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Dominion Shadow Empire: Lost Colony | EE Dominion of Chalcedon




Chalcedon; it has always been famous for having countless colonies on the planet, however, the planet has almost always been depopulated. It was never clear what the reason was. After a while, no one even tried to colonize the planet for exactly that reason. However, this has changed in almost a year

The Eternal Empire also sent a group of scientists and a small colonial volunteer to the planet to be the ones to begin resettling the planet. Everything went well, the settlement was rebuilt, plant growing, mining works and constructions started in the area. Scientists have assessed that the area is perfectly safe and the area is suitable for construction, industry and farming.

There was a river in the area, mountains and a sea nearby, but the settlement was basically flat, but it was built in a well-protected place. The place developed beautifully, expanded into a colony surrounded by walls and shields. True, it looked more like a military base, but this is not surprising in the Eternal Empire.

Everything went according to plan, nine months after settling there, the settlement was self-sufficient. The next phase, the installation of new settlements, would have started when the connection with the colony was suddenly severed. According to the data of the satellites orbiting the planet, there was no attack, either from space or on the planet, they just disappeared without any trace.

When the troops arrived on the planet to find out what had happened, they saw it too. All intact, no attacks, food was served in many places in the flats, holo TV was working, equipment on the sports field was there. It was as if everyone had disappeared from one moment to the next along with the pets.



Objective 1: The Lost Colony
After arriving on the planet, this sight welcomes those who have come. Everyone has disappeared, moreover, all this has happened in the course of everyday activities based on clues. The peculiarity of the colony is that the locals did not really use droids, so those who came could not really rely on such help. Everything is intact, just all living things are gone. Neither settlers were here, nor the animals they brought with them. The task is to find out what happened to the colony so that it could not happen again.

Objective 2: Ancient Secrets
Meanwhile, another team goes a few hundred miles away to the ruins of a former city, where they can investigate what happened on the planet before. Everything from a few decades of ruins to ancient ruins can be found in this area, to a few churches imbued with Dark Forces. Once they had arrived on a planet to investigate the present affair, now was also the opportunity to learn about the planet’s past as to why people are constantly disappearing from here.

Objective 3: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun.


Links: Chalcedon | Shadow Empire


Tag(s): Open


Commander of The Phalanx | Former Exarch of Zakuul | High Imperator of the Rim-Guard


Two of the Rim-Guards landers enter the atmosphere of Chalcedon, Ecthelion Aiglos in the lead machine with a group of his private staff, savants, scientists and archeologists. Once more he is just standing in the lander as it drops from The Phalanx which sits majestically above the planet, observing, ready, deadly.

The second lander is holding two cadres of the Rim-Guard, gilded warriors, cybernetically enhanced and clad in up to the art power armours led by a Prefect. The men are readying their guns, loading new charges which are accepted with hum, loosening the swords in their sheaths and overall checking each others equipment. Shortly before the landing they fall silent, whispered words echoing through the passenger cabin.

Both ramps open explosively, but only from the one with soldiers the passengers storm out, they are quickly grouping to cover and secure the area. The golden figures are accurately covering the ground, what they ignore about camouflage, they make up with deadly efficiency and precision.

Aiglos though would not wait like his retinue and march out to inspect the scene. The ancient city lies before him and his team. And those of the Empire which would follow.


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: The Colony, Chalcedon
Objective: Half Objective I. / Half Objective III.
Equipment: The Soulsabers | 2x Striith vibrosword | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Open
[ Solitude ]

It was not just collateral damage, but more than that. That's why Ingrid came to the planet. The Empress also wanted to know what had happened here, not to mention that she hadn't digested herself and thought of Adrian until then. It didn’t help much that for most of her days she just sat in the office and did official things, or that her ex-husband showed up in front of her as a hallucination. She needed field work much more, and now she had the opportunity to do it all. Investigation, agent works the perfect tasks for her.

The dropship that brought her down landed next to the colony. In the Force she immediately felt that there was no one and nothing here, the shields were still working, as was the energy gate. A group of soldiers immediately set out in advance to deactivate them to get in. As soon as they were done with that, the red-haired woman walked in. The sky was cloudy, it rained further away in the mountains, here only the wind blew quite hard. And among the empty, lifeless buildings, it sounded pretty scary. She didn’t know what had happened here yet, but hoped she would get answers.

As she entered the colony, she saw that there were vehicles, dropped baskets on the road, from which food or other product had spilled. She looked down the empty streets from one of the intersections. The place and look really reminded her of something. She really hoped that was not the point here. She wanted to look around first and then check her theory.

She hoped it would not be the same as before…

OOC: The base/colony is similar to Fort Garnik.


Equipment: Armored Space Suit over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit
(Saddle Bags on Vehicle)Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 3 Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 1 Pink Vapor Grenade

Vehicle: Space Motorcycle
Objective: Fly!
Tags: Open


The unique starfighter dropped into atmosphere, shields taking the brunt of entry as the girl driving the thing giggled the entire time. The magno-grip boots kept her in place but even still it gave her startling jolt whenever her butt lifted out of the seat every so often. Flying the thing was a challenge sure given her small size, but if she didn't practice, she wouldn't get better. And she had seen Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa on the jungle planet with her group making the rounds on their speeder bikes. And it had looked awesome.

Some discreet practice couldn't hurt anybody, right?

She'd already learned her lesson about playing with the mines the bike held, her arm still ached like she'd slept on it wrong. And even the doctors seemed confused about the sudden stinging pain she felt. The nerve thingies had been put back, and there had even been some force healing magic stuff to try an help with it. But every now and again, it felt like she had caught a splinter everywhere all at once up her arm.

She wondered about bothering the doctor about it. What had been her name? Doctor Toezi-no, that didn't sound like what she'd been told. Shozi-Yozi- Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan ? That sounded right. Maybe she would know.

The engines maintained cruising speed even through the descent into atmosphere as she kicked the elevator to remain in the upper atmosphere. It felt strange being down here compared to space. The bike felt sluggish, and the controls weren't nearly as responsive. It didn't stop her from sending the bike into a nose dive however, a simple and lazy roll adding to the flashing scenery that surrounded her.

Not that it was spectacularly pretty, but it was neat to see something different as she leveled out around one-hundred ninety-five kilometers above ground. The signature of her starfighter read Eternal Empire, even if this was no where in the handbook for how to fly a ship.

"I'm a bird." There was a large grin on her face as she released the handles and threw her arms to the side as though she were flying. She basked in the feeling for a while, doing another lazy roll before leaning left and banking to look below at a possible, though imaginary, natural track to practice on.

QEMD-15 Echo

Sirens wail, I might as well be dead.
Objective: 1
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Open

Alongside the other Empire dropships, an AT Hauler flew alongside them. Its cargo? Echo; the massive, 15 meter tall droid. The transport had been made for scout walker, not a droid, and especially not one of Echo's size. They had to make some adjustments to the Hauler, but at least Echo was secured to the transport. The Hauler was having trouble, and they still managed to fly, albeit shakily.

Echo was here for this mission because of his advanced hunting and tracking programming. He was very effective in locating targets, and hunting them down. He was also brought along for this mission because of his highly advanced scanners and sensors. With Echo around, finding the lost colonists, if they were alive, should be a walk in the park. At least, in theory.

Suddenly, they approached the colony. The other dropships began their landing procedures, and Echo's Hauler careful began theirs. Once they were close enough to the ground, he detached from the Hauler, falling a short distance to the ground with a loud BOOM as his massive body landed. He looked around, his scanners and sensors activating. The power was still working, and the shields and energy gate were still working, so a squad of troopers ran over to deactivate. Echo saw the Empress step out of a dropship, and was also looking around. With his highly advanced scanners, he could see nearly every single piece of information about her biological well-being. Her heart rate was currently fairly low. Oddly, her serotonin levels were incredibly low. Hmm, interesting. No doubt her serotonin would be low, she had experienced a personal tragedy: the loss of a loved one, her husband. That was no doubt lowering her serotonin levels immensely. She was practically border-line depressed.

Echo turned his attention back to the colony, seemingly empty. In fact, Echo wasn't picking up anything. No heart rates, brain waves, or even heat signatures. Nothing was in the colony, not even animals. The place was a dead-zone, a stark contrast from the life around it.

Once the gate was deactivated, the Empress walked in, and Echo followed in after her. They walked through the streets, between the buildings. Everywhere, there were abandoned vehicles and personal belongings littered everywhere. It was as if everyone just vanished during their everyday activities. Like they hadn't even had time to prepare. There weren't any signs of conflict, no carbon scoring, so they hadn't been taken by someone. And his sensors were still picking up... nothing.

"Empress L'lerim-Vandiir," Echo told her in his ever changing voice. "My life sensors are not picking up anything. Thermal view shows nothing either. There is no evidence that anyone was here in the first place. I will note that the temperature in the colony is, strangely, cooler than outside the colony."

If his current scanners continued to show nothing, he would activate his more advanced scanners to see what he could find.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: The Colony, Chalcedon
Objective: Half Objective I. / Half Objective III.
Equipment: The Soulsabers | 2x Striith vibrosword | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo | Open
[ Solitude ]

QEMD could sense a very strange thing about the Empress when they wanted to see her pulse. The woman had no pulse, but they could not detect her serotonin levels either or anything that would have had to do with blood. The woman’s general mood was really depression, although it was more than that due to the Force. However, something was wrong with her. QEMD had met the woman before, she was human then, but now she was missing everything that would have suggested she was alive or a human. The woman was not a droid, she was a living thing, however, QEMD systems were unlikely to find an explanation for what kept her alive.

Inside, Ingid looked at the droid as it began to speak. Walked a little further so as not to break her neck when she looked up at the other. The Empress didn't feel the temperature difference, it might not have been overly numbering, but she believed to the droid. In fact, it was easy to imagine that there was a difference.

"My address is still my Lord. What is the temperature difference between outdoor and inside the colony?"

She asked quickly, and as she reached out to the Force. Ingrid felt the coldness and the strangeness here. Now even better than before. Now she was absolutely sure it was. They were the same here before who were responsible for the disappearance and death of the Emperor. She felt the rifts into that dimension. No, not to the Netherworld, it was another one.

"QMED, are you able to detect changes in the Force as well?"

Even before the response, she quickly sent a message on all frequencies and channels to those on or around the planet. That's how A ARS VAMI , Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund and Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim , got the message among others.

"Here L’lerim speaks; everyone be especially careful! Based on the primary studies, we were may able to find the cause of disappearances. They may have been caused by the same people who caused the disappearance and death of the late Emperor. The planet may be full of tiny or larger rifts in the Force that can affect us as well. Try to avoid these and make sure it doesn’t affect you either. They can swallow you and we don’t know yet about how there would be a way back from that dimension!"



QEMD-15 Echo

Sirens wail, I might as well be dead.
Objective 1
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Open

Echo was completely befuddled and surprised by the life-sign readings he was getting from the Empress, or more specifically, the lack thereof. She had no pulse, had no hormones, and Echo couldn't even get reads on her blood levels, or even brain waves. The woman was essentially a ghost, lacking any sign that she was even alive. At first, Echo had thought that this was a droid replica of her. However, when he ran an electronics detector, he still got nothing from the woman. She wasn't even a droid. She was just... gone. In fact, all of his life sign readings read her as... deceased. Her body temperature, cell count, and cell condition all read the same as a deceased person. Echo ran diagnostics on his systems to make sure that there wasn't a malfunction. Nope, nothing wrong, the readings were correct. How bizarre... Echo wondered how she was here, standing next to him, seemingly alive.

Then, she asked him what the temperature difference was between the outside and the inside. "There is a 13 degree difference between the outside and the inside, my Lord." He informed her.

Then, she asked if he could detect changes in the Force. Before he could respond, she sent out a message, informing the Empire that there may be rifts in the Force on the planet, and that they could take you to some other dimension. Once she finished broadcasting her message, Echo told her, "Yes, My Lord, I am able to detect changes and variations in midi-chlorians."

"Would you like me to activate these sensors now?" He asked her.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: The Colony, Chalcedon
Objective: Half Objective I. / Half Objective III.
Equipment: The Soulsabers | 2x Striith vibrosword | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo | Open
[ Solitude ]

"13? Are you sure your sensors are good? There may be less wind here because of the design, but I don’t feel that much of a difference. Where is it warmer, here or out here?"

She really didn’t feel it, but it could easily have been because she was adapting quickly to different conditions because of her regeneration, or because of the clothes she had with enviroweave. But it could also have been the effect of rifts. Meanwhile, the droid has also confirmed that it has a Force-related sensor that can detect midi-chlorians and their change. She found this very interesting, but maybe it could be used for something.

"Yes, activate them!"

She said; and if the droid does, they can immediately sense that the Empress is not a ghost, because the midi-chlorians completely permeate her, much better than at the time of the previous encounter. Meanwhile, her own research also yielded results, she felt countless rifts from all places and directions, with the same feeling she had previously had on Tacitus ’ship. However, Ingrid did not perceive the dimensions just that they were there. A ritual would probably have been needed for a more accurate analysis. But there was no time for that now.

"Where do you feel the biggest rift? I guess you can feel the rifts too thanks to the concentration of the Force."




Tag(s): open


High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

Location: Chalcedon, Ancient City Ruins, Church/Temple #3
Forces: Two Rim-Guard cadres, retinue of scientists, The Phalanx

His armoured gauntlet was moving across the surface, removing dust and dry vines of some flora. It was nothing special, again, he once more wondered why he led his teams here. Some people disappeared? Shocking. They were most likely weak and because of that kidnapped or killed, one way or the other. Why is it happening here? Slavers guild? Death cult? So many easy explanations.

Aiglos stepped out into the light again, the display dampening the sun as he left the shadows of the building. Around he saw some of his retinue taking probes, trying to evaluate stone and rock, trying to find tracks in time of what happened. With a simple thought he switched the HUD and could see the markers of his two cadres spread over the place, guarding the area from possible threats.

If they wouldn't find anything noteworthy, interesting or at least valuable, they would leave within a day. This was not his paygrade anymore and he would sent someone of the Curia to take over. No need for the Cadres to be here. No need for him to be here.

Location: Church/Temple, Ancient City Ruins - Chalcedon
Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund

A strange, ancient city, one that was utterly alien and unfamiliar to the tiny Huntress, her bright golden eyes scanning her surroundings as she took it all in. Ivixa had joined the Wild Hunt because she wanted revenge against the Confederacy of Independent Systems for the genocide inflicted on her people in the Annihilation of HOPE. However, she had also joined for adventure. Her mother had been a Warrior Queen on Alea, renowned for her skills as a crossbow woman in the Imperial Sri’la Army. Her skills were how she had ascended through the ranks, rising from the stature of an ex-slave to that of a Queen, through bravery, martial talent, and leadership, alone. In a way, Ivixa sought to do the same, even though in the wider galaxy beyond Alea, war was vastly different, waged by creatures who were on average, much larger than the diminutive Asa’nyx, while wielding weapons that projected fire unto the heavens. The galaxy was far larger and more diverse than the now-irradiated wastes of Alea had been before the cataclysm, many times over. The ruins were but one city on an entire world, yet it was enough for the cyan-skinned sniper to get lost in, in spite of the mystery of the inexplicable disappearances.

In addition to the Rim-Guard Order, the Agents of Chaos also established a presence in the ancient city, in the form of three squads of Wild Hunt infantry and specialists, working to investigate the area. A trio of corvettes hung overhead, though too high to be little more than tiny specks in the sky.

As strange and exotic as the city was, Ivixa hoped that they’d find something of note quickly. Floating down from her perch on top of a building next to the church via her armor’s integrated repulsor pack, the tiny Asa’nyx took a deep breath of purified air, placing her rifle, which was longer than she was tall, on her back as she did. As she landed, she spotted a man who seemed to be an officer ( Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund ) of the Rim-Guard Order, an enigmatic organization which had allied itself with the modern Eternal Empire, yet also harkened back to the Eternal Empire of Zakuul. While Ivixa was not a historian by any means, she knew that they were dedicated to an ancient, perhaps even lost cause. However, she would not dare to say such a thing in front of the officer.

After all, many had deemed the cause of the Agents of Chaos to be lost.

“Huntress Ivixa Nera’kas.” The tiny woman introduced herself with a slight bow. “Did you get the Empress’ report? Have your men made anything of…” Ivixa paused. “All of this.” She added, implicitly regarding the reports of rifts in the Force all over the planet.



Tag(s): Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas , open


High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

Location: Chalcedon, Ancient City Ruins, outside Church/Temple #3
Forces: Two Rim-Guard cadres, retinue of scientists, The Phalanx

Aiglos' proximity alert would indicate as someone who is not part of his force approaches him. His helmet with the icy lenses would look at the approaching indvidual. Individual is a broad term and in his opinion hardly fitting. He was not believing in the superiority of a species, anymore, but he is still very much focused on obvious traits, skills and abilities.

His view follows Ivixa, going ever deeper as she approaches him. She introduces herself as a huntress, carrying a rifle which is at least one feet taller than her. Ecthelion was wondering what she is capable of, both with a rifle and her other skills. She seemed to be young.

"The Force is everywhere and behaving in it's own abominable fashion. The Force does not make people disappear without traces, people do that, huntress. So if there are rifts or not, it is unlikely that there was no influence of outsiders. Can you report anything, huntress Nera'kas?"

Location: Church/Temple, Ancient City Ruins - Chalcedon
Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund

Ivixa could see nothing as she looked into the icy blue eyes of the towering officer, in the sense that the man’s demeanor was a mystery to her, up until he spoke. His voice, while strong and low in pitch, also exuded a patronizing tone, that of a superior speaking to a perceived lesser. Given her diminutive stature and chosen profession, Ivixa was no stranger to such treatment. The image of a woman as small as her, caparisoned for war, was not a traditional one in most people’s perception of a soldier. In that, she could give him the benefit of that doubt. Even Conn Dagorian, the man who she had become close friends with, had been surprised to see someone like her in the ranks of the Wild Hunt.

“I must admit that the Force is a mystery to me, sir.” Ivixa began, though if the man was sensitive in the Force, he would be able to tell that on his own. “Unfortunately, I have nothing of value to report. I’m starting to think that the only way to get to the bottom of this is to…” The cyan-skinned Asa’nyx paused.

“Find a rift and if necessary, send someone or something inside to investigate.”

Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Church/Temple, Ancient City Ruins
Equipment: Kaldrweave Light Armor | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Stealth field generator | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet || Empyrean gland
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund
Chameleon was also nearby, quite precisely in space on the ship with which the Empress arrived, on aboard the Crimson Empress. After the news came of what was down there, the woman was also ordered to go down to the planet and look around. This was Admiral Osborn's order, as otherwise very few could have given the woman orders. Kessia was the Empress’s unofficial right hand, her executor and personal assassin. It’s not as if she had to act as an assassin so many times because L’lerim solved these matters for herself.

And of course she was also the woman's shape-shifter bodyguard and she had to play the Empress many times. Fortunately, not today. Today, all Kessia had to do was help investigate what might have caused the constant disappearances on this planet. The present seemed to be well known, but the past was still in question. That's why Cal sent the woman to the old ruins, where there were already two of them.

A dropship brought her down, they landed a little further away. She reached into the Force for the earlier warning, trying to avoid possible rifts, but Kessia didn't feel anything like that in this place, thankfully. So after a minute or two of walking, she even arrived at the man and the woman, saluting the duo as usual in the Eternal Empire before speaking.

"Welcome, Agent Chameleon is applying for duty, from Blackwatch! I have been ordered to join you and help you with your work."


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: The Colony, Chalcedon
Objective: Half Objective I. / Half Objective III.
Equipment: The Soulsabers | 2x Striith vibrosword | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: QEMD-15 Echo QEMD-15 Echo | Open
[ Solitude ]

Ingrid was just waiting for the droid to respond when a message arrived on one of the channels. She did not know who was seeking permission, but the main bank of the Eternal Empire was owned by the HPI Consortium, that is, the Empress' interest. Nor did she want to let anyone try to hack the Vex’s data and network, since it was MANIAC MANIAC in part. So she replied accordingly to A ARS VAMI , in a cold, military voice.

"Permission denied! If you try anything like this, you will be acting hostile to the Eternal Empire, not least the House L’lerim's asset. If you try to hack the Vexillium's systems, the Crimson Empress will open fire on your ship, and on the ground, if you have companions down there, they will be arrested by charge of treason." she said to the communication channel

The red-haired woman knew they couldn't find anything, as MANIAC was overseeing all of the HPI's systems and the subsidiaries’ systems too, the AI was the first to signal that the connection had been lost. After that, she started forward, mainly because in the Force she felt a place where one of the rifts was bigger. Even she felt it, for it was partly related to the Netherworld. Ingrid knew there was only one person who could answer her questions. However, there was only one "problem" with this:

Torrik Janessi was dead. He was the assassin who killed the Emperor, the Empress, and the crew of their Star Destroyer. Ingrid didn't find Tacitus in the Nether, she couldn't bring him back either, but here! Here they were close to the place the dimension where Janessi had excluded the ship and the Imperial Couple.

Ingrid's stated intention was to bring the man back with necromancy… for answers!



High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

Location: Chalcedon, Ancient City Ruins, outside Church/Temple #3
Forces: Two Rim-Guard cadres, retinue of scientists, The Phalanx

Another apperance. Secret police, well how convenient. His HUD was not showing too much about her, an agent of the military intelligence. So there were eyes here now. Aiglos didn´t really care, this mission would not prove any benefit for him or the Order. The Empire lost some colonists and apparently the Rift was going wild here, but then they should just glass the place.

"The PSI-Corps can send their men to be wasted here, I am not intending to send any of my brothers or sisters to explore this anomaly."

His eyes switched once between the two, before looking at his own scientists again. He noticed they were not overly eager to stay, their emotions were very apparent, annoyance paired with a hint of fear. The annoyance part he could relate. With a thought he opnened a channel to The Phalanx, his speakers were on, but whatever he said, it was not in a known language to those around him, only the paladins of the order would understand him.

But there was activity going on now, the followers of Aiglos would slowly gather their stuff and the soldiers would get back to the landers in a coordinated pattern, still covering the area until the scientists would load their stuff back in.

Location: Church/Temple, Ancient City Ruins - Chalcedon
Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

To say that Ivixa was disappointed was an understatement. After all, her and a small contingent of Wild Hunt had been sent to the city to execute a mission, which Ivixa did not wanted to leave unfinished. While she was woefully undersized, the sniper took her work very seriously, as she had done throughout her entire career in the Wild Hunt. To her, it seemed that the Rim-Guard officer was packing up prematurely, without having dedicated any serious effort to uncovering the nature of the rifts in the area, beyond a few cursory scans. Fortunately, the arrival of the Blackwatch agent would hopefully mark a breakthrough, though Ivixa had no idea whether the woman could offer any more than what had already been committed to the effort. However, that was not to say that she doubted her competency.

The newcomer’s features lended her a beautiful, yet intense visage. Glowing ice blue eyes met Ivixa as the sniper quickly took her in, taking note of the weapons on her person and the sleek, light armor she wore, which in a way was not too different from Ivixa’s own, though the Asa’nyx’s armor was white and had blue accents, where the agent’s was dark.

“Huntress Ivixa Nera’kas of the Agents of Chaos, Wild Hunt Division.” The cyan-skinned Asa’nyx introduced herself in turn, with a soft smile. “I’m...loosely familiar with Blackwatch.” She added.

“We were just discussing making an attempt to...enter a rift.” The tiny woman continued, before turning to face the Rim-Guard officer. “We could still use your help at the very least, if you are unwilling to commit your soldiers to this effort, sir.” Ivixa paused, then took two steps back in order to focus her gaze on both the agent and the officer.

“Perhaps it could be just the three of us.” She offered.

Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Church/Temple, Ancient City Ruins
Equipment: Kaldrweave Light Armor | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | 2x Red blade lightsaber shoto | Stealth field generator | Holographic disguise matrix | G1 OmniLink | Shield talisman | Taozin amulet | Healing amulet || Empyrean gland
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas | Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund
"I can take care of myself, or I wouldn't be here, sir!"

Oh, she was able to take care of herself even better. There was really so much in the official data that she was a Psi-Corps member and had a special rank. Everything else, her qualifications, previous duties, but even her real name are encrypted. At a level where a total of two people had access to the data. It was the ruler and the Overlord. It used to mean Tacitus and Ingrid, now it means the woman and Tubrok Ragal Tubrok Ragal . Although the members of House L’lerim knew the woman anyway, since Kessia was their Sithspawn.

"I’ve heard a lot of good things about Agents of Chaos, Huntress Ivixa Nera’kas. It is a pleasure to work with you!" nodded at her. "We are secret police and intelligence and in addition we are agents and spies in operative positions. I am present as a scout now, I have to investigate the events, not you."

She remarked at the end with a slightly frivolous emphasis, indicating that she was not the enemy. Kessia also saw that several people were already packing up and taking things away from here. She turned back to Ivixa when she spoke. Chameleon grimaced under her helmet and looked at the temple with a disgusted look. Luckily no one could see that, the helmet beneficially protected her from unwanted looks.

"Into the rift? I don’t know if you read or heard about the last such event… the Emperor died then. If we go through, we may not be able to come back, ever."

She didn't worry anyway. Kessia would have liked to shrug, but she couldn't do it in the present situation. She was a professional Blackwatch agent, and not the Empress’s hand in this situation who can do nearly whatever she wants.

"But if they want to do that, well we live only once... and we can go."

OOC: she is in full armour, her face is not visible, she does not use her original appearance in front of others anyway, she always uses a different look. :$

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: The Colony, Chalcedon
Objective: Half Objective I. / Half Objective III.
Equipment: The Soulsabers | 2x Striith vibrosword | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag: Open
[ Solitude ]

Ingrid moved forward in the direction of the place she felt. Meanwhile, from the fictional world that existed in her mind, Adrian joined the woman and held her hand. She smiled lovingly at her husband in thought, but in reality nothing of it seemed. The man helped her find the right place, the right rift. Although the woman was able to solve all this on her own, she was happy for the help, that is, for the company.

And she soon arrived at the place where she felt the right rift. The Empress reached into the Force and with it help began to explore the place. She made different hand gestures, one moment at a time where she was expanding the rift, other times she was closing inwards it. It was needed; last time she didn’t have as many opportunities to examine it properly. Then she just closed it to save everyone. Not to mention that she had much less practice in this at the time.

She felt that this dimension was close to the Netherworld, the rift affected not just one dimension, but more. Nether was familiar to her, as it was now partly her home and the other a stranger. But it was time to get to know it too, to find Torrik Janessi’s soul.

~ Let's start it! ~ she told Adrian telepathically in her mind.

Her husband nodded, they started their ritual at once, although only the woman's version of it was real…



High Imperator of the Rim-Guard

Location: Chalcedon, Ancient City Ruins, outside Church/Temple #3
Forces: Two Rim-Guard cadres, retinue of scientists, The Phalanx

Aiglos does not consider the attempt to win his support with a look, he keeps his focus on his men steadily returning to the ships. His armoured arms are crossed as the scientists and paladins keep going. His shieldbearer would most likely lose his temper with this approach, but Aiglos could ignore it with ease.

The spy seemed to be eager. Good. It is a fair question to ask why the Blackwatch was not here first, afterall it is their special field of operations. Maybe even better suited for a Warden. Every bit of knowledge to eliminate this threat should be explored, but simply not by himself at this moment. Ecthelion had better stuff to do and will not risk his plans for a little colony.

"If you are eager to get lost, I won´t stop you, huntress. At least you got company now."

Meanwhile The Phalanx is pinging him, an incoming transmission. He opens the channel while walking away from the two. A second ship has arrived, a shuttle from the White Flame. So his own operative appeared who would appropriately investigate this, good. The Occulus would take care of the matter and collect the results.

Location: Church/Temple, Ancient City Ruins - Chalcedon
Tags: Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

Ivixa frowned, before taking a deep breath and sighing as the Rim-Guard officer walked away, leaving her alone, for now, with the mysterious Blackwatch agent. Closing her eyes, Ivixa placed a hand against her helmet-protected head in exasperation, before opening them to watch the soldiers of the Rim-Guard Order return to their landers, presumably to leave the city.

Having no sensitivity to the Force herself, Ivixa was almost entirely clueless as to how to begin. Fortunately, she did have access to sensor data from the readings of the area, which she quickly filed through on her OmniLink before glancing back to the Blackwatch agent.

“Something that might be a rift is close by.” She said. “Remember...we don’t necessarily have to go inside, just…” Ivixa took a short breath. “Get as close to it as possible so that we can get good scans, though...going inside might help.” The diminutive Asa’nyx said, suddenly aware of just how borderline suicidal her plan actually was.

Nevertheless, she was still prepared to go through with it. Not once, in her career in the Wild Hunt, had she ever turned away from danger. She did not intend for that to change now.

“Ready? I’ll lead the way.”


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