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Sekalus (planet development - sisterhood home world?)

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
So I've had a planet in the making for a while now and obviously I need a few ideas for history as well as a development thread that is needed. (History really is not my subject)

This will need a 100 post dev that covers the discovery of the planet and about it due to the nexus. Also if there are type of rare metals people here would like to easily get list them if we have the ore to a large amount that would add another 50 in the dev.

But ideas wise on a history to give the planet would be helpful So any ideas would be appreciated.

Planet sub
Name: Sekalus

Region: Expansion
System: Rusya
Suns: 1 Sorra
Orbital Position: 146,853,066 km, 2nd planet
Moons: Kallina (small moon)

System Features:
Sorra -
yellow sun, this is the only sun in the system and has no special quality's.

Kiralus -
unhabital planet, closest to the sun. the planet is rich in common Minerals and traces of some rare. (

Draley asteroid ring -
this asteroid belt is in-between both Kiralus and Sekalus. it contains a few smuggler hideouts but hard to track due to the density of the asteroids.

Coordinates: outer rim


Rotational Period: 27
Orbital Period: 364

Class: Terrestrial

Diameter: 70.237 km

Atmosphere: Type 1

Climate: mixed climates depending on the biome (will expand on major area description)

Gravity: Standard

Primary Terrain: Grassland, Mountains, Desert, Oceans and Forests

Native Species:
shards (found in kura only)
akk dog
kryat dragons

Immigrated Species:

Primary Languages: Galactic Standard

Government: Democratic -

Population: 16.5 billion (after vong 12.4 billion) (after netherworld 08.2 billion)
Demonym: Sekallian

Major Imports: Textiles, Food, Minerals, Technology, culture

Major Exports:
force crystals (major)
Common metals (major)
Technology (major)
textiles (minor)
culture (minor)
Phyrik (major)
Cortosis (major)
Quadanium (major)
Durasteel (major)
Chalon (minor)

Affiliation: neutral (the sisterhood)

Major Locations:

Dasya Temple -
Dasya temple was built by the sith before the times of the galactic republic and was soon abandoned when the sith had almost been wiped out. From then it got took over by wild life and the elements crumbling it away over time. Most of the temple is now under ground.

just recently it has been discovered by the members of the sisterhood. the temple has gone under refurbishment, to house the sisterhood members and to be used as a training grounds.

the temple is located in a grasslands biome and surrounded by forrest's, mountains, valleys, caverns, rivers and lakes . the weather is typically hot even during the rain seasons. This place is rich in Phyrik and cortosis in the mountains and cavernes found amongst the grasslands.

Luss -
luss is the capital of this planet and the only remaining city. it expands over half a continent and stands extremely tall. the city is separate upon class. the rich tend to live higher up in the city as the more poor live closer to the ground.

the city has an entire level dedicated to markets and spaceports, 12 large space ports, in the markets it ranges from a multitude of all things from food to technology.

although it is hard to determine what biome this was the weather here is normally a mixture of hot, windy, cloudy and rain.

Kura -
Kura is the only snow biome on the planet located in the northern hemisphere. this place has been know for it's crystals especially healing crystals, still rare to find but slightly more common than most places with crystals, the vast majority of the crystals form in large caverns located under the ice.

weather here is always cold and mostly dark throughout the day, due to the sun only hits it one hour a day and four hours in the summer regions.

Ilet Dunes -
The Ilet Dunes is the largest desert biome on the planet, 563.271 km, and also the hottest, not much lives out here apart from kryat dragons, banthers and a few others species uncounted for. This place is rich in ore deposits of Phyrik and cortosis.

Inqusition space docks -
previously the docks here where the remnants of the planet had before it lost contact with everywhere else. upon rediscovery Inqusition Industry's™ rebuilt the dock to full functuality for future production, and to help bring the planets economy up.

Darkside Force Nexus: Fidelity
Size: Planet

Intent - to increase one's connection with the force increasing the rate and power at witch an ability can be learnt/used. It also increases one's connection with the darkside of the force and with the mounting dangers of the planet the system is surrounded in a massive force storm born from the heart of the world.

side effect -
the force nexus also effects with a force uses emotional behavior. if two force users are close, it will increase there connecti with eachother through the will of force, some instances creating a force linked bond between the two. The two or more people do not have to be force users for this to happen. The nexus also increases the amount of force positive children. The nexus also can effect emotional behavior making people who are close fall for one another with a much deeper connection between the lovers.

The darkness on the surface of the world has slowly seeped into the core, and slowly formed a black and corrupted heart that corrupts the creatures who walk upon its surface. The corruption at the heart of the world has created a raging force storm around the system originating from the core and extending outwards to give the entire system a cold and oppressive feeling. Starweirds are attracted to the system and can be seen more often by ships able to get through.

daily life - for the past couple of melenia this planet has been cut off and kept secret, this made it hard when it came to imports and exports. throughout it's days it has kept the same currency with credits but still under it's radars, this is so any unwanted attention would not arise.

As of recently the planet has been once more reviled itself to the galaxy under the wing of the sisterhood. since this event the economy of the planet has grew exponentially, this means there is now less poverty world wide.

government - Dictatorship

military - the planet only has law enforcement due to it only having one giant city. With wars next to non there has never been any use for a military presence.

religion - although this planet doesn't follow a religion officially it is home to many. the majority believe in the force and are followers of the dark side and it's ways.

Technology: The planet has kept up to date with technology since it had been forgot about by most civilizations. all products like data pads and droids at the time where made illegal, unless you was a captain of a vessel, this was to make there civilization harder to find by 'outsiders'.


Not much can be said before the original time of the sith on this planet. When Sekalus was originally found it became home to many sith it the arts of sith magic's and those who wanted to conduct there training and skills unnoticed. The population of the planet was still only getting the grasps of space travel, and saw the visitors as there gods and rulers. Many still believe that the original sith that once came here still are.

Over time sith realized that there power here both in the force and influence was much stronger here, and at the time didn't fully grasp why. This led to a temple been built to house the new generations of sith from the planet, these sith would then 'ascend' to a higher purpose in life.

During the purge of the sith the majority had left to fight in the war or went to dromund kaas with the rest of the sith hiding away. The ones who stayed was only but a few and they where the ones not well trained to use the force and lead to the end of the sith on the planet, but many still believe in the ways of the dark side.

After many decades the population thrived to it's fullest and started construction of a giant city. Over time it expanded larger in height, depth and width, but this soon came to a stop when vong had attacked wiping out over half of the population before been defeated and drove off the planet. They only attempted once due to how far out the planet was, but it still crippled the society almost bringing it to it's knees. This was when dictatorship fully took it's path on the planet to guide it back to the way it once was. Any other history was either destroyed in the vong war or lost over time.

The most recent history is the discovery and the take over of the planet by the sisterhood. Recognized as sith not many put up resistance, but the ones who no longer beloved in the sith ways was soon eradicated and the seat of the throne was taken over by Sanya Val Lerium, since she way the one who killed the high king and ruler of the planet.

intent: to create a planet that the black rose covenant can use as their own home world where experiments and production can be done away from the prying eyes of their enemy's. The planet sized force nexus will be used mainly to aid the strength of the creations and training of force abilities.
Oh 150 posts could be huge and I'd jump in there. If we do it right your nexus could be there and we could even let you make the inhabitants into a sithspawn species... that much work would be highly loved.... and the history could be abridged with the sisterhoods attack and conversion. Oh I have some special ideas.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Praelior"] that was the idea turning most the population into croa, that maybe you'd let me command.

Either way it's essentially a big playground for us all to create and develop and train each other.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Darth Timoris"] Ξ [member="Darth Praelior"] Ξ [member="Sawa Ike"]

I'll be out to this up on the 30th or 31st for the development.

To make it easy I have a list of objectives

Frst 100 is the attack focusing on the capture of the planet with the croa and the refurbishment of the space docs.

The second 100 will be focused around the nexus and turning it to a dark side nexus through alchemy.

The last set of 100 will be based around the discovery of the two metals. (Phyrik and cortosis)
Size: Planet

Intent - to increase one's connection with the darkside of the force and with the mounting dangers of the planet the system is surrounded in a massive force storm born from the heart of the world.

side effect -

The darkness on the surface of the world has slowly seeped into the core, slowly forming a black and corrupted heart that corrupts the creatures who walk upon its surface. The corruption at the heart of the world has created a raging force storm around the system originating from the core and extending outwards to give the entire system a cold and obressive feeling. Starweirds are attracted to the system and can be seen more often by ships able to get through.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

some small things that granted will need to be improved but however you wish to include them.

Hibridium Mine: A coastal section of the planet covered in the crystals, mined by the sisterhood for their ships and offices have been set up.

The Nightmare Child: The titanic sithspawn from the depths of the deep core and created by Darth Praelior. She has brought it to the force rich world and system using the massive force storm to keep it contained.

Crystal Caves: Found on the planet, a kyber crystal cave in the mountains the sisterhood can use to construst their lightsabers or power weapons and ships.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
There is nothing stopping you adding this into the dev, if the work for it is there then it's apart of it. I went vague with crystals so people could have what they want. The only crystal I'm not having here is the stealth one (name slipped my mind)
[member="Darth Timoris"]
[member="Seras Goto"]
As for the nightmare Child as long as it's only one and not been bread on the planet I'm fine : )

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