. Mathieu started his climb, and it seemed he wanted to keep the conversation going, but stopped shortly after he began speaking. River winced in shame as she knew he had to be struggling with this climb, all the while carrying her dead weight along for the ride. Several moments passed, with Mathieu making headway up the rope, when River heard the jedi comment to her. "I'm fine, just wish there was some way I could help." Her previous suit had a line launcher that she could use for ascending and descending down heights, but her lack of adventuring had prompted her to remove it due to the weight it put on her wrists. She'd have to find a solution for this on her next attempt, maybe a device she could connect to her jetpack. Regardless, there was precious little she could do now.

Soon enough, the pair had reached the top, no thanks to Mathieu's hardwork, and before River knew it, she was in the midst of Mathieu's companions. Despite River's attempt to inform them she could repair her device on her own, a medic was hard at work trying to diagnosis her possible injuries. Set upon an improvised stretcher, River merely scowled as she was asked repetitive questions, and fought to keep the examiner from getting a closer look at her implants. "If you can just assist me in getting onto my ship, I can make the proper adjustments myself. I'm not stripping down here just so you can realize that the circuits are fried."

Even if the medic knew how her implant worked, and why it was nonfunctional, she doubted he could repair it without her assistance. No one seemed to appreciate just how delicate her work was.
Mathieu Brion Mathieu Brion
Scrap for your thoughts

Location: Korriban, site of major engagement
Notable Equipment: Jedi armour, various items
Tags: River Kryze River Kryze


Married into being a Mandalorian? Mathieu stayed silent for a bit. It seemed a bit radical - for most people of other cultures, becoming a Mandalorian would be a big step. They were unlike most other cultures. Warlike. Honourbound - at times. Militarists. River sure seemed capable in a fight but she did not strike him as the typical Mandalorian. Still, she appeared to have been successfully integrated because if she had not told him otherwise, he would probably still believe that she was just a less conformative Mandalorian. His silence continued when she mentioned the loss of her family when the Sith ruined Mandalore. It was never pleasant to learn of the losses of others "I'm sorry for that"

Before the climb, he added "Those tendrils are impressive. Can't wait to see your ship once we're up."

After the arduous climb, the duo were met by the team that Mathieu arrived with. Four of them had descended down into the ship with cables that they had set up. Tired, Mathieu just kept moving forth at a slow but steady pace. When the soldiers arrived, one started to undo the knot while the medic and another prepared to set the Mandalorian down. The fourth rummaged through a heap of old spare parts to bring forth a segment of a wing to use as a stretcher. Once the team had moved River onto the stretched and the medic was checking on her, Mathieu sat down on a crate to recover from the climb whilst watching them work.

A soft smile appeared on his lips as the Mandalorian almost seemed to resist the medic's examination. It was something he had seen many times in the past - the constant struggle between medical staff and their patients. It brought his thoughts back to Inara and the time they used to spend together by the medical wing at the Silver Rest.

Once he felt that he had recovered enough, Mathieu rose to his feet. Waving his hand, he approached the group "Alright, alright, let's just do as she asks" he said, keeping a lighthearted tone whilst throwing an extra eye at the medic, giving him a chance to give him a signal in case he suspected any serious injuries. None were sent and thus, they moved ahead and attached the stretcher to the ropes, allowing the rest of the team to pull her up before Mathieu and the others still in the ship made their way up by another, considerably much shorter, climb.

Mathieu joined the crew that took River to her ship. As they moved, he looked down to her "What I was about to say earlier was that the Admiral would probably welcome your services if you want to stay out here with us for a while. We're a good crew to be with if you feel like fighting Sith. Or supporting those who do, I suppose." he said, smiling awkwardly as he accidentally referred to himself. Still, encountering skilled engineers like her was rare, and ones who disliked the Sith were somewhat more rare.

Regardless of what she'd answer, they'd eventually arrive at their destination. Mathieu still had to go back down into the large wreck to pick her arms up along with his EMP device - but before that, he wanted to make sure that she could start fixing herself up in her her vessel. Looking at it, he couldn't help but to be impressed by her capacities - at least if she had built it herself like she claimed "Nice ship"

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