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Dominion Shadow Empire: Ahch-To... Bless You! | EE Dominion of Ahch-To




Ahch-To and its surroundings; in fact, a fairly untouched neighborhood, the Eternal Empire, had not been to this before. Until now. Ironically, the rebels and loyalists worked in fairly close proximity to each other, albeit for different reasons. For very different reasons.

The rebels traveled to Ahch-To trying to translate their mysterious tablet using the Light Side Nexus there. They were not successful on the Byss, the Dark Side Nexus was a downfall. One of their men obtained a Sith relic from Panatha, which was later destroyed, but showed a way to go. This place was Ahch-To.

The planet was already inhabited and there were countless Force Users or Jedi on the planet, including Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill Jedi Master. Maybe the locals in this place are more friendly with them than the GA was with them, on the Byss, and here they might get further by decoding the table.

Meanwhile, the loyalists arrived on a nearby jungle planet called PX-0826, as it turned out that the raw materials for the poison used on the planet Anthan Prime came from that planet. There were a few smaller and larger settlements and cities on the planet, all modern, with mostly human populations in addition to the humanoid locals.

As this mission is the initiation of Viermen and the knightly rehearsal of Rath Nihro Rath Nihro , the young man was given command under the supervision of the older, former Sith. They and their team had to find out who the poison they had used before could be linked to. Hopefully to the locals and not others.



Objective 1: Seeking Answers
It is the job of the Jedi and rebels who come to Ahch-To to try to ally with the locals, possibly to build a base on the planet as it is a Light Side Nexus; there are few of them in the Unknown region, the planet is in a good location so they would just win with it. Not to mention that they might be able to translate the board here as well. In any case, there were a lot of opportunities for Eclipse Rebellion on this planet.

Objective 2: Chasing the Poison
Traces of poison led to the planet PX-0826, where a small town deep in the jungle was, where the traces led. This is where they need to find out and follow who made the poison and how. If all this could be linked to the locals and the team got answers, the Empress allowed the no quarter procedure. If they can’t relate it to the locals, they need to find out who they were.

Objective 3: Skulenus
Meanwhile, another group found an ancient temple on the other side of the planet that is apparently still in use to this day. On the wall of the church could be found the same symbol that the Eternal Empire had encountered several times. For example, in the case of the cultists on Batuu, or one of the assassins from Anthan Prime. Because of these, it was worth looking around here as well.

Objective 4: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun.


Links: Ahch-To | Shadow Empire


Caedyn Arenais


Location: Ahch-To.
Objective: Find the First Jedi Temple.
Starship: The Repertoire.


Caedyn Arenais had joined the Eclipse Rebellion in order to support his Sister's plight against the Eternal Empire and their Imperialist hold over numerous world's now under their influence and control, however, he also had his own path that differed vastly from Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun ' in that he was a Jedi Knight and his service to the Galaxy was rivalled only by his faith and service to the Force; Thankfully the two of which aligned.

Today the Eclipse Rebellion had need of further assistance on Exegol, and while Loreena had mentioned this to Caedyn, he couldn't pass up the chance to visit an ancient place of Jedi history, the very location of the first known or recorded Jedi temple to have been established in the Galaxy. Once upon a time, the famed Jedi Master Luke Skywalker had travelled to this place during a time of personal exile, an interesting place for someone to enter into exile given it was surrounded in, almost bathed in the Light of the Force.

As the Repertoire broke through the atmosphere of Ahch-To, Caedyn finished up his talking to his Sister via the Comms-Station while Lexas guided the starship down towards the coordinates that they had dug up within the Jedi Comport database, soon returning to the pilots' chair as the Island came within view of the vessels' cockpit and the Jedi Knight was left in awe of the view.

A Vast ocean surrounding a lone, isolated little island. It was clear to see why Grandmaster Skywalker had chosen this place, beyond its meaning and purpose, it was beautiful to behold from afar.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Ancient Temple, PX-0826
Equipment: The Soulsabers | 2x Striith vibrosword | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Open
[ Solitude ]

Ingrid came with her men to planet PX-0826. She didn’t go to town, she was more interested in the other venue, the temple. The other location is a great rehearsal or trial for the two Wardens. And she does this in person, it was much more mystical, more interesting. The first case was, of course, interesting from an Imperial point of view, but it is; this is different. This is more of a personal matter. Another place where she hoped to find something to finally get Adrian back.

She was brought down to the planet by a dropship that landed not long near the temple. Though she did not feel too much heat because of her clothes, because it was sufficiently chilled; the red-haired woman did not like such planets. She loved frosty, icy planets. It didn’t matter, she didn’t usually complain, but performed the task and job, today was no different. She may have been the Empress, but she went out into the field as she had before. Nothing changed since she inherited the throne. She had to set an example for her people.

When she got out of the dropship, her first thing was to see the place through the Force as well. The Empress wondered if her student, Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim , would join her here or not. One way or another, but she can probably learn a lot here. From the temple she felt a Dark Side disturbance that was active and not dormant, and that there were living people inside, in the underground part. The place really wasn’t completely deserted, there were others here. The question is who they are.

She hoped to finally get answers about the symbol here. And anyway, this day promised to be quite interesting.



2000th post.
Lirri Vendar
Location: Near to the Jedi place, Ahch-To
Equipment: J-3 "Tranquility" Class Jedi Battle Armor | Gilenwave Jedi cloth | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit | Yellow blade lightsaber | BB-C4T droid | G1 OmniLink || Ashblade-class Neurofighter
Tag(s): Open

Lirri came to this planet partly because of knowledge and partly out of curiosity. She read legends, stories that Luke Skywalker was here on this planet, once, long ago. However, the Nexus was much more interesting to her. For the time being, the girl had no idea that Eclipse Rebellion would come here as well, it was much more personal for her now. She wanted to find information at all costs on how they could win over the Dark Side.

And a Light Side Nexus was perfect for that. She knew there were Jedi on the planet, so that was especially interesting to her. The little girl had already had experience with representatives of the Dark Side. She was there at the invasion of Anzat, visited the Netherworld and was “captured” for a while on Dantooine courtesy of Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé . So she needed a solution against the Sith and the Darkside.

She got out of her boat and looked out over the beach and the green mountains. The place was fabulous and reassuring. In her short life so far, she has not often felt the Force as special as in this place. Lirri immediately understood why this place was considered so special. She hoped she would find a library, books, or someone to learn from here.

She became very enthusiastic about this thought, especially as she saw more people walking around here. So she didn't even wait too long for her droid to join her, the little girl taking hurried steps towards the buildings here.



To Quill's mind, the Jedi who'd done restoration work here over the years had gone a little overboard. The place hadn't lost its charm, but it wasn't nearly so hermitty anymore. That was a shame. Rather than spend time in the facilities, then, he was out here fishing with the Lanai.

Down by the shore, he sat on a meditation circle that he'd carved months ago with a precise lightsaber cadence. As a familiar ship and a familiar presence arrived, he reeled in his fishing line. He hadn't caught anything this afternoon; he'd have to try again later. He tucked the hook, line, and grip into his battered utility belt and approached the Repertoire as Caedyn Arenais exited.

"Welcome to Ahch-To," he called over the breeze. "You been here before?"


Commander of The Phalanx | Former Exarch of Zakuul | High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim


The Phalanx jumped out of hyperspace right behind the Empress's ship and would follow suit towards the planets atmosphere, pushing itself into a defensive position just outside the orbit, the captain referred to it as 'pants up formation', clearly referring to the opposing with pants down phrase. Here he was able to engage in both combat against opposing naval vessels as well as provide a good amount of intel on the planet and very limited fire-support.

A dropship left the slim stomach of the ancient space chariot as Ecthelion and two of his Rim-Guard Paladins followed their liege down to the surface near that temple building. There wasn´t much talk in the cabin, the two warriors checking on their equipment, one with a rifle, the other with shield and sword and their master was just brooding in his seat, the eyes closed behind the vizor.

The ramp explosively opened as they touched the ground and the two Rim-Guards jumped out to get a grasp of the area, but there was little on the scanners and sensors, the tall figure of Aiglos walking down the ramp behind them and approached the Empress who just stood a few dozen meters away, her wardens close.

"Your Grace." He offers her a brief but accurate inclination of his chest, the fist on the chest above the heart. Ecthelion would look at the red-haired woman for a moment before his helmet turns to look at the structure.



Tags: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro OPEN
Location: Village Outskirts

After being found on Lotho Minor, Viermen had a quick ascension planned for him. From what he could tell, he certainly ingratiated himself very well. The time on Kalidan was brief, but seeing the capital world of the Empire certainly kept him encouraged for joining this society. Now that he was knowledgeable of how things work in this empire, the Empress sent him to this world for his initiation into the Wardens of the Shroud. Another was assigned with him. A knightly rehearsal, for this one if he remembered the orders correctly. He would see how worthy this other person will be.

Viermen was put as supervision of this. He knew how to treat an aprentice, and it seemed that was what his task was. To guide the commander like a master does to an apprentice. His last apprentice was a treacherous snake from the Sith. This commander should be much more loyal with the culture of the Eternal Empire. However, Viermen pondered if his skills as a teacher deteriorated at all from his many years of isolation on Lotho Minor. He would soon find out nonetheless.

These villagers were weak in Viermen's seething gaze. This small farming society grew weak in its complacent peace. It was time they grew strong or perished. No other solution was possible in the hulking man's mind. The forces allotted to him were standard soldiers. Enough for a ranging mission like this. Especially since two trained warriors were leading this mission as well. He did not know who the other, who would be commanding under his supervision, was. To be honest, Viermen did not care much as long as the other was strong, and did not compromise his own success as well as the mission's.

For now, he stood here with the allotted soldiers. He turned to analyze his colleague. The other man was much smaller than Viermen. With the way this one carried himself, he certainly appeared to have potential to be worthy. Only one way to find out, and that was to see how he too carried out command and how he performed in the rest of this mission.

As Viermen towered over, he said to his colleague, "Looking at these villagers' behavior now, and what was on the reports, they are clearly week. We can easily take the village by force and establish a base of operations for this search from there. If any fight back, we will crush them. Since you are officially in command, I will let you give the order though." raspy, low-toned, hissing sounds came from his respirator as he exhaled remaining air from him speaking

Part of it was him advising his colleage, however most of what he was intending was testing him too. How would this one react. The one given supervision of this affair gave a suggestion in the form of an order but left him with the choice of implementing it. Viermen will see the reaction soon enough. He was very curious to see how worthy this one may be.

Equipment: Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Duraglide Boots with Boot Rockets
Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 3 Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 1 Pink Vapor Grenade

Objective: Find the fun.
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

She had opted to come by dropship, leaving the unique starfighter she owned in the hangar of the orbiting vessel they had left from. Instead, she came with her usual gear, finding it somewhat annoying to try and keep so much in such a small bag aboard the ship. A familiar voice reminded her in the back of her mind since her one of her latest outings about her condition.

Be mindful, C-71. Too much activity within the facet will-

She shook the thought from her mind, not wanting to think about what was sleeping beneath the surface. She sprinted to catch up with her teacher, a cheerful expression shifting quickly as she spun around very shortly after to grab another, thicker jacket. Turning back around, dressed a bit warmer as she snatched a face mask and gloves from various people before the dropship ascended, she made her side to Ingrid.

"Are we to find something?" Her face read excitement as best as possible through the face mask, the brown hair splaying across her shoulders in a strange way having spared it no moment of concern before putting the thing on.

"Who made this place?" She asked, tilting her head slightly before blowing into the mittens that adorned her hands now. The place was cold, and she wasn't nearly as indestructible as Ingrid was.
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Wanderer Lost, Wanderer Found

Equipment : One(1) shoto lightsaber, One(1) industrial-strength syntherope (20m), Libeta (under eyepatch), One(1) encrypted comlink transmitter
Objective: The Old Stones
Tag(s): Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Open

Ahch-to was a wild place. Vidalu Na'an liked that.

Ever since the Hawk had airdropped her on one of the planet's tiny windswept islands, Na'an had felt a sort of fierce kinship with the place, despite having never been there before. She'd heard the stories as a girl, of course--of the Skywalker's long sojourn here, searching for the Jedi's most ancient secrets--and had imagined every inch of what it must have been like to have been there herself, in a place so thick with the Force that the ghosts there could touch the living world with ease.

It turned out to be...strangely familiar.

At the present moment, Na'an found herself sitting cross-legged on a huge mossy boulder just outside what amounted to a village on the island, clad in only a thin shirt and breeches. Her boots were at the base of the boulder, as was her jacket and even her eyepatch. The scowly fish nuns who ran the village didn't seem to mind the mess; if anything, they skirted the place where she sat with the same strange deference most people would give a feral cat. Not that Na'an minded either--she was presently too lost in the feel of the world around her to mind. The wind, pleasantly cold, whipping her hair into a tangle and stinging against the bare flesh of her arms...the moss of the rock, soft and strangely warm between her toes, contrasting with the rough texture of the stone under her fingertips...the smell of wet earth and salt and the tingle of ozone...
and the sounds.
The porgs, trilling in the surf as they fished.
The scratch and scuffle of small rodents so rare as to have their species unnamed.
The mellow burbling of the nuns themselves, living their simple lives.
And...and the air itself, whistling against the tall outcroppings of rock all over the island, as if the entire landmass were some kind of crude instrument. Or as if the island itself were singing, just as much as every living thing on it did.

If it hadn't been so cold, Na'an might have almost thought she was on the green world. Or in the fields of Dantooine. It was someplace she could have felt at home.

She leaned into the feeling, her senses settling into it with a vague sense of purpose, reminding herself she wasn't just here to enjoy the sheer alive-ness of the place. The island contained a Nexus, one of many, and there were things it could teach her, if it would allow. The creatures living here all seemed to be attuned to the Nexus in some way, as a natural part of their landscape that connected them like cells of a greater body. If Na'an could melt into the landscape the way they did, the rocks and the moss, the porgs and the nuns, maybe the Nexus would itself to her, too. The stories seemed to indicate that it was more willing than most, after all. She inhaled, filling her lungs with cold clean air, exhaling with the natural rhythm of the island as best she could. Inhale, exhale. Let the smell and the sound and the feeling of the island sink into her skin, her blood, her lungs, her heart, until--

Wait. wait.

She wasn't alone.

Na'an cracked open her good eye to see a familiar-looking Mirialan girl run past her perch towards the village.

"Oi," she called before she fully passed, loud enough for the wind not to carry her voice away entirely. "Padawan! Vendar, wasn't it? You should know, the natives don't like to interact directly with Jedi when they can help it."

She raised a hand to give a tiny wave. "They find it disrespectful. I think. I don't know, they don't really speak Basic."
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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Ancient Temple, PX-0826
Equipment: The Soulsabers | 2x Striith vibrosword | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund | Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim | Open
[ Solitude ]

"Welcome! My address is “my Lord,” commander!" she told the man in a cold, military voice as she returned the salute.

Meanwhile, Fel joined them, the young girl's question was great, not even the Empress knew the answer. But after all, that’s exactly why they came to find out. The woman hoped they would get an answer to that question. Just because the temple looked very special, she hadn't seen much like it before.

"I hope it turns out soon, Fel. But until we find out, what do you feel through the Force?"

She asked the girl; since she was her disciple, it did no harm to practice a little or to try to figure something out. Once everyone arrived, there wasn’t much reason to wait any longer. Ingrid gestured with her hand for them to head for the temple.

The temple was really quite unique, not built in the traditional style, but had a circular design, the vault, the nave. It was definitely modern, but it still looked old. It may have been here hundreds or thousands of years ago. It wasn't ruined, but it looked old. In some places there were inscriptions in special letters; the letters did not resemble the usual aurebesh, the more unique and special it was.

The area around the temple was maintained, the vegetation didn’t really grow on anything, only the roof, the lower parts were carefully maintained, someone cut them. On the ground where there was sand, footprints were visible, but living persons were not.

"Has anyone ever seen a similar architectural style or letters?"

The temple:

Objective: Chasing the Poison
Tags: Viermen

The situation was certainly dire for the village folk. All information regarding the poison, that claimed multiple lives and many still fighting for their lives, was traced to this backwater village. How could someone with such experience in Sith Alchemy live out here in the middle of nowhere was beyond Rath. However there was a thing called hiding in plain sight, to hide where they're least expected to be found at. As anyone that's an experienced alchemist would surely find themselves somewhere cozy and even luxurious as not many people are even trained in Sith Alchemy. Rath was still training in it himself, but he doesn't allow that to deter what he came here to do.

Garbed in his Aegis of Snow, which was in a literal sense using a mixture of phrik plates and ultrachrome hooded cloak clashes in contrast to the rundown village. The people looked mortified to see the company of ultranauts with one imposing figure and captain snowflake here. Granted Rath wasn't intimidating per say, but his dark mask that has cyan blue lights for eyes and around jaw is a bit unsettling. Frankly judging from their reaction, Rath deduces either they're afraid with guilt or they truly don't know what's going on. Rath heard what the ex-Sith had to say, and while it was a strong approach Rath agreed with notion.

"That I can agree with, however I won't just detain any random individual." The voice from behind the phrik mask was distorted, remaining gender neutral and robotic even. Rath steps forward to the cowering villagers as the Warden stood roughly at the center.

"A few nights ago, we've orchestrated an event that was meant for everyone on Anthan Prime. During this event however, assassin's infiltrated the premises and poisoned many of the attendees. Many have succumbed to this poison and died from it. Many more are still fighting for their lives, and with a thorough investigation we've traced the source of this poison to here." His robotic voice was clear and stoic as Rath informed them as to why they're being paid a visit. Of course, he could bluntly say the he's here to arrest the one responsible for this poison, but Rath had a better idea of how to weed out the culprit. As Rath began to pace, Rath continued.

"I can see that you ladies and gentlemen are honest folk if not superstitious. I understand your concern, however I come to you not to impose you for the unintentional part in Anthan Prime, but rather I come to you requesting a sample of this source for our doctors to research an antidote. Someone that's willing to work with us will of course be paid handsomely for your assistance, so what say you? Will you grant us this request so that we may cure the living?" Deception, the art of lies and deceit, was something Rath intended to do. He planned to expose any bleeding hearts with an ounce of compassion. If someone knew about the poison and even had extensive knowledge as well, then not only would that person be the culprit but also an accomplice until they have more information.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim

Red walked out of the dropship and onto the ground, walking out towards the group starting to gather. Red wore his armor, with his helmet under his right arm. On his back, was slung his TL-50 Heavy Repeater and a DLT-19x. He was ready for both close-range and long-range combat. Since they had no idea what was in the temple, he had to be ready for anything.

Red looked around as he walked towards the group. He was here to help investigate and clear the temple that they had found. Because of the possible connections to the group on Batuu that they encountered, Red had been brought along for his experience with the group, and for his black ops abilities.

He stepped forward, approaching the three people. One of them was the Empress herself, and the other two seemed to be people that she was familiar with. One of them, a girl, asked who made the place. 'Intel suggests that it was built by a group, as of now, unknown to us." He told her. "Though, aerial recon and forward scout reports show that this temple has connections to groups that we have encountered in the past." He finished.

Then, Ingrid gestured, and started walking for the temple. Red followed after her. The temple was... interesting, to say the least. Something about it was... different. It definitely seemed to be quite unique, looking almost modern-like. The grounds were well-maintained, and Red could see footprints in the sand. Red crouched down and lightly touched the sand with his gloved hand. The some sand on the edges crumbled slightly. The sand was loose, and weak. These footprints hadn't been here for long.

Red stood back up, and looked at Ingrid as she asked if anyone had ever seen a similar architectural structure. "I'm not sure, ma'am," He said. "It doesn't look like it's built like most temples, it looks more recent, I'd have to say within the last 500 years. But the building material looks old, like it's way older than that."

"I suggest that we send probes and remotes inside first, to see what we can find before we head inside. We don't know if the inside is stable. If it's as old as it seems, it could be unsafe to enter. And we have no idea what, if anything, is living in there."
Red suggested.


Commander of The Phalanx | Former Exarch of Zakuul | High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

He offered a nod as he stood corrected. 'My Lord', very humble. Due to the helmet and some torture which is longer ago than he would like to know, there were no expressions on his face, but he would definitely have perked a brow at that. But she shall have her will, it´s her party and realm.

Aiglos look focuses on the other two after they spoke up. The young, small one apparently being some form of apprentice of the Empress, he couldn´t tell what made her special or noteworthy, so he just waited for her to show some proper skills. The question was good, but any mind which was trained to investigate could ask that.

The guy was more interesting, a soldier for sure. With curiosity Ecthelion was observing him and his movement, evaluating his level of profession and experience. More talent than experience was the result as the group moved ahead. The two other golden armoured figures staying behind a bit, their watchful lenses on the surrounding area and temple at large.

The Zakuulan was not used to this caution and also not to this impulsive planning. The soldier was right, but yesterday. The place, its properties and the interior should have been scanned and probed before anyone made planetfall. Simple preparations were left behind, simple information gathering and appropriate reconnaissance. As far as they knew there was some Jedi enclave nonsense nearby.


Lirri Vendar
Location: Near to the Jedi place, Ahch-To
Equipment: J-3 "Tranquility" Class Jedi Battle Armor | Gilenwave Jedi cloth | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit | Yellow blade lightsaber | BB-C4T droid | G1 OmniLink || Ashblade-class Neurofighter
Tag(s): Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an | Open

Lirri was already on her way to the village when she suddenly heard a familiar voice. The little girl stopped, along with the droid rolling at her feet. She immediately turned and looked in the direction of the voice. She had seen this woman earlier in the meeting, at that space station. However, her name did not occur to her, so she had to reach out to the Force to gain certainty about what the woman's name was.

"Miss Na'an! Welcome! I didn’t know there was anyone else on the planet besides me."

She said these enthusiastically; it didn't spoil her mood for what the woman said. Unfortunately, she has had quite a few bad experiences with this lately. She finally shrugged.

"I have experienced many times since the last siege of Korriban that a lot of people are afraid of us. But I am confident! Are you coming with me? Maybe we will succeed together!" Lirri offered.

She wasn't there, but the little girl heard what was happening there. Lirri was still girlishly naive and enthusiastic, it didn't change in tone. However, she had not moved yet, not knowing how the other woman would react and what she would do. So she waited for an answer for now. Afterwards, though earlier, she even asked something.

"Why did you come here to this planet?" she asked.

Wanderer Lost, Wanderer Found

Equipment : One(1) shoto lightsaber, One(1) industrial-strength syntherope (20m), Libeta (under eyepatch), One(1) encrypted comlink transmitter
Objective: The Old Stones
Tag(s): Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , Open

"I have experienced many times since the last siege of Korriban that a lot of people are afraid of us. But I am confident! Are you coming with me? Maybe we will succeed together!" Lirri offered.

She wasn't there, but the little girl heard what was happening there. Lirri was still girlishly naive and enthusiastic, it didn't change in tone. However, she had not moved yet, not knowing how the other woman would react and what she would do. So she waited for an answer for now. Afterwards, though earlier, she even asked something.

"Why did you come here to this planet?" she asked.

Na'an watched the little Padawan bounce on the balls of her feet with every syllable she spoke, and couldn't help but feel a little twitch of affection in response. She really was quite young, and the sight of a Padawan alone in the galaxy made her feel a bit like she was looking through time. "It's hard to explain in words," she said with a sad little smile, scooching her seat back to make room. "Why don't you come up here instead? The caretakers aren't afraid of us, really, but we don't want to make them mad blundering around and making a mess. When on Ahch-To, right?"

She patted the soft bed of moss she'd left exposed as invitation, absurdly aware of the impulsiveness of the gesture. The kid was here looking for something, that much was clear. Was it the same thing Na'an had come here for?
Objective: 1
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an Caedyn Arenais Jend-Ro Quill Jend-Ro Quill

While the rest of the Jedi were either just arriving or doing their own thing, Slip was busy trying to argue with the natives, which was difficult, since they didn't speak Basic, leaving Slip having to translate into their language. For some reason, they didn't like him all too much, for some reason. The conversation mainly involved a lot of exacerbated hand-waving from the natives, and Slip, in a panic, trying to compromise.

Slip had already been on planet before the rest of the Jedi arrived. He had been here for personal reasons, and was on a sort of "personal vacation". Anyway, now he was suddenly caught up in this mission of building a temple, which the natives didn't exactly seem all too happy about.

Nearby, his pet project stood nearby, keeping watch. Slip had undertaken the challenge after finding the commando droid a while back, and set it upon himself to fix it up, and reprogram it. So far, the road had been really rough, and there were still a lot of bugs and glitches. Thankfully, the droid hadn't gone into one of its infamous killing sprees, so at least that was a step in the right direction. Slip looked at it, silently pleading to get some help in this conversation, but the droid merely shook its head. It wanted no part in this.

Thankfully, the natives decided that they were done, for now, and waved him off. Slip walked out of the building, his commando droid following in tow. He walked back out into the village, and walked through it. He sighed, hopefully he would have more luck later. These natives really disliked him, for some reason.

He walked out to the edge of the village, and collapsed face-first in the grass outside the village. He was exhausted. Slip hadn't gotten much sleep recently. It had started back up again. Worse than last time. He could barely fall asleep before getting nightmares of the Incident. He only got a few hours of sleep at a time, and sleep rarely ever came to him. So, needless to say he was physically and mentally exhausted. And it didn't help matters that the Porgs here kept on trying to land on his head.

Nearby, he could hear two females talking. Slip turned his head to the left, and saw a girl talking to a woman sitting on a rock. They also seemed to be Jedi, or at least, Rebels. He turned his face back into the ground and groaned in exhaustion. His commando droid stood nearby, watching him.

"You know, I hear tranquilizers work wonders in helping you fall asleep." The commando droid said, its voice feminine.

Slip groaned. "I've told you, I don't want to drug myself." He said to the droid.

The droid shrugged. "Whatever you say, but just remember that you could be well-rested now." She said.

"Quiet, I have a headache."

Then, one of those dastardly Porgs ran over, and gave an ear-bleeding screech, right in his ear. Slip jumped up, startled by the sudden, unexpected noise. Kark, not even the wild life would let him have even a moment of rest. "Why can't you just let me rest?!" He yelled at the bird. He lunged at it, trying to grab it. The Porg ran off quickly, evading him. Slip landed on the ground, sitting up on his knees. "GAH!" He exclaimed, shouting at the sky, looking like he was completely insane. "I'M GONNA KILL THAT DAMN BIRD!" Slip shouted.

God, he was starting to despise this planet.

Equipment: One (1) standard lightsaber
Objective: The Temple
Tags: Eliana Shan Eliana Shan | Open

The freighter landed with a grown on a small, rocky beach among the craggy cliffs. A tight fit but there'd been little choice. The island was small and there were plenty of visitors today. Chill, salty air braced her skin as Adelle left through the ship's top hatch, not wanting to chance seawater getting in through the lower ramp. Something else in the air made her skin prickle: the Force. The legends she'd heard of this place didn't do it justice. Adelle could feel the pull of the planet's nexus as sure as she would have felt the ocean's tides.

"Can you feel it, Elly?" she asked her student. Adelle hoped exposure to a more familiar nexus might help Eliana with her training. And help her understand where the hidden planet was taking her.

"Let's go further up."


Tags: Rath Nihro Rath Nihro OPEN

The other agreed with his order it seemed. Very good. The village was seized easily with their forces. The reports were correct. These villagers were weak. The other one carried out the order of taking the village. However, interestingly, he had some compassion showing. This handling of the villagers was looked at intensely by Viermen. Was this a trap for these weaklings, or was this actual compassion? Viermen hoped for the former.

He watched as this continued. He stayed behind this smaller one, watching them very closely. He was wanting to see where this would go. When they were out of earshot from the villagers, Viermen asked in a slightly quieter tone, "I trust that was the illusion of compassion to trap these weaklings?"

All must be tested in Viermen's perspective. That is how one can know if True Strength is exhibited by an individual. This mission may have been a test on himself that the Empress and others would be watching, but he would not waste the opportunity to test others he encounters. Especially one who he would be working alongside of like this man before him.
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Lirri Vendar
Location: Near to the Jedi place, Ahch-To
Equipment: J-3 "Tranquility" Class Jedi Battle Armor | Gilenwave Jedi cloth | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit | Yellow blade lightsaber | BB-C4T droid | G1 OmniLink || Ashblade-class Neurofighter
Tag(s): Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an | Subject 648 Slipknot Subject 648 Slipknot | Open

The little girl thought for a moment about what Na’an had told her. In the end, though, she didn’t have to think so much about it because she decided to accept the offer. So Lirri even went to the woman because she really didn’t want any problems with the caretakers, and did not come to disturb the lives of the locals.

"I really don't want to. You haven't answered my quest…"

She would have said when she approached Na’an, but her words were disturbed by the fact that she suddenly heard a loud shout. The little girl immediately turned to the voice, looking in the direction of the voice at a young man and a droid. Not even as far away from them seemed a porg as they had just run away from the pair. They could have annoyed them. She means, they wanted to play, but the droid and the boy didn't want to be involved. Lirri nodded slightly as she watched the strange company.

"I think we will be the smallest problem for caretakers. They will be much more so."

She continued to watch them, waiting to see what they would do. Lirri hoped they would not cause chaos; however, she has not yet wanted to intervene.

"What should we do?"



Equipment: Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Duraglide Boots with Boot Rockets
Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 3 Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 1 Pink Vapor Grenade

Objective: Find the fun.
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red

Her face turned to the man she had unintentionally ignored upon arriving, the mask blocking her peripherals. Or being so focused she failed to notice him. Either option did little to spare the man her attentions now.

"Ah! A pucker fruit? Or maybe a salty chocolate?" Her eyes fixated on the ornate armor Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund as she walked around him, never once actually introducing herself before her hands glided over though never touching the armor and found the backup weapon he carried. While the urge to look at it fluttered across her mind, she glanced to Ingrid before another made themselves known.

"Mmm, honey chocolate? No, you seem like the caf kind." This time her focus shifted to Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red before she looked over their armor briefly. He didn't seem to have anything fun on him though, giving her final assessment of what she guessed they liked.

"Cheap chocolate and plain caf. I'm Fel! Who are you two?" She would finally offer before her attention shifted back to Ingrid. The question made her ponder briefly, letting herself feel the ebb and flow of the place while closing her eyes.

It sang in her mind, the life of the planet without a strong pull either way. Whispers of a dark waltz paired alongside the springy tunes of mirth but neither outstripped the other in large scale. It was almost balanced but held small rifts in the tune as though someone had missed the beat.

"The planet is alive, its energy flows freely without touching the shadow or light. For now." She spoke quietly, before her attention and mood shifted. The two armored ones were spoiling the sense of adventure as she blew raspberries while tilting her head back.

"Ah, but doesn't danger add to the fun of finding things?" She asked, face tilting side to side as she spoke at them. "There's always you two if we run into trouble." She righted herself only to mimic looking down the sights with her fingers guns, hands dropping before looking to Ingrid with a slightly discouraged look as she kept pace with them.

"Up to you, my Lord." Fel wouldn't push ahead into the temple without her permission, but that didn't stop her from getting into a handstand and pedaling around while Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim decided their course of action.
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