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Shakkay-Class Refugee Ship

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Intent: To transport Refugees and be a soft target for Pirates
Image Source: [X]
Canon Link: City-Ships of Duro's
Permissions: Open Market
Primary Source:


Manufacturer: United Trade Conlgomerate
Affiliation: Unaffiliated
Model: SK-12
Production: Semi-Unique


Classification: City-Ship
Length: 7,000 m
Width: 3.000 m
Height: 5,000 m
Armament: None
  • 4x RDS Generator
  • Relativistic, Navigation and Shift Shielding.
  • Reinforced Anti Concussion Fields.
  • Standard Animated Metal Sealant, with Automated Repair Drones.
Hangar Space: Extreme: 104 Bays
Hangar Allocations:
  • Top Hanger - 50 Large Aircraft Bays
  • Bottom Hanger - 50 Large Aircraft Bay
  • Spine Hanger - 4 Electromagnetic Launch Bays for Fighter Craft
Engine Units:
Primary Power Plant:
Secondary Power Plant:
Supplementary Power Source:
  • Insular Cargo near engine for Antimatter Cyclers (1 Month worth of 100% Energy Consumption)
  • Insulated Connections
Maneuverability Rating: Very Low Rating
Speed Rating: Average Rating.
Primary Hyperdrive Rating: Class 4.0
Secondary Hyperdrive Rating: Class 10.0
Optimal Crew Complement: 350,000 Officers and Enlisted Personnel.
Skeleton Crew Complement: 1,700 Officers and Enlisted Personnel (100% Automated Assistance)
Passenger Capacity:
  • Safe - 1 Million
  • Refugee Protocol - 3 Million
Dedicated Escape Craft: Innumerable Escape Pods and Lifeboats.
Cargo Capacity: 126,000 GigaTons.
  • Standard - Seven Months, Galactic Standard.
  • Refugee Protocol - One Month, Galactic Standard.


  • Standard Damage Control and Hazard Systems.
  • Standard Life Support Systems.
  • Integrated Training Centres, Mess Halls, Chapels, Meditation Chambers, Recreational Decks, Etc.
  • Navigational and Avionics Systems.
  • Sensors and Astrological Mapping Systems.
  • Communications Systems, Holonet Transceivers
  • Environmental Control Systems.
  • Tractor and Pressor Beams.
  • State of the Art Companion AI Housing Systems.
  • Molecular Furnaces.
  • Garment-Fabricators.
  • Armament Fabrication Facilities.
  • Droid Foundry.
  • Holographic Terminal Interface(s.)
  • State of the Art Home Assisting Systems.
  • Six Gravity Generator Projectors.
  • Specialized Refugee Wards.
  • UTC Emergency Hypernet Transmitter connected to the GUIDE Relay
- Bridge
The Bridge is the central spire in the maws of the the two housing arms. It is the center of all control for security and needs for those that live one the ship. The massive area is used for many things and suited with many tools needed to form a Pseudo-Government Organization. Central meeting rooms and housing for bridge officers and Refugee Government Officials are available. At the tip of the bridge spire is where an half circular room with window to view the outside, this is commonly called the "House of Refugee Representative". Below this room is where four Electromagnetic Launchers are located. The actual bridge is located within the spire and all visual data is provided through screens. At the base of the spire that connects it to the rest of the ship is were the armory and security station are located.
- Communications Room
The Communications Room is located in different areas depending on the ship. This is intentionally designed to keep pirates and boarders from interrupting pleads for help. As a non-combat vessel it relies on its capability to request assistance should it loose its escort. The Communications Array uses a wide range of transmitters. The most important component in the Communications Room is the UTC Emergency Hypernet Transmitter. This Relay notifies the nearest UTC Facility of its distress and a bounty will be posted to administer assistance to its Vessel. Its a built in guarantee for customer satisfaction.
- Upper Housing Arm
The Housing arms are similar in respect to providing a small housing unit for a single family. This included a Coruscant Standard Studio Grade Housing Unit with a collapsible table and chairs, a compact kitchen, a wall closet, a private Bathroom with convertible shower/toilet, and two beds (1x Coruscant King Bed, and 1x Coruscant Standard Queen). What makes the upper housing arm different is the availability to open spaces and is concerned the Primary Arm. This means that it has better housing and gets priority when request are fulfilled. This may not be how every ship operates, but the design of the ship provides the Upper Arm with better designed housing and the AI will prioritize the Upper Arm over the two.
- Lower Housing Arm
The Housing arms are similar in respect to providing a small housing unit for a single family. This included a Coruscant Standard Studio Grade Housing Unit with a collapsible table and chairs, a compact kitchen, a wall closet, a private Bathroom with convertible shower/toilet, and two beds (1x Coruscant King Bed, and 1x Coruscant Standard Queen). What makes the lower housing arm different is that it is crammed and housing is places next to one another. The design of the lower arm is more akin to a space station with little windows to expose to the stars. Walking down the corridors of will feel similar to walking down a space station. The lower arm was build after the switch from a flagship to refugee ship so the design is prevalent.
- Droid Foundry Station
Housing and feeding refugees is a lot of money, and it was the design of the UTC for the Refugee Ship to be self-sufficient. As such a means of income was incorporated within the design. The connecting area between the Arms, Bridge and Engine room are all connected by the Droid Station. The Droid Foundry is configured to construct any droid so long as the blueprints could be loaded to the central Foundry Database. Once downloaded, components made of general material could be printed. However, due to the modularity of the foundry is where the Refugees came in. It requires a lot of hands on maintenance and gives them a job. Standard Configuration: UTC Production : NN-I Battle Droid , NN-Disco Droid , NK-Wasp Droid
- Engine Room
The Engine Room is the most important part of the ship as it not only generates power for the vessel but also is where the Food Processing Facility is located. Located closest to the Security Facilities and only accessible by three corridors, it is designed to have many barricades and objects to hide behind. This is intentionally designed for easy defense of the Engine Room. Due to massive power requirement of the RDS Generators, the Antimatter Power Plant being highly unstable making the generator room and attaching Fuel Cargo Facility are mostly automated. Sentient Control is only needed for regulation and emergency diversion, droids take care of most of the needs in the Engine Room. However, whoever controls the Engine Room controls the Vessel.


  • Speed - Relative to its size in comparison to other 'Dreadnoughts' of similar size it can go fast in a straight line.
  • Electronic Countermeasure Suites - Equipped with a series of powerful Electronic Countermeasure Systems
  • Heavily Defended - Multiple RDS Generator- both primary and redundant - reinforced directional shields that can withstand a lot of damage
  • Internal Droid Security - Due to the large population, Droids are mostly used to police the internal spaces.
  • Specialized Refugee Care Wards - Designed specifically to transport refugees from one location to another, they are retrofitted for high influx of patients and epidemic prevention on board.
  • No Offensive Armaments - Not a Combat Vessel and is not designed to defend itself.
  • No Starfighter Squadron Support - Ships meant for Colonizing and transport.
  • Blindspots - The size of the ship makes it difficult to properly monitor the internal parts of the ship.
  • Colossal - The large size makes it difficult for any one person to get to opposite sides of the ship. It will take a minute.
  • Internal Security - Due to a reliance on Droid Policing, should it go down, all security will be paralyzed.


The Shakkay-Class Refugee City Ship was originally designed to be the flagship of the UTC for transport of goods over long distances. However, with the ever presence of conflict in the galaxy, the company began to transport people more than goods. Over time there needed to be a shift to accommodate this overflow in a division they were not prepared for. Initial plans for the flagship were sidelined and the already constructed chassis was modified and continued as a Citizen Transport ship.

This ran into environmental problems as the conflicts grew. There was a greater and greater need for refugee centers and places to flee. So the company capitalized on this. A new line of ships were designed and put into manufacturing in secret. With the galaxy's eyes elsewhere, much of the construction of these new ships happened in a remote world of Rinn. After the devastation it faced at the hands of the Bryn'adûl, no one was around to notice.

The massive ship was initially meant to be the company's flagship massive freighter, and thus it was planned to be under escort by armed vessels. As such the vessel is designed with no weapons. This did not mean that it was defenseless though, in four hidden locations on the vessels are RDS Generators. These Shield Generators are capable of withstanding most high grade ship mounted weapons, but only in one direction of the ship. With four this makes the vessel virtually invincible to ship-to-ship attacks. This leaves the only way to destroy the vessel is to board it and destroy it from within. The protection of the Refugees were the at the center of the design of the ship, as such all locations to take over the ship are located away from the Housing Arms.

Even the protection of the crew was prioritized as most of the security and hazardous operations could be carried out by droids manufactured by within the Droid Foundry Station. As to offset the cost of caring for the Refugees should funding fall short within the company, all Refugee City-Ships are manufactured with a Foundry Station. All City-Vessels of the Shakkay-Class come with a Droid Foundry and can be modified to manufacture nearly any Droid Blueprint should it be loaded to the Central Database. United Trade Conglomerate provides a standard configuration of Droid Blueprints to be purchased by the company for general consumption.

Refugees are pretty much the cornerstone of UTC Transports since its foundation, and as such they require a place to put them. Without planets that were stable enough to properly keep them safe. It was found that keeping them on a ship, and transporting them to places they were needed was much more efficient. The tiny fleet of City Ships that were manufactured housed many refugees over the years in secrete. With the need of Transport Ships it was decided to release them to the general pubic.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Belsebeth Deyo Belsebeth Deyo

It is a cool ship!
  • Please write something to the Affiliation. I recommend you link your own company.
  • Please add the "Market Status" field back to the sub. It is not an SSD, so you have to mention this here.
  • The Defences is a rating, so please write propre rating to this.
  • You cannot hide any text in spoilers (you only can put pictures in it), so please delete the spoiler tags from the sub.
  • About the NN-I Battle Droid, NN-Disco Droid, NK-Wasp Droid, you cannot use them without the OP's permission, because these are considered Closed Market items. So please ask permission or delete them from your sub.
  • You have to link all of the image links that you used in the sub. So please, link all of the art links that you used in the Compartments to the Image source or where you linked, but the place where you found them and not just the pictures themselves.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Belsebeth Deyo Belsebeth Deyo

Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Tuesday (2023.04.04.), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
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