Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Bastion
Outfit: Dress
Necklace: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I actually haven't killed any of them either. I stunned them and took some of their weapons, destroyed others," she said before meeting his grin with one of her own. He had taught her how to shoot well enough for something like this, but she was also still thinking ahead. The people she had stunned were likely going to be waking up, but she made sure all their weapons had been destroyed. Well, outside of the mini armory she had strapped to herself.

Valery then tossed the shotgun to the ground and reached for the rifle on her back. It was a little easier to handle, and she could also set it to stun. With fire in her eyes, she then turned around and fired several blue stun rounds as people emerged,
"You'd think they give up after so many are knocked out already..." Valery grumbled as they were moving through the streets, dropping them one by one.

But as more of them began to fall, she noticed that Kahlil was... showing off a bit? She bit her lip and smirked at that — Vera was loving it, and as long as nobody was getting killed, there was no real harm in it. Of course, it also meant that Valery was stepping up her game, and now moving ahead of Kahlil just a little. She couldn't just let him win the cool parent competition.

"Kick their butts, mommy, and daddy!" Vera giggled. With how little these citizens could do against two Jedi, it was almost like watching a cartoon about a single hero standing up against a whole army. It was almost unbelievable. But the real trouble was still coming, and as the two began to push their way out of the small village, the first of the masked figures soon appeared.

More shots rang out, but the dynamic felt different — there was a lot more danger they could feel in the Force. And with Vera being so close, it put Valery on edge just a little.

"Ahh!" A yelp from Valery, as a sudden bolt came seemingly out of nowhere. It luckily only grazed her side, tearing through her dress and burning the skin underneath, but hearing her mother in pain really spiked up the fear in Vera. "Daddy!" she called out for help, not for herself but for mom. "It's fine, sweetie!" Valery quickly called back as she continued to fight them. There was quite a group, and they were all between the trio and the Bastion.



No sooner did Valery get hit by a bolt than Kahlil's game plan changed. Showing off when there wasn't much danger for the three of them was one thing. But for one of them to get hurt? The gun in his hand fell to the ground as he instead his palm. Closed his eyes. Gunfire ceased around them. Why, was quickly obvious. Even his own blaster floated as he took from these hunters their own. Turned them onto every single one of them.

For a moment silence. Then the tell tale sound of stuns blasting off.

The Jedi let out a breath and lowered his hands, letting the blasters fall with them. Then glanced to Valery.

"You okay?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Bastion
Outfit: Dress
Necklace: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"Fine, you win..." she looked up at Kahlil and smirked, but she also removed the hand from her side. The bolt had only grazed her, but the skin was burned and most annoyingly, it had ruined her dress. Valery just sighed at it and walked over to her family, "I'm fine, I'll treat it once we get back to the Bastion."

She stepped close and leaned in to kiss Vera against the forehead, "Daddy was very cool, hm?" she asked, and Vera immediately nodded, "Mhmm!" she hummed as loud as she could. It made Valery chuckle but her focus came back as she looked at the bodies around them.

"Before we head back though, do you think we should take prisoners? Hand them over to the Alliance for questioning. Or maybe we can learn something ourselves..." she paused and seemed to be stuck in thought for a moment, "I could try to use Psychometry on some of their items, but it might not be a great experience."

Using it on weapons that were used to kill people, as an example, could be very emotionally overwhelming.

"What do you think, love?" she looked at Kahlil.



Wait what? He won?

Kahlil tilted his head, unaware of anything he could've won. But he didn't linger on it too long. Instead he grinned, looking to Vera. Yeah, he was pretty cool huh? Letting that get to his head only for a moment, he tossed her some in his hands. Then handed her off to Valery. Right. They should capture at least one of them for questioning. And he knew just the one.

Sure enough, as he went back to the building he'd flattened, the man from before was crawling his way from the wreckage. The one that tried to poison Vera. Kahlil reached a hand down, casually picking him up by his shirt.

"You're coming with us."

He didn't take no for an answer, instead stunning the man with the blaster in his other hand. Then tossed him over his shoulder and jogged back to Valery and Vera.

"Alright, let's go. Get off this world."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Bastion
Outfit: Dress
Necklace: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

Valery was just grinning from ear to ear while Kahlil tossed around Vera for a moment, before handing her off to her. Valery took the girl in one arm and walked over to the unconscious body of a masked attacker. Kahlil was going to bring back a prisoner, one of the people from the town, but she wondered if they really knew everything about these masked figures.

Were they part of the town? Or were they a separate entity who came here and made the town work for them?

After crouching down, Valery reached for the mask with her right hand and closed her eyes while she connected with the Force. Terrible images flooded her mind instantly, and when the whole ordeal was over, she pulled back and gasped for air. Vera noticed this and softly tucked on her mom's bangs,
"Mommy..." she frowned but Valery was quick to smile at her, "I'm okay, little star," she chuckled and got up, only to wince because Vera shifted against her injured side.

"Alright, let's go. Get off this world."

Valery looked behind her and nodded, "These people are terrible, I think they are after Force-sensitive children. And Vera is... quite special," she didn't want to say much more — Kahlil would understand. She then set Vera down and let out a soft breath, "Can you walk with me, sweetie? Mommy is a bit tired." She was mostly just sore, and carrying her with her injured side wasn't great.

Vera looked a bit upset,
"I'm sorry if I hurt you, mommy..."

"No, no, no, you didn't hurt me," Valery was a bit surprised and quickly picked Vera back up, but in both arms this time. She gently bounced her up and down and smiled.

"Let's get off this world together and find our home, okay?" she smiled and looked over at Kahlil, "You think they might have messed with the Bastion? They were here for a little while."



"Mmno, I don't think they did." Kahlil watched with some concern. Some. Valery seemed fine through their bond, just in some pain from the shot. Nothing Bacta couldn't fix. But the reality of her parents getting hurt wasn't something he wanted Vera to have to worry about. Not here, not now. Not at her age. He lead the way back to their ship, and why Kahlil thought the way he did quickly came into view.

No matter who had tried to get on the ship, R6 dealt with them. Properly. Their unconscious bodies lined the ground as the droid stayed on the ramp, seeming to be waiting for them. As soon as it saw the trio, it let out a couple blips before rolling back onboard to start up the take of sequence.

"R6 will always protect us."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

Location: Bastion
Outfit: Dress
Necklace: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

"I hope so..." Valery muttered as she balanced Vera, who was moving around a little more — maybe she was becoming the energetic little toddler that Valery once was. But with the girl in her arms and Kahlil leading the way, they moved back to the Bastion, only to find it surrounded by unconscious people who had been stunned by R6.

Now she understood what Kahlil was saying.

She chuckled at the sight and nodded,
"He's the reason I found you, and now he has our backs again," she said as she walked over and patted the droid on its head. Valery was never one to get overly attached to droids or objects, but R6 had definitely grown on her a lot. In a way, everything that made her happy came to be because it was able to find her that day on Silver Rest.

"Let's try again, and hopefully we don't run into more crazy people," Valery walked into the cockpit with a bacta patch pressed against her side. With a sigh, she plopped down in her chair and looked at Kahlil.

"I have a list of planets that fit Vera's vision, so we just need to find the one."



"First, we stop by an outpost to turn in the guy we took." Who Kahlil had put in the brig as soon as they got on board. Vera was there with them, in the cockpit, happily looking through the buttons as her father finished the preparations R6 started. He gave Valery a brief smile before taking up the controls to get them into space. "Then we can try for another place, yeah."

Valery Noble Valery Noble

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